MTL - Across the Sky From the Stop of Time-v5 Chapter 989 Forbidden place for men? I like to go~~

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   Hao Shuai, who failed to get the answer from Mudan, could only rely on himself.

  He observed the surrounding environment, pointed to the front and said, "Let's go forward, there seems to be light ahead."

   After finishing speaking, Hao Shuai walked straight ahead.

   Unexpectedly, as soon as he took a step, Hao Shuai felt his clothes being grabbed by someone.

   Hao Shuai, who didn't know why, looked back and saw Mudan pitifully clutching the hem of his clothes.

   "I'm afraid of the dark!" Peony lowered her head in embarrassment, and said with a look of pity.

   "Are you afraid of the dark?!" Hao Shuai looked at Mudan speechlessly, and said in his heart, "Afraid of the dark, how did you get here?"

  If he hadn’t known in advance that Peony came from the Wonderland of Thousand Flowers, and was ignorant of the world, he must have thought that Peony was a white lotus flower and green tea watch!

  The helpless Hao Shuai could only reach out and pull her up, and walked forward along the corridor.


  On the way, taking advantage of his free time, Hao Shuai swept his spiritual thoughts on Mudan, and his face suddenly revealed a look of surprise: "Why is this peony so strange?"

   Hao Shuai's strangeness here does not mean that she looks strange, but refers to the strange aura on Peony's body.

   It is said that Peony is a monster~, but it is quite different from a monster like the tree demon grandma. The most obvious point is that there is no monster in her body.

  You must know that even a monster like Xin Shiniang who is dedicated to doing good, accumulating meritorious deeds, and never doing evil, will have such a trace of a monster in her body.

  Moreover, not only does Peony not have a demonic aura, but a faint aura of purity.

  Hao Shuai had never seen this kind of pure spirit in anyone, but he had felt it in Xuanhuojian, Xuanyuanjian and other immortals.

  Hao Shuai reckoned that this clear spiritual energy should be the so-called immortal energy!

  Peony can never be a fairy! ?

  Hao Shuai shook his head, pushing this unrealistic thought out of his mind.

  Peony may look like a fairy, but in terms of strength, it is definitely not.

  Because Hao Shuai has never seen such a weak fairy, and her strength is at best in the middle of the foundation building stage. In terms of actual combat, I am afraid that she cannot beat a person who has experienced a lot of battles and has completed the Qi training stage.

  Hao Shuai is now more and more interested in this wonderland of thousands of flowers.

   Perhaps she felt that Hao Shuai was sizing her up. Along the way, Mudan's face never returned to normal. She lowered her head and let Hao Shuai lead her along.

  The corridor was not long, and Hao Shuai and the others quickly walked to the light. This was the entrance of a cave. Hao Shuai took Mudan's hand and walked straight out of the cave.

"What a rich aura!" As soon as he came out of the cave, Hao Shuai felt the concentration of aura here, which was seven or eight times that of the outside world, two or three times stronger than Tongtian Peak of Qingyunmen and Xiaoyaojian of Hehuan School .

  If Hao Shuai was still coveting the Baihua fairy in the Ten Thousand Flowers Wonderland before, then at this moment, no one can stop Hao Shuai from controlling the entire Ten Thousand Flowers Wonderland.

   Heaven and God are to blame!

   Such a good practice place, if Hao Shuai doesn't have it in his hands, he might be struck by lightning if he goes out!


   "You can't come in, go back!"

  While Hao Shuai was thinking about how to **** the Ten Thousand Flowers Wonderland, Peony behind him changed his expression after seeing the scene outside the cave, and took Hao Shuai's hand to pull him back into the cave.

  But how could Mudan, with her small arms and legs, be able to move Hao Shuai!

   Not only did he not pull, but because of the reaction force, he fell into Hao Shuai's arms.

  There was a beautiful woman throwing herself into her arms, and Hao Shuai, who always advertised that he was not a gentleman, would not be polite, so he took advantage of the situation and took Peony into his arms.

   Peony, who has never even seen a man, when did he encounter such a situation!

  The masculine aura rushing towards her face immediately made Mudan's face turn red, and her limbs became weak. If Hao Shuai hadn't supported her, she might have fallen to the ground.

   "Ms. Peony~ are you okay?!" Hao Shuai asked with concern.

   "I~I~ I'm fine!" Peony tried her best to look normal, and said, "Let's go back to the cave, it's dangerous here."

   "Don't you know the way? How do you know it's dangerous here?" Hao Shuai asked intentionally.

   "This~~ I just remembered that I have been here." Peony forcefully lied to herself.

  Hao Shuai didn't take away what Peony said, but pointed to the entrance of the cave and said, "I want to leave, but look, there is no way."

  Peony turned her head, only to find that the hole they walked out of just now was still there, but the corridor inside had turned into a wall.

   This change immediately made Mudan flustered. She ran into the cave in two or three steps, stretched out her hand and kept beating on the cave wall, and said incessantly, "Why did this happen? It was fine just now!"

   "Okay~ don't knock." Hao Shuai stopped Mudan's behavior and said, "Since the way forward has been cut off, let's move forward."

   "No!" As soon as Hao Shuai was about to move forward, Mudan immediately stopped him: "No one can go there."


   "I said that men can't go." Realizing that she had said something wrong, Peony said again, "It's a forbidden place for men, and it would be dangerous for men to go there."

   "Forbidden places for men?!" Hao Shuai laughed and said, "Miss Peony, you don't know, what I like most in my life is to go to those so-called forbidden places for men."

  This is really not Hao Shuai bragging~~

  Mantuo Mountain Villa in the world of Tianlong Babu, Yihua Palace in the world of Peerless Double Pride, etc., which one is not the forbidden place among the forbidden places that makes men frightened by the news~~

  How is the result~~

  In the end, Hao Shuai was not allowed to come and go freely, even the owner of the forbidden area fell under Hao Shuai's jeans, and lived with Hao Shuai the fairy days of mother, daughter, and sister.

  It's a pity that Hao Shuai's self-confidence did not infect Mudan. After all, in her eyes, Hao Shuai is just an ordinary person other than being handsome.

  I saw her going around in circles by herself, talking to herself anxiously: "What should I do ~ what should I do~~ There is no way out, what should he do?"

  Compared to Peony's worries, Hao Shuai has a relaxed attitude.

  As soon as he entered the painting wall, Hao Shuai had been observing the environment here.

   It can be said that the places Hao Shuai passed just now are all real, not illusions.

   This is either a cave, or the inner space of a certain fairy artifact, which also explains why the aura of the Ten Thousand Flowers Wonderland is so strong.

  The reason why Hao Shuai is so relaxed is the confidence brought by his own strong strength.

  He is confident that as long as he is not unlucky enough to encounter a superhero who is above a celestial being and gets hit by someone in seconds, then he can leave the Ten Thousand Flowers Wonderland in an instant.

  Of course~~

  The departure here is that Hao Shuai used the ability of the Chaos Orb to leave the world of Liaozhai, instead of returning from the Thousand Flowers Wonderland to the Lanruo Temple outside.

  Because Hao Shuai's teleportation at this time failed as usual.

   "The garbage sent by the garbage dragon moves instantly!"

  Every time teleportation is unable to move across borders, Hao Shuai despises Shenlong once in his heart...


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