MTL - Ace Evolution-v13 Chapter 54 Encounter a black store

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Fang Lin did not expect that Xu Xiawu could come up with this three-D modeling method. My heart was naturally surprised, in fact, even Xu Xiawu himself did not expect that this spell would have such a good effect. This is naturally due to the wonderful effect that the fat and greedy and greedy guy has on the deterrent of the ghost after being present.

But Fang Lin still asked:

"Can you determine where Yang Tianyou stayed in the manor?"

Xu Xiawu shook her head and said:

"No, he walks around at any time. You can't be content enough to do this? My spell is a great technique to peek into the heavens, which is easy to be jeopardized by the heavens and the earth. The backlash has begun. Write it down. "

I saw an approximately transparent sphere appearing around the sandbox on the ground, and completely wrapped it. You can see dense rain hitting the sphere with numerous ripples, the sound of wind and howling, the external thunder and lightning, and Various miniature flying gods and illusions danced wildly, but they couldn't penetrate the ball at all.

All this looks amazing, but Fang Lin can't reach them, and they won't even cause any harm to them. The reason for this is that the insignificant Fu lying in bed ran over and reached out directly I touched it, and as a result, his fingers could not reach the sand table, nor could he reach those thunder and lightning. Everyone knows that the insignificant payment will never appear in any dangerous place, so everyone is assured . Watching the transparent spheres around the sandbox building fade away, and the pocket building quickly wears out in the wind and rain.

"Isn't this going to frighten the snake?" Fang Lin said still.

Xu Xiawu shook her head slightly:

"Yang Tianyou doesn't have this ability, just because the sand table was destroyed because it violated the laws of nature, as if a piece of ice made in the summer will inevitably melt in the sun. This kind of metabolism between heaven and earth can't be simpler. No matter how strong, it is impossible to know how many lives are born and perish in the garden. Hey, why did I just realize that the principle of mastering the heaven and earth is when I have to rely on looting to survive. "

Having said that, Xu Xiawu is endlessly stunned, shaking his head and sighing.

"Where is the location of this manor?" Fang Lin began to pack up swiftly. The fourth son also bit his bandage with his teeth, and used his right hand to entangle the broken arm to avoid heavy bleeding in the wounds and clefts under intense exercise. Unlucky condition.

"You can reach it by riding for a long time to the north. The place there is called Jiuli Village, which means that Zhuangzi is the center, and Fangyuan Jiuli is the property of his family." Xu Xiawu's voice fluttered from the inside. It's like coming through the cloud of nothingness. He suddenly sat in the chair and said.

"You think of yourself."


According to Xu Xiawu, the distance from Jiulizhuang can be reached in half a day by horseback. In ancient times, the speed of the army horses was about 40 kilometers per hour. Of course, special circumstances such as the cavalry's charge and pursuit on the battlefield must be counted separately. In other words, Jiulizhuang is two hundred kilometers away from here recently. If it is far away, it will not exceed two hundred and fifty kilometers.

Fang Lin, if they run at full strength, the explosive power in an instant will even exceed the fiery red Ferrari sports car. Even if you continue to run at a constant speed at a normal speed, most people can maintain at least 70 kilometers per hour. However, the last person chose to ride a horse, with only one purpose, which is to hide people's eyes.

There is still at least thirty hours before Yang Yong assimilated the soil, which is quite sufficient, and riding horses can save physical strength. There is no certainty about what is happening in Jiuli Village. If you can save time by walking, it is too shocking and scary. After arriving, you will have to sit down and recover. If you add one and one minus, you still feel that riding is cost-effective.

Shu is not originally a horse-producing area in Inner Mongolia, and horses were strategic materials similar to guns in ancient times. If you can raise a horse privately in this place, it is almost more cattle than the current ordinary private car. And, to say the least, Audi A4 and above. Fang Lin, who was hiding in this place at this time, was rich and had his own garden, but he could barely find two horses, but there were still seven or eight heads of cattle.

After a few people combined, they used a combination of horses and mules and two animals to pull a carriage. This was originally a taboo for pulling carts. Because horses and mules are not of the same level in terms of height or strength, as long as they pull the cart, they can easily go to the side of the horse. Unless it is a fairly clever coachman, serious traffic accidents are likely to occur.

However, under the control of Fang Lin's powerful magic charm, such small things can be easily coordinated. Don't say that a horse and a mule, that is, a horse and a chicken are OK. The so-called driver is a decoration, a whip You do n’t need to wave for a while, it does n’t matter if you sit there and chat.

So Fang Lin started the expedition kidnapping. However, Lin Yinshou has suffered a lot from this journey. Because the carriage is moving at a fast speed, and now it is not a parking road, not even a gravel road. The degree of bumps on this road can be imagined. The poor beautiful lady Lin vomited like a pregnancy reaction after pregnancy. After spitting, spit lunch, and spit water for lunch. Finally, those who had red eyes could only hold the juice and spit it.

Because of the need to cover people's eyes, the carriages of Fang Lin and his party were all closed tightly, because the road was so bumpy that the water they drank could not be placed in the carriage, but they could only be poured into the mouth and mouth of the bottle, but After reaching the border of the irrigation mouth, the speed of the carriage was significantly accelerated, but the stable surname also increased significantly. Fang Lin was a little surprised, and when he looked down, he was a bit surprised:

It turned out to be a straight road that was two feet wide, with drainage trenches dug on both sides, and neat trees planted in the twilight. It stretched to the far end. The road surface was a layer of fine sand mixed with sand. Below it was The compacted loess can be clearly seen from the side of the drainage ditch. The compacted loess is two feet thick and the subgrade is made of bluestone.

With so much effort to build the road, even the post roads around the capital that pass the military situation can only be compared, and there will be a remote and remote corner of this area!

Fang Lin went further and reached a place called Yingzuigou. It was extremely difficult here. As soon as they faced the mountain and leaned on the side, the road became narrower. You can see the bright lights ahead and the team of horses lined up. Long a row, and pay the money in order to pass in order at the previous checkpoint. This can't help but surprise Fang Lin. It seems that the officials here are not simple, at least in terms of governance.

Probably before dusk, they arrived at Jiulizhuang. After they learned here, the so-called Jiulizhuang actually occupied a much larger area. I was afraid that Fangyuan had dozens of miles of land. Blocks of new fields on both sides of the road, patches of pasture, trenches and rivers excavated are straight through. If spider webs are common, the mountains are tall in the distance, and the mountains and rivers are close by. Although it is almost over, there are busy scenes of labor grazing everywhere, and even the farmers and tenants who work in the fields seem to work much harder.

When I was near the entire Zhuangzi, I found that Zhuangzi had an amazing area. The trees in Zhuangzhong were sturdy and surrounded by a dark fence. It seemed elegant at first, but if it was matched with the dark fence, then There is a majesty that rejects people thousands of miles away!

After walking for a while, eight strong Zhuangding with sticks appeared in front of them. The group of patrolling Zhuangding immediately set off a stance of using force:

"What is it! This road only leads to my Jiuli Village, and if you go wrong, turn around quickly."

At this time, the insignificant Fu was lying in the carriage and was bored. Fang Lin originally didn't want him to come, but Xiao Fu rolled Salai and spit and even forced death—of course, everyone ignored it's last move—and followed it deadly. Here, I just took the bumps in the carriage as a cradle, and snorted sweetly along the way. At this time, my spirit was rejuvenated, and I immediately emerged to play the role of steward with incomparable competence.

"My host is a good merchant from afar, and he has sold some goods through this place. At this time, it is almost dark, and there will be heavy rain tonight, knowing that the owner of Jiuli Village is kind and loyal, so he specifically begged to stay overnight. Money for money. "

Insignificantly, he said that he was extremely brimming with money. To be honest, the insignificant business was really handy, and the Zhuang Ding's complexion suddenly eased:

"Your old housekeeper is quite capable. My master is good at calculating good and bad, and also said that there will be heavy rain tonight. But you did not come by accident. Usually, I can also do this. The master in the state today is a guest in this village. Who dares? Carry on, go. "

Insignificant Fulai Lai's face was affixed again, and then a handful of money was whispered:

"It's true. My host sells salt. How can this thing withstand the rain? Where can we go back? Brother, you should do good deeds."

This Zhuang Ding turned the weight of copper coins and smiled with satisfaction:

"That's the way, Zhengzhuang we dare not take you there. It's true that there is a master of a state and county, but there are two granges in the back that have settled the displaced people. Now most of them have been abandoned and they can live well. , Let alone shelter from the wind and rain, how do you like it? "

Miscellaneous Fu Jian Fang Lin slightly bowed his head ~ ~ immediately accepted it.

The group of dealers led the way and encountered several waves of patrols along the way, saying hello and passing. After a while, they led Fang Lin to a grange at the back of the main house, and it was still attentive to help sweep the floor. When it was getting dark, there was a pouring rain pouring down, and those dealers went home one after another.

As soon as the group left, Fang Lin immediately sneered:

"This Jiuli Village is not simple. The group of Zhuangzhuang does not know how many people have been killed in this village."

He peeled off a white-grey wall on the wall next to him, and there was a blood stain underneath. The blood stain seemed to be splattered. Although the color was old, he could only see the trace where the blood was spilled. Feeling an extraordinarily harsh situation.

(To be continued)

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