MTL - After Breaking Up, I Still Dump All Sentient Beings-Chapter 25

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While the crew of "Limited Sales" was smeared, the crew of "Old Movies of the Republic of China" took the opportunity to buy a lot of hot searches for themselves, and the popularity of the film exploded to the front row of hot searches. Jiang Qianrou finally took advantage of her grandfather's popularity to let "Old Shadows of the Republic of China" turned over.

When Lan Muyu saw that Jiang Yu was going to direct "Old Shadows of the Republic of China", he was not surprised, but had a calmness of "really so".

In the last life, Fu Yao won the movie queen, it is from Jiang Yu. It's just that because of her rebirth in this life, Fu Yao and Jiang Yu started to cooperate in advance. I don't know if there will be a grand occasion in the previous life?

But Lan Muyu didn't have the time to think about it soon. After all, the comments on the Internet became more and more fierce. Fu Yao and Jiang Qianrou were obviously prepared this time.

The best way to suppress a drama is to block its way when it is still in its infancy, so that it cannot reach the audience. Jiang Qianrou obviously didn't want to save her life for "Limited Sale", but she missed a bit.

In other dramas, investors may choose to withdraw their capital early because of the overwhelming amount of black material in order to preserve part of their funds. But the investor of "Limited Sale" is Li Ruonan, how can there be a risk of withdrawal?

But it was Li Ruonan's business that Li Ruonan would not withdraw his capital, and Lan Muyu could not relax his vigilance. Since her rebirth, she has wanted to make up for those who owed her in her previous life, but Li Ruonan lacks nothing, can't do anything for Li Ruonan, and she can't make Li Ruonan lose money for nothing, right?

As a result, Lan Muyu deleted and modified countless solutions on the tablet. It was difficult to say, but it was quite simple.

For the "Limited Sale" crew, they didn't set up their own character when they released the stills, and they didn't interfere with the fans' thoughts after that. It's not difficult to take them out.

The easiest way to deal with false propaganda is to pass all the blame to those fans whose Weibo screenshots were taken, and learn from the practices of other stars, and send fans a lawyer letter for defaming the right of reputation, and everything will be solved.

Just doing this is very likely to cool the hearts of fans and put fans who were originally kind enough to promote them into trouble. Although this can solve the temporary dilemma.

But in the long run, fans will be more cautious when they see their works in the future. After all, who can guarantee that a good-hearted publicity will not be issued a lawyer's letter by the owner?

Gu Yan, Ling Shan, and Lan Muyu discussed the next public relations plan for one night in a video. Ling Shan screened the plans discussed by her public relations team one by one, and then asked Lan Muyu and Gu Yan for their opinions. When the three finally reached an agreement, it was past zero.

Since the required information needs to be edited, it cannot be given for a while, so Gu Yan who is in the crew can only prepare the materials overnight, and then conduct public relations tomorrow morning.

After the release of the audition video for "Limited Sale", there is no new news for a long time. In the eyes of many people, the best time for clarification has been missed, which makes the navy hired by "Old Shadows of the Republic of China" even more arrogant.

But the heart-warming thing is that many netizens expressed their belief in "Limited Sales" and were willing to wait for the crew to respond.

The two parties quarreled about this late at night:

[Is "Limited Sale" decided to be a tortoise to the end? 】

[How can this crew look unreliable, how can it be compared with Director Jiang's professional team? 】

["Limited Sales" will disband the drama overnight, I will boycott it once you take the lead. 】

[How many times Han Feifei has been photographed traveling with the gold master, so she rejected Han Feifei and chose Lan Muyu for "Limited Sale". I am optimistic about this crew. 】

[Promotion for the crew is our own, what does it have to do with the crew? Can the navy not let the crew take the blame? 】

[At least the protagonists of "Limited Sales" are also graduates of the majors. Is it too extreme to kill them with a stick now? 】

[So according to the fans' words, in the future, the crew can make false claims? 】

[So according to your words, the death penalty should be imposed without a defense? 】

[Then I want to see what else "Limited Sales" can explain. 】

…it was destined to be a sleepless night.

At seven o'clock in the morning the next day, Gu Yan finally went online amid the fans' calls.

He published a long article on the official Weibo account of "Limited Sales" titled "<Limited Sales> hereby apologize for false propaganda".

The melon farmers who got up early rushed to check this long article. When they saw the title, the mood of the fans instantly dropped, and what followed was the carnival of the sailors.

Without them taking any action, Gu Yan himself admitted the false propaganda. Is there really a pie in the sky?

But who knows that after seems to be different from what they imagined?

It is divided into three paragraphs, each with its own evidence attached.

The first paragraph: ["I'm sorry everyone, the "Limited Sales" crew really did false propaganda, and the heroine is indeed not a daughter of gold."

—A video was attached: Lan Muyu, dressed in a gorgeous cheongsam, was eating a simple box meal of one meat and two vegetables with the other cast members, and Gu Yan next to him held the director's special speaker to remind him viciously: 'Lan Mu Yu, you have to be careful when you eat. Your clothes are the most expensive. If you get dirty, you will lose your salary today. ’]

The second paragraph: ["I'm sorry everyone, the "Limited Sale" crew really did false propaganda, the decorations outside were indeed fake, but the heroine's home that can be built is really rich."

-A few antique and jewelry appraisal certificates were attached, and a video was attached: I saw in a group play, the heroine brought her friends to the house as guests, and the group of friends were facing a certain jade ornament. Showing disgust, and after Gu Yan's "click" sounded, the actors stared at the jade one by one, but Gu Yan mercilessly pulled them three meters away one by one. 】

The third paragraph: ["I'm sorry everyone, the "Limited Sale" crew really did false propaganda. Due to the progress of the adaptation and the confidentiality of the script, the mode of distributing the script in fragments was adopted, so that no one else could disclose the plagiarism of us."

—In the video attached later, Lan Muyu is wearing various cheongsams, pestering Gu Yan to ask about the next plot development, while Gu Yan has an unfathomable expression in front of him, but after Lan Muyu leaves, he sighs : 'Don't ask, don't ask, I just know the specific plot a day earlier than you. ’]

Gu Yan's long Weibo quickly reminded netizens of Lan Muyu's interview with reporters at that time. At that time, netizens expressed that they thought Lan Muyu was stimulated after a breakup, so that it was as big as before. Variety?

Now that I read Gu Yan's Weibo, is there anything I don't understand? Isn't Lan Muyu influenced by this crew?

Looking at the atmosphere of getting along with the people in the crew, even the most autistic people can be taken away with joy.

From Lan Muyu's golden character design, to the authenticity of the props of the crew, and finally to explain why he was initially accused of plagiarizing the script, Gu Yan's long Weibo seems to be writing some jokes and jokes, but in fact However, they clarified Fu Yaofang's false accusations against them one by one, and received a lot of praise at the same time:

[Hahahaha, so Miss Qianjin is just a character in the play. Without the role, how can Lan Muyu look like Miss Qianjin in this lunch box? 】

[Who do you like to do this kind of daughter-in-law? If your clothes are dirty, you will have no money today. (Gu Director is staring at your clothes)]

[Gu director is really not a man, this is the first time I know that the director is so stingy. 】

[Looking at the sliced ​​meat in my takeaway box, I suddenly felt that I was the richest man in the world. 】

[Hahahaha, the actors are too cute. When they were filming, they had an expression that was definitely fake. I wished I could **** the jade home after the show. 】

[Look at the small eyes they are looking forward to, Director Gu doesn't even let them look at jade, the actors are too miserable hahaha. 】

[I finally know when Lan Muyu was interviewing, why did you say that reporters could not enter the heroine's house, but was it because he was afraid of introducing wolves into the room? 】

[So did you go to the crew with me tonight to be a wolf stealing jade? 】

["Limited Sale" was said to be plagiarizing before the script was even written, and I don't know who came up with such a stupid way of framing it. 】

[Gu director is very much like the author of my post, wondering what happened next? Don't ask, just don't know! 】

After the fans left their comments on the official blog of "Limited Sale", they ran to their own homes to leave messages, and began to feel distressed about the meals of their brothers and sisters.

It didn't take long for the entry "Did Gu Yan add dinner today?" The entry was on the hot search, and fans from all walks of life aimed at Gu Yan, saying that the crew couldn't bully people like this.

And Gu Yan also cooperated very well, saying that the crew would give extra meals to the "eldest ladies" and "eldest young masters".

Fans were very satisfied when they saw it. Even though there were still many sailors who were blackening "Limited Sales", the crew was still on fire. Even people who didn't know this film originally were full of curiosity about the film because of the hot searches one after another.

With such a director and such a warm atmosphere of the crew, it would not be too bad to watch this film, and "Limited Sales" was a blessing in disguise.

The reporters' memory may forget to bring the key to go out on weekdays, but their memory of gossip is inherently very deep. As a result, the scene where the reporters besieged the crew reappeared, but this time the one surrounded by reporters was "Old Shadows of the Republic of China".

Jiang Yu came to the crew of "Old Films of the Republic of China" for the first time. Due to long-term fitness and maintenance, even if he was over sixty years old, his body was still strong. Jiang Yu and Jiang Qianrou came to the crew and got out of the car. Before they could call the bodyguards, they were surrounded by reporters, flashing lights and microphones.

"Director Jiang, if you hadn't said that filming should be realistic and down-to-earth, netizens would not have attacked "Limited Sales". Did you do this on purpose?"

Jiang Yu turned to look at Jiang Qianrou, but Jiang Qianrou avoided his gaze and lowered her head quickly. Because of the presence of reporters, Jiang Yu couldn't say anything.

He has been in the entertainment industry all his life, and being besieged by reporters like this has long been a common occurrence. He smiled at the camera and passed it lightly: "Weibo just stated the principles of my filming, please don't misunderstand me. "

The reporter was obviously unwilling to let him go: "But Director Jiang, at that time, netizens attacked the "Limited Sale" crew because of your Weibo, why didn't you stand up and clarify?"

"I'm old and go to bed early. If I'm ten years younger, I'll stay up late with you guys."

Jiang Yudu uses his age to talk about things, and the reporter is not aggressive, so he has to change the subject: "Director Jiang, both of the theme of the Republic of China, what do you think of these two crews? Director Jiang, do you feel pressure?"

Jiang Yu took his usual confidence as a director: "The crew of "Limited Sales" is also very good. I am looking forward to being able to compete with them in the cinema at that time."

Jiang Yu's remarks directly announced the schedule of the two films, which made the reporters even more excited. Even the schedules have to be deliberately bumped together. It seems that the relationship between the two crews has long been incompatible.

The reporters were crowded and wanted Jiang Yu to reveal more information, but at this time the bodyguards finally arrived and isolated the reporters. The reporters could only watch Jiang Yu walk into the crew.

After leaving the reporter's line of sight, Jiang Yu's face also sank, he took up the posture of an elder and wanted to say something to Jiang Qianrou, but when he turned around, Jiang Qianrou made a phone call beside him, so he had no choice but to give up.

On the side, Jiang Qianrou was contacting Shui Jun: "What do you guys do with the money? "Limited Sales" is about to turn over. I don't care what methods you use, you must not let them succeed."

The person on the other side quickly agreed, and Jiang Qianrou changed the rest of the script with peace of mind.

However, near noon, Jiang Yu, who had not disturbed her all morning, angrily opened Jiang Qianrou's door, and when she found Jiang Qianrou, she scolded her and asked, "What did you do in the morning?"

Jiang Qianrou spent the whole morning changing the script. Thinking of what she had done with the Shuijun Company, she smiled reassuringly, "I'm just suppressing the "Limited Sales". Grandpa, you know that I won't deal with them."

"Don't contact Fu Yao for the past few days." Jiang Yuheng looked at Jiang Qianrou indecisively, left a sentence and walked out.

Don't contact Fu Yao?

Jiang Qianrou's heart began to panic. She didn't know what she promised last night, and also said that she wanted to get along with Fu Yao and win over Tianhao's grandfather, why did she change her face completely today?

Everything Jiang Qianrou was given by her family, she did not dare to disobey, but how could she give up easily after being tied to Fu Yao?

Jiang Qianrou trembled and took out her mobile phone to contact Fu Yao.

However, Fu Yao, who was on the opposite side, had already turned off the phone.

Jiang Qianrou was completely panicked, but Fu Yao would not leave for no reason. She took a deep breath and opened Weibo.

Regarding the crew of "Limited Sale", a new entry was associated with the hot search: #白 Pigeon Media was seized#.

Jiang Qianrou felt that the company name was familiar, so she glanced at it a few more times. After reading the text below, her face turned pale again.

How could she not know Baige Media?

That was the naval company she was looking for!

Baige Media is a media company under Tianhao Entertainment, but in fact it is a troop of navy used by Tianhao's royal family. On weekdays, there are many people in the entertainment industry who offend the entertainment industry.

Baige Media was shut down, how could Fu Yao stay out of the matter as the person in charge? Jiang Qianrou figured out the key at once, and Jiang Yu's admonition to her just now finally became clear at this moment. But just after he figured out the key, Jiang Qianrou suddenly fell to the ground.

When it comes to Baige Media, from the old actors who have won numerous awards to the potential newcomers who have just entered the circle, whoever conflicts with the artists of Tianhao Entertainment, they will always rush to the front line immediately, while supporting their own artists. Washing the ground, while scolding and smearing the other party with the attitude of a passerby, can be said to be notorious and do all kinds of evil.

These navy marketing accounts have already made countless enemies in the circle because of their freedom of speech on the Internet, their actions are unbridled and unscrupulous, and they thought that no one could punish these marketing accounts. already?

The artist studios that suffered losses and suffered from the marketing account of this naval company also united, sorted out the past bad behaviors of Baige Media, and reported them to the relevant investigation team.

As for the netizens, um, the netizens saw that the melon fields in front of them were getting more and more full, and they were already in a commotion. The shock is no longer enough to describe their mood, it can only be said that they will see you soon.

The marketing accounts that had previously accused "Limited Sales" of plagiarism and false propaganda also apologized to "Limited Sales" and attached their work assignments. The manuscript of using a stand-in and bullying newcomers.

This single work is equivalent to adding a layer of strong protection to "Limited Sales".

So far, to the people who have broken the dirty water in "Limited Sales", whether it is the navy of Baige Media or other marketing accounts that see the wind, they have all stood up to apologize to the "Limited Sales" crew, and the public opinion has fallen one after another. To "Limited Sale".

Other navy companies, the marketing accounts that are connoting "Limited Sales" or preparing to splash dirty water, also quieted down in an instant. The turmoil was completely drawn down while netizens were stunned.


Netizens didn't know the inside story of Baige Media's closure, but Lan Muyu immediately had a guess.

When Li Ruonan came home that evening, the table was already covered with delicate dishes, and Lan Muyu put his head on his hands and winked at Li Ruonan obediently, "You're back."

"Yeah." Li Ruonan changed his shoes, and when he walked to the dining table, he realized that the amount of food Lan Muyu ordered tonight was more than double the usual amount.

Li Ruonan glanced at Lan Muyu, and got a sweet smile again. This abnormal behavior made Li Ruonan very uncomfortable, and she took a small step back when she just walked to the table.

"Why are you standing, why don't you eat quickly?"

Li Ruonan raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at Lan Muyu thoughtfully, "What do you want to ask me for?"

"No, no." Lan Muyu stood up, pressed Li Ruonan into the chair, took out a pair of clean chopsticks and asked, "I said that I will provide a meal service, what do you want to eat?"

Li Ruonan was still a little worried and asked, "It's really nothing?"

Lan Muyu scratched his head and said with a smile, "Isn't this trying to thank you for your selfless help?"

Oh, it turns out that the little fox has already guessed that the matter of Baige Media is her hand, so this is thanks?

"You want to dismiss me after one meal?" Li Ruonan restrained his expression and sneered: "I dispatched a team of lawyers to collect evidence overnight, and I also sent your ex to an interview for you, so it's only worth one meal. ?"

With such a comparison, Lan Muyu did feel that she was a bit inauthentic, and she tentatively said, "Then I'll reserve another table for you?"

The curvature of Li Ruonan's mouth sank a little.

"Then I'll reserve two tables for you?" Lan Muyu looked at the delicate dishes in front of her, as if the table was full of RMB, and her heart couldn't stop bleeding, "This really can't be more."

"You don't need to order, eat." Li Ruonan glared at Lan Muyu angrily, and mocked: "How dare you bother Miss Lan to spend money?"

"Can the relationship between us be measured by simple money?" Lan Muyu bit his chopsticks, "I learned a few tricks from the crew recently, why don't I wait for you to press your shoulders?"

Li Ruonan took a sip of the soup and replied, "Okay."

After that, the atmosphere between the two was obviously much better, and Lan Muyu even told Li Ruonan about what happened in the crew, and the little babble didn't stop.

After the meal, after Lan Muyu finished arranging the table, in order to bring better service to Li Ruonan later, she claimed that the faucet in her bedroom was broken, and went into Li Ruonan's bedroom early.

Li Ruonan's legal team is reporting to Li Ruonan the latest progress of Baige Media, indicating that the person in charge of Tianhao is also being interviewed by relevant departments.

Listening to the sound of water and singing coming from the direction of the bathroom, Li Ruonan didn't have any mind to work, so he simply closed the computer.

Li Ruonan listened to Lan Muyu humming a nursery rhyme, and after counting the number of ducks, a scream broke the warmth in the bedroom:


Li Ruonan immediately changed his face, put down the things in his hand, ran towards the bathroom, opened the bathroom door without any hesitation, and asked anxiously, "Lan Muyu, have you..."

Before the words were finished, Li Ruonan froze in place. The bathroom that had just taken a shower was emitting hot air, and the water in the bathtub on the side was still white and misty.

And Lan Muyu's smooth and white back was still dripping with water droplets, all the way down the waist and fell into the nightgown that was only half-covered, and her long and straight legs were covered with a thin layer of water mist, as if Hit a layer of highlights.

Lan Muyu, who sensed the movement behind her, turned her head slightly, her hair was hanging down casually, a few blushes appeared on her cheeks after soaking in the bath, and her peach blossom eyes were even more sullen because of the water vapor, so straight Straight into Li Ruonan's eyes.

Li Ruonan's mind went blank...

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during the period of 2021-08-2104:05:38~2021-08-2405:40:47~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: 157265291;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mines: Qing Jun, 3 failed counterattacks today; Ye Hai and citrus flavor also 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 47 bottles of Xunli; 5056754532 bottles; 20 bottles of people who are too lazy to light the lamp; 10 bottles of timing and Shiyi Mo; Zheng Danni's girlfriend, 536466825 bottles; 4 bottles; 3 bottles of Leacina, Big Orange; 2 bottles of 50411156, Anzhiruosu; 1 bottle of Daojian Changuan, Luming, Shimo;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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