MTL - Admiral in the Marvel Universe-v2 Chapter 422 dark hand

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"Hey, dear, I'm on my way to Washington, and I have to leave New York for a while." Cao Gui smiled into the phone.

"Washington? You disappeared as soon as I woke up..." Gwen complained, very unhappy.

"Ah this... SHIELD thing..."

"What is that garbage pipe doing?" Gwen said dissatisfied.

"...about the Hydra." Cao Gui was helpless and could only tell the truth.

Gwen: "…Need my help?"

"I don't need it for now." Cao Gui smiled.

"Okay..." Gwen grunted and hung up the phone.

In the car, Sitwell's mouth twitched slightly. Hydra and S.H.I.E.L.D. in this conversation are so compelling.

"You told Gwen everything?" Sitwell was a little surprised.

"Huh? Didn't I tell you?" Cao Gui was surprised: "She was the masked man in the battle armor in the Battle of New York."

"Understood..." Sitwell was silent for a while, that is also a super strong, the kind that is not a problem to single out half of the Avengers.

"How is the preparation work?" Cao Gui brought the topic to the insight plan.

"It's ready, Agent Hill and Steve already know the insight plan." Sitwell said, what they have to do is very simple, put Pierce on the air.

Sitwell doesn't want to lose his current power, which is the result of his struggle for most of his life, but he also doesn't want to carry out the insight plan, which is completely impossible.

Therefore, the best way is to maintain the status quo, and to do so... Cao Gui and Sitwell are not only facing Pierce, but also Captain America and the others.

"Trouble..." Cao Gui sighed.

"The mothership is all my people, even if not, I have become my own."

Sitwell raised his chin. The driver had a normal face and natural eyes when driving, but compared with normal people, he was still less agile.

Taking nanorobot technology from the Arctic base, they have been turned into the most loyal Neo Serpent.

SHIELD, Trident headquarters.

"Insight into the ship bay." Sitwell took Cao Gui into the elevator.

Cao Gui looked at the transparent elevator curiously, here... it's very suitable to say long live the Hydra!

"Access is forbidden, Cao Gui, the third-level agent, does not have permission to enter the Insight Project." The artificial intelligence immediately prompted.

"Leave-level authorization, eighth-level agent Gaspar Sitwell."


The two took the elevator all the way down, entered the underground hangar, and then came to a large underground construction dock.

"Captain Steve Rogers, eighth-level agent Maria Hill has entered the Insight Project Bay under the leadership of Director Pierce." The artificial intelligence reminded a second time.

Cao Gui and Sitwell looked at each other, everything was planned.

"Just in time, Sitter."

In front, three people stopped and turned to wait for the two of them.

Looking at Sitwell and Cao Gui who were approaching, Pierce smiled and said, "I'm introducing the insight plan to Agent Hill and Captain Steve. It just so happens that you guys are here, let's listen together."

Of course, when the boss was in front of him, it was definitely not Pierce's mouth, and this matter fell on Sitwell's head, but as Sitwell's introduction began, the expressions of Steve and Agent Hill changed instantly.

"Bad people can only be punished if they do bad things!" Steve said solemnly: "Let these three motherships rise into the sky and hold so many guns at the people of the earth. Do you call this protection?"

"Sir, regarding this plan... I think it is necessary to hold an internal meeting of S.H.I.E.L.D." Agent Hill said in a deep voice:

"This plan cannot be decided by the Security Council alone, it is too involved."

"Here, I solemnly hope that this plan can be postponed to give those of us enough time to prepare."

"I agree with Agent Maria Hill's proposal!" Steve said solemnly: "This matter is too big, we can't make a decision lightly!"

The haze flashed in Pierce's eyes, he adjusted his breathing slightly, and said with a smile: "This plan is decided by the Security Council. If you want to postpone it... I'm afraid it will be difficult."

"I will do it in my own way!" Steve said immediately without giving in at all.

"Director, the captain is right, this plan is a bit extreme, I hope you can consider it carefully." Hill immediately stood on the platform Rogers, she also did not agree with this plan

Pierce's face suddenly became ugly. What he hated most was this kind of soldier, and he didn't make sense at all, especially when he was supported by someone.

"Cough cough... Captain, don't worry." Sitwell hurriedly said: "Director Pierce didn't say that he would not postpone, but just said that it would be troublesome. I think he will consider it carefully."

Steve didn't speak, but looked at Pierce with a burning gaze. If he didn't give an explanation today, he might not leave.

"...You are right, it is indeed a bit inappropriate." Pierce took a deep breath, nodded and said, "I will immediately raise an objection to the Security Council and delay the implementation of the insight plan."

"Thank you, Director Pierce." Steve smiled: "I will be in Washington during this time. If you need any help, please feel free to contact me."

Pierce's smile didn't change, and Steve's words were obviously a threat.

Agent Hill's eyes flickered. Unlike Steve, she couldn't stay in Washington and had to go back to New York, where she could use her best abilities.

"Okay, the tour is over, let's get to work." Pierce smiled and left here with everyone.

"The rest is up to Director Pierce." Steve nodded and smiled.

"The duty." Pierce didn't care: "Speaking of which... How does the captain know about the Insight Project? The captain doesn't seem to have the authority to know this. UU"

"Agent Hill told me." Steve raised his hand.

Agent Hill looked bewildered: "What I saw in the database, I have permission."

Pierce's smile froze. He didn't grant Hill this permission, nor did he ask anyone to grant Hill this permission... Could it be Nick Fury?

Although he disappeared, he may not have left behind.

Pierce nodded, turned and returned to his office. Sitwell had already told Pierce the news of Cao's return in advance, but now he didn't care about this talented boy anymore.

"Sit, you arrange the half-day time yourself, I have something to deal with." Pierce said solemnly.

"I'll return to the mothership immediately!" Sitwell said solemnly: "I can't watch the officer get into trouble when there is a crisis."

Pierce's expression softened a little and nodded: "In that case, let's go back first."

On the streets of Washington, Agent Hill drove his car through the streets.

"Start encrypted communication and connect to the secure line 1123." Agent Hill said in a deep voice, and Colson's avatar appeared on the phone in the center console.

"Colson, I have something to look for you, come to New York to find me."

At this moment, a Washington, D.C. police car pulled up beside her, and the two officers in the car gave Agent Hill a curious look.

"Need to check my documents?" Agent Hill said a little unhappily.

The two policemen simply glanced at her and then left slowly.

On the roof of a building, Cao Gui sat on the edge, holding a gray eyeball in his hand, looking down at everything below, Agent Hill is a very good beauty, but unfortunately he has been with Nick Fury for too long Now, Cao Gui is basically not interested in her anymore.