MTL - Admiral in the Marvel Universe-v2 Chapter 481 Mjolnir, no—!

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North of Asgard, in a cave.

Daliang's defeated generals groaned. They were lucky to fight Hela without dying, but correspondingly, they were seriously injured.

This is nothing, their leader, Thor, is also seriously injured. Hela's right eye is cut off by Hela, and the whole person is as pale as a diseased seedling.

Heimdall has fallen into a coma, the huge hole on the chest is terrifying, and the scabbed wound is still bleeding from time to time. Sif is not so bad, but she has broken her arm. Generally speaking, the enemy can say that there is no difference between Hela and Sever. .

The only one still intact is a Loki, except that he is a crispy mage.

Seeing the miserable state of their princes, the soldiers of Asgard showed grief. Failure is not terrible. What is terrible is that they can't see hope.

However, the existence of Hela not only makes them hopeless, but directly makes them despair!

Thor looked at the dark ceiling with a dazed expression, and the pictures in the conscious world flickered. Suddenly, he came to the grass cliff on the coast of Norway, where Odin stood quietly.

Thor staggered, panting and kneeling in front of Odin: "Father, she's too strong, without Mjolnir, I'm no match for her at all!"

Looking at Thor's mutilated right eye, a gentle smile appeared on Odin's face: "Even if you have healthy eyes, you still can't see everything."

"Thor, you are not the **** of hammers!"

"It's too late!" Thor said helplessly, his eyes full of pain: "It's too late, she has been in Asgard for a long time, and I have no chance to defeat her at all!"

In the battle some time ago, even without Mjolnir, he still burst into a powerful force, almost, almost, he defeated Hela, but... he still lost the battle!

One eye was destroyed, and his comrades tried desperately to get him back, so that he can survive to this day. Hela is too strong, so strong that he is desperate.

"Thor, Asgard is not a place. Where the Asa Gods are, it can be Asgard!"

After speaking, Odin turned around slowly.


In the cave, the sound of thunder rang out, the faces of the people on the top of the outer mountain suddenly changed, and the dark clouds in the sky roared and gathered, as if the sky was falling.

Boom boom boom!

At the same time, several dark green magic giant swords were inserted into the defensive gate of the cave, and finally collapsed with a bang.

Hela appeared in front of everyone with her army of dead undead.

"Hello, my dear brother... Well done!" Hela grinned: "I'm starting to believe a little bit that you are Odin's child!"

Thor's single eye lit up with thunder, floating slowly, arcs flashing all over his body, glaring at Hela.

"Kill everyone!" Hela did not show weakness and issued a lore order!

Outside Asgard, in the stars.

The space gate flashed, and Cao Gui and Strange appeared above Asgard, overlooking this magical continent.

"It's... Spectacular!" Strange's small eyes widened, and he looked at the huge land in the distance in shock.

It is a huge land suspended in nothingness. Magic and high technology have created the magnificence of this place. There is no planetary rotation, no stars shining, but there are still spring, summer, autumn and winter, and day and night change.

In the center of the continent, a splendid, majestic palace stands on it, and the Rainbow Bridge that runs across the entire kingdom extends from the palace to the edge of the continent.

Solemn, solemn and sacred, this is where the realm of the gods in myths and legends lies.

"Huh?" Cao Gui suddenly exclaimed in surprise, looking at a canyon deep in the mountains behind the palace.

There, a rather good thunder force erupted.

"Let's go." Cao Gui stepped at his feet and turned into a rainbow light and flew away.

Strange rolled his eyes, opened the space door and got into the mirror space, where it was much more convenient to observe the enemy's situation than outside.

inside the cave.

"Kill!" Under the desperate situation, the Asgardian warriors roared, drew their swords and charged towards the undead army.

Then...they were even more desperate.

The undead army is not afraid of injury or death, just like the purest killing machine.

If you slash the opponent with a knife yourself, the opponent will not dodge or evade, and the opponent will retaliate with a knife. What's more, these undead army are immortal, even if they are crushed into powder, as long as they are given enough time, they will be able to recover as before.

How to fight this? !

Thor doesn't know, Loki doesn't know, no one knows, but they know that if you fight, you can win!

Hela jokingly looked at the two younger brothers who were bloodbathed, and the mockery in her eyes became more intense.

She enjoyed this feeling very much, just like when she tortured her opponent on the battlefield, despair, fear, death, all of which made her so excited.

"Let's add some more fun to you..." Hela chuckled.

hoo hoo hoo-!

As soon as the voice fell, a beast roar that was no weaker than Thor's previous thunder sounded, and the heart-shaking loud noise suddenly stopped everyone involuntarily.

Immediately afterwards, a black shadow slowly appeared, the huge hole gave it a lot of space, and the black shadow quickly appeared in front of everyone.

Giant Wolf Fenrir!

The terrifying oppressive force caused countless Asgardian warriors who had experienced battles to be dazed for a while, and their weapons involuntarily loosened.

"Hoo hoo hoo!


The giant wolf opened its mouth and roared, and the deafening roar resounded throughout the cave.

"Everyone! Get out of here!"

Thor's voice exploded with thunder, slamming all the lost warriors, countless Asgardians

As if waking up from a dream, he rushed out from the back road prepared in advance.

Hela smiled lightly, she still did not rush to catch up, compared to a place like a cave, the wide world outside was more suitable for her army to kill!

Thor took all the Asgardians out of the cave after Hela deliberately dropped the water.

However, Hela's kindness ran out, and the dense army of undead roared and started to kill again. Loki and Sif stopped the giant wolf Fenrir side by side, and Thor was doing his best to kill the enemy and fight for life for the weak.

Above the sky, Cao Gui silently looked at the figure of Lei Guang who was rampaging through the undead army.

As expected of Brother Hammer, Kaida will always be used to clear the soldiers.

"Forget it..." Cao Gui sighed: "I still have to save Asgard!"

Miao Ernier lit up with thunder light in his hand, and in the rumbling sound of thunder, the exclusive Thor battle robe was condensed on Cao Gui in the thunder light.

In the battlefield below, everyone noticed the difference in an instant.

Especially Thor, the thunder light exploded in the battlefield, the familiar sound of breaking the air lingered in the ears, and then the enemies were bombarded and shattered.

"Mjolnir!" Tolton exclaimed in surprise.

It's his hammer!

It's his favorite hammer!

Hearing Thor's call, Loki was overjoyed, and his brother Thor was back!


There was another loud noise, and a huge skeleton dragon fell, Miaolnir defeated it from a distance, and the thunder turned into powder.

"Hahaha! Miaolnir, you're back!" Thor's only left eye was filled with tears. He was indeed his favorite. He came back to help him when he was in the most difficult time.

Thor stretched out his hand and grabbed Mjolnir who was floating in front of him.

However, at this moment Miaolnir suddenly swept back at a high speed, returning quickly in the direction from which it flew.

"Do not-!"


The lightning exploded, and Miaoernier fell into one hand under the gaze of countless people.

That man, dressed in bright silver armor, silver-white helmet and visor, with electric snakes twinkling around him.

All tell his identity: Asgard Thor!

"Wang Defa?!"

Loki and Sif, who were fighting the giant wolf Fenrir, looked at each other and saw the disbelief in each other's eyes.

I have another brother?

I also have a fiancé?

Hela's eyes narrowed slightly, this new brother is not easy!