MTL - Addicted Pampering You: The Mysterious Pampered Wife of The Military Ye (Master Fu's Mysterious Darling Wife)-Chapter 569 Fan II 23. Bar encounter

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"Thank you for coming to see me." Lin Jing said, "It doesn't matter if you run out of the company like this?"

Lu Feng smiled. "It doesn't matter, I have already taken time off. How are you? Serious? What do doctors say?"

"Not serious, you can go back after you have finished the liquid."

"That's good, now I'm hungry, don't want to eat something first, I brought a lean egg porridge, and a few side dishes, all light, do you want to drink a bowl first?"

Lin Jing shook her head. She didn't have any appetite now. She looked at Lu Feng slyly. It seemed that Fu Xiaoxuan's face appeared and shook his head.

Lu Feng was talking to Lin Jing, but after talking for a long time, she did not get Lin Jing’s response. When she turned around, she found that she was looking at herself in a daze, her eyes were sad, and he paused. This is not looking at himself at all, it should be remembered. Who?

He really wants to know who she is thinking about now, but she doesn't think it should be asked. Intuition tells him that Lin Jing thinks that this person is the one who drunk her into the hospital.

Lu Feng knew that Lin Jing was not ill. He just asked the nurse Lin Jing when he was inquired at the nurse station. He wanted to ask her why she had to drink so much wine, and she wandered around her mouth and shook her head. The timing is wrong.

The door of the ward was pushed open. It was a simple comeback. I simply saw the people in the ward and groaned. It was actually Lin Jing’s small circle of communication. I usually did not see her contact with other people. This was actually hospitalized. Someone came to see her, still a man, naturally will attract her attention.

"Quiet, is this?"

"Hello, my name is Lu Feng, and I am a colleague of Lin Jing. I heard that she is sick, so come see her." Lu Feng took the initiative to introduce himself.

Simply smiled and nodded. "Hello, hello, that... I am simple, Lin Jing’s good friend."

"Lin Jing, since your friend came back, I will go first." Lu Feng said goodbye.

"Well, thank you for coming to see me." Lin Jing thanked.

Simply watch him leave, then look at Lin Jing, "Is this your pursuer?"

"No, it is an ordinary colleague." Lin Jing looked faint.

I simply glanced at the bouquet, and the insulated bucket. I didn’t believe it. The ordinary colleague would send this? But now is not the time to temper Lin Jing, put the porridge bought aside, "I only bought porridge, do you want to drink a little?"

Lin Jing shook her head, she really has no appetite at the moment.

Simple does not force her, put things aside, "If you don't want to eat, just wait to eat." She glanced at the bottle and it was almost finished. "You close your eyes and rest for a while, I look."

"Simple, you should go back to rest first." Lin Jing estimated that she had kept her for one night, and her update volume has not been finished yet.

"It’s almost over, I am waiting for you, wait for you to go home together, or I will leave you alone for 100 million yuan. I don’t feel relieved.” Simply said, Lin Jing’s appearance last night was really scary, she now remembers There are still some feelings.

Lin Jing saw her insist, and she stopped talking. At most, it was half an hour.

After losing the liquid, Lin Jing will simply buy the porridge to drink, simply referring to the flowers and insulation boxes sent by Lu Feng, "What should I do?"

"Bring the insulation box back, I will bring it back to work tomorrow, and I will not spend it."

"Why don't you, you don't like to send me." Simply pick up the bouquet and say.

Lin Jing looks faint. "You have to like it."

Back home, Lin Jing went back to the room directly. Her head was very painful. She wanted to sleep, but she still slept unsteadily. The dreams were all strange pictures.

From time to time, I will come in and take a look. Naturally, she can see that she is not sleeping well, but she is not a doctor, not a psychological doctor. For Lin Jing’s situation, she can’t help. From the situation of Lin Jing last night, she is actually There are certain mental illnesses, and the biggest possibility is from her family.

I have a simple understanding of Lin Jing for many years, but I rarely listen to Lin Jing’s mention of her home. She doesn’t know what her parents are doing. She only knows that Lin Jing doesn’t like to mention her family. From last night’s situation, she and her family. The relationship is very tense, and the simple is also the first time to know that Lin Jing actually had a younger brother. Looking at the situation, this younger brother seems to have died.

Lin Jing’s sleep time was not long. When I woke up, I was simply cooking in the kitchen. I saw her coming out and said, “You can eat when you wait. You should go sit down first.”

She didn't eat it in the morning. Lin Jing is now like this. At noon, she can't eat it. But her simple cooking is limited. She can't make too much delicious food, so she puts a little noodles.

Lin Jing nodded, but did not go out, but helped to simply take two bowls.

The two sat opposite each other and ate the face silently. When they were quiet, they looked at Lin Jing from time to time. After waking up from Lin Jing, there was no smile on his face.

"Is there something to say to me?" Lin Jing looked at her.

I hesitated for a few seconds and gnawed my teeth. "Quiet, Fu Yixuan now has a girlfriend. What are you going to do?"

Lin Jing’s eyes are dark. This is the last thing she wants to think about. She would rather not go to Fu Yuxuan last night, so she would not know the fact.

"Quiet, I know that you like Fu Yuxuan very much. It is reasonable to say that there is no right or wrong in the relationship between feelings, but now that he already has a girlfriend, do you still want to continue?" Simple and very entangled, This is her best friend. She is really good for her, but if Lin Jing persists, it is her own injury. If Lin Jing does something, it will be even harder to end.

Lin Jing licks her lips.

"Quiet, don't misunderstand, I don't mean anything else, I am afraid that you will be hurt."

"I know, simple, I still have the basic bottom line." Lin Jing looks faint, but the sorrow of the eyes is heavy. She likes Fu Yuxuan not to be fake. If Fu Xiaoxuan doesn't like people, then even if she pursues a lifetime, She will also insist, but he already has someone he likes, then her likes will cause trouble to him. She can't do things that destroy people's feelings. Even if she can't do the blessing, then she can still go if she tries to let go. Learn to do it.

Simple words, a sigh of relief, but fortunately, Lin Jing is not attached, "eat noodles, eat more, there are still in the pot."

Lin Jing snorted and bowed his head, but his appetite was not good. He ate half and ate it.


B big girls dormitory.

Lu Yimeng saw Fu Shuyi come back and threw a packet of chocolate to her. "Book art, this is the chocolate that my friend brought me from abroad. You taste it."

Fu Shuyi took over, "Thank you. Yi Meng, have you not gone home yet? I will have a winter vacation soon." In fact, their winter vacation has already begun. All the exams have been completed last week, and some students have gone. For example, the other two in their bedroom.

"Go back tomorrow, you, when will you go?"

"Go away today, I just came back to pack things." Fu Shuyi said.

Lu Yimeng’s eyes flashed. “Your brother is coming to pick you up?”

"No, he is busy with my future nephew. Where can I pick me up? My friend will pick me up." Fu Shuyi said as she packed things up, she usually went back very often, and she didn't need to bring a lot in the bedroom. It’s very convenient to go back and pack it up.

Lu Yimeng, "What are your future scorpions? Is your brother not single?"

"That was the previous thing. He already has a girlfriend now, and he is about to get engaged soon." She listened to her mother when she went home last time, although the specific time was not fixed, but it was faster.

" Engagement? So fast?" Lu Yimeng's mouth is very stiff, but Fu Shuyi is now busy packing things, no attention.

"Not too fast, they have known each other, but they have been separated for a few years. Now that I am back in the future, they will be together again." Fu Shuyi said casually, he heard the vibration of the mobile phone, took it and glanced at it. Slightly bright, "I am a friend, my friend came to pick me up, I am leaving."

Lu Yimeng nodded, waiting for Fu Shuyi to walk out of the bedroom, the smile on his face suddenly disappeared, went to the balcony, looking blankly at the bottom.

Fu Shuyi is heading towards a white sports car. He doesn't know who is sitting in the car. Fu Shuyi greets the man and then sits in.

Lu Yimeng looked at the sports car and couldn't see it before returning to his bed. She quietly looked at the box of chocolate on her desk. This was what she bought for her. She spent a lot of money on her. More than forty, specifically bought to please Fu Shuyi, the results actually learned such a message.

"Jun Nan brother, do you pick me up and will not delay your business?" Fu Shuyi smiled and opened his mouth. ..

Bai Junnan smiled softly. "I can delay something. I was a idle person."

Yesterday evening Fu Shuyi and Bai Junnan chatted about WeChat and said this thing. She originally wanted to take a taxi home. As a result, Bai Junnan volunteered to send her home. Fu Shuyi was very familiar with him. Naturally, he would not be polite with him. It is.

Bai Junnan sent Fu Shuyi to the gate of the military compound. "Jun Nan, you go in with me, my brother should go home today."

"No, I will wait for my next trip and go again the next day." Bai Junnan said with a smile, said, leaning over and taking a bag from the back seat. "This is the last time you went abroad to bring you a gift." I always want to give you, but I always forget."

Fu Shuyi is curious, "What is it?"

"It's a small thing. I saw it when I saw it was right for you. I bought it. You take it back and play."

Fu Shuyi did not open on the spot. "Thank you Jun Nan, then I will go first. Watch the movie together."

"Good." Bai Junnan nodded with a smile, until Fu Shuyi walked into the door before leaving.

There is no one in the family except the aunt. Shen Qingyi and Yu Xiaotong and Fang Wei have gathered together today. To come back later, Fu Yuxuan will have to wait until the company’s business is done before returning. As for her father, I will not come back this week. It is said that other military regions have exchanged.

Fu Shuyi went back to the room and opened the gift from Bai Junnan. It was a pair of earrings. The shape of the cherry was inlaid with broken diamonds. It was quite delicate. She wore it and liked it.

——[Thank you Jun Nan, I like your gift very much. 】

Bai Junnan glanced at the gap between the traffic lights, smiled and looked gentle.

--【nice! You love it. 】

In the evening, Fu Yuxuan came back with Gu Qingzhu. This is Gu Qingzhu's first visit.

"Qingzhu sister, you have finally arrived, I have been waiting for you for a long time." Fu Shuyi stood up from the sofa and ran to Gu Qingzhu.

Gu Qingzhu smiled, "What do you think of me?"

"Of course I want to be your heroic attitude." Fu Shuyi said without hesitation, and presented a playful look. Push her brother away and push the wheelchair of Qingzhu himself.

She has a lot of whispers to say to Gu Qingzhu.

I haven’t seen Gu Qingzhu before, she imagined how many times her brother’s girlfriend would be, whether it’s gentle or lively and lovely, that’s not thinking about Gu Qingzhu’s, but knowing his brother. When she likes Gu Qingzhu, she feels that it should be like this. Only such a person can match her brother.

This is also an alternative love house and black.

Shen Qingyi has returned, and the future daughter-in-law will go to the door for the first time. Fu Hengyi has no way because of work problems. She must be a mother-in-law.

"Auntie is good." Gu Qingzhu smiled and called.

Shen Qingyi smiled slightly, and her eyes glanced at her leg that was still tied with plaster. "Is the leg better?"

"It's already much better. I could have taken the line, but I don't feel relieved, I won't let it go." Her injury was serious, but there was no fatal injury. At that time, she was an undercover identity. I don’t know how to be known to the people in the organization. After being rounded up, they thought about how to torture her. She wouldn’t let her die so much. Naturally, she wouldn’t let her die so quickly. The mind of the big master who was caught.

Shen Qingyi nodded. "This is good. At night, I let the aunts at home give you a big bone soup. You should drink more."

"Thank you, Auntie."

Shen Qingxiao smiled.


The winter vacation started, Fu Shuyi didn't have to go to school, staying at home every day wasn't Shen Qingyi chatting or watching TV to pass the time. The days were very boring, so I went to see a movie with Bai Junnan. It was a Lunar New Year, very funny, she is From the beginning to the end of the smile, the stomach hurts.

When he walked out of the cinema, Fu Shuyi licked his stomach and looked tangled. Bai Junnan looked at her with a funny smile. "Is it still uncomfortable?"

Fu Shuyi sighed. "My smile is not too low. I don't think people will follow me."

Bai Junnan comforted her. "Girls who love to laugh are lucky."

Fu Shuyi smiled, "I still listen to Jun Nan brother talking comfortably, unlike Fu Shuzhen, always satirizing me. Jun Nan brother, are you waiting to go home?"

Bai Junnan raised his eyebrows. "Where do you want to go?"

Fu Shuyi gave him a thumbs up. It was so good that the big eyes were bent into crescents. "Let's go to the charm?"

Bai Junnan opened the door and "on the bus."

The night of the enchanting color is very lively. When they arrived, there were already many people. Bai Junnan gave the key to the doorman. "Which layer do you want to go to?"

"Go to the bar." Fu Shuyi said that she doesn't like to drink, but she likes to watch the bartenders.

"Let's go." Bai Junnan took her shoulder, Fu Shuyi glanced, but did not care.

“Like watching bartending?” Bai Junnan saw Fu Shuyi staring at the bartender after he arrived at the bar, and asked with a funny smile.

Fu Shuyi nodded. "Don't you think they are amazing? It is a very common wine cellar that turns into a colorful cocktail and can bring out different flavors." Probably the genetics of Shen Qingyi. She is very sensitive to color, although her painting talent is not as high as her mother, she is also a leader among her peers.

Bai Junnan thought for a moment and stood up and said a few words to the bartender. The bartender looked at Fu Shuyi and nodded. Then Bai Junnan walked in Fu Guyi's curious eyes.

He picked up the cup, picked up a bottle of wine and started to mix the wine. His movements were not cool, but he looked serious. Fu Shuyi stared at his hand. His hand was distinct and beautiful.

Not long after, a colorful cocktail was placed in front of Fu Shuyi. "Winter night, please taste."

Fu Shuyi looked at the cocktail in front of him, and his eyes were flashed with a touch of stunning, for its good color.

Fu Shuyi tasted a bite, with a touch of sweetness and fruity aroma, but the taste of the wine was very light. "This wine is not high in alcohol and has insufficient stamina. You can rest assured." Bai Junnan said.

Fu Shuyi smiled, "In fact, my amount of alcohol is OK." Even a few glasses of spirits, she is not so easy to get drunk.

Bai Junnan did not drink, he was driving tonight, Fu Shuyi did not slowly taste, the sight of the men and women in the bar swept, and then looked at the direction of the dance floor, there is a pole dance performance tonight.

The charm of the pole dance performance is not kitsch, after all, the identity of the people here is not rich and expensive, there is no need to use those gaudy means to attract customers, the pole dance performance here is more like a dance art, at least Fu Shuyi is like this Assessed.

The line of sight turned slightly, her light flashed lightly. She just saw Lu Yimeng just now. She just disappeared when she turned her eyes. She blinked, looked for it, and the person disappeared. It should be that she was wrong.

"Jun Nan brother, I went to the bathroom." Fu Shuyi said.

Bai Junnan nodded.

When Fu Shuyi came out of the bathroom, she heard a low cry and a cry of pleading. Her footsteps hesitated, and he walked in the direction of the sound.

"Master Li, I really don't do that, let me let go." The girl prayed

The person known as Li Shaoye is cold-hearted. "Isn't it that you are so exposed that you want to seduce it? If you don't look at you, how much do you think you will see you?"

Fu Shuyi recognized the girl who spoke at a glance, Lu Yimeng. It seems that she was not really blinded by her. She didn’t know the man, but she should be dressed in a circle. It is estimated that it is rich. The second generation.

Lu Yimeng was trapped between the wall and the body. The man's hand was placed on Lu Yimeng's waist, and the movement was not very regular. She was very exposed tonight, split the long skirt, directly to the roots of the thigh, the upper body is also the back of the clothes, the face painted with heavy makeup, if not Fu Shuyi with her day and night really can not recognize her.

Her eyes flashed, and Lu Yimeng dressed up like this to do something here? And how did she come in? Charm is a membership system. Without a certain economic ability, it is impossible to enter. The annual membership fee is a huge number.

Even if the conditions of Lu Yimeng’s family are good, it will not be so good.

Lu Yimeng did not notice that someone was watching them in secret. Her attention was on the prominent hand that Li Shao put on her waist. She wanted to smother the hand, but she did not dare to offend the person in front of her. After all, this man's father is the boss of his father's company. If he offended him, her father's work will be finished.

"Li Shao, what kind of woman does you want according to your identity? Why do you want to compete with me? I am boring and dull, and I will definitely disappoint you."

Li Shao chuckled, "Abalone sea cucumbers eat more, now I want to eat some porridge, how do you feel lost with the Lord?"

"No, Li Shao, I don't mean that. I am really inconvenient." Lu Yimeng was embarrassed.

"Let's take that excuse, I don't mind checking it out personally, if you dare to lie to me..." The words directly colded my face, and the hand came to her hips along the curve of the waist.

Lu Yimeng was so scared that he was white, holding his hand and begging, "Li Shao, please let me go, I really don't fit." She wanted to catch the golden turtle, but she didn't want to talk to her. Think of a woman as a toy dude. Her body is her capital, she can't let such people ruin her capital.

Li Shao’s eyes flashed with anger. When he was in a good mood, he could patiently swear two sentences. As a result, the woman gave her face a shame and pinched her chin. “Don’t toast and not eat fine wine, my patience is limited, you If a family doesn't want to mix in the capital, you should leave."

The chin was pinched and hurt. Lu Yimeng had accumulated tears in her eyes. When she was at a loss, the hand holding her chin suddenly loosened. Immediately, Li Shao heard a cry.

Li Shaozheng wants to see which **** to give a little gossip, and the result is on the cold eyes of Fu Shuyi. He stayed and his eyes were full of surprises. It was a pretty girl.

"Hey, this is where the beauty." Li Shao smiled, simply forgot the pain on his wrist.

Lu Yimeng saw Fu Shuyi, but also a stay, "book art."

Li Shaowen said, laughing. "It turned out to be a cute friend, hello, my name is Li Zhishen."

Fu Shuyi looked at the face in front of him, the color of the eyes was colder, and Lu Yimeng was pulled over. "Are you okay?"

Lu Yimeng shook his head, "Nothing." There was a glimpse of embarrassment in the eyes, and Fu Shuyi bumped into this scene. She really lost her life.

Li Zhishen saw Fu Shuyi ignore him, not angry, beautiful, can forgive.

"This beautiful woman, since they all know each other, and met here again, this is the fate, play together."

Lu Yimeng took Fu Shuyi's clothes corner and desperately gave Fu Shuyi a look. Fu Shuyi gave her a reassuring look. When she looked at Li Zhishen, her eyes returned to coldness. "Want to play with me, are you qualified?"

Li Zhishen is not happy, even if it is a beautiful woman, it is a woman, it must not be above him. The woman in front of me does not give him face again and again, it is simply owing to clean up.

His eyes flashed a mouth-watering color, just thinking about hard, and did not wait for his action, Fu Shuyi directly lifted his foot is a glimpse, Li Zhishen made a pig-like roar.

------Off topic ------

Although Lin Jing’s personality is not flattering, she is not really a bad woman. She may have more energy, but she still has her own principles and bottom line. Most of her personality is caused by the family environment. It is also a kind of helplessness.

Read The Duke's Passion