MTL - Ace Evolution-v13 Chapter 40 6 pieces .... Golden plot ...

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Fang Lin had listened to Miao Fu's mouthful flying off to show off the power of the fit skill early. At this time, with the bonus ability of the pupil of the fool, Miao Fu thought that the three big men under his control combined in addition to "handsome and powerful" No one other than the host is an opponent. The extended meaning is that even Lao Hu and Lin Yinshou are inferior to him!

Although there must be a certain amount of water if you pay insignificantly, at least this guy is not the kind of person who completely believes in front of Fang Lin, so everyone is curious and looking forward, especially Lin Yinshou and Lao Hu. Of course, they do n’t believe in fat The combination of the trio can be stronger than themselves, so the enthusiasm in the heart is particularly fiery.

"At this time, the five brothers had just gone through the robbery and had at least half their strength. However, considering the power of the Meishan Five Demons, they still couldn't be ignored." Fang Lin looked slowly at the Taoist view in front of him. .

"Babylon's strength is now close to the former Thunder Penn. And he has occupied the ground and taken out as the defender. Erlang God Yang Yang is proud of himself, and it is not possible to shoot with the grasshead god. It should be able to win a considerable amount for us. Time, fate? Did I explain the things well? "

My heart straightened, and my eyes were firm:

"It's finished, I have intercepted the warning signal of five brothers for help. It is a carrier pigeon blessed by Mana. It flew for a long time, but it just blown up immediately after I flew out."

Fang Lin always planned and moved. Of course, he was wary of the enemy's call for help, so he laid this trick in advance.

"We have about five minutes to kill these five brothers. If we take the time to escape, it is only three and a half minutes."

Fang Lin shook his fingers at Wuji Fu:

"I can only give your combination one and a half minutes of performance time, and then everyone has to go together. Because our goal this time is: At least kill the three of them!"

Miscellaneous Fu just like a guy who got a favorite toy and wanted to show it off, immediately nodded:

"Okay. Ninety seconds is enough!"

Fang Lin smiled:

"The countdown starts in five seconds, and the countdown in ninety seconds."

Insignificant Fu jumped out immediately, and everyone was wondering if this guy would offer another treasure, such as shameless words such as wearing a tight body and shouting "I punish you on behalf of the moon". He actually swung left and right to do one. The series broadcasted the general movements, then took out his fists and clenched his words, but he seemed to have forgotten the spell in the middle and took out the Mozi. After reading the non-attack article, I finally screamed out of breath:

"Steamed buns with buns! Fit together!"

Fang Lin sighed, rubbed his temples, and began to think that it was a wrong decision to pay the insignificant ninety seconds, but immediately he realized that he was afraid that he had some preconceptions about insignificant payment, because of this fit skill ——It is likely to be more powerful than the trivial boast!

The light of the golden light flashed on the body of the insignificant, the light was gentle and hot, like gold melted by high temperature, and although the light of the gold was shining on his body at this time, most people think of it at first glance, or it is the insignificant The golden Goblin (FANS of Miracles), or the golden goblin (WOW fan), will definitely have no extra conjectures of tall and mighty divine heroism.

However, looking at the insignificant and frowning, he almost couldn't close his mouth. Obviously, he was extremely satisfied with his current shape. It is no wonder that he was so eager to ask Fang Lin for an important opportunity to play. It seems insignificant to plan. It's been a long time.

Insignificant payment itself has a very wide range of healing auras, the enemy can't see his aura-if it can be seen, Xiaofu is afraid that he would rather cut off one hand at a time than learn-even if it is an allied army You can see a faint circle of dashed lines to indicate the range of insignificant halo. But at this time, it can be clearly seen that the aura of the insignificant halo usually shrinks sharply if ripples, and the splendid light that dissolves the gold is concentrated in the three fat boys, oh no, it is two fat boys and one fish monster They also wrapped them in a layer of gold plating, and then the dense and radiant ray of light piled up, wrapped the three guys together, and finally formed a huge golden light object up to more than ten meters, almost The wide square in front of Zhenjun Temple is full!

Although the golden light object is huge, it is almost the same as a pumpkin magnified a thousand times. Although the golden light above is brilliant, it is always inseparable from the fat and heavy feeling. Fang Lin frowned slightly at this time, and Bobby even screamed with interest, quickly aimed at the group of golden light and flung it out. When it flew out, it was a miniature baby with a big head and small tail, but when it hit the golden light , Has shaken his head and tail, turned into a terrible giant dinosaur.


Zhenlong is by far the largest dinosaur found in the world. It is nearly 50 meters long! Height can reach twenty meters! !! He weighed 130 tons! !! !! That is to say, two or three shocking dragon heads and tails are grounded together, and you can row from this gate to another gate of the football stadium. And if such a heavy behemoth walks on the field, every time its huge giant foot steps on the ground, it will cause the earth to tremble, just like an earthquake. This is the meaning of "Zhenlong".

Zhenlong is not a carnivorous dinosaur, which means that Babi was not planning to go to the main battle when he invested in it, so what does it do? And Bobby hadn't been instructed by Fang Lin before, but joined because of the good relationship with the butcher three. And Fang Lin didn't stop, or did he not want to stop?

As soon as Barbie smashed into the huge golden light, the light swelled up again immediately, but the insignificant payment that was originally sweaty revealed a relaxed look. Then the golden light quickly faded, and there were numerous subtle to polar lines appearing on it, spreading rapidly on the surface of the golden light. Those lines had no regular pattern, but they seemed so natural and quiet, just like ... in the autumn wind Dead leaves drifted slowly.

Next, the black mist filled and a huge monster appeared, this is a huge monster with three heads and six arms!

Its three heads are blue-faced fangs, which look very ugly, but the shape of the three butchers can be seen vaguely, but the skull in the middle has the characteristics of a fisherman iron needle.

All six arms showed huge to terrible muscles, each holding different weapons! Two thousand people cut, sniper rifle, cast net, staff, giant shield! And the monster's body was covered with dark death, but the weapon held in his hand was actually golden, and even a faint golden sap splashed from above!

And His Majesty ’s Majesty is based on the changed Babi as a mount. The change of Babi is not big, but the important parts such as eyes, chest, head, etc. are also plated with a layer of golden armor. Gu Panshengwei.

If the assembly after the fit seems to be mixed with the evil and powerful feeling in the mystery, then Bobby is the kind of majesty that seems so irresistible! The incense in Zhenjun Concept is prosperous, and ordinary people can't help but sneak a peek around. At this moment, when seeing the momentum of Bobby, he couldn't help but kneel softly and spontaneously.

Insignificant Fu panted, but his eyes were extremely excited. He waved his hand and screamed directly at the towering Zhenjun Guan in front of him:

"Take it to me!"

Fang Lin's gaze was more excited at this time:

"This little pay really surprised me."

Lin Yin sleeve said lightly:

"I don't think so? It's nothing, I think it's better to be more flexible with separation."

Fang Lin shook his head and said:

"You're wrong. Look at the expressions and gestures at this time, do you think of anything?"

Lin Yinxu frowned and looked closely, strangely:

"Is he emulating Emerson?"

Emerson suffered a life-threatening transformation in the world of transforming ninjas. His treasured AV tape / **** / dragon leopard was corroded by the acid of the enemy into a waste residue. It is comparable to Wu Sangui's anger and anger for the crown. He exhibited his ultimate summoning technique and called the huge machine that represents the pinnacle of the mechanical civilization of the world of alloy warheads! It is also Fang Lin's ultimate war weapon that they once experienced its power: the giant octopus octopus self-propelled artillery!

At that time, Wuji Fu looked at him by surprise and looked at him in surprise. He always thought that he had played with Emerson before applauding, and suddenly found that what he did was in pediatrics in front of each other, and Emerson did not care about the loss That little thing-in front of the giant octopus octopus self-propelled artillery in the steel city, it is very easy to give birth to this decadent and depressed feeling! Comparing the two, we can imagine how shocked and traumatized the insignificant payment at that time was. So insignificant payment later, it is likely to be determined to fight against Emerson in this regard.

Fang Lin said:

"Good! But to be precise, he is no longer just emulating Emerson in the Ninja World! In my opinion, it is even beyond!"

"Beyond?" Lin Yinshuo said in surprise: "Do you mean that the metamorphosis formed by this combination actually surpassed the fighting ability of the giant octopus octopus self-propelled artillery? Isn't it ..."

Xinyuan also took a deep breath at this time:

"I started to feel that the weapons they were holding were quite familiar, but because the insignificant people have always liked to fake and fake some fake and shoddy products, so they didn't pay attention, but listening to the adults, could the combination hold Was the weapon actually strengthened to at least the level of quasi-golden plot equipment? "

Listening to the words of the heart, Lao Hu and the fourth son were deeply shocked together! The huge combination in front of me is six arms, each holding a weapon in the palm of his hand, which adds up to six weapons! Six quasi-golden plot equipments in one. What is this concept? And after being broken down, everyone looked closely, and suddenly found that the golden light on the weapon was brilliant and gorgeous, which could really be compared with Fang Lin's quasi-golden plot equipment: Goniz priest robe!

At this time, the combination has already placed one hand and the golden light flowing investment net in his hand and throw it into the sky! The cast net was originally limited to a small group, probably only about five or six square meters in size, but after the shot, it turned out to be as long as the wind, and it instantly expanded to the size of the cloud, but it formed a golden cloud layer, with layers in the middle. Heiyi, went straight to the old nest of Erlang God in front of him.

This kind of place like Zhenjunguan naturally has all kinds of law formations, but after the golden clouds formed by the casting net are shrouded, a dazzling gleam of light if it rubs fiercely appears in the air. The array played a variety of roles, but it couldn't resist the undercover of this group as if it were inlaid with dark clouds of Phnom Penh.

The golden clouds formed by this group of investment nets suddenly enveloped the entire view of Zhenjun! It can be clearly seen that among the golden light and black clouds surging, there are countless terrible ropes around it that entangled the towering pavilions of the magnificent Zhenjun View. If you look closely, you can identify them. , Those terrible black ropes are not dead, but tentacles similar to giant octopuses in the deep sea! These tentacles are growing wildly, and the entire concept of Zhenjun will be completely engulfed in an instant!

So powerful ...

Really a golden plot gear!

The appearance can be pretended to be fake, but when this real sword fights, it is the moment when the mule is drawn by the horse. The difference between parallel imports is naturally exposed. Even though Fang Lin had been mentally prepared, he also had a heartfelt shock again. His original guess was still underestimated.... The weapon in this combination is based solely on the power of this network. Has completely reached the level of golden plot equipment! That "quasi" word can be removed!

Whimsical laugh, I can see that although he is very tired, but the frivolous meaning of the villain is ready to come out, if the combination really has six golden plot equipment and can exert its maximum power, it is indeed a strength Above the octopus self-propelled artillery.

However, at this moment, five sharp radon rushed out, and the five radon were divided into green, red, blue, black, and purple, and then fell on the square in front of the view. The body was distant, and after the sigh of anger slowly dispersed, five tadpoles appeared, just the five brothers in the left-behind view.

Because these five people had to spend the ghost festival, they only had half of their normal mana. They thought that they were as stable as Mount Tai in the concept of true monarch, but they were forced out of it by themselves. Of course, this is also in the concept of true monarch. There are no heads, and no one is responsible for the formation of the matrix. It is no wonder that Erlang Shen, his old man walks not far away, like buying a dish on the street, of course, there is no need to open all the brains of the fingerprint lock and electronic pupil lock at home- It is the five brothers who have suffered this great loss of strength. Under the last resort, they can only drink and quench their thirst. Combined with the demon power in the body, they escape into the beast body. The natural price is life loss and loss of life. Not only has it become a monster with a beast head. It's even more painful as if a knife was pumping back and forth.

Fang Lin's eyes showed appreciation:

"The intelligence quotient of this collective is not low. It turns out that it is more convenient to choose the battlefield actively. Of course, it is much more convenient to meet the five brothers here than to break into and fight in the enemy's place."

As soon as Fang Lin's words fell, Li Huanzhang among the five brothers had already launched an offensive. He inherited the ability of the bull monster Jin Shengsheng among the seven monsters in Meishan. His fists caught the sprint, just like a **** angry bull rushing and Come.

His volume is only one hundredth of the assembly that rides Barbie, but the momentum displayed at this moment is not inferior to the assembly! Even the clouds in the sky have become fish scales, as if echoing Li Huanzhang's collision.

Probably because of this fierce flutter, Li Huanzhang successfully hit the waist of the assembly. The huge body of the assembly did not have any fat on it. It seems that all but the skin and bones are all iron iron. General muscles have no fat at all.

The part that was hit shivered slightly, and then exploded, and the rain of flesh and blood fell down, covering the area within ten feet. The assembly seemed to be lowering its head with a slow response, and looked at the huge and terrible wound indifferently. Although it was a new wound, the wound looked like an ulcer that had been rotten for ten days and a half months, and it kept rotten and flowing. With yellow liquid.

Despite suffering a severe pain, the assembly was still slow and unresponsive, but the Barbie he was riding swept across the tail suddenly, and Zhenlong's tail looked fat and thick, under the control of Barbie However, it was extremely dexterous. The tail was like the most violent forest in the mad python disaster. It carried a large amount of stone dust and slammed into the air, and Li Huanzhang was wrapped around. Then Bobby lifted his huge forefoot and trampled down on the monster with a bull head.

Li Huanzhang roared, and even the corners of his eyes shook blood. It was easy to get rid of the shackles of that giant tail, but I was afraid that the largest forefoot in history in the world would be trampled down. The scope of the shroud is too wide. Therefore, he just barely moved half a foot away, and Babi's overwhelming forefoot directly stepped on Li Huanzhang's legs! The sound of "long" was flying on the ground, and the clouds stirred up more than ten meters in height.

Although Bobby was huge at this time, his mind was still delicate. After stepping on Li Huanzhang's legs, his forefoot turned viciously for half a circle! This step is about the same as the habit of trample on cockroaches. Li Huanzhang screamed loudly and was extremely screaming, just like the sound of a bull being castrated.

At this time, the remaining four brothers had already swooped together. In the face of great pressure from foreign enemies, they could only unite externally despite all the contradictions, and the four brothers had strong confidence! This confidence does not come from their own abilities, but from their elder brother, the three-eyed man, the three-eyed man who was so embarrassed that even the emperor could not take him, Yang Ye!

The remaining four brothers exhibited all the tricks of Meishan Four Demon, pigs, sheep, badgers and snakes. The phantoms of these four monsters writhed up behind them, but they lacked the kind of survival to die, and they were as powerful as ever! Probably because in their hearts, they are thinking of a "dragging" character. Even if this rush of gathering power is not seeking meritorious service, they only want to be invincible.

Strangely, the response of the assembly was slow and abnormal. The four brothers shot together and snatched the legs from Babi's huge feet. Li Huanzhang had completely become a meat pie. The assembly still stayed there like that. Looking into the distance, if it is not so big and big, it will almost make people misunderstand that he seems to have poems and lyrics.

At this time, Li Huanzhang was robbed with red eyes and a scream of yelling. He pricked his hands and held Guo Shen and Zhijian's arms next to him. After Li Huanzhang's fingers were pressed on their arms, It seemed to have dissolved into the body, and the veins on Guo Shen and Zhijian's arms also protruded, automatically searching for Li Huanzhang's fingers like a river that diverted by itself.

After this weird situation lasted for a few seconds, Li Huanzhang took a lip and shot out a bunch of irregular things like coals!

That thing swelled in the air quickly from small to large. If the meteorite was flying out of the sky, heavy bombardment on the body of the collective, the huge body of the collective immediately covered the sky like a cloud, he It was actually hit by a blow from the back of Bobby, and then he fell heavily and slipped out a huge trace of ruins, it was like a runway when Hercules took off and landed!

Guo Shen and Zhijian inherited the magical powers of 蜈蚣 and snake spirit, respectively ~ ~ Li Huanzhang's absorption time is short, but for 蜈蚣 and snake, the venom would not be like saliva. secretion. What is even more frightening is that the piece of fotan is also similar. That thing is the cow demon Jin Dasheng refining a group of bezoar in his belly. When it is useful, it sprays out and kills the enemy. It is easy to carry and has a surprise effect. Li Huanzhang After inheriting the Yaodan, he practiced more diligently. This group of bezoars was so powerful that it could deter the rest. At this time, Li Huanzhang injected the venom of the other two brothers into this magic weapon. The lethality can be imagined. know.

From Li Huanzhang's point of view, there is no way to see what happened to the monster he was wounded with, but with vicious eyes, he can see that the thick black smoke is at the end of the long new ruin. That is a clear sign that the flesh and muscles are being rapidly corroded! In the light of Li Huanzhang's eyes, he even saw the surface of a huge white skeleton!

(To be continued)

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