MTL - Addicted Pampering You: The Mysterious Pampered Wife of The Military Ye (Master Fu's Mysterious Darling Wife)-Chapter 522 Let's continue to associate.

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After all, Chen Mu did not go to the Jiang family theory. When she arrived at the hospital door, she just happened to meet Chen’s father who returned to the hospital.

"What are you doing?" Chen father called the angry wife.

"Jiangjia has made my daughter like this. Of course, I have to go and give her a fairness." Chen Muran said of course, Chen’s father heard the words and immediately pulled her. "I want to be fair. This is a good thing." Voluntary, what qualification do you want to be fair?"

Chen mother is dissatisfied. "Now that she can't be born, Zhong Lei and her marriage are also ruined. What will she do in her later life? Which other man dares to marry her? She is because Jiang Chenxi has become like this, Jiang Chen Shouldn’t Xi’s be responsible for Qi Jiao?”

"You are confused. Does the family Zhong Lei and Jiao Jiao say that they broke up? You are now going to the family Jiangjia to seek justice, where do you place Zhong Lei?"

Wen Yan, Chen Mu’s heart is more and more sad. “Do you think Zhong Lei will be with Jiao Jiao? If you are him, are you willing?”

Chen's father is silent, but he is, he is definitely not willing, but the words can not say so, after all, he is now a father of a charming, standing is definitely on the side of this.

"In short, this thing can't go to Jiangjia." If you really want to find Jiangjia and let Jiangjia be responsible for Chen Yujiao, then who have they become?

"What about my squeaky? She is only in her 20s, and her life has just opened. How have you let her spend the rest of her life for decades?" Chen mother cried, she was really distressed, like a knife. It is.

Is Chen father not sad? But who is willing to do such a thing? Pulling his wife, "Okay, don't say this beforehand, go up first, you will leave a man in the ward. If something is wrong, you regret it."

It was reminded by her husband that Chen Mu thought that she was too angry, and she directly left Chen Xiaojiao in the ward and wiped her tears. "Walk away, hurry up, I am also confused. But I just want to think of it." I will always be like this for the rest of my life..."

Chen father patted his wife's shoulder. "I know, these are so good and good, let's talk again. Now the most important thing is the health of the beautiful."

Chen Mu nodded and returned to the ward with Chen.

When Chen Yujiao saw her parents coming back, she knew that her mother had not gone to Jiang Chenxi, and she was relieved. "Dad, Mom." Her voice was weak.

Chen Mu is now a distressed daughter, and she hates iron and does not become a steel, so she ignores her. Chen father nodded. "Don't talk, rest well. Other things, we will wait until you are well."

Chen Yujiao did not listen to her father. Some things she wanted to make clear now, and said, "Dad, this matter has nothing to do with Chen Xi, don't go to him."

Chen’s father now understands why the wife was so angry, her daughter is like this, and she did not forget to speak for Jiang Chenxi. She changed to be him. He was also angry. He looked at Chen Yujiao and saw that there was no trace of blood on her face. After all, I can’t bear to say anything more. "Okay, don't say this beforehand."

Chen Yujiao wants to stop and talk, just looking at her parents' face, or shutting her mouth. She never thought about using this thing to entangle Jiang Chenxi and let Jiang Chenxi be responsible for her. But now my parents are obviously still angry. If she goes on, I am afraid it will be counterproductive.


After Jiang Chenxi left the hospital, he went directly to the police station and he wanted to report to the police.

"You said someone deliberately driving to hit you?" The police looked suspiciously at Jiang Chenxi.

Jiang Chenxi shook his head. "Not me, I am going to hit my fiancee. It happened at the intersection of Shengde. There is monitoring at the intersection. You can understand it at a glance."

At that time, the restaurant was facing a traffic light, and there were a lot of surveillance videos around. Jiang Chenxi believed that there must be a camera taking the scene. He saw the murderer's appearance. That person is coming to Yan Ning, but Chen Chen is so bad. This time he will never be soft-hearted. Although Yin Yining did not see the other party's appearance, but the way she had heard Jiang Chenxi talked about it, she understood that the root of the matter was still on her body. She remembered the girl lying in the hospital, she was full of guilt.

"Comrade comrade, I am the victim of this incident, and also an eyewitness, I want to call the police." Yan Yining stood up and said.

According to the clue provided by Jiang Chenxi, the police quickly targeted Gu Jiajia. When Gu Jiajia was taken to the police station, he still had a hard time. "Even if you are a policeman, you can't arrest people. I am a good citizen. Why do you arrest me?"

The police have already watched the surveillance video. At that time, the car that crashed into the car was Gu Jiajia’s own, and there was a surveillance video that clearly captured her face. This is a testimony.

When the police took out the evidence, Gu Jiajia was silent for a moment and then spoke. "People are hit by me, I recognize."

The police did not expect Gu Jiajia to admit it so simply, and asked coldly, "Why, why are you hitting her?"

"Because she is stupid, the person I want to hit is a sinister, she stupidly rushed herself up, who is it?" Gu Jiajia looks very arrogant, and there are some regrets in the eyes, but unfortunately the injured person is not a sigh.

"So you admit that you deliberately hurt people?" the police asked quietly.

Gu Jiajia shook his head. "I didn't say that. I asked to see my brother-in-law Duan Ling."

"You have to explain your problem first." The police knocked on the table.

"I don't see my brother-in-law, I don't know anything. You don't want to get a little useful news from my mouth." Gu Jiajia began to resist the trial.

The police saw her like this and patted the table. "You better cooperate with our investigation."

"Before I saw my brother-in-law, I will not say anything, even if you have produced evidence, I can also confess in the church."

The police were in a hurry, they had never seen such a arrogant person, but in the end they contacted Duan Ling.

Duan Ling did not think that he had not seen Gu Jiajia in ten days. Gu Jiajia provoked such a great disaster. When he arrived at the police station, Gu Jiajia was already detained. Yan Yining has filed a lawsuit against Gu Jiajia, telling her to deliberately hurt people and cause serious injuries.

After listening to the things that Duan Ling heard, he looked at Gu Jiajia with a shocked face. "Why are you doing this?"

Gu Jiajia sneered, "I can't get happiness, I can't think of it. I am lucky this time. Otherwise, she should go to see the prince." She lowered her voice, and only Duan Ling listened alone. Arrived.

Duan Ling looked at Gu Jiajia incredulously. "Are you crazy?"

"Yes, I am crazy, I am driven by you crazy." Gu Jiajia shouted, "I only hate not killing Yin and Ning, her luck is really good, there are dead ghosts everywhere."

Duan Ling never thought that Gu Jiajia would have done such a crazy thing. If the car hits the first one at the beginning, perhaps the person lying in the hospital is her now.

"Gu Jiajia, do you know what you are doing?"

"I know, my mind is very clear. I never regret doing this. Duan Ling, you don't let me be happy, you don't want to be happy with your life. But now, I don't believe this thing. Child, she and Jiang Chenxi can still marry, lost their favorite person, I would like to see how happy she is." Gu Jiajia crazy laugh, like a madness.

Duan Ling looked at her disappointment. "Gu Jiajia, you are really crazy."

The smile on Gu Jiajia's face was restored, and the face was expressionless. "Insane is also what you forced. Duan Ling, if you are willing to marry me, I will not do such a thing. Everything is wrong because of you. You are the culprit."

Duan Ling looked at her, looked at Gu Jiajia, for a long time, regained her gaze, stood up and left the police station, Gu Jiajia looked at his back, eyes were filled with tears, she did this, this person still refuses to look at her more. She just wants Duan Ling to put her in her heart, not love, even hate.

Duan Ling left the police station and thought for a long time. After all, he went to find a Yining.

Yan Yining looked at Duan Ling who appeared in front of himself. He didn't even think of the slightest accident. "Are you coming to ask me for sympathy?" she asked calmly.

Duan Ling’s face was stunned, but he finally nodded. “Yes, if you can, can you...”

"No." Yan Yining interrupted him coldly. "Duan Ling, she is committing a crime. He hit an innocent person. Now that person is still lying in the hospital. Just because of her jealousy, that person may have been in this life. Can't be a complete woman. And you have to continue to cover her?"

Duan Ling’s heart is bitter, “I...”

"In my impression, you have always been a very honest person. Are you really going to cover up a murderer?"

"Yining, she just can't think about it for a while, she..." said half of it, Duan Ling stopped, and sneered at it. "You see, you can't say it yourself. Gu Jiajia, the person she wants to hit is me, if not today. Chen Yujiao, then the person lying in the pool of blood is me."

"Duan Ling, if the person who was hit today is me, would you still ask her for this?" Yan Yining asked coldly.

Duan Ling is silent. If the person who was hit today is her, he thinks that he will personally send Gu Jiajia to prison. "Son, sorry, today you have not been here."

He turned and wanted to leave, and he would rather stop him. "Duan Ling, I will not give up this time. I will not withdraw the case. I will only ask the judge to make a new sentence. If you want to go to court with me, then come."

Duan Ling looked faint, looked at her for a long time, took back his eyes and left without saying anything.

When she talked about it, she found the best lawyer in Beijing to fight the lawsuit and tried to sentence Gu Jiajia to a sentence. Although Duan Ling complained Gu Jiajia, she still found a lawyer for her, not asking for innocence, only seeking Let her pass the sentence, it is his last kindness to Gu Jiajia.


Chen Mu was on the third day to find Jiang. She took care of her father and Chen Yujiao, and found an excuse to leave the hospital and came to Jiangjia.

Jiang and Jiang’s mother knew what happened that day.

"This... How can such a thing happen? How can she be?" Jiang mother accepts incompetence.

Chen Mu cold face, "Jiaojiao can not be a mother again in this life, she is to save your family Jiang Chenxi will become like this. I think this thing your family should always say a bit."

Jiang’s father looked at Jiang Chenxi. “Chen Xi, is this really as you said Chen Ayi?”

Jiang Chenxi nodded heavily, "Yes." Chen Yujiao saved him is an irrefutable fact.

"We will definitely be responsible for this incident. The medical expenses of Jiaojiao and the expenses required in the later period will be borne by our Jiangjia." Jiang Sheng said.

When Chen Mu heard this, her face changed and she looked at him. "Do you think that I came to your house today to find you money? Our Chen family is not rich, but the money for treating her daughter is still there. I will ask you a sentence, in the latter part of my daughter, you are not responsible for it?"

Wen Yan, Jiang Mu’s face is embarrassed. “This... This is not a question of irresponsibility. If Gengjiao and Chen Xi are still together, then don’t say that they can’t live, that is, she can’t get up in bed for a lifetime. However, we Jiangjia also recognize her daughter-in-law, I am serving her for a lifetime, but the problem is that the two of them are not..." Jiangmu can't say it anymore, it is Chen's gaze that is too horrible.

"So you are going to send us a little money. My daughter, she is a good person, it is now, is it alive?" Chen mother asked coldly.

"No, we don't mean this, you listen to me." Jiangmu wanted to explain, but was interrupted by Chen.

"Professor Jiang, you Jiangjia is a scholar of the book, self-cultivation is good, the result is such an attitude?" Chen mother looked disappointed.

Jiangfu Jiangmu was told by Chen Mu that the ground was red and red but could not refute.

"Aunt Chen, this incident is caused by me, and it is up to me to be responsible. If you can't find your own happiness in the future, I can take care of her for the rest of my life, as my brother." Jiang Chenxi said seriously. He is full of apologies for Chen Yujiao. If Chen Yujiao really can't get happiness in the rest of his life, then it should be taken care of her for a lifetime, but if he is allowed to marry her, he still can't do it.

"Who is rare, your brother's identity, you want us to look after you and your wife's grace and love, and she is lonely all the time?" Chen Mu angry.

"Aunt Chen, what do you say?"

"Dismiss your fiancee with your fiancee and marry Jiaojia." Chen Mu directly asked, she could not let her daughter be alone for a lifetime. It’s Lai, this time she also depends on Jiang’s family.

Wen Yan, Jiang's father Jiang's face has become difficult to look, both Yan Yining and Jiang Chenxi are getting married, although they are still not very satisfied with Yi Yin, but since they agreed to this marriage contract, they can not be lifted at will, and Although Chen Yujiao was injured in order to save Jiang Chenxi, she could not be born. She really married Jiang Chenxi. Is it necessary to let them succeed in the future? Just not waiting for their position, the door bell came from the door, Jiang Chenxi got up and went to open the door.

Outside the door is Chen’s father. When he saw his wife go out late, he guessed that she came to Jiang’s home. Come over and see, sure enough. He walked in directly. "You are here, come back with me."

Chen Mu is not willing, "I don't go back. Today, Jiang Jia does not give me an account, I will not leave." She has already made up her mind to go out and give her daughter a future. Chen Yujiao does not like Jiang Chenxi. Now she has become like Jiang Chenxi. Then she should be with her daughter and take care of her for a lifetime. This is Jiang Chenxi’s owe to Chen Yujiao.

"What are you doing? Is it shameful to be embarrassed?" Chen Fu lowered his voice and whispered.

"Which people are lost? My daughter is because they have become what they are today. Shouldn’t they be responsible for Jiang’s family? To say that shameful people should be their Jiang family.”

These two days, Zhong Lei has not appeared in the hospital, which means that they are well aware. Chen Haojiao’s greatest hope has been shattered, so Jiang Chenxi is their last straw.

Chen’s father sank his face. “Today’s Zhong Lei came to the hospital. You are here to make this happen, let Zhong Lei know, how do you make people think of you?”

His voice was very light. Only Chen’s mother heard it. Chen’s eyes lit up. “Zhong Lei is here?”

"Yes, now you can go back with me." Chen Fu did not want to talk to Chen Mu, just want to bring people back first.

Chen Mu heard that Zhong Lei came to the hospital to see Chen Yujiao, where there is still the mind to continue to go, and quickly followed Chen's father to the hospital.


In the hospital, Chen Yujiao looked at the person who appeared in front of him. He looked calm and pulled out a smile. "You are here."

Zhong Lei nodded and looked at her quietly. After three days, the blood on Chen’s face did not return. It was still pale and almost transparent, and it looked more pale than after surgery.

Chen Yujiao wants to sit up, Zhong Lei sees it and quickly stands up. "What do you want to do? I will help you."

Chen Yujiao smiled. "I just want to sit for a while. I have been lying in bed for two days and my bones are stiff."

Zhong Lei helped her raise the bed and held her half on the hospital bed. "Is that okay?"

Chen Haojiao nodded, "Thank you!" Then, the two were silent.

In the end, Chen Yujiao took the initiative to break the silence. "Are you coming over and telling me to break up today?"

"Why do you think so?" Zhong Lei asked her.

"In fact, no matter what decision you make, I can understand it. Break up... I agree. Anyway, this is something I am sorry for you." Chen Xiaojiao's voice is weak, but her expression is very calm, she waited for this day, too I have been waiting for three days.

Zhong Lei listened to this and his expression became more complicated. "Actually, I came here today and wanted to ask you a question. Can you tell me honestly?"

Chen Yujiao looked at him quietly. "You said."

"Did you seriously be with me during the days when you were with me? I mean, do you really want to associate with me and keep going with me."

Chen Haojiao nodded, "Yes." She may not like Zhong Lei, but the heart with Zhong Lei is serious. The heart that wants to live with him for a lifetime is also serious. It is just that God is getting people, and such an accident has occurred. Any decision of Zhong Lei, she supports and understands.

At this time, Chen Yujiao did not notice that when she nodded, Zhong Lei’s eyes relaxed in an instant.

"In fact, these three days, my heart is also very chaotic. I think a lot. I remembered all the bits and pieces from the first day of understanding to the present." Zhong Lei slowly snorted.

Chen Yujiao looked calm, but the hand placed under the quilt could not help but clenched. "So what conclusion do you draw?" She is like a prisoner awaiting judgment, and Zhong Lei is the judge.

Zhong Lei heard the words and looked awkward. "In fact, I always know that there is a person in your heart. Until we met Jiang Chenxi last time, I gradually determined that the person in your heart is him. But I don't mind. Because I feel that I am good enough, one day, you will forget that he falls in love with me. Am I right?"

Chen Haojiao nodded. "Yes. Although it seems a bit late to say this now. But I am really trying to put down him and fall in love with you. During this time you are good to me, I remember it in my heart, no bit of it." forget."

Wen Yan, Zhong Lei looks like a relaxation, "I don't know why, I suddenly feel very comforted to hear you say this. Jiao Jiao, you are the one of my objects, the one that I am most satisfied with. You may not be the most beautiful. There are a lot of places on your body that appeal to me. During the time I spent with you, I fell in love with you and want to be with you forever. Marriage is my commitment to you. I think you promised My proposal should also be because you also want to live with me for a lifetime, right?"

After listening to this, Chen Yujiao was in amazement. "Zhong Lei, I am sorry!"

No matter whether she ever thought about living with him for a lifetime, it was awful that she had betrayed Zhong Lei.

Zhong Lei smiled slightly. "You don't have to say sorry to me. When I was young, I also loved a girl. It was all my enthusiasm when I was young. I have done a lot of crazy things for her. I thought I was following She will come to the end, and ultimately she will have no chance. For some reason, I lost her. I have also suffered, so I understand your mood and understand your practice. Geng Jiao, I am a few years older than you. I think that my life experience is more abundant than you. In the case of that day, if I were you, I might not do better than you. For these three days, I have been thinking about a problem. If it is me today. With such a thing, would you choose to continue with me?"

Chen Yujiao is very embarrassed. She really didn't think about this, so tell the truth, "I didn't think about it."

Zhong Lei heard a chuckle. "The other thing I admire is that you are very honest and don't like to lie." During this time of contact with him, perhaps the only lie that was said was the black swan ornaments.

Zhong Lei believes that during this time, his understanding of Chen Yujiao is quite deep.

"Gengjiao, I am a person who pays attention to commitment. Marriage is my biggest commitment to you. So I thought about it for three days. If you want to come, I still want to ask you a word."

Chen Yujiao asked subconsciously, "What?"

"If I said, I want to continue to be with you, are you still willing to marry me?"

Chen Haojiao looked up and looked at Zhong Lei with shock.

Zhong Lei smiled. "You don't have to be so surprised. I am not joking with you. I am serious. You can say the most real thoughts in your heart."

"Zhong Lei, the doctor said that I can never be a mother again in my life."

Zhong Lei nodded. "I know."

"I am going to save another man, it will become what it is today."

Zhong Lei continued to nod. "I know."

"Zhong Lei, I don't love you."

Zhong Lei nodded again. "I know."

"Then why are you?" Chen Yujiao could not understand, is she still worthy of doing this? Shouldn't I break up with her under normal circumstances? She was already ready, and the result was that Zhong Lei gave her such an unexpected result, which made her unprepared.

Zhong Lei smiled. "I don't know. I went home and thought about it for three days. But I thought about it today. I also seriously asked if I could not care what you did, whether I already loved it. You love it, you can't! The answer is no."

"Then you still..." Chen Yu is more and more puzzled about his choice.

"My own heart is also very doubtful. But Jiaojiao, the heart that wants to continue with you is serious. I will ask you, if we continue together, can you completely let go of Jiang Chenxi and live with me?" ”

"Zhong Lei, my body..."

"What is the situation in your body? I am very clear. Aside from all other factors, I will ask you a sentence. If you are with me, can you let Jiang Chenxi down?"

Chen Yujiao lowered her head and did not speak. Zhong Lei did not urge her, and the ward once again fell silent.

After a long time, when Zhong Lei was about to give up, Chen Haojiao snorted. "Zhong Lei, I can't guarantee that I can completely forget him, but I will try to put him down and fall in love with you as before." ”

Zhong Lei’s expression instantly relaxed, and for him, this is enough.

"Then our marriage contract will continue." He said, his expression was very calm.

Chen Yujiao frowned at him.

Zhong Lei saw it and chuckled. "Do you think that I am coming over to tell you about breaking up today?"

Chen Haojiao nodded, and it would be such a thought to be replaced by anyone.

"It’s normal to have this idea, but I’m so sweet, I hope that our ending is different.”

"Zhong Lei, thank you for your tolerance, but I can't be with you, it's not fair to you."

"There is no such thing as fairness and unfairness in feelings, only willingness and unwillingness." Zhong Lei said that he is willing to do this. He used to lose his loved woman because of his immaturity and irrationality. For so many years, Chen Yujiao is the only one. A person who made his heart missed her. He didn't know if he would meet another one in the future.

"Zhong Lei, I can't have children." Chen Yujiao said softly. This is a very real problem. A woman who is infertile, whether in ancient times or in modern times, is rejected.

"Exactly, I don't have a cold for my children. I even thought about doing Dink."

"Zhong Lei, you don't have to take this to comfort me. If you don't talk about it, if you let your parents know, they will never agree."

"Then don't let them know, this is what I am doing with you, it should be solved by us both. We don't have to pay attention to the opinions of others. And, I am not comforting you just now." He is I really don't like children. Perhaps in the eyes of many people, the child is a very important part of the family, but he happens to be the exception.

"Zhong Lei, I am afraid you regret it."

"I won't regret it later. I don't know! But my decision to make this decision today is well thought out, not impulsive. Chen Haojiao, I want to go on with you. As for whether or not I can have children, I am actually It doesn't matter. Now that the technology is so developed, we can go to other hospitals for a better look. Maybe there will be better results. Even if it can't be born, it doesn't matter. If you like children, we can adopt one if you don't like it. It’s okay for us to bring the two together.” When Zhong Lei said this, he looked very serious and didn’t have a joke. In the past three days, he did not take a good rest, thought about everything, and seriously considered all the problems. This made the decision today.

"If you really worry that I will regret it, then I will tell you the day I regret, and then we will gather together."

I don't know why, I heard the last sentence that Zhong Lei said, Chen Yujiao's long sigh of relief and his expression gradually relaxed.

"You don't have to answer me immediately, you can think about it. I will give you three days to seriously consider it. I won't bother you in these three days. After three days, you will give me an accurate answer. May I?"

Zhong Lei’s words are all about this. Chen Xiaojiao still has reasons for refusal. He nodded. “Good.” It’s just that the feeling of Zhong Lei is more complicated. She doesn't feel that she has something worthwhile for Zhong Lei to do this for her.

When Chen and Chen mother rushed back to the hospital, Zhong Lei was giving Chen Haojiao an apple. When the two came in to see this scene, their looks were very complicated, and they looked apologetic to Zhong Lei’s eyes.

Instead, it was Zhong Lei, and he naturally said hello to the two people. "Auntie and aunt, you are here. Since you are back, I will go first." He handed the chipped apple to Chen Yujiao. "Think about me." If I say it, I will go first."

Chen Yujiao took over the apple and nodded.

"That, Zhong Lei, no longer sit for a while?" Chen Mu wants to stay.

Zhong Lei smiled slightly. "Auntie, I will not sit, the company has something to do."

Chen’s eyes flashed a disappointment, but her face was smiling. “Then go to work first.”

When Zhong Lei left, Chen Mu looked at Chen Yujiao. "Is Zhong Lei coming over to tell you about breaking up?"

Chen Yujiao is laughing, you see, not only does she think so, even her parents feel that after such a thing happens, Zhong Lei should break up with her under normal circumstances.

"No." Chen Yujiao said faintly.

Chen’s eyes lit up. “Zhong Lei didn’t break up with you? What have you talked about?”

"Mom, where have you been?" Chen Yujiao did not answer.

"Where I didn't go? I was upset when I thought about you, so I went out and talked to your father for a while."

Chen Yujiao has no doubts.

"Gengjiao, you tell the truth to your mother, just now, Zhong Lei said something to you, you really don't break up?" Chen asked, unable to wait. If Zhong Lei is willing to continue with Chen Yujiao, then it is the best result. After all, Jiang Chenxi has someone who has no thoughts about Chen Yujiao, forcing them to be together, and may not be happy. Before she will go to Jiangjia to let Jiang Chen Xi is responsible, but also worried that her daughter will be helpless for the rest of her life.

Chen Yujiao was a little absent-minded. She was full of words that Zhong Lei said to her. When she heard Chen’s words, she said, “Mom, don’t ask about this, let me think about it first.”

Chen Mu also wants to ask again, Chen father took her. "Okay, it’s not long before you have finished the operation. You will let her rest well. These things will come later."

Chen Mu blinked, can you wait, do you know how worried she is these days? She is such a child, and now it is like this, her heart as a mother is like a knife.

On weekdays, Chen Mu is not an unreasonable person. This time, Chen Rujiao went to Jiangjia to make trouble, which has already broken her previous guidelines.

"Mom, I am very tired, you let me take a break." Chen Yujiao whispered.

Chen Mu looked at her daughter's pale face. After all, she couldn't bear to ask her again and helped her to lie down. "Well, you should rest first."

Chen’s father stood at the end of the hospital corridor, holding a cigarette in his hand and quietly smoking. After his daughter’s accident, he was no better than his wife, but he was a man, so he put a lot of words in his heart.

Chen Mu came out and looked at her husband's appearance and sighed deeply. "Old Chen, the hospital can't smoke."

Chen’s father heard the words and annihilated the cigarette. “Is it a sleep?”

Chen Mu nodded, "Well, old Chen, what do you think about this?"

"No matter what decision Zhong Lei made last, even if she wants to retire, we have to accept it."

"Of course I know, I am talking about Jiaojiao."

"If you really want to be good, then you should stop looking for Jiang. You are a proud child. You forced Jiang Chen to marry her. She was known by her. It was hurting her self-esteem."

"Can it be so? What should I do after I have been for a lifetime? Do you want her to marry a divorced child?"

"It's not good, we will raise her for a lifetime." Chen father said with a grin.

"Old Chen, we will be old after all, we will go ahead of her, wait for us to go, what should she do?" Chen Muzhen, my hair is white.

"Children and grandchildren have their own children, Sun Fu. Now it is still too early to say these things. Let's wait, maybe the sickness of the disease can be cured? Now that medical technology is so developed, it is possible to cure it." Even if there is no Jiang Chenxi and Zhong Lei, Chen Yujiao can still find a good home.

Chen Mu heard the words, suddenly said, "Yes, I have to go to the best doctor to treat him. This hospital is good at this. After all, I am going to find experts in this area. I can't find it. I will. Find a way to ask someone to help me find it."

Chen father patted his wife's hand. "I have contacted my former classmates. He knows a good doctor. When the body is better, we will take her to see."

"Okay, just do it." Chen's words brought hope to Chen Mu, so that she would no longer struggle to find Jiang's troubles.

On the other hand, Jiang Chenxi found Shen Qingyi.

------Off topic ------

In fact, Zhong Lei is really a good man, Chen Yujiao is also a good woman, will not be wrapped up with Jiang Chenxi.

Ps: You didn't find out that I was really thundering and raining every time? And you don't feel that you have experienced this kind of thing. Will Chen Yujiao's feelings about Zhong Lei change qualitatively?

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