MTL - Admiral in the Marvel Universe-v2 Chapter 423 Seat belts are a good thing

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Admiral Chapter 423 in the Marvel Universe Seatbelts are a good thing

"Start encrypted communication, connect to secure line 1015..." Agent Hill said a second time.

"Sorry, no permission, access denied!" However, this time, artificial intelligence gave a completely different result.

Agent Hill frowned, what's going on? It's just a simple secure encrypted communication, how can I have no authority?

Drop drop!

Behind her, several cars kept honking their horns to urge. Now that the light is green, Hill won't go, but the people behind her need to go.

"Damn..." Agent Hill cursed angrily, started the car and moved forward, ready to stop and make a phone call, but just when she was in the middle of the intersection.

The roaring engine sound came sharply, and with a bang, it slammed into the side of Agent Hill's body, pushing her all the way to the roadside wall.

Bang bang bang!

Another three sounds came, a car blocked her path, and the front cover of another car slammed into the back of her car, pushing his rear wheels off the ground.

There was another car that was still charging from the side and pinned her to the wall.

"damn it……"

Inside the car, Agent Hill looked up from the airbag panting with gold stars in her eyes. Unlike Nick Fury, she was not injured because she had the airbag on. She was simply hit with gold stars in her eyes. .

So... the Washington DC traffic police remind you: there are thousands of roads, safety is the first, don't wear seat belts, and your relatives will cry.

At this time, a black van came at a speed, and Agent Hill, who had recovered from the dizzy state, could clearly see the person who attacked him.

Washington Police, and Capitol Police!

Four police cars, one van, and ten heavily armed police officers descended.

"Damn..." Agent Hill's face was extremely ugly. Although he didn't know what happened, if he didn't run away, he would be dead!

"Start autopilot!" Looking at the cocked rear body, Agent Hill said, it's not a big problem. Her car was given to her when Nick Fury was deported. Landing has little effect.

"The power system failed!"

"Damn it, restart it!" Agent Hill couldn't help scolding, the next second...

bang bang bang bang!

The ten police officers all pulled the trigger of their assault rifles, and immediately, bullet marks and bullet rupture marks began to appear on the windows.

This car is Nick Fury's matching car. The bulletproof effect is not very good. Under the shooting of ten assault rifles, the windows are only smudged, and no damage occurs.

"The window integrity is 96%." The artificial intelligence reminded.

Agent Hill breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he was safe in a short time...

However, before the thought disappeared, the ten police officers who saw that the firearms did not work took out an electric door striker from the van.

This is a special anti-terrorism police device used in urban areas. Unless it is a special doorway that is deliberately thickened, it cannot stop a hit from this thing.

"Warning, the windows are about to take a huge hit!"

"I can really look up to me..." Agent Hill's eyes twitched slightly, and he immediately unbuckled his seat belt and moved to the co-pilot.


The door-slamming hammer slammed **** the car window, and cracks on the bulletproof glass window were clearly visible.

"The window integrity is 30%!"

"The power system is started!" The artificial intelligence reminded two voices in succession: "Ready to start."

"No! Prepare countermeasures!" Agent Hill shouted.


Another huge impact, Agent Hill shook it violently, and the window next to the driver's seat was full of cracks.

"The window integrity is 8%!"

Agent Hill's eyes flashed, and he snapped a button, only to hear a sound from Katcha, and a three-barreled Gatling gun was raised.

Da Da Da Da Da!

The shiny brass bullet shot out immediately, shattering the window glass, and instantly killing four or five police officers.

"Take me out of here! Hurry up!"

Agent Hill shouted loudly, and immediately the front wheel of the car began to spin rapidly, slamming away the car in front of him with a bang, getting rid of the dilemma of the rear wheel sticking up.

Immediately afterward, he quickly stepped back, and with another bang, he rammed the car behind him. Since all the policemen got out of the car and shot, no one was in control of the car, which easily freed Agent Hill from the embarrassing situation of being controlled.

The car full of bullet marks roared and led Agent Hill away.

"Quick, activate the flight function!" Agent Hill quickly shouted after glancing at the police officers who were still shooting behind him.

"Start charging, and the flight function will start after a minute." The AI ​​said, and Agent Hill breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he escaped...

"If Nick was here, he would have done better than me..."

However, a dark shadow suddenly flashed out of the corner of his eyes, and with a snap, there was an abnormal sound from the car door behind him.

"Damn, what's the matter..." Agent Hill turned his head quickly, a figure with long hair masked, wearing sunglasses, holding a strange-shaped assault rifle in his hand, flashed before her eyes.


The body shook violently, lifted high, and then slammed down heavily, with its four wheels pointing to the sky, causing Agent Hill to fall into a mess.

"The seat's really a good thing..." Agent Hill said with great joy. He was hung on the seat. Except for his messy hair and wrinkled clothes, there was no injury or a drop of blood.

Compared to Nick Fury, who had a broken arm and a nosebleed in the original book, the seat belt really helped Agent Hill a lot.

The masked figure with long hair came slowly, but Agent Hill in the car turned pale, and the seat belt was stuck!

She didn't know what was going on. The seat belt on her body could not be unfastened. She could only take out the knife and start cutting the seat belt.

But the figure was already very close. The silver-gray arm grabbed on the door and pulled it hard, only to hear a loud noise, and the entire door was pulled out and thrown open, revealing Agent Hill inside.

"Damn it!" Looking at the red five-pointed star on the silver-gray arm, Agent Hill's face was ashen, and he was in a desperate situation and could not escape.

But at this moment, a hand patted the Winter Soldier's shoulder, and he was wearing a tight combat uniform, and a joking voice followed: "Hi, how are you, Ki...Mr. Bucky..."

The Winter Soldier's calm eyes were sharp in an suddenly turned around, his silver-gray elbows turned into sharp cones, and slammed hard behind him. The harsh sound of breaking through the air suddenly sounded, and even Agent Hill in the car was stunned. Hearing that, his face turned pale for a while, if he was beaten, he would never survive.


"The response is good, but the strength is a little short, Sergeant Bucky." Cao Gui easily blocked Bucky's attack, and chuckled:

"You don't have the strength to beat people, and you still call yourself a winter soldier?"

Cao Gui clenched his fist and punched the Winter Soldier in the face.


Immediately, the Winter Soldier's entire mask shattered, revealing a white man's face, splattered with blood and flying backwards.

"This person... Who is it?" Agent Hill was horrified. He was wearing a tight black battle uniform that wrapped his entire body tightly, not revealing an inch of his skin. He also had several short knives and daggers tied to his body.


The Winter Soldier let out an angry roar, and a carp jumped up and down, pulled out a dagger in his hand, and brought a sharp blade of light toward Cao Gui's neck.

"Haha..." Cao Gui chuckled lightly, glanced at Agent Hill who had disappeared in the car, and greeted the Winter Soldier who rushed over.

"Sergeant Bucky, it seems that you need to restore your memory." After speaking, Cao Gui slowly raised his fist covered with armed colors.

Read The Mage of Eternity