MTL - Admiral in the Marvel Universe-v2 Chapter 480 Bad intentions and more bad intentions!

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As if shaking the heavens and the earth, the thunder light in the sky condensed, and the crisp sound of swords resounded through the sky and the earth, and the brilliant thunder light suddenly condensed, and the blue and white swords whistled.

"Damn..." Thanos had nothing else in his sight, only this huge blade that slashed into the sky.

Even he, in the face of this offensive... has a sense of despair.


After only a moment of hesitation, Qiandiao Sharp Spear was already on the ground, the blade was cut off, Thanos' entire left arm flew up in an instant, and the Infinity Gloves inlaid with Soul Gems flew up to the arm.

In an instant, the connection between Thanos and the Soul Gem was completely disconnected.

"What a fast knife..." The despair in the eyes of Thanos became more and more intense, and he really cut off another character of his own!


The thousand bird sharp spear swept across, the shape of the huge blade changed, and it shrank into a three-fingered blade in an instant, and it swept across, and Thanos' head and arms were raised high.


The corpse fell and smashed on the ground in the mirror space. Blood gurgled out from the broken part of the body, and he couldn't rest his eyes.

"Although he is the overlord of the universe, he is no different from other people when he dies..." Strange looked at Thanos' corpse and sighed. No wonder Casillas pursued immortality so madly.

"Bury him!"

Cao Gui said with a sigh, raised his hand and flew the Infinity Gloves, landing in his hands. On top of it, the Soul Gem was slightly dark and no longer flickering.

Cao Gui stretched out his five fingers and put the Infinity Glove on his left hand. The Infinity Glove is an artifact created by the Dwarf King. It is an artifact specially used to carry the Infinity Gem, and it should automatically fit different hand shapes...

However, Cao Gui was disappointed, and he didn't. After he put it on, the Infinity Gloves didn't respond at all.

Cao Gui frowned, and the soul light group flew out, endowed the infinite glove with the soul, and made it into his own Homitz.

With the appearance of Hormiz, the Infinite Gloves began to have life. Under Cao Gui's will, they began to shrink their body shape and instantly fit Cao Gui's hand shape perfectly.

However, after a glance, Thanos has not been buried, and he has not left the mirror space.

"???" Cao Gui looked at Strange with a bewildered expression.

"???" Strange also looked at Cao Gui with a confused expression.

After silently looking at each other for a few minutes, Strange realized that this guy wanted him to do it.

"Could it be that I can't do it?" Cao Gui said angrily.

Immediately, he set the Space Gem and Power Gem on the Infinity Gloves maliciously, and then shook the Infinity Gloves of the three Infinity Gems, staring at the Time Gem on Strange even more maliciously.

Strange: "…"

I suddenly realized that coming here with him was a very bad decision...

"Hey..." With a sigh, Strange could only act obediently, with a burst of grief and anger in his heart, and he made up his mind to never act with Cao Gui again. He wanted to return to Kama Taj, and he had to practice hard!

After a long while of busy work, Strange buried Thanos on Vormir. This is the burial place of his daughter. It can be considered that his daughter is with him.

After doing this, Strange took out the sling, opened the space portal, and prepared to get in, but...

With a flash of blue light, the space portal is like sand on the beach, and the waves are completely smoothed out.

Strange: "…"

I knew it!

"Don't worry!" Cao Gui spread out his hands, sighed helplessly and said, "Isn't there another Hela that hasn't been resolved yet?"

"Strange, you don't want Asgard to be replaced by a brutal and warlike monarch?"

"No, these..."

"Huh?" Cao Gui snorted and said nothing.

"You're right! Asgard better maintain the current state!" Strange shuddered, decisively.

Not to mention now, even if Cao Gui doesn't have three gems Strange can't beat him, if he doesn't want to be beaten, or if he encounters worse treatment, it's best to be honest and obedient.

"Okay, you go to Asgard first, and I'll go back to Earth to get the gem." Cao Gui snapped his fingers and said, in fact, he wasn't interested in the time gem.

Time is too illusory and extremely dangerous. If you accidentally lose yourself, you may lose your girlfriend.

And most importantly, he now has five Infinity Stones, plus the Time Stone is six.

Hulk's physique can't hold six gems, let alone him... well, Cao Gui's body is quite strong now, but he still doesn't want to touch six gems.

The Hulk touched the six gems, and one of his arms was gone, but Cao Gui couldn't. He had two girlfriends, and each of them had exactly one arm. If they were missing, it would be troublesome!

He's not single like the Hulk!

As soon as the words fell, Cao Guibian and Strange separated, one returned to Earth and the other went to Asgard.

Hela's strength is not weak, and in Asgard, her power will continue to flow, to be on the safe side... Bring all five gems!

Asgard, inside the palace!

On the splendid throne, Hela leaned on the throne belonging to Odin gracefully with Erlang's legs crossed.

Compared with just breaking free from the seal, the smoky makeup on her face has subsided a lot, and her long black curly long wavy hair has also turned into a charming black straight length, and her coquettish figure is charming and elegant.

However, at this moment, Asgard was not quiet, and bursts of roaring sounds came from all over Asgard. As the queen on the throne, Hela clearly sensed a series of things that happened in Asgard.

Due to the appearance of Cao Gui, this time Thor and Loki were not overtaken by Hela, nor were they beaten out of the Rainbow Bridge and fell into the arena of Gao Tianzun.

Thor and Loki, who returned to Asgard, immediately summoned Heimdall and Sif, and gathered all the troops to stand ready.

Soon, with the arrival of Hela, Thor led his subordinates to fight to the death, but unfortunately...

Big sister is worthy of being a big sister. She easily killed most of the soldiers, Thor was seriously injured, Heimdall was in a coma, Sif broke his arm, if it wasn't for Loki's quick reaction and timely withdrawal of troops... In fact, he was used to running.

But no matter what, Thor's side survived, and Hela did not continue to pursue her. She urgently needed to recover her strength. The longer she was in Asgard, the better it would be for her!

Moreover, this younger brother is indeed a bit capable. Although he destroyed his hammer, in desperation, the power in his body exploded, causing her a lot of trouble!

But after a period of rest, Hela has recovered almost, not only summoning Fenrir, but also resurrecting her dead army.

Now, she is the true king of Asgard!

"Go!" Hela waved her hand, and her death army began to move in the direction she was sensing.

"Tell me about you, Scotch." Hela's slender and well-proportioned calf swayed gently, looking at the oi~ man below... Oh, no, it was Scotch who said.

This is a smart person who knows how to judge the situation very well. Hela has just returned to Asgard and doesn't mind training a subordinate. If you don't like it in the future... then kill it and find another!

"Me? My father was a mason, my mother..." Scotch said quickly.

"Tell me about yourself." Hela was very patient, tapped the handrail on the throne, and said with a half-smile, "Your ambition."

Scott Qi was He is a smart man. If he dares to say that he has no big ambitions... Then he is worthless here in Hela!

"I... just want to find a chance to prove myself!" Scotch said decisively.

Hela nodded slightly, very satisfied with this: "Identity? Very good!"

"When I was a child, every great king had his own executioner." Hela said: "The responsibility of the executioner is not only to kill, but also to implement the king's will... well, kill!"

"Before, I was Odin's executioner, now..." With a sigh, a black giant axe appeared in Hela's hand and handed it to Scotch:

"Now, you are my executioner!"

Scotch's head drooped slightly, and he took the black giant axe in Hela's hand with some trembling.

"Let's go, destroy our opponents!" Saying that, Hela waved her cloak and walked outside the palace, stupid brothers, sister is here!