MTL - Addicted Pampering You: The Mysterious Pampered Wife of The Military Ye (Master Fu's Mysterious Darling Wife)-Chapter 521 Accident

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Shen Qingyi was the one who never thought of taking An An. It was Allen, but he did not even think that Allen was actually alive. Her twilight trembled and her eyes fell on An An's body. An An had already ran towards Shen Qing.

"Mom." Shen Qing squatted down and held Anan in his arms. "An An, you scared your mother."

"Mom, I miss you so much." An An’s Tong Yin brought a cry.

Shen Qing’s eyes are red, “Mom misses you too.” The hanging heart finally fell to the ground at this moment. Fu Hengyi followed Shen Qingyi and looked at the mother and son who embraced each other. His eyes fell on Allen's body.

He and Shen Qingyi guessed everyone, but he did not expect that the person who took An An would be him. After all, they all thought that Alan might have died, even if he was alive, he would not appear in the market.

"I will explain this matter first. The person who took An An is not him, it is me." Peter took the initiative to say, he can't let Shen Qing misunderstand Allen, Alan is not a liar who likes to explain, if he misunderstands It is estimated that he will not explain.

Anan nodded and echoed. "Mom, that is, he took me away and still won't let me go home." He took the opportunity to complain, and Peter was full of face, this vengeful boy, complained when he met.

"But that uncle is very good to me." Anan said again, this time is Allen.

Shen Qingyi’s gaze only slipped on Peter’s body and fell on Allen’s body. Allen was watching her, and the light was gentle, and he smiled and said, “Go ahead.” The voice is still hoarse, but it’s A different kind of gentleness.

A few people entered the house, Shen Qingyi looked at Allen, for a long time, but Fu Hengyi first spoke, "Thank you."

In any case, Allen saved Anan from the hands of the traffickers, and he saw that An’s state at this time also knew that he had not suffered any hardships for the past three days. On the contrary, he was well cared for.

In the face of Fu Hengyi, the smile on Allen's face disappeared. "I am not for you." He still wanted to kill the man in front of him.

An An was enough in Shen Qing’s arms, and went to Fu Hengyi’s side, looking up at Dad, “Dad.”

Fu Hengyi touched his head. "Well, Mom and Dad come to pick you up."

An An smiled, nodded, thought of something, and ran to Allen's side. "Uncle, you are so good, better than him." He pointed at Peter.

Allen's eyes became gentle and he reached out and touched An's face. "If you want to listen to your mom and dad, don't run around."

Anan nodded hard. "Uncle, can I still see you later?" He liked this uncle.

"This is going to ask your mom and dad."

An An looked back at Shen Qingyi and Fu Hengyi. "Mother and Dad, can I still see my uncle in the future? He is very good to me."

Shen Qing was dark and deep, and there was no speech. Fu Hengyi had already spoken. "Yes."

Anan’s eyes lit up. “Uncle, my father said that I can come to see you later.”

Allen didn't think that the person who promised first turned out to be Fu Hengyi. Some of them looked at him unexpectedly. Fu Hengyi looked faint and couldn't see what he was thinking.

"Uncle, then I will go home with my mom and dad, and I will come back to see you next time, or you will go to my house to be a guest." An An sent an invitation to Allen.

"Well, there is a chance that the uncle must go to your home to be a guest." Allen said gently, he turned to look at Shen Qingyi, Shen Qingyi looked at his eyes very complicated, and finally only made a sentence, "thank you." Thank you for saving An An and thanking him for being alive.

Allen had a gentle touch on his eyes. "No thanks."

Shen Qingyi and Fu Hengyi left with Anan. Peter looked at Allen, and some hated the iron. "You just let them go, so stay and have a meal together." He spent so much effort to make Ai When he saw Shen Qingyi, the man left.

"Peter, it's not an example." Allen looked indifferent.

Peter touched his nose and knew that what he was talking about was to let Shen Qingyi come to the house. "Know it."

"Mom, do you miss me, I miss you very much." On the way back, An An greasy in Shen Qing's arms and refused to come out. Shen Qingyi touched his son's head. "I miss you, my mother is worried about you."

"I know that my mother will worry about me, mother, I am strong, not crying." Anan is proud of his face. When he was taken away by the trafficker, he really didn't cry.

"An An grew up and my mother was very happy."

"But, Mom, are you really friends with that uncle? Why didn't you talk to him just now?" Anan was a bit strange. He also had friends. When he was with friends, he couldn't finish talking. Why did Shen Qingyi follow? When Allen met, he didn't speak?

Wen Yan, Shen Qingyu looked complicated, and then smiled. "Mom and the really a friend, but we haven't seen each other for too long, I don't know what to say."

"Oh." Anan seems to understand. "Mom, can you take me to see him next time?" Before leaving the city, Anan has already remembered coming again next time.

Shen Qingyi looked down at his son. "Do you like that uncle?"

Anan nodded. "The uncle is good to me. Although he will not tell me stories, he will buy me a lot of toys and new clothes, give me a bath, help me brush my teeth, and play games with me... An An rubbed his fingers and counted what Allen had done with him.

Shen Qing’s dark and faint eyes are full of surprises. It’s hard to connect Allen in An’an’s mouth with the one she knows. But this time, I really should thank him, although he has kept Anan for three days.

"Well, my mother will take you to see him next time." Shen Qing said softly, her feelings for Allen are very complicated, Allen is her biggest shadow in the same year, all her painful memories have the shadow of Allen, those without The endless tasks and experience, the little friends who have lost their lives, but Allen has also helped her many times. He used to be the one she hates most and wants to remove. Now it has become The person she owed.

An An heard that Shen Qingxi said that he would take him to see Allen, and he immediately smiled. "Mom, you are so good." He was in the arms of Shen Qingyi, and he yawned in a few moments. The care is very good, but after all, it is not with my parents. I still feel uneasy at the bottom of my heart. Now I am back to my parents, and the whole talent is really relaxed.

Fu Hengyi glanced at his son from the rearview mirror and said to Shen Qingyi, "There is still two or three hours to get home, and you will sleep for a while." These days, Shen Qingyu was slept for a few hours by his medicine. , there is no close eye.

Shen Qingyi shook his head. "I will drive for the next service area." She still slept for at least a few hours. Fu Hengyi really didn't close her eyes. She couldn't sleep for a few days and nights. Even the people who beat the iron couldn't stand it.

"Okay, there is still an hour away from the next service area. You should sleep for a while, wait until you have the energy for me." Fu Hengyi said.

He said that there is a lot of truth, Shen Qingyi did not refuse, closed his eyes and rested, I thought it was a small slap, I did not expect to really sleep.

Fu Hengyi took a moment to look at the mother and son who were sleeping in the back seat, and the eyes were full of soft light.

When Shen Qingyi woke up, she was already home, and she looked at Fu Hengyi. "Why don't you wake me up?"

"I can still insist, see you incense, I will not wake you up." These hours are nothing to him.

An An came back. Shen’s illness was suddenly better than half. Struggling to sit up from the bed, he would hold An An. Shen Qingyi saw it and quickly took An An to the bed. An An took the initiative to hug Shen’s father. “Zeng Grandfather, I am coming back. It is."

"Well, come back, just come back." Shen old man tears his face, holding An An, not willing to let go, An An also let him hold, whispering in the ear of the old man said comfort, not long after the father Give it a favor.

"Zeng’s grandfather, this time I worried you. After that, An An will be obedient. You have to get better soon.”

"Well, seeing you come back, my grandfather was fine." Father Shen said kindly.

Father Fu has already arrived at Shen's family. When he saw this scene, his eyes were slightly sour. In the past few days, Shen’s father was old and his body was a lot worse. He was looking at a very healthy person. Now he looks like a I am old.

"Shen old man, look at you, Anan is back, you should be happy."

Father Shen did not pay attention to his old friend, but touched An An’s little face. “Have you been hungry these days?”

Anan shook his head. "No, I met a very good uncle, it is good for me."

Father Shen carefully asked An An’s situation over the past few days and was grateful to his “uncle who was very good to him”. “The next time my grandfather would thank him very much.”

It’s a great joy to come back to Anan. It’s natural to celebrate. These days, because of An’s disappearance, Yan Yining, Fang Wei, and Yu Xiaotong are also helping to find and worry, so after they got back in An’an, Shen Qingyu One by one called to inform them of this news.

"Mr. Fu, Mrs. Fu, this time because of our dereliction of duty, this happened. We are sorry to hear that these are a little bit of our apologies. Please accept it." After learning that Anan has returned safely, The kindergarten director personally apologized with Xiao Xie.

Xiao Xie’s eyes are red and swollen, and there is a strong shadow at the moment. Obviously she is also very difficult these days.

"This matter has passed, so there is no need to mention it." Fu Hengyi faintly opened.

The head of the garden heard the words, the eyes suddenly brightened, but I had not had time to be happy. Fu Hengyi’s next sentence came. "Tomorrow I will come to Anan to apply for transfer."

The smile of the head of the garden is stiff on his face. "This is... Major General Fu. This time, our kindergarten is not well-considered. I promise that similar things will not happen. Please give us another chance."

The head of the school wants to leave Anan. This time, Fu Jia and Shen Jia’s fans are looking for An An. Many parents have already known this. At this time, An An has transferred to school. The impact on their kindergarten is very bad. This shows that Fu Jia does not trust. They are kindergartens, and the children who can be enrolled in their kindergartens are basically the families of this military region. If they say that they are dissatisfied, then the head of the school will be the end, but this time. The matter has already brought him a lot of trouble.

Fu Hengyi looked indifferent. "The thing that Anan transferred to school has nothing to do with this incident. The head of the school does not have to be on the mind."

If the head of the garden believes that he is the brain, the brain will enter the water. If it doesn't matter, Anan will not transfer. In the winter, the head of the head of the garden has already sweated. He reaches for the sweat of his forehead. "Mr. Fu, we are really sorry about this incident. No matter what kind of compensation you want, we will try our best to satisfy it. However, Anan has transferred to this matter and hopes that you can consider it carefully. After all, An An is young. It takes a while to adapt to a new environment, which is not good for the growth of children." The director's words are for their own interests, but they are also the words of the heart.

Children have an anxiety and fear of being born in a strange environment. If they change the environment frequently, they are very unfavorable to their physical and mental health.

"Xiao Xie teacher." The dean gently pushed a small Xie teacher, Xiao Xie teacher was pushed to Fu Hengyi's face, she looked down, did not dare to see Fu Hengyi, his breath made her nervous, "Fu Major This time, it is my fault. I am not optimistic about An An. I will be responsible for my actions. I will resign tomorrow. But the director just said it right now. Now An An has been familiar with the children in the kindergarten. I have already adapted to this environment. If I transfer to school now, it is really not good for An An, so I hope that you can think about it."

Xiao Xie did not want to leave. This job was hard to find. But when something like this happened, someone had to be responsible for it. And she was Anan’s class teacher but she was not optimistic about Anan. Once she was accountable, she It is the first to bear the brunt.

Before coming to Fu, the headmaster had already talked with her. If she was willing to resist all the responsibilities and volunteer to resign, he could introduce other kindergartens to her. Otherwise, she would be expelled from the kindergarten.

"Xiao Xie teacher, you don't have to be like this. This time, it is an accident. No one wants to happen. You work very seriously in the weekdays. We all look at the parents. You are a good teacher. I don't think the director wants to do it. Losing your powerful assistant, are you the head of the school?" Shen Qingyi listened in the ear, naturally know that Xiao Xie teacher was introduced as a scapegoat, and could not help but say a word for her. She knows that Xiao Xie is not a Beijing citizen. It is not easy to take root in Beijing.

When the headmaster heard this, he nodded again and again. "Yes, Xiao Xie is the best teacher in our kindergarten. How can I be willing to let her go? Besides, I am the head of the park. Even if I am responsible, I should do it for this matter." Be responsible for."

He said, he looked at Teacher Xiao Xie. "Xiao Xie teacher, after resigning, don't say it anymore. In the future, you should learn the lesson and work harder."

Xiao Xie did not think that Shen Qingyi would actually help her to speak, gratefully glanced at Shen Qingyi, and at the same time, her heart became more and more embarrassed. If she could be careful again that day, Anan would not lose.

"That, Master Fu, Mrs. Fu, about the transfer of Anan, can you consider the two of them again? After all, our kindergarten is good in terms of teaching strength and teaching." The head of the school said with a sullen face, and the heart is also the heart. Tired, these high-ranking families are the worst offended.

Shen Qingyu secretly squeezed a hand of Fu Hengyi. Fu Hengyi immediately understood what she meant. "We will ask An An’s opinion to decide again. But these days, Anan needs to rest at home, for the time being. Going to school."

"Okay, no problem, I really should rest well." The director said with a smile, although Fu Hengyi did not say that he wants to keep Anan in kindergarten, but it is not as firm as it was just now. This means that it is still possible. This is enough.

"For this incident, on behalf of our kindergarten, I once again apologize to both of you, I am very sorry to let you experience such unpleasant things." The director deeply stunned Shen Qingyi and Fu Hengyi, two people Sideways sideways, avoiding.

"The director does not have to be like this." Fu Hengyi opened.

The head of the school is a person of interest. When the purpose is reached, he will leave with a natural leave. When he is gone, Shen Qingyi looks at Fu Hengyi. "Do you really intend to transfer to Anan?" Fu Hengyi did not discuss with her.

Fu Hengyi nodded. "I want to give Anan a better school."

"In fact, you don't need it." This kindergarten is a family member of the military, so it is top-notch in the capital, whether in terms of faculty or other aspects. Even if it is transferred, the range of choice is limited, and it has experienced This time, she believes that kindergarten will strengthen security work.

"And just as Xiao Xie said just now, it takes time for Anan to adapt to the new environment." Although Shen Qingyi is not worried about An's ability to adapt, he can avoid it.

The director's opinion Fu Hengyi may not care, but Shen Qingyi's opinion will definitely be considered. Since Shen Qingyi said so, Fu Hengyi will naturally not insist on it. "That will not be transferred for the time being."

This time because of the disappearance of Anan, Fu Hengyi inadvertently smashed an organization that specializes in child trafficking. This is the second time that Shen Qingyi and Fu Hengyi have helped the police to smash such organizations. The leaders at the higher levels are naturally happy. The first lady also deliberately Calling Fu Jia cares about the situation in Anan.

The superiors originally wanted to praise Shen Qingyi and Fu Hengyi, but they were rejected by the two. After all, the original intention of this incident was only to find the children, but if something similar happened, Shen Qingyi would still choose to do so. In her eyes is the most unforgivable person.

After An An came back, Shen Junyi removed all the photos on the Internet about An An. This time, it is not a last resort, they will not disclose the photos of An An.

Even so, many people have already seen An An. If you go to see Shen Qing’s Weibo, you will find that in addition to the happy return of An An’s comments, it’s more to say that An’an looks good.

When Shen Qingyi saw these comments, he smiled and praised his son. She also made her happy. But the happiest thing is An An, because I don’t have to go to school these days.

I know that my brother was found back, and I came to Fu family with my mother for the first time.

"Brother." An An was very happy to see him. He took his hand and went to his room. He didn't even have time to sigh with Shen Qingyi and was taken away.

Shen Qingyi glanced at his son with a funny smile.

“Hung Yi is going back?” asked Yi Yining.

Shen Qingyi nodded. "I will come back at night." Fu Hengyi is going back to the army to deal with some urgent matters. He will not stay in the military area at night, and the things that the superior leaders have happened these days have specially given Fu Hengyi a three-day holiday to accompany his family at home.

"I can rest assured that I am safe and sound." Yi Yining breathed a sigh of relief.

"Cousin, I am worried about these days."

"We don't have to say these kind words between our sisters. If you have a problem, you are equally worried."


Time passed by, and half a month was the wedding of Yan Yining and Jiang Chenxi.

On this day, Yan Yining and Jiang Chenxi met in the restaurant for Chen Yujiao and Zhong Lei.

"Really, I met you again." Yan Yining took the initiative to greet Chen Yujiao.

Chen Yujiao did not expect to meet Jiang Chenxi and Yan Yining here, laughing and saying, "It is really good."

"Are you going to eat or have you finished eating?" asked Yan Yining.

"We are planning to eat. Are you finished eating?"

"No, we haven't eaten yet. If it's not as good as it is." Yan Yining sent out an invitation, Chen Yujiao looked at Zhong Lei, and the latter nodded. "Well, people eat more and eat more."

"How come you want to come here to eat today? I remember that your work unit is not here." Jiang Chenxi said.

"Zhong Lei is working near here. I came to see him for dinner at noon today. What about you?" Chen Yujiao asked casually, purely in order to divert his attention.

"That's a coincidence, and Ning is also working here." Jiang Chenxi said with a smile.

"It is quite a coincidence. Zhong Lei just jumped to work here three months ago." Chen Yujiao said, her eyes have been stuck in the side of the 裴一宁, but the corner of the eye can not help but glance at Jiangjiang Chenxi Jiang Chenxi is considerate to give a dish.

Chen Yujiao's eyes flashed a sigh of sorrow, such gentleness is her dreams but can not be expected.

Suddenly, she had a bowl of soup in front of her. She looked up and smiled at Zhong Lei’s gentle eyes. "You have a bad appetite recently, first drink a bowl of soup."

Chen Yujiao smiled and nodded. In fact, Zhong Lei is also very good, she secretly thought.

"How is your wedding preparation? Are you ready?" Chen Yujiao asked during the dinner.

"It's almost ready. You must come when you get there." Jiang Chenxi said. He prepared for this wedding for six months, and strived to achieve every detail in his mind. The rest will only wait until the wedding arrives.

"This is natural." Chen Yujiao said, can see Jiang Chenxi happy. For her, it is not a relief. From then on, she can really put Jiang Chenxi down.

Four people came out of the restaurant, Jiang Chenxi looked at Chen Yujiao, "Where are you going now? I will send you to drive you."

Chen Yujiao waved her hand. "No, the company of Zhong Lei is nearby. We just walked over and it was a walk after the meal."

She drove today, but her car parked in the parking lot downstairs of Zhonglei Company.

"That line, then let's go first, and we will make another appointment next time."

Zhong Lei smiled and nodded.

Just when Jiang Chenxi and Yan Yining were going to the parking lot, Chen Xiaojiao’s shouts came from behind him. “Hey, I’m careful.”

Jiang Chenxi looked down on the subconscious and saw a car straight up and rushed over to the cockroach. The body reacted before the brain, and pushed the cockroach, but did not wait for his next move, his The body received a strong thrust, pushing him to the side and falling to the ground, followed by a loud bang, a figure flying from his eyes, falling into a parabolic shape. far away.

When the car crashed into the scene, he immediately fled the scene. Jiang Chenxi had only had time to see a woman's side face.

In the hospital corridor, Jiang Chenxi and Yan Yining stood at the door of the operating room, staring tightly at the door of the operating room, while Zhong Lei was sitting on one side, silently speaking with his head down, not knowing what to think.

This incident is obviously not an accident. The car is directed at Yi Ning. The only surprise is that Chen Yujiao will rush to push Jiang Chenxi.

There are still blood on the hands of Zhong Lei, and that is Chen Yujiao.

Jiang Chenxi handed him a pack of paper towels. Zhong Lei looked up and looked at Jiang Chenxi for a long time, and took back his eyes, but did not pick up the paper towel. "No, thank you!"

"Gangjiao will be fine, you don't have to worry." Jiang Chenxi comforted him.

Zhong Lei just nodded and did not speak. The impact of this incident on him today is too great, he needs time to digest.

The lamp in the operating room was gone, the doctor came out, and I immediately greeted him. "Doctor, how is my friend?"

The doctor looked around and asked, "Who are you the family of the patient?"

Zhong Lei stood up. "I am, I am her fiancé. How is my fiancée?"

"The patient is now out of danger, but it has caused serious trauma to her body. You must be mentally prepared." The doctor looked at Zhong Lei's eyes and could not bear it.

Zhong Lei’s heart was so fierce. “Doctor, what happened to my fiancée?”

The doctor sighed. "This car accident has caused great damage to your fiancée's body, especially her uterus. Although we have kept her uterus, the probability of conception is almost zero."

In a word, Zhong Lei was white, and Yin Yining and Jiang Chen Ximan were shocked.

What this sentence represents, the people present understand that Chen Yujiao can no longer have the opportunity to be a mother in this life. This is a cruel thing for a woman who is about to enter the marriage hall.

The doctor patted the shoulder of Zhong Lei. "We have tried our best. She is hurt too much. We can only keep her uterus. We can't do anything else. After the patient wakes up, I will feel emotional and excited. You are a family member. It is necessary to do her ideological work." In fact, the uterus should be removed at the time, but the removal of the uterus has too much influence on a woman, so she can only try to keep the uterus as much as possible.

Zhong Lei nodded wildly, and he was very confused now.

Jiang Chenxi licked his lips and wanted to say something but found that no matter what was said, the words were particularly pale at this time.

However, Zhong Lei first spoke. "Gengjiao is out of danger. I have a hospital here. I will inform her parents when I wait. You should leave first." He does not want to see these two people now.

"Well, if there is anything we can do to help, please call us." Yan Yining spoke, and Jiang Chenxi, who wanted to talk, left. Now is not to say these things, everyone needs to be calm, it takes time to digest this matter,

Chen Yujiao wakes up after a day. When she woke up, there was only one person in the hospital. Zhong Lei was determined to look at her, and the dawn was very complicated.

Chen Yujiao remembered that things before her coma were silent. When a car accident occurs, pushing Jiang Chenxi is a subconscious act, and there is no time for thinking. And these, Chen Yujiao did not know how to explain to Zhong Lei, she did not know at this time, because this car accident, she has lost the opportunity to be a mother.

"The doctor said that you are fine, just take a rest for a while." Zhong Lei took the initiative to speak.

Chen Yujiao looked at him, "Zhong Lei, I..."

"You don't have to say, I understand. Actually, the person you like is Jiang Chenxi. So when the car accident happens, you will run to save her for the first time." When Zhong Lei said this, his expression was very calm.

Chen Yujiao is pale, "Zhong Lei, I am sorry!"

"You don't have to say sorry to me. Actually, I already know that you have someone you like. Okay, don't say these things now. You should take a rest first. Your parents are in the doctor's office and should be soon. Come back." After all, Zhong Lei couldn't bear to tell her about it and shifted the subject.

Chen Haojiao fixedly looked at Zhong Lei for a long time, and took the initiative to reach out to hold the hand of Zhong Lei. Zhong Lei avoided it. Chen Yujiao saw it, and there was a sourness in his heart. More is awkwardness and shame. She even had a wife. The feeling of being derailed by her husband.

Her face was very pale. After all, Zhong Lei couldn't bear to see her sad. She reached out and arranged her horns. She said, "You should rest first, I am here with you."

Wen Yan, Chen Jiaojiao's eyes have fallen into tears, in fact, even Zhong Lei at this moment, she should be, after all, in the face of his fiancé to save other men this kind of thing, for any man should be angry.

"How are you still crying? Don't think too much." Zhong Lei reached out and gently helped Chen Yujiao to wipe away the tears in his eyes.

"Zhong Lei, I..." Chen Yujiao whimpered.

"Gengjiao, don't say anything, we will talk about this after you are sick and look good. Now you can feel comfortable with your illness."

Chen Haojiao looked at him fixedly and nodded slowly.

Zhong Lei left after Chen's parents came.

Chen Mu looked at her daughter who was lying on her bed, her face was very complicated, except for her distress and blame.

And Chen’s father is black face. “I will go home and cook some soup for her.” Chen’s father stood up and said, his heart was holding a fire. He was really afraid to stay on, he would say Some unpleasant words hurt my daughter.

When Chen’s father left, Chen’s mother looked at her daughter and sighed deeply. “How are you so stupid?”

"Mom, I..."

"Mom knows that you used to like Jiang Chenxi, but you didn't tell me that you have already let go? How come this time again..." Chen Mu's face looked sad.

"Mom, there are some things that I can't control." She is really trying to let go of Jiang Chenxi, otherwise she will not associate with Zhong Lei or even get engaged. But when things happen, her body is more honest than her heart.

"But do you know how much consequences you have caused this?" Chen said with hate.

"I will explain it to Zhong Lei. If he wants to retire, I can understand it."

"Now is not just a simple retirement. What should you do in the future?" Chen is anxious. If she is injured in a general car accident, she will be fine if she recovers. But the result is that her uterus is no longer fertile. In the case, which man is willing to marry her? What should she do for the rest of her life?

Chen Yujiao noticed that something was wrong and looked at her mother. "Mom, do you have anything to glare at me?"

Chen Mu looked at her daughter. "No, don't think about it."

The more Chen Tong is like this, Chen Yuejiao feels that something is wrong. "Mom, let me tell you the truth, now what else can I not bear?"

Wen Yan, Chen mother shed tears, "You silly boy." After all, it is not to continue to conceal Chen Haojiao's injury, this matter is actually not long, she will know.

Chen Yujiao’s face was transparent and a look.

"What can you do with Zhong Lei now?" Chen Mu distressed her daughter.

"Mom, if Zhong Lei wants to retire, you should not bother him." Chen Yujiao muttered, she was wrong, and Zhong Lei could understand whatever choice she made.

"Mom won't blame Zhong Lei, but you become like this, because Jiang Chenxi, he must be responsible for this matter." Chen Mu's face changed, suddenly said that since her daughter can not be born, then Jiang Chen He is responsible for her later life, otherwise she will not finish with Jiang.

Chen Yujiao’s eyes changed slightly. “Mom, this matter has nothing to do with Jiang Chenxi.”

"You still talk to him. You are now doing this to save him. It doesn't matter to him." Chen Mu hates. What she regrets at the end is that Chen Xiaojiao was going to kiss Jiang Chenxi. If they didn't know, her daughter would not become like this.

Chen Mu stood up and went, Chen Yujiao took her, "Mom, don't go, don't go to Chenxi, beg you."

Chen Ma hated the iron and looked at Chen Yujiao. She left her hand and left. She had to go to Jiangjia to discuss.

"Mom." Chen Yujiao struggled to stand up, but touched the wound on her body. Fortunately, the doctor just came in and saw this scene, otherwise Chen Haojiao's injury will only be heavier.

"What do you do, hurry and lie back." The doctor sighed. "You don't know if you just finished the operation? It's just a mess, you don't want it."

Chen Yujiao looked at the door and looked worried. But the doctor couldn't care about this and put her on the bed. "You should take a good rest first, and everything will wait until the illness is good."

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