MTL - After Being Approached by His Son’s Dad-Chapter 97 Mo always came

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President Mo went arrogantly to Gu Jiayu, and did not wait for Gu Jiayu to ask him, and automatically explained the purpose of his trip. It's just not busy in the morning and I'll bring you over for lunch. "

When Gu Jiayi heard the drunk chicken in Yipinlou, he swallowed it if he wanted to get back the total paste, and hugged the lunch box in surprise, "Wow! I have been eating this for a long time!"

The chef was a weasel, and he was very good at making chicken. Unfortunately, it was only done once a month at 15 and only sold one hundred at a time.

President Mo took the box back again and said with a smile: "I'll wait for you. You take the picture first, and then you eat it."

Gu Jiayu: "..."

So, how to shoot? You can touch your face with your waist or how to shoot!

Director Wang shouted, "Gu Jiayu, come back and shoot the next scene!"

Gu Jiazheng moved back slowly. President Mo looked at his small steps, and his lips were raised.

The shooting continued. Gu Jiayu jumped into the water first, and then Pei Peng jumped down and grabbed his waist. The staff pulled the rope around the waist of the two to let the two jump out of the water together.

The camera was originally very simple. It was said that the play was not challenging at all. As a result, no one expected that when Pei Peng took Gu Jiayu's waist, Gu Jiayu pushed out Pei Peng with a conditioned reflex. More than a meter away.

Director: ⊙ ▽ ⊙

Pei Peng didn't breathe out of breath. She was almost choked by water. After surfacing, she asked Gu Jiaxi with tears and laughter, "What's your situation?"

Gu Jiazhen took a deep breath, and subconsciously looked back at President Mo, who only smiled slightly without any expression.

Gu Jiagui said guilty: "I'm sorry, I'm conditioned."

Pei Peng: "..."

Obviously afraid of her husband!

The two had to dance again, and this time the shooting went smoothly. It would be more perfect if you did not visit Gu Jiayu's slightly stiff body.

The next thing was that they were forced to fall in the deep valley, and there was a huge magic circle on their heads. It would take some effort to rush up. Only after the fox demon's injury was healed would they be able to rush out together.

The next step is Gu Jiayu's scenes of Pei Peng. Gu Xiaoyue shakes his fingers to touch Pei Peng's face. He feels that there is a small stick on his back that pokes him. Imagine what the other person looks like now.

It must have been looking at him with a smile on his face, and he was thinking of something dangerous, only Lao Mo himself knew.

Pei Peng moved forward with a bad heart, put his face in Gu Jiayu's hand, and asked with a smile: "I don't have a long bag on my face, what are you afraid of? Touch it!"

Gu Jiayi shook his hands, he didn't want to touch at all!

The director was exhausted and over. Mo was here. Gu Jiaxun didn't dare to play. The action mechanism was the same as the puppet.

Mo is here, will this film be stopped? impossible! How can a severe person like Wang Dao allow a well-designed plot not to be shot? So Director Wang once again picked up his loudspeaker and shouted at Gu Jiayu: "Gu Jiayu! Don't hold back! Make fun of him! Touch him! Tear off his high cold disguise! Don't be afraid!"

Gu Jiayu QAQ

Keeping his wife and touching other people, does he not want paws? !! (╯ ‵ □ ′) ╯︵┻━┻

Mr. Mo stood elegantly holding the food box beside him, his face was as usual, he did not say that he would not let Gu Jiayu shoot. He knew everything in this script. This was one of the few ambiguous episodes. He came Here is not want to let their own little fox be taken advantage of others, but also have a degree to take advantage of others.

However, Gu Jiayu felt something that others couldn't! Mo always interpreted a sentence with his whole body: When a man is careful, he can be as small as a needle tip.

Whether you are busy or not!

You touch him to try!

Wasted film Bo boss recognized, Bo boss is willing to invest, Bo boss is rich!

The result of not being taken advantage of is: Gu Jiayi took eight shots before the shot that should have been passed once!

Keeping Mo Yunqi, he didn't have the courage to touch other men's faces. He didn't dare to perform the ambiguous plot of pulling clothes and showing his chest. He touched his chin at most, teased with his eyes, and taunted. After the other party's courage, the play is over. In the end, Director Wang was quite satisfied. This kind of unobtrusive emotional drama has the most charm.

Gu Jiaxun ate a chicken with a numb look, looking at Mo's gentle eyes, feeling his hair fluffy.

President Mo pulled out the chicken bones in Gu Jia's mouth, and wiped off the oil stains on Gu Jia's mouth with a paper towel. He asked with a smile: "Are you happy to eat chicken? Is it right for me today? Come to be happy? "

Gu Jiayu QAQ

It's too late!

Why didn't you expect to have chicken today?

The onlookers looked at Gu Jiayu with an envious look, how good this partner is, such a big president, in his busy schedule, took the time to give his brother lunch!

The relationship between these two people is also good and enviable. President Mo has been shy like a little girl, and will not act in the act.

No one would think that Mo always came because of his careful eyes. President Mo, such a president, can support ships in his stomach. How could he be jealous about this? It's not a **** scene! Therefore, the reason that has been unable to shoot can only be that Gu Jiayu is shy!

Pei Peng whispered to Bai Yu, you said that when the next time I film this kind of drama, will Mo always come to deliver meals?

Bai Yu: (⊙o⊙) What?

Pei Peng: "..."

Jiayu Studio, rich in little fools.

Sympathy for Dad Zheng!

After this visiting class, President Mo was addicted to visiting classes. When there was no ambiguous plot, he also wanted to go to classes to brush his sense of existence. Sometimes he took Mo Zeyang, sometimes he went alone, no matter where Gu Jiayu was filming, he would go around when he was free, sometimes he drove, sometimes he drove an airplane. In fact, Mo has already mastered the Transfer skills, sometimes you can't sleep at midnight, you have to take a look.

As time passed, Mo Yunqi didn't go to deliver meals for a week, everyone teased Gu Jiayu, "Mo hasn't been here for a while?"

Gu Jiayu expressed his disdain for their gossip attitude. When Mo Yunqi came in the middle of the night, you could not see it!

Besides, what does it have to do if my wife and children come? Why mention my wife? Beware of the fairies, write your name on the insoles even if you talk nonsense!

Step by step!

Because Gu Xiaoyue can expand now, Gu Xiaoyue is not the original Gu Xiaoyue anymore, Gu Xiaoyue is already the boss!

Gu Xiaoying's demon spirit human dispatch company has started to make a profit!

Gu Xiaoyue was happy for several days after seeing the profit!

The demon spirit manpower dispatch company is currently making good profits, and many of the human housekeeping companies do not take jobs.

This company is under the name of the Moh Group, and the power of President Mo is covered, and no one dares to mess with it. Coupled with President Mo's contacts, they can be as big as mining in the mountains and as small as sewer maintenance. They can do it regardless of the size of the work.

Besides, on the Internet, the rate of earning money must be much faster than the effort. They are all fairies with skills, live longer than normal people, have seen more than normal people, and naturally know more things than normal people. a bit more.

Some people are cooking, some are eating and broadcasting, some are promoting beauty, beauty, wine and kimono decorations, some are game anchors, there are bodybuilding coaches, they are interested in traditional culture, and they are introducing the humanities of all generations. Historically, some can make all kinds of handicrafts, the speed is fast and good-looking, and others can cut paper, cut small animals and plants wonderfully, the best is the Qingming who has been cutting a pair of 18 meters long The picture on the river was given to the couple Gu Guayou for free. Now it is hung in the front hall of President Mo's office building. If it is sold, it will certainly sell for tens of millions of dollars.

But that little goblin said it, it was for delivery! Thanks to both of them for providing these platforms to these little monsters who have not had the opportunity to exert their personal abilities.

After all, a little fairy with little mana living in the human world is a dangerous thing in itself. A few things that are different from normal people are likely to be treated as monsters, and there are many bad fairies who will attack them.

Now colleagues in the company are all fairies. Everyone usually lives here. You don't have to avoid too much. You live freely. You don't have to deal with human beings too much. You have a stable job. And there will be people from the demon tube department to protect them. There are no bad fairies dare to catch them. Where can I find such a job?

Thank the boss, the boss is their living Buddha!

Not only did the fairies find a job, but they also made money themselves. Boss Gu is now proud of his breeze. Although he always spends a lot of money on his account, this does not hinder his good mood.

Just as Boss got a headache, a phone call made him accidentally came in!

The fire fox who had always wanted to turn Gu Jiayu back to the fox nest, because too many fox cubs were adopted, in this era of soaring prices, the big family finally couldn't sustain it.

"Is there a job in my goblin suit that suits me?" Firefox's voice was very low. He didn't like humans. In order to live, he had to work for humans like other goblins, earning chips for the family to continue. This forced feeling is very uncomfortable.

Gu Jiazheng suddenly came to the spirit, "Yes, there is!" I wanted to abduct him, but now the other party ran to the door by himself, why can't he accept it?

The work of ladies' awaits you!