MTL - Addicted Pampering You: The Mysterious Pampered Wife of The Military Ye (Master Fu's Mysterious Darling Wife)-Chapter 568 Fan 2 22. She is my girlfriend.

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Lin Jing stood under the floor, probably because of the cold, his feet, his hands on his mouth and anger, Fu Yuxuan recognized her from afar.

"Quiet." Fu Xuan Xuan shouted, Lin Jing heard Fu Xuan's voice, turned around, saw him, his face raised a smile, but this smile was dead on the face when seeing Gu Qingzhu.

Fu Yuxuan pushed Gu Qingzhu into the walk, and Lin Jing’s line of sight has been looking at Gu Qingzhu.

"Quiet, are you coming to me?"

Lin Jing nodded. "You are not answered if you call."

Fu Yixuan touched the jacket pocket and did not touch the mobile phone. "It should be at home. I didn't answer the phone. Why don't you go home? In the winter, wait downstairs, are you stupid?"

Lin Jing smiled. "I see the lights in your house are on. I wonder if you are not listening in the shower. I am thinking about waiting for another one."

Fu Yixuan was speechless. "Is there any urgent matter to find me so late?"

Lin Jing did not answer, but looked at Gu Qingzhu, "Is this?"

Fu Yuxuan just remembered that he had not introduced himself to the two. "This is my girlfriend Gu Qingzhu, Qingzhu, this is my good friend, and also my childhood playmate, Lin Jing."

The smile on Lin Jing’s face was completely on his face, and he looked at Fu Yuxuan slyly. “When did you have a girlfriend?”

Probably the emotion in her eyes was too obvious. Fu Xuan Xuan later noticed something, his eyes flashed slightly, and smiled slightly. "Green bamboo left a few years ago and recently returned."

Hearing this, Lin Jing still has something to understand. Fu Yixuan is not a person who does not like it, but a woman who loves her eyes, so she has been waiting for her to come back.

Lin Jing said that she does not appear in her own feelings, but she can be sure that her face must be difficult to see. She wants to laugh, but at this moment her mouth does not listen to her at all. She only feels sour and sour, as long as she Blinking, tears can spew out.

"Quiet, is there anything you are looking for?" Fu Yixuan asked again.

Lin Jing shook her head. "Nothing, it's too late. I will go first, goodbye." She turned and straightened her spine. Even if she was in the eyes of others, she couldn't be embarrassed. She was Lin Jing. It is a strong Lin Jing.

When others walked away, Gu Qingzhu looked at Fu Yuxuan like a smile. "Your little green plum is crying, don't you go?"

Fu Yanxuan sighed, "You are afraid that the world will not be chaotic."

Gu Qingzhu shrugged, she said seriously, now it is so late, a girl has left this way, what should I do if something happens? Is there too little news about a single woman going out in the middle of the night?

"You go up and see, but don't really have an accident." Gu Qingzhu said.

Fu Yanxuan looked down at her, "Don't be jealous?"

"Hurry up." Gu Qingzhu pushed him, and the nonsense people went far.

Fu Yuxuan chased him up, Gu Qingzhu was waiting for him in the same place.

When Lin Jing turned around, the tears came down. She raised her hand and touched the corner of her eye and wiped her tears away, but the new tears fell again, like a broken faucet switch, which was not controlled by her.

Fu Yuxuan followed her far away and saw her kneeling on the floor crying, but she couldn't bear it, but she didn't go forward. Since she couldn't give it to others, don't pay attention to it.

He never thought that Lin Jing had such an idea to him. When Fu Shuyi first talked about it, he always thought that Fu Shuyi wanted more. Now, seeing Lin Jing, Fu Xiaoxuan said that he does not blame himself for being false. If he can find Lin Jing’s anomaly earlier, is Lin Jing not so sad now?

Fu Yuxuan waited until Lin Jing took the bus and returned. Gu Qingzhu had already returned home. The apartment was equipped with an elevator. There was no step up and down. It was very convenient to enter and exit.

"Is people safe to get home?" Gu Qingzhu did not expect him to come back so soon.

"I came back when I saw her on the bus." Fu Yuxuan said.

Gu Qingzhu said, "Will this be too hearty?" The girl looked at someone who didn't seem to know that this person liked it.

"When the break is constantly harassing, it is not as entangled as it is now. She knows it." After all, there is no break. As long as Lin Jing is willing, they will still be friends in the future. If there is anything, he will still help her. .

Gu Qingzhu shook his head, the most taboo thing about feelings is the entanglement. Fu Xuan Xuan is ruthless, but it is the best solution.

There is an aunt at home, and Fu Yuxuan does not have to worry that Gu Qingzhu will have no one to care for, so he plans to leave.

"You are going home?" Gu Qingzhu asked him.

Fu Yuxuan stepped forward and smiled at her. "If you can't bear me, I can stay." He is very happy.

Gu Qingzhu gave him a white eye, and his face was disgusted. "Hurry and go."

Fu Yanxuan chuckled and leaned over her lips and kissed her, "Good night."

Gu Qingzhu waved his hand and his mouth was slightly raised.


"Quiet, what's wrong with you?" Simply heard the knock on the door, got up and went to open the door, and I saw Lin Jingyi sitting at the door, his body was full of wine.

"Quiet, wake up." Simply patted her red face, which is how much wine she drank before she tossed herself into this way.

She wanted to help Lin Jing, but Lin Jing, who became a drunkard, was too heavy. She couldn't move her alone and shook her. "Lin Jing, wake up."

Lin Jing opened his eyes and recognized that it was simple and smiled. "Simple, it is you."

"It's me, what's wrong with you, why drink so much wine? Didn't you go with Fu Xiaoxuan's confession?" Simple frowning, is this rejected?

Lin Jing smiled happily. "Simple, I am so happy, really happy. If you are happy, you should drink, yes, my wine?" She looked down on the floor to find the bottle.

Simply hold her down, "Don't drink, go ahead."

"No, don't go in, I want to drink. Today is a day worth celebrating. I want to drink her for three days and three nights."

Simple black face, still three days and three nights, as you are now, I really want to throw you out. She thought quietly, but now it is not the time to take care of the drunk, it is serious to get people into it, so the patience said, "To the right, today is a happy day, we have to be drunk, but there is no wine here. We go in, there is wine at home, I will drink with you, we will celebrate together."

I don’t know if Lin Jing is happy. I want to drink and celebrate. I just subconsciously follow her words. Is it confession success? So happy to be like this? But she doesn't look like she is happy?

I just don't understand.

Lin Jingyi listened to continue to drink, and suddenly stood up with a simple force, staggered into the house, went straight to the refrigerator, simply pulled and could not pull.

There is only beer in the refrigerator, or a simple friend from a few days ago came to eat at home.

Lin Jing opened the beer and poured it directly into his mouth. Simply grab her wrist, "Lin Jing, you first tell me what happened today?" It’s just a drunken return. After returning, I still have to continue drinking. This is not Lin Jing’s style.

Lin Jing looked at her with a drunken look and smiled. "Simple, I am so happy today, so happy, I have never been so happy today."

Simple and simple, "You confessed with Fu Yuxuan? Are you already together?" She really couldn't figure out anything but this thing, and Lin Jing is so happy.

Lin Jing shook her head and began to laugh, laughing and laughing, but she burst into tears. "I didn't tell him. He has a girlfriend, a very beautiful girlfriend, I saw it. My best friend found it." My own happiness, shouldn't I be happy for him? Simple, I am so happy."

I simply thought it was such a result. Originally, she thought that Lin Jing’s confession was rejected. As a result, even if she didn’t even have a chance to speak, she was doomed to the end of failure. “Quiet, don’t drink, if you are sad, you will cry.”

Lin Jinghe laughed, "Why should I cry? I should be happy, simple, I am really happy." Is she not even happy now?

Lin Jing sat on the floor with her knees, smiled at the corner of her mouth, but tears seemed to flow out like money.

Looking at this kind of tranquility, the simple heart only feels like a needle, and it is blunt and painful. "Quiet, don't be like this, you are so scared." She began to regret, if she did not lick Lin Jing to confession Is there not going to happen today?

Simply hugged her, "Quiet, if you are sad, cry, I will borrow you." Anyway, no matter how good, don't lie in my heart, she knows how much Lin Jing likes Fu Yuxuan, and the person he loves deeply. It is not her to have a lover, and it is unbearable for anyone to fight like this.

Lin Jingwei looked at the opposite wall, his eyes were scattered, and she kept talking in her ear. She couldn't hear what she was saying. She only felt tired, her heart hurt, and she was very tired, but could not sleep.

"Simple, I want to sing, do you want to listen to me singing?" Lin Jing's opening, the voice is empty and powerless. Simple, long, nodded, "OK, you sing, I listen."

Lin Jing chuckled. Call the sound opening.

"You accompany me into the summer

Crossing the city喧嚣

The song is still swimming

Your chequered eyes

Don't see your gentleness

Lost flowers and laughter

Years can't stay

Waiting for the cloud

I really miss you

In every rainy season

You choose to forget

I am the most reluctant

Paper is short and long

There are not too many roads.

My story is all about you..."

The melody of the brisk tune falls in the simple ear but turns into the sadst sheet music in the world. The simple nose is sore and the eyes are reddish. She would rather Lin Jing hysterically cry and don't want to see her look like this. Maybe she is really wrong, she shouldn't let Lin Jing go with Fu Yuxuan to show what is white.

Lin Jing sang a song and once again silence for a long time. She leaned against the wall and looked at the ceiling.

Simple and do not know how to comfort her, so she was accompanied by her.

"Simple, I want to drink." Lin Jing opened his mouth and his voice was dumb.

Simply nod and take the initiative to put the beer into her hands. If it is drunk, it will be better, then it will be drunk.

A few cans of beer at home, almost all entered Lin Jing's stomach. Her eyes are more and more blurred.

"Simple, I saw his girlfriend. It looks so beautiful and fits with him. I have never seen such gentle eyes in Fu Yuxuan’s eyes, as if that person is his world."

Perhaps Fu Xiaoxuan himself did not realize that when he called Gu Qingzhu's name, he did not consciously release his voice and eyes. That is only the person who loves deeply, will it be there.

"Quiet, there is no grass in the end of the world, there is no Fu Xuan, we have other people." Simply said, although I know this sentence is too pale and powerless.

Lin Jing smiled, yeah, this world is not only a man of Fu Yuxuan, but the person she loves, only Fu Yixuan one.

Fu Yuxuan waited for his girlfriend for a few years, and she did, but waited for more than ten years. At the beginning of the beginning of the sinus, the boy was printed in her heart and never left.

"Simple, do you say that if I come back a few years earlier, will it be different?" If his girlfriend came back to him before he knew him, wouldn't he be deeply loved by her?

This question is simple and unanswerable. In her view, feelings are part of the first come, come like, like it, like it, don't like it, don't like it, not you know it earlier, and you will get more time together.

"Simple, you said." Lin Jing pulled the simple, looked at her, her eyes flushed.

Simple lips, "Lin Jing, let's go to sleep, just wake up and wake up." Cry, sleep, emotions vent, and things will pass.

"Oh, simple, in fact, you also think that he will not like me, so dare not say it?" Lin Jing sees simple and does not answer questions positively, smiles.

Simple heart hurts, if she can, she really wants to rush to Fu Yuxuan to ask him why he wants to hurt a girl who likes him, but she knows she has no such position.

Exhausted the strength of the whole body, Lin Jing was assisted into the room. Simple and went to the kitchen to give her a cup of honey water. When she came back, Lin Jing had fallen asleep, she was not sleeping well, her brows were wrinkled, and her eyes were filled with tears.

She sighed and went up to help her cover the quilt before she got up and left.

"Mom, not me, my brother's death has nothing to do with me, not me, Dad, I am sore, so painful..." Lin Jing's mouth whispered softly, and all began to twitch.

I woke up to the toilet in the middle of the night, and I took a look at Lin Jing’s room. I saw this scene and scared her to wake up. “Lin Jing, Lin Jing.”

She shouted her name loudly, Lin Jing did not respond, she seemed to be a nightmare, how to wake up can not wake up.

"Mom, don't hate me. Hey, Xuan Xuan, Yu Xuan..."

I was so sad that I didn’t feel the tears coming down. "Lin Jing, you wake up."


When Lin Jing opened his eyes, the whole person was awkward. Where is this place, not his own? The air is filled with the smell of disinfectant water. Is this a hospital?

Turning around and seeing a simple squat on her bed, she was already asleep, Lin Jing moved and found that her hands were hanging with water, "simple." She screamed softly.

I immediately woke up, opened my eyes and looked at Lin Jing, my eyes were bright. "Quiet, you finally woke up and scared me." Last night, Lin Jing was twitching, how to wake up, not afraid. When it happened, it hit 20.

Lin Jing thinks that she probably drank too much alcohol and alcoholism. "Simple, sorry." She didn't want to bother you, but this time she simply worried.

Simply shaking your head, "As long as you are okay, is there anything wrong now?"

"Thirsty." Lin Jing said, simply got up and poured a glass of water for her, tried to test the water temperature, it is warm.

"Quiet, I have already helped you with the company over the company. I said that you have a fever, help you take a day off, and wait for the fluid to go home and have a good day off."

"Thank you, simple."

Simply waved, "Don't be so polite with me, we are friends." It is also related to her when she talks about it. If she didn't want Lin Jing to confess, it would not happen.

"Right, quiet, your father came to the phone this morning, I picked it up. I told him that you are a little uncomfortable, sleeping. If you wake up, give him a call." Simply think of the morning. Talking on the phone, said.

Last night, Lin Jing said that she had a night's sleep, although it was repeated several times, but it can be seen that she seems to have some contradictions with her family.

Lin Jing was very depressed. This is simple to see. She wants to know what happened, but she is afraid to accidentally touch Lin Jing’s wound.

"You first call your father back, I will go down and buy you some porridge." Simply said.

Lin Jing nodded.

After simply leaving, Lin Jing took the phone and called his father.

"Dad, it is me."

"Quiet, is your body better?"

"It's already much better. It's a small cold. It's much more comfortable after eating cold medicine." Her voice was hoarse, and it sounded like a cold.

Lin’s father did not doubt, but shouted, “If you are not feeling well, go to the hospital in time, don’t hold back.”

"Dad, I know, don't worry about me, I will take care of myself."

Lin’s father sighed and his daughter was alone. How could he rest assured, “What about Xuan Xuan? Did he come to take care of you?”

Lin Jing was stagnation and smiled. "He bought me porridge."

When Lin’s father heard the words, he was relieved. “You must be good.”

"Well, I will, Dad."

Lin Jing hung up the phone and looked at the ceiling slyly. She knew that she and Fu Yuxuan were impossible. Fu Yuxuan loved the girl and she could see it.

After waiting for so many years, I exchanged such a result. Lin Jing smiled, is she the most stupid person in the world?

The door of the ward was ringing. She thought it was a simple return. I didn't expect the person to come to be Lu Feng.

"Lin Jing, I heard that you are sick, so come over and see you." Lu Feng still holds a bouquet of flowers and a heat preservation box.

"I cooked some porridge for you, do you taste it?" He went to the company in the morning, and when he got to work, he didn't see Lin Jing. He asked his colleague, and then he knew that Lin Jing was hospitalized, and he finally heard about the hospital. Then I rushed over.

Lin Jing looked at him with a sly look. I didn't expect the first person to see her to be Lu Feng.

------Off topic ------

I went out with my friend for a day yesterday, and I came back late. It’s too late to update today, sorry.


"Ace sniper: 枭 wife and pet arrogance" / 芩安

[One-on-one pet, double strong double clean]

This is a story of an overbearing old man who abducted his own little wife and went home.

She is a murderer in the invisible night king, a mysterious ace of identity.

Her whereabouts are uncertain, she is suspicious.

Lu Yongnian: Lu Jiaxuan is a descendant of the family, and the top character of the city of B, who is known as the "grandfather", is also the bloodthirsty "lone wolf" on the road.

When arrogantly arrogant.

The suppression of absolute power, but the winner is the king, the loser warms the bed.

Gu Anning, there is a kind of you to try, let Laozi pamper you for a lifetime.