MTL - Across the Sky From the Stop of Time-v5 Chapter 988 Some cute peony girls~~

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   Perhaps it was Hao Shuai's words that moved Monk Fudo, and after thinking about it for a while, he finally agreed to let Xin Shiniang enter the temple.

  However, Monk Fudo also made a request, that is, as soon as the Fourteenth Niang entered the temple, she had to go directly to the meditation room to rest, and she was forbidden to go to the Daxiong Hall.

   Regarding this, Hao Shuai was also noncommittal, and agreed on behalf of Fourteen Niang.

  Actually, this is what Hao Shuai is really looking forward to. After all, he has to go into the Ten Thousand Flowers Wonderland to hook up with the young lady later on.

   "Several benefactors, please feel free. The temple is simple, the hospitality is not good, and you still look at the sea." Monk Fudo first brought Xin Shishi Niang into the wing, and then came out again to welcome Hao Shuai and the others.

   "Master, you are welcome. It is already a great kindness to let me stay for a night. How can you say that the hospitality is not good enough?" Zhu Xiaolian, who is a modest gentleman, said very politely.

   "Several benefactors haven't eaten yet, right? I'm going to get some vegetarian food. Wait a moment."

   After finishing speaking, Fudo monk walked towards the back wing without waiting for Hao Shuai and the others to refuse.

  Hao Shuai didn't make any movement since he entered the temple, he just followed the monk quietly and looked around the temple.

  The Lanruo Temple here is not big, there are only a few people in the main hall and a few simple wing rooms at the back.

  Although the temple is not big, it looks full of antiquity, especially in this main hall, which is full of statues of Buddhist Bodhisattvas. Below the statues are naturally incense tables and a row of futons in front of the incense tables.

  On the wall leading from the main hall to the back wing room is the painting wall that Hao Shuai cares about the most, depicting many lifelike and vivid beauties.

   "Young Master~ Young Master~, come and take a look, there are many beautiful girls in this painting!"

   Just when Hao Shuai was about to use his divine sense to explore the mystery of the painted wall, the little book boy Houxia also found the mural, and out of curiosity, he turned his head and shouted to Zhu Xiaolian.

"What's the matter?" Zhu Xiaolian was attracted by Hou Xia's voice, looked at the picture of a beautiful woman above, his eyes flashed with surprise, and exclaimed: "What a beautiful mural! The person who painted this painting must be a master. "

Hao Shuai saw that Zhu Xiaolian was staring at the painting wall intently, fearing that he would be dragged into the world of painting wall as in the plot, so he hurried forward and touched his shoulder, saying, "Brother Zhu is not as good at painting skills as he is." There is research, by the way~ I still have some snacks here, if you don’t mind Brother Zhu, you can eat some first.”

   After finishing speaking, Hao Shuai took Zhu Xiaolian's arm, sat on the futon in front of the incense table, pretended to take out some food, and entertained Zhu Xiaolian.

  On the other side, the Shutong Empress Xia saw that her son was preparing to eat, so she didn't care about looking at the murals, and was busy serving Zhu Xiaolian.

  Seeing this, Hao Shuai breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and secretly said: "Brother Zhu, I'm sorry~~ Wanhua Wonderland is too dangerous, you can't handle it, let me come! I'm in good health, don't be afraid~~"

  At the same time, just to be on the safe side, Hao Shuai silently engraved a soul talisman on Zhu Xiaolian's shoulder when he patted Zhu Xiaolian just now.

  In this way, it is extremely difficult for Zhu Xiaolian to be introduced into the painting wall.

  Hao Shuai is such a person~~

  When it comes to his interests, he can use everything to achieve his goals.


  When Monk Fudo came out with some vegetarian food, he saw Hao Shuai and Zhu Xiaolian sitting there intact, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment, this was completely out of his plan.

   But he didn't move and didn't show any abnormality, and he greeted Hao Shuai and the others to enjoy the vegetarian meal.

   Soon, after everyone finished their fast, they greeted Zhu Xiaolian, master and servant, and walked towards the back wing. Hao Shuai stayed in the hall because he wanted to move around.

   After everyone left, Hao Shuai stared carefully at the mural again.

   Sure enough, with the intrusion of Hao Shuai's spiritual sense, he saw some different scenes. A dark door suddenly opened from the side of the mural, behind the door is a dark corridor with fluorescent dots in the corridor, no one knows where it leads.

   "Huh~~ My divine sense can't completely cover this tunnel?!" Hao Shuai was a little surprised and said, "It doesn't matter, let's go in and have a look first."

   As he spoke, Hao Shuai's figure disappeared into the hall immediately.

  Different from Zhu Xiaolian who entered the Wonderland of Ten Thousand Flowers consciously, Hao Shuai, a man of high art and boldness, entered directly physically.

  The next moment, Hao Shuai appeared in that dark corridor. Before he could recover, a figure rushed out and bumped into Hao Shuai's arms.

  With Hao Shuai's physical fitness, the visitor was directly shocked by the counter-shock force and fell backwards.

  Seeing that the person was about to fall, Hao Shuai pulled him back.

   "A good time?" Hao Shuai subconsciously shouted after seeing the person coming, and then realized that the person should be called Peony in this world.

  That's right~~

  The person who bumped into Hao Shuai was Peony who was about to sneak out.

   The stunned Peony never expected that someone could enter this fairyland of thousands of flowers, and she was bumped into by such a coincidence.

   Just as he was about to apologize, he looked up, and a handsome smiling face came into view.

Peony, who has been living in the forest of thousands of flowers since she was conscious, has never even seen a man, let alone a handsome man with extraordinary appearance like Hao Shuai. jumping around.

   "Girl, are you okay!" Although Hao Shuai knew the name of the woman in front of him, Hao Shuai still had to pretend not to know her, otherwise it would be difficult to explain.

  Peony: "..."

   "Girl~~Girl~~" Seeing that Peony was still looking at him with a nympho, Hao Shuai had no choice but to call out twice.

   "Ah~oh~I~~I'm fine." Peony finally came back to her senses, her face blushed when she thought of her expression just now.

  Hao Shuai smiled and said, "It's fine, I'm afraid I'll hurt you. By the way, my name is Hao Ren. Dare I ask the girl's name?"

   "I~ My name is~ Peony." Peony looked at Hao Shuai's smiling face and stammered back.

  At this moment, Peony felt that Hao Shuai was so considerate! Obviously he hit him by himself, but instead came to comfort himself.

"Peony~~ She really lives up to her name, Miss Peony is not only beautiful, but she is also more delicate than flowers~" Hao Shuai said, approaching her suddenly, took a deep breath, and praised: "There is even the fragrance of peony on her body. "

   "Ah~~" Mudan was so ashamed by Hao Shuai's frivolous behavior that she almost lowered her head to the ground.

   "Haha~~" Hao Shuai looked at the quail-like Peony and couldn't help laughing. He just bullied Peony and he didn't have much experience in the world, otherwise a tougher girl would have slapped her away.

   "By the way~ Miss Peony, do you know where this is?" Seeing that the atmosphere was getting better, Hao Shuai decisively changed the subject.

   After time passed, Peony finally raised her head. She looked around, shook her head at last, and said innocently, "I don't know either."

  Hao Shuai: "..."