MTL - Addicted Pampering You: The Mysterious Pampered Wife of The Military Ye (Master Fu's Mysterious Darling Wife)-Chapter 560 Fan II 14. It turned out to be like this

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When Fu Yuxuan came back, he saw the back of Jiang Xiaoyue’s departure and frowned at the fruit. “What is she doing?”

The fruit shook her head blankly, and she didn't know. "I said a few words and left." Anyway, it is inexplicable, and I don't know what to do.

When Fu Yuxuan came, he asked the waiter to take a glass of water and put the water on the table. "First take medicine."

The fruit is slightly sloppy, and it is estimated that she will eat the anti-meal film.

Sending the fruit home, Fu Yuxuan left directly. Just now Fu Shuyi called him and asked him to pick her up. Fu Shuyi has a car, she gave her when she was 18 years old, but she didn't like to drive to school. She basically took a taxi home. After Fu Yixuan came back, she liked to call her brother.

"Book art, are you going home today?" Lu Yimeng saw Fu Shuyi packing up and asked curiously.

Fu Shuyi nodded and stuffed a delicate little box into the bag. The day after tomorrow is Fu Hengyi's birthday. She naturally wants to go home. Anyway, tomorrow is Saturday, and it is better not to go to class. It is better to go home early.

“Are you still working part-time this weekend?” Fu Shuyi found a part-time job and left after class every day.

"Don't go. I have already told the boss, I will not go in the future."

"So fast?" Lu Yimeng was surprised.

"Well, I have already earned enough money." She just wanted to use her own money to buy a birthday present for Fu Hengyi. Now that she has bought it, she naturally does not need to work part-time. After all, if she is talking about private money, she is a small person. Rich woman.

Lu Yimeng's eyes are dim, this is the life of a rich family. If you work part-time, you will do it. If you want to do it, you can't do it. If you don't want to do it, you can still live a rich life, unlike She must rely on herself.

Her family can only be regarded as a general working-class family. Life is more than enough. However, compared with Fu Shuyi, she is a poor middle-aged farmer. She spends a lot of money on weekdays and needs to do some part-time subsidies for her living expenses.

"Right, a Meng, I have a set of sea blue mystery here, just opened, I used it once, not very suitable, do you want it?"

"If you are willing, give it to me, I can't ask for it."

Fu Shuyi is a sensitive muscle. The skin care products used in daily life should be very careful. Her things are generally made by Fu Yuxuan or Shen Junyi, which is specially brought from abroad. This mystery of the sea blue was bought by her in the mall last time.

Fu Shuyi gave her breast milk. "I really only used it once." She worried that Lu Yimeng disliked it. If she felt that she had thrown waste, she was actually not willing to give people what she had used.

Lu Yimeng took over, "Thank you for the book art, just that my water is going to run out."

Fu Shuyi saw that she didn't mind, smiled, and was about to talk. Fu Yuxuan's phone came in. He had already gone downstairs.

"My brother came to pick me up, I left."

Lu Yimeng heard the words and his eyes flashed. "I will go with you, just go to the cafeteria to eat."

When the two went down together, Fu Yuxuan’s car stopped at the dormitory downstairs, and he stood by the car and called Fu Shuyi down, hung up the phone and took her bag.

"Fu brother, hello." Lu Yimeng stood in front of him, and he was so clever.

Fu Yanxuan nodded with a smile, then said to Fu Shuyi, "Hurry up the car."

"That book art, Fu Da Ge, I am leaving." Lu Yimeng said that Fu Yixuan did not mean to talk to her, very eye-catching.

Fu Shuyi waved at her. "Brother, I am starving, and I have to go home to eat."

Fu Yuxuan frowned. "I haven't eaten lunch yet?"

"It’s too late, I need to catch up with a paper at noon. I’m going to hurry and catch up.”

“Can't you do it on weekends?”

"I have to turn in this evening, and it’s too late for the weekend." Fu Shuyi started to look for food when she got on the bus. Her brother would put some small snacks in the car. Fu Yuxuan saw it and took out a few chocolates directly from his pocket. Throw it to her, "What have you done in the past few days?" Since it is going to be handed over today, it must have been explained today.

Fu Shuyi ripped open the bag. "Doing a part-time job. This is not a daddy’s birthday. It’s hard to have a birthday this weekend. I naturally want to give him a gift.”

"I have spent all my money?"

"No, I don't have the sincerity to buy more with your money. It makes sense to use the money I earned." Fu Shuyi took a bite of chocolate. "Hey, this is not the same as before. Brother, where did you buy it? Yes, I have to give some fruit to the fruit sister."

"I have already given her, and there is still at home. If you like it, take it when you go to school."

When the two returned home, they had already had dinner time, but Fu Hengyi knew that her daughter was going home today and deliberately delayed her dinner time.

"Dad, I miss you, do you miss me?" As soon as he stepped into the house, Fu Shuyi ran towards Fu Hengyi, holding his arm and spoiling.

Fu Hengyi suddenly showed a gentle smile and touched her daughter's hair. "I miss you, hungry, hurry to eat."

"Dad, have you ever eaten with my mother?" Fu Shuyi did not forget to care for his parents.

"No, wait for you to eat together."

"Dad, don't wait for me later, you should eat it first." Fu Shuyi did not want to go.

Fu Hengyi patted her daughter's shoulder. "It doesn't take long, let's go, eat first." Then I looked at my son. "Have you eaten?"

Fu Yanxuan Hehe, he has been in the door for a long time, his father saw him, is his presence so weak? Only when I was a child, I saw that his father’s daughter-in-law’s skill, Fu Yuxuan’s heart, spit out a sentence and there was no such thing.

"I won't eat it, and I will return with the fruit and Hao Ge after dinner."

"Then ask your mother to come out to eat." Fu Hengyi heard that his son had already eaten, and completely ignored it, you are such a big person, I still control you to eat or not.

Shen Qingying is in the studio. She stayed in the studio for a long time. When she saw her son coming back, she put down her brush and her eyes glanced at her son’s face. Well, it was better than watching the past few days.

"Mom, my dad let you go out to eat." Fu Xiaoxuan smiled. He was a child who loves to laugh since he was a child. Now he is still growing up. This is one of the reasons why the elders like him.

Shen Qingyi went out with his son. "Have you eaten?"

"have eaten."

"Even if you have eaten, then eat with your mother?"

My mother has already raised it. Fu Xuan will naturally refuse to sit down at the table and accompany her parents. He is not hungry and does not eat much. Most of the time he is giving Fu Shuyi a dish. He wants to give it. His mother took the food, but his father was too diligent, and there was almost no room in his mother's bowl.

"Will the book come back tomorrow or come back the day after tomorrow?" Half of the meal was eaten. Fu Yuxuan asked, the day after tomorrow is Fu Hengyi's birthday, Fu Shuzhen is sure to come back, not only Fu Shuzhen, but all the juniors in the capital will come over.

"It is said that I will come back tomorrow evening." Fu Shuyi interface, she sent WeChat a few days ago, and this person only replied to her this afternoon.

Since he went to the military academy, Fu Shuyi feels that his younger brother is already a typical example of the dragon. Her brother is still a military school student. I heard that her father often does not go home for a few months when he is young. He may not come back once in a few years before he marries her mother. It is obvious that the military has been working hard.

In Fu Shuyi's heart, the father is her hero, her most admired person, but the mother must be her favorite and most admired person.

Fu Hengyi’s birthday, Fu’s family is very lively. In the past, Fu Hengyi’s birthday was not on holidays, so either it’s just that it’s just a family’s meal together. This year’s luck is just right, it’s just a holiday, it’s natural to do it. The people who came here did not have Fu Hengyi's colleagues, such as Han Wei, Jiang Chenxi, Gu Yang and so on, plus several juniors.

Because of the relationship between the elders, these children have a very good relationship. They all grew up together. Except for a few who are studying outside and dare not come back, they can all be said to have come together.

"My uncle, happy birthday." The first to arrive is Shen Junyi's eldest daughter Shen Qing. She is one year older than Fu Shuyi and Fu Shuzhen. She is still in the military academy. However, because of her excellent performance, she has been internship in advance, and it has not been returned for nearly half a year. Home, this time is not Fu Hengyi birthday, I am afraid she will not come back.

Shen Qing looks very much like Wen Yuyao, but this temper is exactly the same as Shen Qingyi. It is very cold, probably because of temper temperament. Shen Qing is very close to Shen Qingyi, even closer than her mother, Wen Yiyao.

Shen Qingyi is the most admired person of Shen Qing. To discuss the status before Fu Hengyi, talking about this matter, there is an allusion in the middle.

Probably from a young age, he was exposed to military personnel. Shen Qing was full of enthusiasm and yearning for the profession of the military. Shen is a family of soldiers. His children want to inherit their father's business. Naturally, they will not object. For Shen Qing at that time, the most admired. The man is the uncle Fu Hengyi, who makes him the highest rank, but also powerful, she can often hear others say the uncle's heroic deeds.

As a result, she went to Fujia to play, just happened to meet Shen Qingyi and Fu Hengyi. She found that her aunt could reach a goal with her uncle. Later, she learned that her aunt is not only very good at fighting, but also a gunman who is screaming at Shen Qingyu. She took her to a shooting gallery. After she came back, Shen Qingyu became her idol and goal. Everything should be like Shen Qingyi.

Seriously speaking, in fact, Shen Qing’s childhood temper is not so cold as it is now, and I don’t know if it is too much influenced by Shen Qingyi. Anyway, this temper is more like it.

Fu Hengyi is very fond of her, Shen Qing can learn from the company so early, although she has her own excellent ingredients in it, but Fu Hengyi, the uncle, also took a little thought.

Shen Qing was righteously giving Fu Hengyi a head. With her taking the lead, there were a lot of other children, and even Fu Yuxuan gave her father a gimmick.

Fu Hengyi pulled Shen Qing up and let her sit by her side and went to the team for half a year. It was black, but it was not very obvious.

"Is the life of the company still adapted?"

Shen Qing looks serious, like reporting work, "very comfortable, I really like the life of the company."

She knows how much Fu Hengyi lives in the company, but it is more detailed from Shen Qing’s mouth.

"Brother, you said that if I go to the military school now, will my father love me more?" Fu Shuyi watched Fu Hengyi and Shen Qing talk very happy, whispering with Fu Yuxuan, there is no such thing in tone. The color of jealousy.

Fu Yanxuan laughed. "Isn't it that you didn't want to go?" Fu Hengyi and Shen Qingyi respected the child's wishes. At the beginning, Fu Shuyi didn't want to go to the military school.

"But you are not regretting it now, now I will tell my father, Dad must have a solution."

Fu Shuyi sneered, "I am just making a joke." Although she does not exclude the soldiers, she has no interest in being a soldier.

Hao Hao came a little late today. He was already eating when he came. "Hey, how come you come now?" Fu Shuyi first discovered him.

Hao Hao came towards them. "There is a little traffic jam on the road."

Fu Yuxuan looked at Hao Hao, his brow was slightly wrinkled. "Hao Ge, your face is not good, is it uncomfortable?"

Hao Hao touched his face and chuckled. "No, it’s probably that the two days of work are too busy, no rest, my face is hard to see?"

"Looking a little pale."

"That should be no rest." Hao Hao did not think.

Fu Yanxuan himself is often like this, but he patted his shoulder very well. "Hao Ge, work is important, but also pay attention to your body."

Hao Hao nodded with a smile and walked over to Fu Hengyi to worship.

After the banquet, everyone gathered and chatted. On weekdays, although they are also connected, there are very few opportunities to get together like this.

Fu Xiaoxuan got up and went to the kitchen to pour water. As soon as he walked to the kitchen door, he saw that Hao Hao seemed to be taking medicine. He stepped in his footsteps. "Hao Ge, are you not feeling well?"

Hao Hao calmly swallowed the medicine in his mouth. "No, I am eating vitamins." He said, he also picked up the medicine bottle on the glass table and shook it. Fu Yuxuan didn't feel relieved. He took a look and did. It is a vitamin.

"Hao Ge, have you become so healthy now?" They all ate vitamins.

Hao Hao smiled helplessly. "No way, people are older, and they often work overtime and stay up late. They don't add vitamins to their bodies."

Fu Yuxuan heard the words and agreed to nod. "It makes sense, then I have to eat." After I finished, I wanted to pour two tablets into my hand. As a result, the medicine bottle was taken away by Hao Hao.

"Can this vitamin be eaten casually? You should go to the hospital first and let the doctor show you what you are missing, and then add it, so that it works."

Hao Hao naturally put the medicine bottle in his pocket, and then walked over Fu Xuan's shoulder and walked out. "Go and go and talk to them. I have been with them for a long time."

This opportunity was rare, so a few young people went out together after the end of the birthday banquet, and went to the exclusive box of the charm.

"Hey, brother, why are you sitting here alone?" Seeing Hao Hao is very quiet tonight, when everyone else is singing, only he is sitting alone in the corner.

Hao Hao raised his forehead and said, "Look at your play."

"You also sing a song, or else let Gu Zhiyi sing alone." Guoguo said. Gu Zhizhen is the son of Gu Yang and Tao Ran. He is only fifteen years old this year. He is still a minor, and the youngest of them, followed by Shen Junze’s son, who is 17 years old and is currently studying abroad.

"I saw you didn't sing tonight, why didn't you sing two songs?"

The fruit smiled. "My nephew is a little hurt."

Wen Yan, Hao Hao frowned, "What's wrong?"

"Playing bungee on that day, shouting too hard, the sound is a little bit hurt, but the doctor said it doesn't matter, it will be fine in a few days."

It is no wonder that Hao Hao feels that the fruit is not right today. It turned out to be this.

"裴浩哥." The fruit was screamed, and he looked hesitant. He looked at her with a smile. "What happened? If you have something to say."

"I went to eat with Xuan Xuan that day and met Jiang Xiaoyue. She told me that she was getting married."

After saying this, she had some burning on her face. She was a little embarrassed in her heart. She worried that she would feel that she was deliberately stimulating him, even though she did hide some thoughts.

Fruit does not know what kind of feelings Hao Hao has for Jiang Xiaoyue, but since he decided to get married, he certainly likes it. If you know that someone you like has a new love so soon, will it be sad? If you know that you are not so important in the other person's heart, can you let go of the other party as soon as possible?

Guoguo admits that at this moment she played a little careful, but after she finished, she faintly regretted and did not dare to look at Hao Hao’s eyes, worried that he would see it.

Hao Hao did not react, even if he knew that the other party was getting married, his expression was still faint, but when he saw the fruit with his head down, like a child doing something wrong, his eyes were full of smiles. The reaction, falling in his eyes, was so cute.

Did not wait for Hao Hao's reaction, the fruit is more and more embarrassed, could not help but raise his eyes to see him, but on the eyes of Hao Hao smile, Wei Wei, "He Hao brother, you are not sad?"

裴浩笑, such as the spring breeze, "What is sad? I have broken up with her, male and female married are irrelevant, she is married or not her freedom."

The fruit was fixedly looking at his eyes and trying to see the true emotions in his eyes. Nothing was enough, nothing was seen, and he had to give up.

Looking at her frustrated look, Hao Hao couldn't help but raise her hand and touch her head. It was like a puppy. The fruit was so annoying. He shot his hand. "Hey, how are you like Yan Xuan? I like to treat me like a pet."

Hey, smirk, pinching her face. "How can you be so cute?"

The fruit of the fruit quickly flashed a touch of loss, cute, you feel that I am cute and I have not seen you fall in love with me.


Jiang Xiaoyue came out of the obstetrics and gynaecology department and held a pregnancy checklist in his hand. Looking at the results above, it was not unexpected. The mouth was light and he was obviously in a good mood.

The wedding has already been fixed. It is a good thing to be pregnant at this time. She and her fiancé met after they broke up with Hao Hao. The two were love at first sight, and they quickly determined the relationship. After half a month of contact, they determined the marriage period.

From the body of the husband, Jiang Xiaoyue tasted the taste of love, and the little complaints about Hao Hao disappeared in the heart, so when she saw Hao Hao in the hospital, she even took the initiative to say hello, "裴浩, long time no see. ”

Hao Hao held a list in his hand and heard someone calling him. He followed Jiang Shengyue and saw the list in his pocket. His face was filled with a smile. "Long time no see."

"You came to the hospital to see a doctor?" Jiang Xiaoyue was curious.

He Hao sighed, "I have a cold, come to the hospital to open some medicine. What about you?"

"Oh, I am pregnant, come to the hospital for an examination." Jiang Xiaoyue is very generous, since it has been put down, there is nothing to hide.

Hao Haowei, "Congratulations."

"Thank you." Jiang Xiaoyue said with a smile, the two men are not like the men and women after the breakup, more like a encounter between friends, "Is there time, I want to talk to you, hey, ten minutes."

Hao Hao nodded and the two came to the hospital garden.

"Hey Hao, the 10th of next month is my wedding, will you come?" Jiang Xiaoyue issued an invitation.

"If you and your fiancé don't mind." Hao Hao did not refuse.

"What's so good, if you can't be a boyfriend or a friend, we are still friends. I will send you invitations in the next day." Jiang Xiaoyue said that the big party, Hao Hao naturally will not tweak, promised.

"Hey, I have always had a few questions in my heart. I want to ask you, will you answer me?"

"You ask."

Jiang Xiaoyue’s lips and slight gimmicks seem to be organizing the language. “Why did you want to associate with me at the time? Don’t tell me because I like it, I know you don’t like me.”

"Since I know that I don't like you, why do you promise to associate with me?" Hao Hao asked her.

Jiang Xiaoyue smiled and said, "Because you have good conditions, whether it is your own conditions or family conditions, and I have a good impression of you, I think that this thing can be cultivated, maybe you will be at it." I like it."

She did not hide her own hidden psychological psychology. This kind of frankness is to make Hao Hao change her.

"Why, why did you promise to associate with me? If I didn't guess wrong, what do you like because it is the girl named Han Nanyan?"

"Because you are suitable." Hao Hao said, did not explain where Jiang Xiaoyue is appropriate.

Jiang Xiaoyue did not ask. Some questions knew that the ground was too clear, and it hurt people. I ignored this question. She asked a question that she was more interested in. "If my parents didn't make a noise at the beginning, you really told me." Are you married?"

This question was thought after she determined the wedding date. She just wanted to find a chance to ask Hao Hao. Now the opportunity is coming.

Hao Hao’s eyes are dim, “Sorry.”

Jiang Xiaoyue smiled, she knew, "I accept your apology, but Hao Hao, if you really like Han Nanyan, I will tell her earlier, I think she is very good, it seems that I like you very much, if you are together I will bless you."

"Thank you." Hao Hao said, mentioning the fruit, the fundus instantly becomes gentle.

"I have to go first, remember to come to my wedding." The doubts in my heart were answered, Jiang Xiaoyue resigned, but after Hao Hao left, she did not go home, but returned to the hospital, she remembers Hao Hao The direction of coming out.

Leaving from the hospital, Jiang Xiaoyue's face was a bit heavy. I didn't expect that Hao Hao would not be with Han Nanyan. It was because of this.

------Off topic ------

Some people say that I mistyped Hao Hao’s name. Actually, it’s not. Hao Hao, Xiao Ming Yan, is not the same word at all.

Regarding the physical problems of Hao Hao, many people say that Qi Hao has heart disease and cough. In fact, it is not true, but his body does have problems. He can say so much. It is not fun to play all. Hahaha

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