MTL - After Being Approached by His Son’s Dad-Chapter 98 Future King of the Fox

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Gu Xiaomon spit out and explained to the fire fox the work of women's big brothers. This Internet red is especially popular now. The younger brothers and sisters like it, and they don't want to give a reward. It can make him rich and oily, and he can afford as many little foxes as possible.

After listening to Gu Jiayu's introduction, Firefox immediately exploded. "Are you going to make me laugh? What's the difference with ancient prostitutes and girls? I'm still a fucker!"

Gu Jiayu was amused, "I didn't say you didn't bring any children, nor did you let you be a prostitute or a girl. What are you excited about?"

"I wouldn't do that job anyway, if not, then we'll see you again!" The fire fox's voice was deep and boring, and cold as if he had been taken into a well!

"Don't do it, don't hang it. I may have another job for you here." Gu Jiayi is helpless, this fox who doesn't like humans, it may be difficult to change his mind. "I see pet bloggers in the company Yes, do n’t you have a lot of little foxes there? They must all listen to you. If you let them become their originals, they will sleep on their stomachs, and the audience will surely shout and be cute.

Firefox asked in surprise: "Is the human two-footed beast so stupid now?"

Gu Jiayu was speechless, "... not stupid. Some people like furry animals. They are all friendly people to animals. Not everyone is as vicious as you think. You will kill animals when you see them. Now Is n’t there already an animal protection law? There are also volunteers who protect animals voluntarily. Your ideas must not be so extreme. There are good and bad people, and fairies have bad demons. "

Firefox sneered, not knowing whether it was humans or himself. He sighed heavily, "Well, I took them to your house at night. You taught me how to do it. I won't show my face!"

Gu Jiayu looked at the phone that had been hung up and couldn't help raising his eyebrows. To tell the truth, he didn't know what to do. However, when his fans saw Mo Xiaocub, he would shout, "Oh! Little Mo is so cute!" Little foxes should not do anything.

"Shit!" Gu Jiayu put down her phone and went to Mo Zeyang, "Dad has a glorious and difficult task to give you!"

The child Mo Zeyang who was holding the football and was going to pull his father out to play for a while stopped, the expression on the little face was very serious, "What task?"

Xiao Mo always thinks that the glorious and arduous task must be a very important task! Very challenging meaning!

Gu Jiayu held up his son's little face, squeezed the fleshy little face, and said with a smile: "At night, an uncle will bring a lot of little foxes. By then, you can become your original body and play with those little foxes. And, of course, remember to hide your tail. "

Mo Zeyang immediately noticed the problem, "Was I still unable to speak when I had a camera?"

Gu Jiayu wants to lift his son up again, it's great! That's it! Why is his son so smart and cute?

It ’s a pity that Mo Xiaozi, who thinks he has grown up, doesn't want his father to hug him anymore. The child patted Gu Jiayu's shoulder and calmed down his father. "Daddy, you have to play with us for a while ?"

Gu Jiayu: "... don't go!"

He is lazy!

Mo Zeyang held the ball in regret, pulled his father and walked to the lawn in the yard. Gu Jiayu pouted his lips and sadly chased him to Mo Yunqi's back, grievingly: "Grow up The little cubs are getting more and more unlovable! They won't coquettishly hug! "

Mr. Mo smiled and touched Gu Jiayu's head with a smile. "Then you should be coquettish and let's hug."

Gu Jiayu slipped off the back of the other person, rubbing his son's head with sneer, "Do you think of me as a three-year-old child! Oh! I will hug one in the grass nest tomorrow, and it will only be called dad!" Cry you childish cub! "

Mo Zeyang sighed. He didn't believe this statement from the grassy nest. His father still said, "Who are they naive?"

That night, the fire fox came to Gu Jiayu's yard with a bag on his back, letting his breath out, let Gu Jiayu know he was coming.

According to their fairies, trespassing on other people ’s lands would be considered provocative, not to mention that he and Gu Jiayu were both foxes, and the same kind of private trespassing was to grab land and find a fight.

Gu Jiayu put down his chopsticks and called in the fire fox. He was very satisfied with the other party's attitude!

The fire fox is still wearing his favorite red Chinese suit, holding a red paper umbrella of the Tang Dynasty, a sword hanging on his waist, a pair of town bells on the hilt, and clanging as soon as he walks, just back Carrying a burlap sack on his back, it made him a little less immortal.

As soon as he entered the restaurant, Mo Zong and Xiao Mo were eating at the restaurant. Firefox looked at Gu Jiayu in shock. "They look like each other!"

Gu Jiayu rolled his eyes, "Crap! That's his son!"

"But the little one is our family!" The fire fox couldn't understand, how could a person give birth to a little fox?

"So what? We two were born!" Gu Jiazhen walked back to his place with annoyance, disregarding the shocked expression on the other side, took up his rice bowl, drank the remaining half of the egg soup, and looked at each other Seems like a mentally retarded.

The fox was even more shocked. "Why do you still eat?"

As a fairy, she eats three meals a day like a human! Gu Jiayu is definitely a stranger in the fairy!

President Mo silently clipped a crab-yellow bun for his son to make him eat more. At present, it seems that the IQ of the fox family is not very high, and they eat more and supplement.

In addition to throwing his eyes at the fire fox, Gu Jiazheng has no good face for the other party. All the good impressions of him just now have been wiped out.

"Hurry to release the little foxes you are carrying, do you want to strangle them?"

As Gu Jiayu reminded him, Firefox hurriedly put his back pocket on the ground, opened his mouth, and shouted to the little fox inside, "Come out, come on!"

The little foxes grunted and rolled out one by one. Seven little red-haired foxes, one by one holding their heads and holding their small paws, curiously watched Gu Jiayu's family. When you see Gu Jiayu's food on the table, they all sip and pout. Obviously, the fire fox didn't give them much food before coming.

Gu Jia frowned, these children are too thin, there are no two or two meat on the buttocks, and the hair is not fluffy. What kind of life do you usually have? How did Firefox raise this?

How pathetic!

In Gu Jiazheng's opinion, the flesh of the little fox is not thin, just thin!

It's just right to see his son's bulging belly after he's full!

Mo Zeyang looked at him, his brows frowned, he picked up a crab-yellow bag, jumped from his chair, walked in front of the little foxes, and asked gently: "Are you hungry? Please eat bun."

The crab-yellow buns were very fragrant. Several little foxes wanted to lower their paws. Mo Zeyang took a look at their little paws and pulled the plate back. Pointing at the bathroom, he instructed: "Queue to wash the paws! Come back after washing eat!"

In the eyes of these little foxes, Mo Zeyang's king is too strong, he is the king of the fox family! These little fox demon are the youngest in the family. They are all savvy, all subconsciously obey Mo Zeyang's command and line up to wash their paws.

In order to prevent loss, they already have a set of their own travel methods. According to the morning and evening of the open-minded wisdom, the age is 1234567. The second child drags the boss's tail, the third child drags the second child, and then moves down in order, so that regardless of the loss Whichever one is found can be found immediately.

A bunch of little foxes followed Mo Zeyang away, Gu Jiayu took a few more bowls and filled the little foxes with soup. The fire foxes looked so blue and felt that they were bringing their children to relatives' houses for dinner.

Mo Moyang looked tired when he couldn't reach the little foxes beside the pool. "You will become human?"

The seven little foxes were obedient and turned into human figures. They were all two or three years old. Their ears and tails had not been closed, and they didn't talk much, but they could understand.

Mo Zeyang instructed them to wash their hands, wipe them one by one, and divide one bun each. Seven little foxes were sitting in a row on the sofa, one was holding a bun, and their tails were still hooked on each other's tails. It can be seen that the education was successful and the anti-lost measures were well done.

Gu Jiayu's eyes became more and more pitying and sympathetic when watching the little fox. What did the poor children go through?

Firefox's angry face was stiff, he had clearly eaten them before coming! It's their mouths, picky eaters, and nothing good! Going to someone else's house is just like a starving ghost!

Lost the demon!

Firefox doesn't know yet, such a creature as a child, no matter what it sees the other person eats, it is delicious or not. I always want to try it. One is because of crickets, the other is because of curiosity, and the third is because of the food of Gu Jiayu's family It's really delicious.

After eating and drinking, the stomachs of the seven little foxes all bulged, but there was still not much meat on their bodies, and Mo Zeyang, who had become the original body, squatted inside, and seven of them were white and red. It's a lap bigger than them, it's a chubby lap, and the hair color is bright and reflective, which is particularly conspicuous.

Fire Fox quietly stretched out a finger, and touched the fur on Mo Zeyang's back. It was smooth like satin. The face of Fire Fox was stiffer. How did Gu Jiayu raise a child? It seems that his parenting style is very low!

As a little internet expert, Gu Jiayu taught Firefox to use a mobile phone to broadcast live, and can access the Internet anytime, anywhere. Eight foxes were brought together, plus the appearance of Firefox and his special outfit, no matter what. See, as long as the Internet is absolutely fired.

But before that, the child Mo Zeyang asked a question, "Uncle, I help you live broadcast, how much commission do you give me?"

Firefox: (⊙o⊙) What?

Gu Jiayu pulled his son back and said in earnest words: "This uncle is our family, he has already mixed up like this, are you sorry to ask him for a commission? It is considered poverty alleviation."

Mo Zeyang sighed in disappointment, looking at the appearance of these little foxes, really a bit unbearable.

At this time, Mo, who had not spoken, suddenly said: "You don't need to enter the company. With your ability, you don't need this kind of protection, so there is no need to contradict this matter. On the other hand, you are making human money. Feed the fox family. I've heard no word. People are stupid and rich. "

After listening to President Mo's words, it is better to read a book for ten years. The last word is simply a cure for Firefox's current mood. Firefox immediately woke up, right! Why can't he change his mind, this is to earn human money to support his own people!

I feel that the breath on the fox has gradually changed after this sentence. Gu Jiayi looked at Mo Yunqi speechlessly. What kind of body do you use to say such words now? Aren't you a biped?

President Mo is silent and right. So far, this is the only way to coax this red fox hostile to human beings. To retreat, let him get used to showing up sooner or later, like to make money, and then live in a big red Hanfu.

Gu Jiayu taught Firefox the methods he knew to do live streaming and video transmission. He also taught the other party to open a microblog to upload the video of the little fox. At the same time, Gu Yingdi paid attention to the other party, for the sake of his peers Push each other.

The air is still good in the mountains v: Let me introduce to you, this is my cousin and his fox @ 火狐狸

In fact, Gu Jiayu was a bit disgusted with the gaudy name of the other party, too simple! Nothing at all!

As soon as this Weibo was posted, it attracted a lot of attention from fans. Seven little milk foxes surrounded a fat white fox. At first glance, the food of this white fox was much better than those of foxes.

Gu Jiayu ’s fans were always able to make trouble, and some people jumped and asked: Did my cousin, your cousin, particularly like the white fox, and secretly added food to it? so cute! Want to touch!

Others asked: how much is a little fox? Want to buy that white white white!

These little **** are so obedient and so cute! It's cute! I have been raising cats in the cloud before, but now I want to raise foxes in the cloud, for more photos, more videos!

I feel like my brother is trying to push his cousin to debut, my brother is happy that we do n’t say a turn, and give your cousin a picture!

Gu Jia squinted his eyes, and the burst photo burst!

Gu Jiayu took a picture of Firefox's face and directly surfed the Internet. The fans immediately exploded: beautiful people! My brother-in-law's cousin is also really a handsome man!

Some people also suspected that he didn't say he was an orphan?

Other fans stumbled back: Whatever it takes, parents are called orphans when they are gone. Who does n’t have a distant relative?

Many fans are licking screenshots, and deliberately verified good things, and found that this photo has not been modified!

The speculation on the Internet is even more hot: Gu Jiayu's cousin is picturesque, and she wears a dress like a young lady!

Gu Jiayu saw that he also wanted to take a full-body photo of a fire fox. When he wore this red dress, he really looked like a young lady!

Firefox stopped him severely, and asked angrily, "What do you mean, young lady? Are they all blind?"

Gu Jiayi smirked. "This is a compliment to you. It looks good and does not make people say it."

"They also want to buy little foxes of our family! They are for sale, not for sale!"

"People are expressing that foxes are very cute. You don't really want to buy them, so calm down!"

"You said I was your cousin!"

"No problem, now I cover you, you have to be my cousin."

The fire fox was hit hard in his heart. The demon was under the roof and had to bow his head!

Gu Jia 茗 ╮ (‵ ▽ ′) ╭

It was only after asking that there were many little fox demons there, all of which were taken care of by the old foxes at home. There are also many little fox demon such as Mo Zeyang, Gu Jiayu proposed again, "Send those little fox demon to the fairy kindergarten, so that they can receive modern education, how can they be for the future of these little fox demon Think about it, would you let them shrink into that small ditch all their lives? "

Firefox looks at the little fox demon who has been playing with Mo Zeyang, his expression is slightly loose. Compared with Mo Zeyang and those little fox demon, you can see the obvious difference. Mo Zeyang is lively and outgoing, bold and careful , Speak very logically. The little fox demon in the family have not seen the outside world much, and the things they play every day are just the same.

They were curious about everything. The last time the three little fox demons were attacked by bad fairies, they also ran out because of playfulness. For this reason, the elders in the family were even more uneasy and looked at them more closely.

Gu Jiazhen said earnestly: "You think about it carefully. I can lend it to you if you don't have any money. Anytime."

Mo Zeyang saw so many little foxes of the same family, he couldn't shut up happily, took out his toys and shared them with these little friends, Gu Jiayu's face became softer, little wolf cub, kitten cub, small Chicken ducklings can't make up for the sense of belonging given by the same family.

Gu Jiazheng was even more determined to let the fire fox bring those little foxes out of his hands and silently make a fist, and they must be allowed to receive an orthodox education! Only learning can make the foxes survive and not be eliminated by this world!

He felt that when he had time, he should take Mo Zeyang back to "recognize a relative" so that he would have his own tribe, so that in the future, if he was bullied by other ethnic groups, he would also have the help of his family.

After Firefox was gone, Gu Jiayu kept obsessing with this matter. When the other party left, he did not agree to his proposal, which made him a little uneasy.

Mo Yunqi comforted him: "It doesn't matter, he will definitely agree. He really wants to think about the future of those little foxes. This is a nostalgic person."

Gu Jiayi thinks about it too. The other party can wear a hanfu to this day, even after wearing it for thousands of years, he is reluctant to take it off.

Immediately afterwards, President Mo also gave a very strong proof, "He saw that our son was so well educated, and he would certainly be jealous and envious, so that those little foxes would be on par with Mo Zeyang."

Gu Jiayi patted his thigh happily, "Yeah! It doesn't work to see anyone, you have to look at our son!" His son is so cute, for one hundred reasons!

Anyway, it's not yet the start of the school season, and there are still a few months for Firefox to think about it. He will definitely agree!

Firefox did not sign in Gu Jiayu's company, but started his own career as a cousin of Gu Jiayu.

He rarely shows his face. He usually raises little foxes, records videos for everyone, sends photos, earns rewards from others, and then buys daily necessities for these children.

After being pushed by Gu Jiayu, Firefox is still famous. Every time when the live broadcast is full, everyone has a new hobby: cloud raising fox!

The little fox is too cute! so cute! Whatever you do!

Everyone was wondering where to see the white fox. Where did the chubby little white fox go before? Was it greatly hidden by the blogger? Want Little White Fox!

Occasionally, in order to meet the audience's requirements, Firefox will take those seven little foxes to Gu Jiayu's home, mix Mo Zeyang in it, take a few photos, or leave a video.

Every time Little White Fox appeared, the reward of Firefox was several times higher than usual. Because of the same family, and the other party was too poor, Mo Zeyang was embarrassed to give him a commission.

Xiao Mo always feels that he has lost a lot of money, and it hurts _ (: з''∠) _

However, Mo Zeyang is a kind little fox demon. Even if he has no money, he will still help his "insufficient" family.

After going to kindergarten, Mo Zeyang introduced to his friends, he is also a demon of the same race!

He has many little fox brothers and sisters, and a beautiful uncle of the same family. His coat is red, so hot!

Brothers and sisters' coats are also red, so hot!

It ’s just that the uncle was very poor. The poor could n’t afford the little foxes. Those little foxes were thin and thin. When Mo Zeyang ’s friends listened to this, they suddenly had a group of little foxes sympathy!

What a pitiful thing to eat!

So in one live broadcast, a white fox was crouched among the seven fiery foxes, and a larger white fox cub was lying behind it.

They are all dogs, and they are children who are few years old. The wolf's mouth is sharper. Bai Qizhen became his original body, shrinking intentionally, and hiding behind Mo Zeyang. This is a wolf cub.

At first everyone was exclaimed, wow! Here comes another little white fox. This white fox is quite big!

After this video circulated for a long time, some people said why they didn't look like little foxes, like little milk dogs?

There are also exquisite parties uploaded the comparison of dogs and foxes, which proves that this newcomer is a dog family!

This sentence was immediately sprayed back by other netizens. Isn't this farting? The fox is a canine!

Some people who call themselves animal experts say this is a little wolf!

Some people agree with this statement, and I will give you an example. See how much this little wolf cub loves to fight and fight. When the red fox pounced on the white fox, it was kicked off by one of its feet. How powerful! The wolf is so fierce and aggressive!

Of course, some people also raised objections: those dogs in our family are so robbed when they are feeding. Who said the dogs would not fight?

Naturally, Firefox will not reply to these online messages, because he does not read them at all.

Later, the animals in the video gradually increased. Mo Zeyang pulled in his kitten friend and dressed him up as a black fox. As a result, the audience took it apart at a glance. Gift groaning: The blogger is very naughty! Look at the kitten's reluctance, no matter how it looks, it's a black cat! Cats can never become dogs!

Later, a magical picture appeared, a little yellow chicken above a fox's head, the scene was extremely warm!

There are even more vomiting: Reserve grain or something, and sure enough to start from a young age!

Cats and mice can be friends now, who says that foxes and chickens cannot play together?

As the heat gets higher and higher, Firefox will quickly become popular in the net red world and become the defending king of the new generation of pet bloggers!

Mo Zeyang can be said to be very successful!

Finally, Firefox wanted to understand, and sent those little fox demon of the same family to the fairy kindergarten, hoping that they would live well in this world.

He couldn't take care of them all his life, he could only do his best to provide the clan with the chance to continue.

President Mo drove in person, pulled a cart of little fox cubs, and sent them to the fairy kindergarten.

Mo Zeyang started, followed by more than a dozen little foxes, most of whom could not be fully transformed, one by one shaking their fox tails, and followed their "king" to school.

Xiao Mo, the leader of his family, is as powerful as a rainbow.

From today, he is also a fairy of a tribe! Whether it is white fur, red fur or flower fur, as long as it is a fox, they are a clan! He will protect these little foxes in the future. They are all his little brothers. When he has a younger brother and sister, he will protect them with them!

Mo Zeyang felt that he had the responsibility to protect these little fox spirits. This mysterious feeling, just like these little fox spirits wanted to listen to his words, appeared in their consciousness logically.

President Mo looked at his son's expression, this action, and couldn't help but laugh softly. The child now doesn't look like a fox captain, but instead looks like a winning general who is going to fight. Is this something to show to the kindergarten children? Show a bunch of little foxes?

I told the teachers about the origin of these children, and President Mo went through the admission procedures for them, and then watched the teachers take them all away. The little foxes were assigned to a class, and Mo Zeyang touched each other's heads to make them obedient, and he would go to see them after class.

After confirming that there was no problem, Mo Yunqi left. He just turned around and suddenly received an encrypted text message on his mobile phone. As soon as Mo heard the ringtone, he knew where it came from. When he opened it, it turned out to be a monster tube. Urgent notices sent by the department to various managers.

Urgent notice: sss-level wanted!

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