MTL - Admiral in the Marvel Universe-v2 Chapter 400 As expected of my object

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"Gentlemen and ladies, think about it, everyone spends nearly $2,000 a year on cell phones and mobile internet."

"But now, I am proud to announce that that era is over!"

"Three days later, no matter what nationality, what race, male, female, old or young, anyone can receive a SIM card suitable for all computers and mobile phones!"

"Also, this card is free for life!"

In the living room, Cao Gui was like a salted fish, lying lazily on the sofa watching TV. Some time ago, his mind was pumping, he fell in love with cultivation, and he was exhausted.

Is it okay to lie down like a salted fish? How comfortable is it now, why should I suffer from thunder?

"Tsk tsk tsk..." Cao Gui looked at the TV screen, where a **** was giving out benefits, giving everyone a free SIM card and providing free internet services.

"This guy looks a lot like that dead **** Nick Fury..." Cao Gui couldn't help but complain, except for the extra eye, they were exactly the same... Oh, no, there's no such thing as Majafak.

"Haney, I'm back..." At this time, Gwen weakly pushed open the door, walked to Cao Gui with a haggard face, and imitated Cao Gui's appearance and lay down like a salted fish.

"Huh? What's wrong?" Cao Gui got up quickly and hugged her in his arms.

"Hehe... it's all Kem." Gwen twitched the corners of his mouth, hugged Cao Gui, and told how Kem treated her with tears in his eyes. He often called her in the middle of the night and asked her to chat with her when she couldn't sleep. Go to the phone bombing one after another.

What's more, Kem started to feel sleepy while chatting, and then went to sleep, but he kept disgusting himself for being noisy, even if he moved his steps, it would be noisy, but she couldn't beat her, she couldn't speak, she couldn't speak.

After Kem's tossing, Gwen almost became nervous.

"Ah, this..." Cao Gui hugged his own girlfriend distressedly. She actually went one step ahead of herself and experienced the pain of taking care of a pregnant woman.

Gwen is so sensible that it hurts.

"Jingle Bell~"

The phone rang again, and there was a look of fear in Gwen's eyes, Kem's phone.

"Cao..." Gwen looked at Cao Gui eagerly.

Cao Gui patted her head: "It's okay, leave it to me."

Then... I unplugged the phone line, physically isolating Kem's phone.

"It's not the way to go on like this..." Cao Gui rubbed his chin and pondered, the Kem family has a great business, and its assets are much more than Gwen and Cao Gui. Without the two of them, not only would they not die of hunger, but they would live better Moisturize.

"Let's leave Los Angeles!" Gwen said sternly, she didn't want to stay any longer. Pregnant women were really too troublesome, and she felt a headache just thinking about it.

"What is it...Ahem, I mean, where are you going?" Cao Gui asked, "Are you going back to New York?"

"No." Gwen shook his head: "New York is still in ruins. It must be inconvenient to travel and do errands."

"Then... where are you going?"

"Go... go..." Gwen thought for a while, took out the atlas and started flipping through it. After a fierce operation, he pointed to a city and said:


"Honey, let's go to Paris!" Gwen said very fast.

"Uh..." Cao Gui was at a loss for words. He seemed to have an acquaintance in Paris, a French girl who was warm and hot, in case...

Cao Gui's expression froze, and he immediately said, "My dear, let's go to London!"

"London?" Gwen wondered, "Why?"

"Because..." Cao Gui rolled his eyes and said solemnly, "Because Paris is full of boulevards!"

"Uh... I understand the truth, but what does it matter?" Gwen's pretty face was full of puzzlement.

"The boulevard is for the Germans to march, but I don't speak German!" Cao Gui said eloquently: "We don't understand the language, so we can only go to London, England."

Gwen: "..."

That's right, the official language of Paris is German.

It is true that the language is not spoken.

"Well, let's go, go to England, go to London."

The two who said they were leaving immediately took their mobile phone IDs, locked the doors and windows, and drove directly to the airport.

Several hours later, the two landed at Heathrow Airport in London, England.

"Ah... London's weather really lives up to its reputation." Cao Gui complained. When they first got off the plane, the weather was okay. Although it was not sunny, it was somewhat sunny.

But it was only two minutes later, the weather was gloomy, and the drizzle began to fall. Cao Gui and Gwen had no choice but to buy an umbrella on the street.

"Where are you going next?" Gwen asked silently. The weather in Los Angeles was sunny and the temperature was not low, but London was different. It was drizzling and the weather was a bit gloomy and cold.

Although the physical fitness of Cao Gui and the two people is not bad, everyone else is wearing long-sleeved coats, and the two of them are casual and short-sleeved, which looks weird.

"Buy a villa first, then buy some clothes, what do you think?" Cao Gui said with a smile.

"OK, no problem." Gwen agreed.

The resolute two went to South Kensington by themselves, where they bought a villa that had been vacant for a while.

"The price of land here is so expensive..." Gwen snorted. Although he is already a billionaire, Gwen has always been a student in his life, and he has no extravagance.

After spending tens of millions to buy a villa at one time, I still feel very distressed. Not only that, Cao Kui also ordered some clothes from some luxury stores, and another hundred thousand dollars disappeared.

"This is South Kensington." Cao Gui shrugged: "Part of inner London, close to the royal family or something."

To be honest, Cao Gui didn't understand either, but it was here not long after he got out of the airport, and the environment looked good, so he bought it straight away.

Moreover, Gwen also rejected the intermediary company...the functions are similar, so let's call it that.

Gwen also rejected the gentleman butler and maid offered by the agency, otherwise, the price of the house would have to be raised.

"To be honest, I have always disliked English gentlemen very much." Gwen pouted and said disdainfully, "The so-called noble gentlemen, all the education they have received tells them to stay away from labor."

"So, because they didn't participate in labor and despised labor for a long time, they became more aristocratic because of the temperament of idlers. It's ridiculous."

"Ah this... it turns out to be like this." Cao Gui was stunned, I said why the so-called aristocratic education is to teach some useless things, it turns out to be like this.

"British people hate it the most." Gwen hummed.

"Huh?" Cao Gui expressed his confusion.

"There are two main white races in the U.S. One is English white and the other is German white." Gwen said, "I am German."

"What about the French?" Cao Gui asked.

"They are gone and surrendered."

Cao Gui: "..."

As expected of my partner, the milk method is smoother than mine.

During the conversation, the two walked into Imperial College, an institution with a long history. Although Gwen disliked the British, he did not dislike the British institution. The two began to visit this British institution.

But at this moment, a figure entered Cao Gui's line of sight, like an acquaintance.


Not Harry Osborn.

It's Harry Hunter.

He also goes by the name Galahad, one of Kingsman's twelve knights.

"Why is he here?" Cao Gui asked in confusion.

"He's British, so it's normal here, right?" Gwen said. Since he was frank with Cao Gui, Cao Gui told her a lot about organizations she hadn't heard of before, including the Kingsman spy organization. .

"It seems that this academy is in trouble." Cao Gui shrugged, where superheroes are, there must be supervillains.

Sure enough, not long after, there was a loud bang, and a burst of fire exploded in this academy.

The Galahad agent walked out of the rubble in embarrassment. His face was ashen and his hair was messed up.



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