MTL - Admiral in the Marvel Universe-v2 Chapter 399 Addicted to cultivation, unable to extricate himself!

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The soldier boy staggered slightly, like a boxer, slowly looking for the defensive flaws in Maeve, and in his hand, he held a dagger that shone with cold light.

Maeve took a breath, and the soldier boy's wolf-like gaze locked her directly. She would definitely not care if it was replaced by ordinary daggers or guns, but the problem was that this person was a soldier boy, a strong man in the era of the motherland. .

Even if the opponent does not have the despairing strength of the natives, it should not be underestimated.


With a scream, the cold light cut through the void and pierced into the ground beside Maeve's feet. The hilt of a long sword trembled slightly, making a slight humming sound.

Maeve chuckled lightly and stretched out her jade hand, pulling out the long sword at her feet.

The soldier boy Tong Kong suddenly shrank. Damn, this mad woman and her companions are here... No, the speed of the sword just now was extremely fast, that person's strength is definitely above this mad woman!

The soldier boy's eyes were gloomy. He had only been away from the American Empire for twenty or thirty years, and there were several strong men who were not inferior to him.

With the weapon in her hand, Maeve's confidence greatly increased, and with a coquettish cry, the long sword instantly turned into a cold light, stabbing the soldier boy in the eye.

This soldier boy, like herself, and the natives who have died, are all made of steel, and ordinary attacks can't break the defense at all.

But the position of the eyes is different. It is definitely the weakness of any creature, including her.

That is to say, that **** **** from the motherland is different. He has the ability of hot sight, which can be called a bastard. Otherwise, how could he be suppressed so miserably by him!

"Mom to Fake!" The soldier boy scolded angrily, this woman's shot was his vital point.

Immediately, he made a wrong step, avoiding the long sword, and the dagger in his hand drew an arc from the left and pierced Maeve's ear.

"Humph!" Maeve snorted coldly, if her ears were so good at attacking, then she wouldn't be beaten by the motherland so that she could not fight back.

With a swirl of the wrist, Maeve's long sword was gripped backwards, the blade was raised horizontally, and with a choked sound, a series of sparks appeared.

The dagger in the soldier boy's hand rose uncontrollably, and Maeve's long sword slashed across the soldier boy's neck.


The blade slashed through the soldier boy's neck, but it didn't do anything except bring up a string of sparks and leave a white mark.

The soldier boy stepped back again and again, his face extremely ugly, just as he expected, this woman's fighting power is not inferior to him, it is really strong.

What's more troublesome is that in the woods, there is another person with similar combat power to her who is watching the battle.

"Damn it..." The soldier boy's face was so gloomy that it almost dripped with water. The American emperor who let him go all the way in the past has changed. There are not a few powerful superhumans, even if he himself may not be able to defeat them.


The soldier boy took a deep breath, shouted loudly, and stomped on his legs, instantly bursting with lightning-like speed, slaughtering Maeve!

"Hmph, come on!" Maeve sneered, squatting with her legs slightly, her feet charging up, she wanted to see how strong this so-called soldier boy was.


With a swoosh, while she was defending herself, the soldier boy brushed past her and disappeared into the forest.

Like wind, rain, like lightning, it disappeared all at once. https://

The boiling fighting intent on Maeve's face solidified a little bit, this guy... actually fled without a fight?

"Fuck!" Maeve dropped her long sword and cursed angrily, "You call this a symbol of America?"

"It's normal, it's just bullying the soft and fearing the hard." Cao Gui walked out of the forest and said with a smile: "Rogue and rotten boy, which one isn't bullying the soft and fearing the hard?"

"Che, just like the natives, he is a coward, as expected of his predecessors." Maeve said with contempt.

Cao Gui rubbed her face and smiled, "Don't make that expression, it's too ugly."

"Let's go, let's go back, there's a chance to beat that **** again."

"Mmmm, let's go... Huh? Where are my shoes?" Maeve just remembered, wondering where she dropped her high heels.

"No, I'll take you back." Cao Gui said with a smile, stretched out his arms, hugged her and flew into the sky, then took out the ball cloud and flew back leisurely.

"Huh? What is this?" Maeve asked in surprise, touching the cloud of **** like cotton candy, her face full of surprise, there is such a thing?

"It's called a ball cloud, and it's a very good flying prop." Cao Gui laughed.

Maeve: "...I understand the truth, but why did you take off my clothes?"

"Hehe, don't you think the scenery here is very beautiful?" Cao Gui said with a strange smile.

Maeve: "..."

This pervert...


After staying in the world of black robes for a few days, I discussed some poses with Maeve in depth... ah no, it's knowledge, biological knowledge.

During this period, the soldier boy seemed to have disappeared without any news, and Maeve ignored the soldier boy.

Cao Gui was so busy from morning to night that she couldn't get out of the house. She was the same, she was busy with Cao Gui, and the soldiers and boys had long been forgotten.

A few days later, Cao Gui left the world of black robes and returned to the world of Marvel.

Gwen hadn't woken up yet. Cao Gui, who was worried, slipped into the bathroom quietly, and took two baths before he was relieved.

Looking at the time, Cao Gui was a little under his feet and flew to the sea to start practicing. After being busy these days, he hasn't been struck by lightning for a long time.


A short while later, above the sky off the coast of Los Angeles, a thick and heavy dark cloud began to slowly gather, and bursts of lightning flickered.


The thunder slammed down, and suddenly illuminated the pitch-black sea where the five fingers could not be reached.

Pengdi said Cao Gui's hair stood on end, his mouth opened, and a black smoke came out: "Ah... I haven't been this comfortable for a long time."

Shaking his neck, lightning struck one after another, and the roaring sound attracted a lot of attention.

In the next period of time, Cao Gui was either suffering from Lei Di or on the way to Lei Di, because the feeling of cultivating was so comfortable that Gwen didn't think much about it.

In this regard, Gwen was extremely surprised. When did the pervert change?

If it wasn't for Cao Gui coming back with a spiky haircut every day, Gwen would suspect that Cao Gui had cheated on him, that he would stop loving him and dislike himself.

A few days later, Gwen, who became less and less confident in her charm, launched her own seduction offensive. was so sad that I couldn't get out of bed for three days.

From then on, Gwen didn't dare to mess around anymore, the lecher didn't change his character, he just hid more deeply.

Gwen, who was not accompanied by a partner for the time being, began to upgrade her armor. She went to Tony Stark's house in Marbury during this time and borrowed a lady's armor to study it a little. harvest.

The only regret is that Mr. Stark is not very friendly, and he wasted a lot of hands and feet to borrow it.

But Gwen hadn't studied for a long time, when several calls from Kenm came, Gwen, who couldn't beat the pregnant Kenm, went to accompany Ken again.



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