MTL - Ace Evolution-v13 Chapter 39 The strongest form of the butcher 3

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Originally, except Yang Yan, the remaining six brothers were able to perform a very powerful formation after they got together, but at this time Yao Gonglin was dead. The formation of the five of them would inevitably be greatly reduced, let alone When the ghost festival in the Mid-Yuan Festival, the monsters in the body still have to come out to make trouble? Therefore, Yang Ye can only protect the five brothers himself, to avoid suffering from the enemy ’s tricks of leaving the mountain, but in Yang Ye ’s proud heart, even if he is a **** of separation, it is enough to destroy these **** guys!

At this moment, a grass-head **** rushed into the outside, talked with Kang Anyu, one of the five brothers, and handed him something. Kang Anyu first smelled the thing, and then strode out. Nose twitched, and suddenly raised eyebrows:

"I think I have found a hiding place for these **** rats."

Kang Anyu is a big man with a red plump rosacea, but he has absorbed the pig demon Zhuzi, the real devil, among the Seven Demon of Meishan, but is transformed by a different pig, which is very powerful. And it has a very special unknown ability, that is, the unusual ability to smell! In fact, even in the real world, a pig's olfactory ability is not inferior to a dog.

In fact, after 9/11, many American police have abandoned police dogs and used police pigs to search for drugs such as marijuana. Police dogs' olfactory focus is on discrimination. It can choose from a variety of complex odors. The pig long item is the olfactory range and its penetrating power, which is several times that of a dog!

Kang Anyu raised his hands, the waves in front of him, the magic power formed a huge sand table in the air, in the sand table is an aerial view of the entire irrigation mouth. He said lightly:

"Previously, the demon launched a total of seven attacks on us. The minions they sent were not afraid of death. Even the eldest brother's divine art could not get any clues! And I have been thinking why they killed first. The fifth brother Yao Gonglin, is it because he knows that the fifth brother has the power of a dog god, and his sense of smell is beyond ordinary people, so he can capture their weakness? "

Everyone glanced at him with approving glances, and even Yang Ye nodded slightly. Kang Anyu proudly looked around. They formed the righteous seven brothers. Yang Ye was the deserved number one, but although Kang Anyu ranked second, his strength was limited, and it was led by Li Huanzhang who inherited the strength of the bull monster! At this time, Kang Anyu was easy to show up in front of everyone, how could he let it go?

But Zhang Bo, who inherited the strength of the Goblin, suddenly said:

"When the fourth brother was killed, he wanted to go out temporarily. The fourth brother's surname is best known to us. He is the most inhabitant of us. If these enemies figure out his laws, they come to ambush. That is almost impossible. In other words, assaulting the fourth brother with the surname is almost impossible to accomplish. Perhaps the death of the fourth brother is a coincidence. "

Zhang Boshi's analysis was actually quite relevant, but he could not help but scan Kang Anyu's face on the spot! And spit in the face of Kang Anyu in the face of an acquaintance so bad! Kang Anyu sank and sneered:

"So what do you think of the third child? What clues did you find?"

Zhang Boshi's face turned red. He was just talking about things and did not consider himself to be good with Li Huanzhang. At this moment, he had a good taste. Embarrassed:

"not yet."

Kang Anyu sneered:

"That's gone? You didn't have an idea and you came to reject me?"

Yang Ye also smelled the faint smell of gunpowder at this time and waved his hand out of the channel:

"The second brother goes on."

Kang Anyu got Yang Yan's promise and cheerfully pointed on the sand table:

"The person who sent the information came in before sixty-four. Everyone knows that if this guy is looking for clues, he really doesn't want to be a second person. Previously, the brothers shot, although the thieves did not fear death, [*] died Even the eldest brother's divine art could not find their soul, but the remains of these guys had a very strange atmosphere! I sent a soul to the body of Mu 64, and let Mu 64 Walking around the city, I suddenly found a suspicious place! "

Yang Yan stood up slowly, like a mountain rising from the depths of the plateau. The eyebrows of his eyebrows glowed with dazzling golden light, and the erect artifact next to the three-pointed two-edged sword made a terrible howling sound against the wind!

"Where is that place?"

Zhang Boshi originally had a disagreement with Kang Anyu, and immediately said:

"Brother, no, it's better to be cautious, maybe this is a trap!"

When he was anxious, he couldn't say a word, and immediately knew it was wrong. Yang Yan frowned, and proudly said:

"Is someone afraid of conspiracy?"

Li Huanzhang can only stand up and help Zhang Boshi at this time:

"The elder brother is god-given, but he also needs to beware of the enemy's diversion."

Yang Yan said coldly:

"The five of you are a little weak at this time, but it is enough for the five to join forces to protect themselves. The enemy is using the method of adjusting the tiger to leave the mountain. My golden light vertical method cannot be used in the battle with the enemy (Note: Golden light vertical The law is Yang Ji's magic, which is a little less than Goku's somersault cloud. It is a thousand miles away, but in the nightmare world, in order to limit this excessively perverted skill, it is stipulated that it cannot be used in combat. Can you get back in time, can't you be so weak that you can't resist the enemy's effort? "

No one said anything at this time, and no one dared to say anything. The Brotherhood of Righteousness is nothing but a cover for the outside world. To put it plainly, one hundred + eight men in the leech are known as brothers, but Song Jiang's position in the cottage is certainly not comparable to that of the golden retriever Duan Jinzhu and the dwarf tiger.

With a hint of ecstasy, Kang Anyu marked the suspected location on the sand table in front of him. Then Yang Yan directly led all his grass-roots gods straight away! It's like a storm of ten thousand tons of yellow sand rolling on Gobi!

People such as arrogant arrogants, of course, do not need the helper of the grasshead god. The role of the grasshead **** is like an eagle dog responsible for driving prey, hunting for traces, carrying prey, and deboning. In a short moment, Yang Yan stayed in the position pointed out by Kang Anyu earlier.

It was a small courtyard in Guankou City.

Yang Yan went forward step by step. Yang Yan walked together, but it was shaking! The mouth of the mouth was originally that kind of hard and thick bluestone paving. The place where Yang Yan passed, even on the hard stone floor under his feet, was also a deep step by step! It feels like a thousand cliffs, and the walls are approaching step by step! Looking at his posture, it seemed as if he was going to squeeze directly and smash the courtyard in front of him!

This nearly melee-style play is extremely rare for the fairy of this level, such as when Tai Shang Laojun comes out, he usually takes out the magic weapon and throws it, or chants a few spells with one finger It's OK. This is only because their level of competition is close to a certain distance. It is not only the opponent's counterattack that is considered, but also the accidental injury caused by the overflow of his own method. The more hesitations when shooting.

However, Yang Xuan rushed forward uncharacteristically, shrouded in a bright yellow air, the cloak flew, the gold armor was dazzling, and the floating spirit brought a very strong evil spirit!

However, even under such coercion, the house in front of him is still the same. It seems that there is not much change, but the tiles on the roofs of the surrounding houses are wild at this time. In the case of flying around, nothing is the biggest flaw!

The enemies inside were so sullen, but Yang Yan sneered on his lips at this moment. There were four grass-head gods behind him, carrying his famous soldier blade with three pointed and two-edged swords. It seems to be only two feet and two inches long, but such a mini-looking knife was lifted by four people, which was a very strange thing.

But it started to emit a ochre glow slowly. It is 33 feet, 3 inches and 3 minutes long, soaked soaked, so that everyone around you must be frowning, and even the surrounding environment is stained with a thick layer of cricket!

After the light emanated, Yang Ming pointed his **** and one finger, and a scream of a crisp sound was heard in the air. The grass-head with a gold-colored three-pointed two-edged knife shouted and shouted three points and two-edged The knife was thrown into the air, this sharp artifact in the air from the top to the bottom, draw a sharp golden yellow arc, slashed down!

The body of the three-pointed and two-edged knife is far away from more than ten feet, but the unreal huge image of the bearded three-pointed and two-edged knife also appeared on the top of the house. The outline of the giant blade in the air was also sharp and clear with Yang Ying's two fingers. A loud boom brought a strong wind and pressed it down. Seeing the incomparable power, it was necessary to press the people inside the house belt together to make powder. the purpose!

However, at this time, a thin / bright silk appeared in the air. The silk seemed to be condensed to the extreme vitality, and it seemed to be a crack in space born from the air, crooked from left to right.

Under this crook, the huge blade of the phantom that waved straight down in the air lost its sight for a moment. The crooked sword wiped the courtyard wall of the courtyard and chopped the earth and stones, only to hear the rumble. The loud noise was slowly roaring, a huge crack was derived from the ground, and even the courtyard next to it was destroyed for a little while. The landslides brought countless gravel smoke and splashes ~ ~ and slowly dropped.

Yang Yan was blocked with a blow, but instead of being angry and happy, he felt that he finally got the killer who killed Yao Gonglin, and he made a long shout. The grass around me turned into a continuous green light surrounding the yard.


At the same time, Fang Lin also came to Erlang Zhenjun Temple.

"It can be confirmed that Yang Ye has found Babylon's hiding place, and the two sides have already confronted each other." Xin Yuan monitored the situation on the scene through the real eye, said lightly.

Fang Lin nodded, watching Kang Anyu and his five brothers, who had been stunned and robbed, said:

"Okay, let's do it, Xiaofu! Use that fit skill, let's take a look at the strongest form of the butcher!"

(To be continued)

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