MTL - Addicted Pampering You: The Mysterious Pampered Wife of The Military Ye (Master Fu's Mysterious Darling Wife)-Chapter 559 Fan II 13. Don't be afraid, I am at

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The living room is Shen Qing’s clear voice, and he is not eager to say his own guess. “Four years ago, Gu Qingzhu suddenly disappeared. Is it actually sent by you to the mission? I listen to Xuan Xuan’s current The name is Song Bing, which is the second head of an organization in Beijing, so is it to be undercover?"

Fu Hengyi's eyes are faint and silent, which is the default.

"I don't ask you what her task is, I want to know when she can finish the task." Shen Qingyi knows that something is not something she can know.

Fu Hengyi thought about it and said, "Clearly, this is not something I can decide." In fact, Gu Qingzhu was not chosen by him. At that time, the police wanted to borrow from the military. He gave a list. Qingzhu is not on the top. After all, she was only a military school student, but she did not know where she got the news. She found him who was going to their school to talk to their principal and talked about it. He asked to join the undercover list, given that she was at school. The excellent performance and her strong desire, Fu Hengyi point this head.

In the end, for more than 20 years, Shen Qingyi can see a few points from his expression, and he sighed. "Fu Hengyi, you knew that Xuan Xuan was in contact with her?"

"No, I only know afterwards." The military school is not allowed to fall in love with students, so the relationship between Fu Yuxuan and Gu Qingzhu is very good. He actually waited until Fu Yuxuan had to drop out of school to detect the clues, but at that time The green bamboo has been lurking in, even if it is too late to withdraw, and this is the choice of the two children, he can only do it.

"You have concealed me for four years." Shen Qing's tone was calm, calmly letting Fu Hengyi's heart tremble, and he slammed openly. "Clearly, this matter is very important. I can't say it, and I am Not directly responsible." These are the police things, he is the military, not a system, this matter is not under his control.

Shen Qingyi is naturally clear. She did not blame him. She just distressed her son. "Why didn't you stop Xuan Xuan at that time, you are not afraid that he will know the truth later and regret it?"

"Clear, everyone is responsible for their choice, you are so, I am so, Fu Yuxuan is no exception, and he is doing very well now." Fu Hengyi is full of confidence in the eldest son, although weekdays It is inevitable that there is some disgust, but in his heart, Fu Yuxuan is his pride. Even if he gave up his dream because of a woman, he had a little disappointment, but in general, this son made him proud.

Shen Qingzhen fixedly looked at her husband. I don't know if he said that he is a heartache or a good heart. But now that these are too late, I only hope that one day Fu Shuxuan will know the truth and will not misunderstand Fu Hengyi.

“Can you guarantee the safety of Gu Qingzhu?” Shen Qingyi asked.

Fu Hengyi shook his head. "I can't handle this matter." In fact, because of this task, the people they borrowed from the military were not sacrificed. They were discovered and had to evacuate. Only three people were left. Among these people, Gu Qingzhu is the most successful lurking, so even if he does not intervene, the police will try to protect her safety. Of course, in order not to let her identity be exposed, it will certainly not be too close, and will not even contact her often.

Shen Qingyi obviously also thought of this. "Is she in the capital now?"

"It should be gone." Since Fu Yuxuan has seen her, she will definitely leave the capital.

Shen Qing’s eyes flashed a worries, but I hope that Gu Qingzhu can come back safely, otherwise her son is afraid...

"Clear, I am sorry, concealing you for so long." Fu Hengyi did not want to conceal his wife, but this matter involves confidentiality regulations. He really can't say that these conversations have actually been illegal this evening.

"I will forget the conversation tonight." Shen Qingyi took the initiative to say that she would not tell anyone, including her own son, every word she said to Fu Hengyi this evening.

The next day, when Fu Yuxuan went home, he found that his parents had been reconciled. Fu Xuan Xuan sat next to Fu Hengyi and whispered, "Dad, didn't you sleep in the library last night?"

Fu Hengyi glanced at him faintly, seeing that his eyes were dark and dark, and he seemed to want to see me continue to sleep in the study room?

Fu Yixuan has no face. "How could you, but my relatives, how can I be willing, I did not give you advice yesterday."

Fu Hengyi looked at what he did yesterday, and he took care of his gloating in his words. "I stayed up late last night?"

Fu Yixuan did not deny, "I can't sleep in the middle of the night, and with a very good inspiration, I climbed up and wrote the code." In fact, it was entangled in the matter of Gu Qingzhu, and I could not sleep.

"Although you are still young, you have nothing to do for a day or two, but try to stay up late and hurt yourself." Fu Hengyi was awkward.

Fu Yuxuan looked at his relatives in a strange way and was flattered and said, "Dad, my mother gave you sugar at night?" This early morning was so good.

Fu Hengyi understood the meaning of his son's words, his face was black, what a bad feeling for this stinky boy, hehe.


Fruits see Fu Xiaoxuan's recent mood has been very low, and often do not care, asked him what happened, not worried, I am worried about some of my heart, I thought about asking him to go out to play, distracted.

Fu Yuxuan didn't want to let her down, but he did not want to immerse himself in negative emotions, so he readily accepted it.

The two went to the amusement park.

From small to large, when the fruit is in a bad mood, Fu Yuxuan and Hao Hao will take her to the amusement park and play all the projects in the amusement park. Her mood will be good.

Just arrived at the entrance of the amusement park, but the fruit saw another person, not who Hao Hao was.

Hao Hao’s hand was waiting at the door with three tickets. I didn’t know how long it had been waiting. His face was not impatient. When they saw them, they smiled and waved at them.

Fruits looked at Fu Yuxuan resentfully, "Hey Xuan brother, how do you call Hao Haoge?"

Fu Yuxuan explained, "I called him in the morning and accidentally said that I was leaking. I simply let Hao Ge come together. We played together from an early age, nothing, relax."

Fruits take a deep breath and tell yourself that this is your brother. It's no big deal. You can't miss it because he doesn't like himself.

I did a good job in psychological construction, and the fruit went behind Fu Xiaoxuan.

"Hao, have you been waiting for a long time?"

Hao Hao shook his head. "No, I haven’t been there for a long time. The ticket has already been bought. Let’s go."

Fu Yixuan nodded and pulled the fruit that had been kept by the ostrich hiding behind him. "Let you do this."

The fruit was white, and she didn't say anything about him. She said that she came to play with him, and she was distracted, but this person called Qi Hao, who was really a pig teammate.

It’s just that soon, the fruit’s resentment has disappeared in various game projects. It’s good to play with Fu Yuxuan, but the last person who plays crazy is the fruit.

"Come on, drink your mouth." Hao Hao looked at the fruit and sweated, and said something funny.

The fruit took the water very well and took a few mouthfuls. "Call, it’s too enjoyable to play, and it’s still fun to go to the playground with you."

Fu Yuxuan looked at him. "Who have you been with?"

"Follow my dad, you don't know that my dad is a lot of ink. Every time I come to the amusement park, I don't go to the fun project. Let me sway on the wooden horse. I don't mean anything."

Fu Yuxuan can imagine that picture, Han Hao is very precious this daughter, on weekdays is holding in his hands afraid of falling, with fear in his mouth, will let the fruit play those projects.

"宸轩哥, I want to try the bungee jumping." Guo Guo’s eyes looked at the bungee high tower. "I have never played, I want to try."

"Last time let you play, you are not afraid, don't you dare to play?" Fu Yanxuan despised her, this person refused to go up and live, and now I want to play.

"Then I was not afraid before."

"Not afraid now?"

"I am afraid now, so I want you to accompany me."

Fu Yuxuan gave her a blank eye. "Don't think, I can't go."

"宸轩哥, you will go up with me, I was handsome when I saw you playing last time." Guo Guo took Fu Xuan's hand and spoiled.

Hao Hao looked at this scene, his eyes were dim, "I will accompany you."

A fruitful look, looked at Hao Hao, "Hey Hao brother, have you not been playing these projects for a long time?" It seems that from a few years ago, Hao Hao will no longer play these projects, only play some less exciting Many times he is watching them play.

Hao Hao smiled. "It’s because I don’t want to play for a long time, I want to try it, together?"

" Fruit, you go to play with Hao Ge, I am waiting for you below."

The fruit looks hesitant, she wants to play, she wants to play for a long time, but with Hao Hao...

The faint color of Hao Hao’s eyes grew thicker. Just when he wanted to take the initiative to say no, the fruit finally nodded. “Okay, let’s go.”

When I came to the tower, the legs of the fruit were a little trembling. She didn't even dare to look down. She grabbed the clothes of Hao Hao tightly. "Hey, I am afraid."

Hao Hao looked calm, saw her nervous, took the initiative to hold her hand, "Don't be afraid, I am."

His palms were dry and warm, and the fruit looked coveted by the hands of the two, and the heart calmed down miraculously. She looked up slightly. He was half a head taller than her. From her point of view, she could just see him. Chin.

After waiting for a while, it was their turn. He Hao held the fruit directly in his arms and placed his hand on her waist. The fruit looked at the small figure below, like an ant, swallowing and swallowing, hesitating and saying, " Hey, don't we still go down." This height makes her afraid, she doesn't want to play.

Hao Hao attached to her ear and said softly. "Don't be afraid, I will stay with you."

“Ready?” the staff asked next to him.

Hao Hao nodded, and the fruit shook his head hard. "Wait, wait a minute."

She nervously grabbed Hao Hao’s hand. “Hey, brother, are we really going to continue?”

Hao Hao chuckled, "fruit, believe me?"

The fruit could not see his expression, but when he heard his voice, he nodded subconsciously, and Hao Hao smiled, and his eyes were bright. "Take me."

As he said, he nodded to the side of the staff, and he was suddenly pushed by the back. The two directly fell off the platform.

Sudden weightlessness made the fruit scream and scream, "Ah, ah."

Hao Hao hugged her tightly, his face violently white, he attached to the ear of the fruit, whispered a word, but at this time the fruit of the heart was filled with fear, did not know what he said.

Getting closer and closer to the ground, when the fruit thought that he was going to be killed, the body was tightened and then pulled back. After repeated several times, they were slowly pulled up.

Standing on the high platform, the legs of the fruit are soft, and they can only rely on the arms of Hao Hao, but the eyes are shining. "He Hao Ge, I actually finished."

Hao Hao’s face is still somewhat white, but it’s like nothing, gently touching her hair. “Well, you are brave.”

"Call, I thought I was going to die just now." The sense of weightlessness made her feel a little scared now. "I really think about how people who commit suicide by jumping off the building think about it. How terrible this feeling is, I really feel that later. Who wants to commit suicide by jumping off the building, first come to play bungee jumping, wait for him to experience this feeling, I think he should not want to die." Change is her, she is definitely not going to choose this way.

Hao Hao is funny. "What do you think of the little brain melon? What is dead?" The jump of this thinking is too great.

The fruit was helped by Hao Hao, until the ground was reached, the fruit of the fruit fell to the real thing, she looked up at the tall tower and shook her head. "I will definitely not play bungee again in the future, although Stimulating, but too irritating, my old heart can't stand it." She licked her chest, and now, her heart is still thumping.

Fu Yuxuan heard the words and looked at her with a funny look. "You are the old heart, then what have I become with Hao Ge?"

"There is a metaphor, you don't understand."

Fu Yuxuan’s eyes fell on Hao Hao, and he noticed that his face was a bit wrong. Just asked him, he was interrupted by the fruit. “Right, Hao Haoge, what did you say to me above? It’s just jumping. Time." She knew that Hao Hao had talked to her, but she said nothing but did not hear it.

Hao Hao smiled, "I just told you not to be afraid."

"Oh." The fruit should be heard, and there is some small loss in my heart.

“What other items do you want to play?” Fu Yuxuan asked.

The fruit shakes her head, she just wants to sit down and take a rest.

"Then let's go, find a place to eat, I am hungry."

"it is good."

Going to the gate of the playground, Hao Hao stopped. "I have other things to wait for, I will not eat with you, go."

Fruit frowning, "Hey, what's the matter, you can wait until after dinner."

"I am very anxious, I have to go, and I will not eat with you again."

Seeing that he insisted on leaving, the fruit was not good to retain, so he said, "That Hao Hao, you drive carefully on the road.

"Okay." Hao Haomu sent them to leave, and then called the driver.

"Go to the hospital," he said, then closed his eyes and raised his hand to the temple.

In the restaurant, the fruit was ordered to eat a lot, and Fu Yuxuan looked at her. "So much, can you eat it?"

"Of course I can eat, I am starving, I feel I can eat the next cow."

Fu Yixuan shook his head and laughed. After the fruit was finished, he looked at him carefully. Fu Xuan Xuan was inexplicable and touched his face. "I have dirty things on my face?"

The fruit shakes his head. "Yu Xuan, are you in a better mood?"

"I don't feel bad." He was just worried about Gu Qingzhu.

The fruit sighed, did not speak, looked at the corner, looked at the other corner of the restaurant, for a long time did not return to God, Fu Yuxuan looked at her sight, saw Jiang Xiaoyue, she was sitting opposite a man The two are intimately feeding each other, and the relationship is clear at a glance.

Fruits retracted their sights and looked at Fu Yuxuan. "Yu Xuan Ge, you said that people are really very fickle, how long have they not broken up, how come there is another new love?"

Fu Yanxuan smiled. "Since it has broken up, you can't ask someone to be single forever."

"But shouldn't it be a while? They broke up less than three months." Should there be some time to calm down? At this moment, the fruit suddenly felt worthless for Hao Hao. This is the woman he once decided to spend a lifetime together. Although he finally broke up, but she was so weak, she could not accept it.

Fu Yuxuan is funny, "Stupid girl, what is this, breaking up, falling in love with others is not a normal thing, what are you sad?"

The fruit does not know what she is upset, perhaps she is too emotional.

When the dish came up, the fruit directly turned grief into appetite, and the food was eaten. Most of the food on the table was solved by her. Fu Yuxuan looked at her and worried. "Fruit, eat less, beware of eating. It is."

Fruits are bitter, "Yu Xuan brother, you said it is late, I have already eaten." When I was eating, I didn't think it was. Now I found out that I was holding it.

Fu Yuxuan helpless, "Wait, I am going to buy you a food-saving film." He got up and left the restaurant. Not long after, the fruit had a black shadow in front of her eyes. She was playing with her mobile phone, seeing it, and not lifting her head. "Yu Xuan, how come you come back so soon."

There was a chuckle in the ear, and when I saw it, I found that the person standing in front of me was Jiang Xiaoyue, and her brow was scornful. "Do you have anything?"

Jiang Xiaoyue sat down directly at Fu Yuxuan's position. "I want to talk to you."

Fruit put down the phone and looked at her fixedly. "Is there anything good to talk about between us?"

"Others may not, so you can only talk to you about Hao Hao." Jiang Xiaoyue's face has been hanging with a smile.

"You have broken up with Hao Haoge."

"Yeah, it’s just to break up and talk to you. Are you growing up with Hao Hao?"

The fruit does not understand why she would ask this, but still answered, "Yes."

"Yu Hao has always told me that he has three younger sisters, two of them are very lively and lovely, the other is the most like his little sister, the temper is cold, and the person he told me the most is you."

Fruit unexpected, "I?"

"Hey, he often mentions you, I was once jealous, but this person said that you will be your sister." And ridiculously, she actually believed.

The fruit is dark, "I know that he will treat me as a sister, and you don't need to be reminded."

"In fact, do you like Hao Hao? It is not the kind of brother who likes it, but the kind of love between men and women." Jiang Xiaoyue said, his eyes fell on the fruit, full of inquiry.

The fruit has greatly acknowledged, "Yeah, I like him." Anyway, the two of them have already broken up, and nothing can't be recognized.

Jiang Xiaoyue’s face was so pretty, “It’s very good.” She suddenly can’t understand Hao Hao. Since the two people like each other, why not?

Yes, she knows that the person she likes is not her. After she has been with him for a while, she has noticed it, and Hao Hao is not like her girlfriend, too gentleman, except for holding hands. There is no other intimacy, and Hao Hao has kept her distance not far from her.

Jiang Xiaoyue likes Hao Hao very much. After all, Hao Hao is handsome and gentle, and gentle conditions, even if it is not love, but marry such a man at least for food and clothing, although in the end because of her parents' marriage, the marriage is not completed, let Jiang Xiaoyue is quite sorry in his heart.

"You are looking for me just to ask this? You have broken up with Hao Haoge, do I like him to have nothing to do with you?" Fruit is puzzled.

Jiang Xiaoyue smiled. "It doesn't matter. I just came over and confirmed." Confirm what kind of person you lost. Now it seems that the people in front of me don’t seem to know that Hao Hao likes her, interesting and interesting. I did not expect that Hao Hao was so concealed so well, she was very curious in her mind, what is the reason why Hao Hao did this, and even he did not hesitate to find himself as a shield.

"Right, forget to tell you, it is my boyfriend, we are going to get married soon." Jiang Xiaoyue pointed to the man not far away. "He is very good to me and good to my parents."

The fruit had already seen the man. When she saw her take the initiative, she couldn’t help but ask, “You broke up with Hao Haoge in less than three months, and soon you will marry someone else. Do you really love Hao Hao?”

Fruit looks at her gaze as if she is looking at a traitor.

Jiang Xiaoyue chuckled. "Little girl, you are really naive. According to your point of view, I broke up with Hao Hao. Will I keep him as a jade forever?"

Of course, the fruit does not mean this. She just thinks that this woman is so involved in the arms of others so soon.

"Little girl, I am already with Hao Hao. I am not here to argue with you who is more ruthless. I just want to come over and see you." I originally wanted to ask them what the two are. But if the fruit doesn't know anything, then there is no need to ask. Of course, she is not so kind to remind the person who she likes is her.

It is an indisputable fact that Hao Hao took the initiative to break up with her. It is also an indisputable fact that she has caused harm to her. Although he gave a lot of money, it could not make up for her grievances, so she would not do it.

After Jiang Xiaoyue finished, he left, leaving the fruit to look at her back inexplicably.

------Off topic ------

Why does Hao Hao not tell fruit that she likes her?

Read The Duke's Passion