MTL - Addicted Pampering You: The Mysterious Pampered Wife of The Military Ye (Master Fu's Mysterious Darling Wife)-Chapter 567 Fan II 21. The correct way to open people

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At the end of a kiss, Fu Yuxuan released Gu Qingzhu. The thumb crossed her mouth and brought out a trace of silver silk. Fu Yuxuan chuckled. "This is the correct way to open the monks."

Gu Qingzhu's face is reddish, I don't know if it is ashamed or not breathing well.

I sat down calmly, picked up the book, and put on an attitude of "I want to start reading, you can go", but the eyes only stay on the pages of the book. As for the above content, Gu Qingzhu said that he did not know.

Fu Yanxuan did not expose her, but said, "I will wait for a trip back to the company and come back to see you at night."

Gu Qingzhu nodded indiscriminately. "Uh-huh, I know."

Fu Yuxuan raised her hand and rubbed her face and got up. Gu Qingzhu looked up from the book and touched his face with a hot face and chuckled.

Fu Yuxuan now has two or three hours in the company's time. Sometimes he doesn't even appear all day. If he doesn't have a good team, even if he doesn't, the company can work normally. Otherwise, The attitude of the shopkeeper who has been fishing for two days in the past three days, the company is not closed.

William is discussing technical problems with Li Meng. He has been studying this problem for three or four days. He has been unable to understand the clues. The program has been prompting mistakes. He is guilty. He saw Fu Yuxuan coming to the company, his eyes lit up. Immediately caught Fu Yuxuan. "You are coming, just help me to look at these lines of code."

Therefore, Fu Yuxuan was dragged to work even if the door of his office did not go in. This stay was three hours.

William watched Fu Xiaoxuan's hand pounding fast on the keyboard, frowning for a while, and then suddenly realized the appearance, the expression was very vivid.

Knocking on the last line of code, Fu Yuxuan's hand is removed from the keyboard. "Well, you can test it again. This time there should be no problem."

William looked at Fu Xuan in a deep affectionate manner, just like watching his beloved lover, seeing Fu Yuxuan goose bumps all up, look disgusted, "What are you doing?"

William sneered, "Yu Xuan, you said that what management you do, directly doing the majority of our development department is simply a waste of your talent."

Fu Yuxuan seems to laugh and laugh, "Would you like to manage the future development of the company?" If he can write code with peace of mind, he is very willing.

William's face is stiff, hehe laughs. "Or come, I am still suitable for development."

Several of them are good at technical work. Fu Yixuan is always responsible for the management and development of the company. Who makes his brain easy to use?

Li Meng looked at him with contempt and looked at virtue.

Fu Yuxuan returned to the office, Li Meng followed him in, Fu Xiaoxuan looked at him, "Boss, that, South smoke?" Fruit has not been working for several days, and no one answered her.

"In foreign countries."

“What does she do abroad? Travel?” Li Meng asked.

Fu Yanxuan looked at him fixedly. "What do you think?"

Li Meng was somewhat uncomfortable when he was seen by Fu Yuxuan. However, knowing that Fu Yuxuan was the sister of the fruit, he would be calm. "If I know, I will not ask you."

Fu Yuxuan saw Li Meng’s thoughts, thought about it, and said, “Her boyfriend is hospitalized, she is taking care of her boyfriend.”

Li Meng looked stiff. "She already has a boyfriend? Didn't listen to her."

"She is low-key." Fu Yixuan did not say much, as long as I dismissed Li Meng's thoughts.

Li Meng was somewhat lost. He just noticed that he liked the fruit. He wanted to wait for the fruit to come back to work and pursue her. As a result, there was a boyfriend. The first time in my life, I was struck by the fact that I had not had time to start growing. In the bud, Li Meng said that not sad is fake.

Fu Yanxuan patted the shoulders of his friends. "Where is there no grass in the end of the world."

Li Meng’s smile is more ugly than crying. “Boss, I still have work, I will go out first.”

Fu Yuxuan shook his head and glanced at Li Meng's back with sympathy. However, he knew Li Meng's character, but he was not worried at all. Leave the company after all the remaining trivialities have been processed. He still has to go home and have not gone home for several days.

Today, Fu Shuyi is at home, lying on the sofa, holding a mobile phone in his hand and not knowing who to chat with. He has been smirking at him. When he came back, he greeted him. "Hey, brother, I am willing to leave Qingzhu." "The tone is ridiculous."

Fu Yixuan did not pay attention to her words, but asked, "Mom?"

Fu Shuyi pointed out that he was outside, "In the flower house. Brother, would you throw Qingzhu sister alone in the hospital?"

"Who are you chatting with?" Fu Yixuan did not answer the question, this smile is like a little flower.

Fu Shuyi didn't know his thoughts and said casually, "My classmates."

“Has Jun Nan recently contacted you?” Fu Yuxuan asked inadvertently.

Fu Shuyi Wei Dun, "No, he has nothing to do with me."

Fu Yuxuan was relieved, went to the flower house to find Shen Qingyi, Shen Qingyi was trimming the flower branches, the flower house was a little bigger than before, and there were many more kinds of flowers and plants. Many of these were left by Fu’s father, and a few were She added it later.

"Mom." Fu Yuxuan called people, Shen Qing slammed, and did not even lift his head. "Is it better?"

"It's much better, I am coming back and taking a few pieces of clothes to change."

"Oh." Shen Qingyi has no opinion, maybe for other people, his son will feel a little uncomfortable about the future children, feel that his son was taken away by others, and his heart is more unbalanced, perhaps It was difficult for her after the girl entered the house, but this situation does not exist in her.

The son is willing to hurt his wife and hurts. If he wants to be pampered, he will not be hurt if he does not do anything that hurts the world and does not hurt others.

"Mom. I want to wait for Qingzhu to leave her after she leaves the hospital and officially have a meal with her family. Do you think it is?" Although Gu Qingzhu has not been discharged so quickly, Fu Yuxuan hopes to get the consent of his parents first.

"Well, when will I come to the home to call in advance? She likes to eat something and tells her aunt clearly, so that Auntie is ready to order her favorite." Shen Qingyi promised to be refreshed, as long as her son considered it clearly, she would not Opposing, this is, after all, the person who spent the rest of his life with his son, not with her.

Fu Xiaoxuan smiled and stepped forward to Shen Qingyi's shoulder. "Mom, it's good to have you." His mother is really a mother who respects the child's wishes. From small to large, many things are what he wants to do. Do, she will give a little advice, but not excessive interference, and sometimes even in the eyes of others, Shen Qingyi somewhat over-indulged him.

Shen Qingqi patted his son's hand. "Let's be here, take the scissors and help me to do the work." There are more flowers and plants in the house, and it takes a lot of time to take care of it.

"Good." Fu Yanxuan smiled and turned to take the scissors and pruned the leaves with his mother.


"Lin Jing, coffee." A cup of coffee was placed in front of Lin Jing, Lin Jing looked up and saw Lu Feng, her colleague.

Lu Feng saw Lin Jing looking at him and smiled and explained, "I saw that your spirit is not very good today. I just brought you a cup of coffee when I went down to buy coffee. I don’t know what taste you like, I chose caramel. Wonderful."

"Thank you." Lin Jing thanked.

Lu Feng laughed, "You're welcome, yes, do you have time at night? I want to have a meal with you. At night, my parents went out to watch a movie. No one at home is cooking. It is boring to eat alone."

Lin Jing smiled apologetically. "Sorry, I have already had an appointment with my friends to eat at night."

Lu Feng is a little embarrassed. "It's okay, it's my temporary intention. I have a chance to make another appointment next time."

"Good." Lin Jing said.

"Then you are busy first, I will not bother you to work." Lu Feng finished, returned to his seat, looked frustrated.

Lin Jingchang's beautiful, although quiet, some of the temperament, but the temperature of the temper, just entered the company was targeted by many people, but she does not like to communicate with everyone on weekdays, we do not know where to start.

Lu Feng is one of Lin Jing's admirers, extroverted, but I don't know how to start it in Lin Jing. Lin Jing is like a castle. The city gate is closed and the wall is high. It is impossible to impress her.

"The invitation failed?" Colleagues whispered in Lu Feng's ear, Lu Feng nodded, although this was the first invitation, but was rejected, and also very shameful, he finally thought of such a perfect excuse.

Colleagues patted him on the shoulder. "The revolution has not been successful. Comrades continue to work hard."

Lu Feng sighed deeply and said it right. As long as people don’t have a boyfriend for a day, they still have a chance. They are not rejected. They are too big. They are men. They are thick and thick. They don’t all say women. I am afraid of being riddled with Lang.

Lu Feng wiped his face and cheered up.

Lin Jing got off work, Lu Feng drove in front of her, "Lin Jing, where to go, I will send you."

"No, it's very convenient to take a taxi here. I just take a taxi." Lin Jing refused. She knew Lu Feng's thoughts on her own, but she didn't like people, and she didn't want to be confused with anyone. It would be better not to give it at the beginning. People are close to their own opportunities.

Lu Feng smiled. "In any case, I have nothing else to do, so I will send you a ride. You will be a boring time."

Lin Jing really wants to ignore people directly, but people have been invited to it many times. It’s too much to give face when they go straight. Everyone is a colleague who looks up and sees him. Even if he refuses, he can’t be too ugly, so he I opened the door and sat in. "Thank you."

Lu Feng glanced back. "You're welcome, where are you going?"

Lin Jing reported an address, near her home, and told people that there was an appointment at night. They could not directly report to the address of the family, so they did not give face.

Lu Feng was trying to find Lin Jing on the way. Most of the time, Lin Jing was silent. Sometimes he would return one or two sentences. Even so, Lu Feng was very happy. One person said there.

At the destination, Lin Jing untied the seat belt. "Thank you for sending me today."

Lu Feng waved his hand. "You don't have to be polite, just take things. I need to find me at any time."

Lin Jing nodded, got off and looked at this direction. It was a restaurant on the street. Lu Feng and others went in and drove away. Lin Jing ordered a few dishes and took them away directly, so that she and the simple dinner would have fallen.

Back home, simple really at home, she lived in a dwelling life, rarely go out, unless it is a card, and need to go out to find inspiration.

"Simple, come out to eat." Lin Jing put the food well and shouted at it.

Simple, the hair is scattered, the body is still wearing pajamas, walking is rickety, Lin Jing frowns, "What's wrong with you?"

Simple and weak, "Hungry, I have not eaten three times."

Lin Jing shook his head. "You are too irregular in life, and your body will be embarrassed."

I simply put my hand on it. "I know, I have been working on it for a while, and it’s just a while." Her eyes fell on the table and her eyes lit up. "What day is it today? So rich?"

Usually they will pack the outside meals, but they will rarely buy them so expensive.

Lin Jing smiled. "It's not a special day. I just want to eat this meal. I just packed it up. I quickly wash my hands and eat. If it's cold, it won't be delicious."

Simply nodded, swaying into the kitchen to wash his hands, Lin Jing looked at her state, shaking his head silently.

After simply eating and getting into the room, she is now racing against time. Lin Jing originally wanted to talk to her, but when she saw her, she immediately dismissed her idea.

When I went to work at the company the next day, Lin Jing saw that she had a breakfast on the table. After looking around, she saw Lu Feng smile at herself and pointed to the breakfast. Who sent the breakfast was obvious? .

Lin Jing licked her lips and wanted to refuse. However, at this time, there were already many colleagues in the office. It seems that it is not good to openly refuse. So I directly transferred Lu Feng’s Alipay, which is the breakfast he bought for himself.

Fortunately, before Lu Feng helped him bring things, Lin Jing transferred the account to him, knowing his Alipay account, she worried that it was not enough, but also deliberately turned a little more.

Lu Feng saw the account information, looked at Lin Jing, his eyes were dark. The feeling of being diligent and rejected is really uncomfortable.

Colleague Xiao Fan patted his shoulder sympathetically and lowered his voice. "You said she wouldn't have a boyfriend?"

Lu Feng glanced, "No?" He really didn't think about it. If someone had a boyfriend, this behavior would be really embarrassing. Think of it here, Lu Feng looked at his colleagues," Help me to find out?"

Colleague nodded, "packaged on me."

Going to dinner at noon, Lin Jing went to the company cafeteria with his colleagues. "Lin Jing, are you twenty-five this year?" Colleague Xiao Li pretended to inadvertently ask. She is Xiao Fan’s girlfriend, and she is asked by her boyfriend to ask about Lin Jing’s friends.

Lin Jing nodded. "Well, what happened?"

"Is there a boyfriend? If there isn't one, I will introduce you to you. I will tell you that I know a lot of outstanding single youths, and what types are there."

Lin Jing Khan, this is how it sounds like the matchmaker said, shaking his head. "No, there is no plan to fall in love at the moment."

Xiao Li’s heart is happy, no, just fine. “Twenty-five is not small. It’s time to talk about a boyfriend. It’s too late to talk about it for two or three years. Or do you already have someone you like?”

Lin Jing held the hand of the chopsticks and his eyes changed slightly. Xiao Li was just talking about it, but he did not expect the truth. Surprised, "Do you really have someone you like?"

Lin Jing just bowed to dinner and did not deny it.

Xiao Li only used her as the default, and shook her head regretfully, but unfortunately, Lu Feng was a good boy.

Lu Feng learned that Lin Jing had a favorite person, and the loss in his heart can be imagined, but his heart is also relieved, knowing that the reason for his rejection is better than guessing.

He likes Lin Jing's right, but he won't be the third person of his family's feelings. If Lin Jing is single, he will try to pursue Lin Jing anyway, but since Lin Jing already has a favorite person, then he naturally does not Will continue to stalk.

On the next day, Lin Jing saw that Lu Feng had no more feelings in front of her, and she was relieved with her heart. She really could not cope with such a thing. Nowadays, people are reluctant to retreat, and naturally it is the best.


Time passed by, and after half a month, Gu Qingzhu’s injuries were already better than half. The rest of them took time to recover. They could be at home, so Fu Xiaoxuan came to Gu Qingzhu. I went through the discharge procedure.

"You are currently living in an apartment in my downtown area for the time being. I have asked you for an aunt. She will take care of your daily life." Fu Yuxuan said to Gu Qingzhu to pack his luggage and said that he wanted to move over with her. Live together, but someone will not agree.

Gu Qingzhu squats and licks his lips. "No, I can live in the hotel first, rent a house in a few days." She has no real estate in Beijing. There are many Song Bing, but Song Bing’s assets are not Gu Qingzhu’s. When she resumed the identity of Gu Qingzhu, the assets belonging to Song Bing had all been turned over.

Gu Qingzhu is now an ordinary officer. With the dead wages of the troops, how can he afford to buy a house in Beijing?

Fu Yanxuan looked at her coldly and looked dissatisfied. "Are you sure you want to be so clear with me?" They are male and female friends, just living in his house, isn't that good?

Gu Qingzhu thought about it. It seems that this person is his own boyfriend. He lives in a house. There is no need to be emotional. "Well, listen to you."

Fu Yixuan originally thought that it would take a little time to convince her. I didn't expect this person's attitude to turn so fast, he was embarrassed and satisfied.

The house is cleaned every day. After all, he will occasionally live here. The daily necessities are very complete. I have already thought about letting Gu Qingzhu live here, so even the daily necessities are ready.

Fu Yuxuan directly took things into the master bedroom, Gu Qingzhu frowned. "I just want to sleep in the room."

"Let you live and live." Fu Yanxuan is not angry, really do not like the way this person is so clear with himself.

Gu Qingzhu was in a wheelchair and looked up at him. "I found that my temper is getting bigger and bigger in four years." I used to be more gentle.

"I am not mad at you." Fu Yuxuan is cold, this person has a temper in some aspects, and he has to compromise if he wants to get angry.

Gu Qingzhu is contemptuous, and she admits the difference when she has a bad temper. She will not dislike him.

Someone who read her eyes snorted with hatred and turned her head proudly, but hung her clothes in the closet.

The wardrobe was large, half of the clothes he had not had time to take away, and the other half was full of women's clothes, all unopened, which he prepared in advance.

Gu Qingzhu saw the clothes in the closet and gave a slight glimpse. "I will return to the army after I am wounded." Usually, I have to wear military uniforms in the troops. There is no chance to wear casual clothes.

"You are still in the process of rehabilitating, and there are still three months for your holiday."

Fu Hengyi was sympathetic to her four years of hard work, so in addition to the three-month holiday of the wounded, she also gave her a month of vacation, which naturally has the self-interest to let the two people get more time.

The roulette skin, Gu Qingzhu is definitely said that Fu Yuxuan, so Gu Qingzhu is very wise to choose to shut up.

"Tomorrow, I have to go back to the army." Gu Qingzhu said, first, to report, this second thing is also to accept the review of the troops, the original thing should be done during her hospital stay, but Fu Hengyi helped her block back. How to say is also my future daughter-in-law, this little busy is just a little effort.

"Well, I will send you to the door of the troops." Fu Yuxuan also knows that this is a process that must be taken, even if his father is already the commander of the Beijing Military Region.

Dinner is still done by Fu Yuxuan, very ordinary taste, Gu Qingzhu is very fond of eating, every time as long as Fu Yuxuan did, her appetite is always better than usual.

"Drink some soup, my aunt said that this big bone soup is very good for the fracture." Fu Yuxuan put a bowl of big bone soup in front of Gu Qingzhu, in order to give her more nutrition, Fu Yuxuan did not have less time during this time. Ask your aunt to teach how to cook.

The soup was stewed for several hours and the taste was very good. Gu Qingzhu drank two bowls in a row. She put the bowl down and touched her stomach. "I ate it."

"Wait, let's go for a walk and eat."

Gu Qingzhu: ... She can't go now, this is not the person who eats, but what Fu Xuan said is what it is.

"I am going to celebrate the New Year, you will go home with me this year." Wrapped in Gu Qingzhu, Fu Yuxuan said when she pushed her down the stairs.

Gu Qingzhu’s relatives have passed away, even if they are going home, and her injury is still not good, and people need to take care of them.

Gu Qingzhu Weidun, "Is it right?"

"Nothing is wrong, my parents have seen you, my sister has been here, I have a younger brother, I must have seen you."

Gu Qingzhu remembered Fu Shuyi and Fu Shuzhen, who met the night in the back alley of the bar, and smiled. "Your brother's character is very similar to Fu Shiling." The same unsmiling.

"He is most like my father, not only looks and has personality." Because of this, every time Uncle Alan sees the book, he will look like a face, and see a few of them are can't help.

This is the case. This year, Gu Qingzhu returned to China as a girlfriend of Fu Yanxuan and went home for the New Year. It is also official to take her home to see her parents.

The winter night was still very cold, so Fu Yuxuan and Gu Qingzhu went home after a small half-circle, and they met Lin Jing in the downstairs.

------Off topic ------

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