MTL - Ace Evolution-v13 Chapter 55

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After seeing the blood, Fang Lin raised his head again, and found that there was a small mirror hanging on the door of the cottage. The mirror was covered with rust, extremely mottled, and looked very inconspicuous. If you don't look closely, you can't find it. . Fang Lin shook his hand, and the mirror flew into his palm.

The mirror at this time is of course not glass, but a polished copper mirror, which is small and not as large as a slap. It is certain that it has lost its function of looking at the mirror. The edges of the bronze mirror appear octagonal, but the mirror surface is relatively smooth.

Fang Lin just glanced at it, and immediately hung the mirror back to his original position, then looked at the direction of the mirror-there is a rather worn cabinet in the house, and even the mixture can be seen from the surface of the cabinet Grass / mud paper wall. The thatched hut is very shabby, but this shabby cabinet is quite a good match.

For ordinary people, such a tattered cabinet can be seen at the bottom is certainly not worth mentioning. But this happens to be a blind eye, because the things that the dealer needs to cover are under the cabinet. Fang Lin asked the mechanical flesh to dig the soil under the cabinet. The interior was suddenly overcast, and a large tank was buried below. The people in the tank were naturally all farts, but their hands and feet were chopped off, eyes The nose, tongue, and ears were all cut off, but they were strangled alive in this large tank, how intense such resentment was.

If ordinary merchants lived here, those Zhuang Ding would only have to collect the corpses of people who were killed by Li Gui the next morning. Of course, the goods and goods were accepted by the way. It is fast and convenient. There is no need to even stain the blood on the door. The bronze mirror hanging on it is so that the injustice who died here cannot escape.

Fang Lin, no matter what resentment, called the fat boy to sit down on the tank, this overwhelming evil overlord came, and the injustice was immediately ignored, and without the guardianship of the mirror, the natural group fled. The hut inside the hut also froze suddenly.

Fang Lin smiled and said:

"This is actually a good thing. At this time, it is already dark. The group of Zhuang Ding apparently did this work more than once, knowing that after the night, the grievances are terrible. I'm afraid that I won't be able to catch it with a stick. We just happened to take the opportunity today."

At this moment, the sky was just dark, and lightning broke out, and the heavy rain dripped from sparse to dense, Lin Yin curiously said:

"That Yang Tianyou may have learned a bit of Taoism anyway. He can predict the weather and start to see that it will not rain at all. How did you know the insignificant payment?"

Insignificantly smiles, but he installs the magic stick without answering. However, the expression was very frustrating, so I didn't write "Shanren's own tricks" on his face. But it was the mutant elite fat man who wanted to please the hostess, and went up and mumbled for a while. The beautiful lady Lin was speechless immediately, and sturdyly stepped forward and grabbed the wretched ears to take out his broken big brother and send the text message. Pressing it out, it turns out that the top text message reads:

"Weather forecast ... The temperature will be X degrees to X degrees today, and there will be heavy rain in the evening. There is no charge for this information. The dating hotline is 123XXXXX."


The rain continued to fall from the air, and from the original sparse raindrops of the beans, it slowly became a dense drizzle, dense and dense. When it fell to the cottage that Fang Lin was in, the water flow even fell. The color of blue and black is shown, and the resentment here is strong. I believe that if it was not Fang Lin, they had already shown their terrible strength.

Lao Hu stood next to Fang Lin, his hands crossed to his chest, standing upright. Shen Chan:

"This rain really is a match made in heaven. When do you start?"

Fang Lin narrowed his eyes and said:

"People in the old age were particular about making things out of frustration, saying nothing but dying, and now they are not far from their bedtime. I think we'll just wait and say, and what Zhuang Ding said was not just a lie. When I passed the main village of Jiuli Village, I did see a carriage parked there, and judging from the decorative pattern on the carriage, I am afraid there are indeed officials visiting the village. "

Old Hu Qidao:

"Are you afraid of this official?"

Fang Lin actually nodded:

"Yes. One thing is worse than one thing. Do not forget that we are in the world of Journey to the West. There is retribution in this cause. This official has managed the place in an orderly and prosperous manner. It should be the so-called capable officials. If we It hurts or kills the people under his control, maybe there will be any cause and effect retribution. If it is not Yang Ye, then this variable is probably a branch task, but we have to face Yang Ye It is necessary to quit any possibility. According to my calculations, it doesn't matter if you wait for half an hour before you go in. It should be a sharpening and a choppy woodworker. "

At this time, a few weird sounds suddenly sounded outside, sounding like something was broken. Barbie straightened her neck and sniffed alertly in the air. Fang Lin's heart moved slightly, and he rushed out, just to see a few dull human bodies crooked and fell in the dark, and fell into the muddy rain. These few human bodies had no heads and were still slightly Convulsing, the non-stop running rain was dyed bright red, but when they were far away, their body temperature and blood stains were slowly washed away.

Although these seven or eight corpses had no head, Fang Lin quickly looked at the clothes and some physical characteristics. Most of them were the Zhuang Ding who led them here. Fang Lin immediately yelled at the mechanical flesh responsible for the guard, and learned that these people came in sneakily while it was raining in the dark, and the mechanical flesh and blood felt a very strong threat from them. When you get close to yourself, you will be more fierce ... Next, naturally, the mechanical flesh that has occupied the favorable terrain will start to fight back, deducing a headshot legend.

Fang Lin originally inferred that this group of guys was unlikely to come overnight, because this village was a place where evil spirits haunted at night, and those Zhuang Ding were also very taboo. Thinking carefully at this time, immediately came to realize that this group of dead ghosts came at the wretched salt of Hu Zhi! At this time, the profit of private salt is so large that it can make people risk losing their heads. At this time, it is raining heavily. When these groups of Zhuang Ding feared that the evil spirits would kill people, they would get the salt car into the rain, and soak it for such a night The salt was bound to simmer, so Fang Lin was calculated according to the previous rules. After they were almost dead, they hurried to take the risk.

Fang Lin walked to the front of a corpse, touched it in his arms, and pulled a spell from the intimate place. The spell was written in blood-red cinnabar. Despite the heavy rain, this yellow paper spell did not. It was about to get wet, but the spell drawn on it jumped into action, and if a living thing usually came out of the paper at any time.

"This is what they are relying on." Fang Lin said lightly: "If there is a last resort, wear this five thunderbolt to come over. Although the ghosts are so angry, the pure yang power attached to this spell is very strong. , Enough to calm them, and once this spell erupts, its power is very amazing, which is why the mechanical flesh and blood feels threatened. "

Wu Suofu wore a straw hat, but he ran over, looked at the five thunderbolts, and marveled:

"The person who drew this amulet is not easy, but this person is only afraid to be proficient in drawing such five thunderbolts, and asked him to draw another amulet. He would not even think about it. And this five thunderbolt does not seem to value the lethality, and It's biased against deterrence, like the difference between gunfire and firecrackers. Gunfires appear to fire bullets, while firecrackers are purely loud. "

Misty Fu also worked in Daoguan for many years. What kind of doorway has he never seen? So it must be said. Fang Lin's eyes flickered, and he immediately realized that there was something intriguing about him, and he immediately took Bobby along the path of these villagers and quickly followed.

Fang Lin knows what people do in the area around the village, so there are few within a few miles, so Lin doesn't have to hide his body at all along the way, and walked out almost a kilometer away. I noticed a small shed next to it, a little yellow light flashing. This small tent is probably a temporary melon tent or something, but there is also a shed to shelter the horses from the rain. The so-called tent is a roof but no walls on all sides, only beams and columns.

There are five people in this melon shed, and one of them looks very similar to the insignificant payment. They all belong to Mr. Tsang, who has a mouse beard and is extremely sly. This guy is pinching a greasy abacus and is scolding:

"Why didn't Zhao Si come back? This group of nests are useless, and they said that as long as they wear the five Thunderbolts of real people, they are fine, they are still embarrassed, and they told me to drink here, if not for the thousand pounds. Whoever comes on the salty noodles is the one who clips the stuff in the crotch! "

Fang Lin heard it in his heart here. Although the account room was stingy, the clothing on his body was extraordinary, and he dared to call himself a master in front of his family. He must be in this place, and he smiled slightly and stood up immediately. Powerful magic was performed in the eyes of these Jiading people.

After reading the memory of this account room, Fang Lin finally understood the ins and outs of Jiuli Village. It turned out that Yang Tian's old man, Yang Tianyou, was just a mortal, and Yangshou had already consumed it. Although Yang Tianyou looks like Yan Zu Tingfeng, it is impossible to extend his longevity through spiritual practice and obtain the ability of longevity. It is like an ado that cannot help, and those elixir are stuffed in. After all, it is an external cause As soon as the effect disappears, it will continue to age, so Yang Yan has to resort to some unscrupulous methods.

This method is to "borrow" the life of those who are not at the end of their lives.

And the price of the exchange is very harsh. Yang Tianyou lives for another month and has to fill in the normal life of another person for ten years! This kind of thing is undoubtedly very damaging. The implicated debts are terrible. Even Yang Yan must clear his relationship with Yang Tianyou, so the two people are separated.

Of course, Yang Tianyou had the magic weapon suppression sent by Yang Ye. Those innocent souls are not worth mentioning, but the cause and effect reincarnation is very impressive. At the beginning of the 15th, Yang Tianyou will be entangled in the evil spirit, cold into the bone marrow, and suffering. The characteristic of this evil spirit is that the stronger the enemy is, if the people of this level Yang Yang are contaminated, the induced calamity is very serious, the powerful magic weapon is contaminated, and it is particularly polluted.

Therefore, in order to deal with this evil shame, Yang Tianyou also deliberately invited dozens of Taoists through Yang's relationship to specialize in the five thunderbolts that have magical effects on Yin Sha. These ten Taoist priests have low ability and obviously are low-level disciples, but The art industry has specialization. The five thunderbolts drawn have reached the level of a real person. When the evil is strong, they are strong, but when they are weak, they are also weak. The power of backwashing is drawn by the five thunderbolts drawn by these ten Taoists. The damage caused by the sharing is quite small, and the dozen or so priests only draw such spells very well, and the remaining strength is low. Naturally, the shame and backwash they receive are also very small, and there is nothing to worry about.

And Yang Tianyou has a solution to deal with it, that is, to make good friends with local local officials. When the evil power is the strongest, he invites the local local officials (level of the municipal party committee secretary) to come here as guests and use the official power. The power of the sun is to subdue the harm of Yin Sha. It happened today that when Yang Tianyou's yin attack happened, it was obvious that Yang Tianyou had to stay with him under the pretext of the local official's "Bingzhu Night Talk".

After understanding the strength in the Jiuli Village, Fang Lin was relieved. This shame is something similar to cause and effect. The deeper Daoxing is affected, the more serious the consequences. It can be seen at this point that it is clear that there should be no masters here. In this case, Fang Lin immediately sent a signal, and a group of people quickly gathered together and broke into Jiuli Village.

This task of breaking through the rainy night was originally Lao Hu's specialty, and he knew the terrain of Jiuli Village well beforehand. Fang Lin split into three lanes, and went straight to the three places where Yang Tianyou was most likely to stay: the main hall / study / shuixie. It was agreed in advance that the soldiers would be expensive and fast. Once they were found, the chickens and dogs would not stay where they were. Lin they are cruel and easy to kill, but the only person in Jiulizhuang who can't figure out their strength at present is Yang Tianyou. The innocent soul of the new dead person is more helpful to strengthen the evil lingering on him and form a stronger suppression of his power. Trend.

After Fang Lin entered the village, he found that the number of people in Zhuangzi was quite large, and most of the child servants in the village were men, and few women appeared. Although the heavy rain was still rampant, the defense inside Zhuangzi was also quite strict. Even Fang Lin was forced to expose his body only after diving less than 20 meters, but his mental power shield was not invisible. It was found at the corner. There were 20 Zhuang Ding shouting at once. Raised the steel knife and rushed over.

Fang Lin didn't bother to care about them at all, and called out the three brothers of Fei directly to clean up. He went straight forward, but no one could stop him from going halfway. But soon, a loud drink rang out in the front house:

"Demon, don't you see the prototype Fuxi soon?"

With the emergence of this sound, a priest who seemed to have a bit of fairy wind came down from the sky, and the dust on his hand was thrown at Fang Lin. You can see a huge spell under the dazzling fireworks effect. The illusion fluttered out, shot towards Fang Linfei, and flew into the air buzzing in the middle of the air, shaking five thunders. It was really earth-shattering, and finally turned into a lightning strike!

Zhuang Ding, who had been so scared and frightened immediately, thundered and thundered. Before that, because of the evilness, it was not that no monsters invaded the Zhuang, but these "fairies" shot it, and they could easily handle it. It seems that this time is no exception, because the invading enemy seems to be directly killed by the thunder, so stupid that he stays still and doesn't move ... Oh, no, he even stretched out a finger! Lightning ... Lightning turned back!

Fang Lin stretched out his finger, and understated it, forced the five thunderbolts with high thunder and low power back, and directly charged the Taoist hanging in the air with a magic stick into a smoky "out" character, and Falling down in a spiral trajectory, it looks like there is more air out and less air intake.

But at this time, there was a flash of light on the west side, Fang Lin was slightly surprised, it seems that Lin Yin sleeve seems to hit a hard bone. But the next second Lao Hu delivered a good news through spiritual connection:

"I succeeded. The target was the study."


The study was not far from where Fang Lin stayed. When Fang Lin opened the exquisite curtain and Shi Ran walked in, the voices of moaning, anger and yelling were also heard inside.

In terms of the size of Jiuli Village, this study has a very large area. Although it is a study, it has a bed and a living room. There are two corpses on the left of Fang Lin. One of them is a weird half-folded body, and his head is like a rotten watermelon. Obviously, he wants to compare strength with Lao Hu. The other one is a copper hammer, but that The bronze hammer had been photographed as a sesame seed and was generally pressed against his body.

Lao Hu was already showing his beast at this time. His left palm slammed the throat of a weak-looking old man, but on the right was an officer with his eyes turned white. This officer looked like he was sitting on a teacher's chair. After being forced by the strong wind, the chair overturned and flew out. Something had probably hit his head. Now that he had not slowed down, a guard was nervously protecting him.

Lao Hu turned to Fang Lin with a search glance ~ ~ apparently let Fang Lin confirm whether he was holding a genuine article. Fang Lin's sense of mental power was just delivered to Lao Hu grabbing the man, and his whole body suddenly shook like a shiver! The fool's pupil opened up on its own. In Fang Lin's perception, there was actually a horrible evil on his body. If the python's cold and black gas was wrapped around it, the black gas seemed to be thin, but Fang Lin clearly felt that if he wanted to explore If you get into that black gas, you will definitely suffer ten times backlash!

"Can't be wrong. Let's go." Fang Lin smiled.

At this time, the official who was hit by the head yelled:

"Bold and evil, dare to forcibly take prisoners in front of my official! Is there any king law?"

Under his roar, Fang Lin didn't feel anything, but Lao Hu's monster tiger and beast body turned into a roar of him and disappeared into a colorful array of glory!

(To be continued)

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