MTL - After Breaking Up, I Still Dump All Sentient Beings-Chapter 26

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The two of them spoke at the same time, and they stopped their words at the same time. Their eyes met, and the atmosphere gradually deviates.

Li Ruonan's sudden intrusion also shocked Lan Muyu, but she quickly reacted. Thinking of himself who fled in Li Ruonan's bedroom last time, and this time Li Ruonan took the initiative to break in again, Lan Muyu didn't want to miss this rare opportunity.

Lan Muyu pulled up the unworn bathrobe, turned around completely, and said angrily, "If you want to wash with me, just tell me, is it necessary to be so sudden and scary?"

"It's not that I didn't..."

Without giving Li Ruonan a chance to explain, Lan Muyu took a small step forward and reached out to Li Ruonan. After the arm was raised, on the chest that was not completely covered, the water droplets rose and fell with the breath, hiding the infinite spring light.

This made Li Ruonan even more at a loss as to what to do.

after all-

From childhood to adulthood, Li Ruonan has been able to easily solve the studies and projects that are difficult for others to complete, but she is completely blank when it comes to relationships.

If the only exception is that when Li Ruonan was just an adult, her mother jokingly told her that she had found a fiancee for her.

In the circle of Li Ruonan's parents, children are often tied to rules, growing up step by step, studying step by step, and then inheriting the family business step by step.

But there are always exceptions. Lan Muyu is the most worrying child, and also the most outrageous and rebellious person.

Later, regardless of the opposition of his family, Lan Muyu plunged into the art school with the first grade in Yancheng's college entrance examination, which is the best example.

It's just that for someone like Li Ruonan who has everything planned in advance and spends every second of time planning carefully, to get along with Lan Muyu, the two of them seem to be at odds with each other.

But the two have known each other since childhood because of the relationship between their two parents, and it is not so difficult to get along with each other, and they get along as ordinary sisters and sisters.

As Lan Muyu grew older, Lan Muyu's deviant personality became more and more obvious. Lan Muyu's tutor was not loose, Li Ruonan acted as Lan Muyu's umbrella in those years.

So much so that Lan Muyu would habitually run to Li's house whenever he made a mistake, and Lan's father and mother could only turn one eye away. While Li Ruonan was educating Lan Muyu, while helping to cover, it became commonplace.

After getting along for many years, Li Ruonan habitually regarded Lan Muyu as his property, and encircled her to protect her girl growing up.

Lan Muyu has been living casually the way he wants, which is exactly what Li Ruonan has never had. In Li Ruonan's circle, there are too many complicated people, and everyone is under enormous pressure. She wanted Lan Muyu's eyes to always be able to sparkle with that agility.

Later, Lan Muyu had a new living environment after going to Yuncheng, and even broke up with the family in order to break up the engagement. Li Ruonan didn't come to Yuncheng entirely because she was entrusted by Lan's parents and Lan's mother. She also wanted to see if the girl she had protected until she really found her happiness.

It's just that everything in different from what Li Ruonan imagined before.

Seeing Li Ruonan standing there staring at her in a daze, Lan Muyu couldn't help but chuckle and asked, "Well... don't you want it?"

Li Ruonan pursed her lips tightly, after a while, she had recovered from the stimulation just now. She stretched out her hand, put on Lan Muyu's loose bathrobe thoroughly, and pulled the strap of Lan Muyu's bathrobe tightly to help her fasten it tightly, covering it tightly.

While letting Li Ruonan put on a bathrobe for her, Lan Muyu called out in coordination with Li Ruonan's movements, "Ah~ um... um~ it hurts."

Li Ruonan didn't speak, but Lan Muyu's words made her ears redder and redder, as if blood was about to drip.

After Li Ruonan's fingertips left, Lan Muyu tugged at the belt: "Ahh..."

Li Ruonan's hand that was hanging by his side was tightly clenched, and he warned in a deep voice, "Don't shout."

Lan Muyu pouted and walked towards Li Ruonan: "Is it you who suddenly came in after I took a shower and washed well? Was it you who pulled my clothes so hard just now? A belt almost strangled my waist. Is it you who died?"


"Okay, I already provide **** service. If you really want me to provide a mandarin duck bath service, it's not impossible." Lan Muyu took another step forward. The distance between the two was extremely close. Can clearly feel each other's breathing.

Li Ruonan took a half step back, but Lan Muyu grabbed the corner of his clothes again, "Let me go."

Lan Muyu joked: "What if I don't let go?"


"Did you peek at me outside while I was taking a shower? Am I good looking?"

Li Ruonan was startled by Lan Muyu's words, she took a deep breath and tried to make her tone seem normal: "You screamed just now, I thought you had an accident and came in."

"Ah, that." Lan Muyu turned his head and pointed at the scale on the ground, "I just weighed myself."


Lan Muyu sighed: "Well, it stands to reason that I will definitely lose weight when I join the crew, but I have recently eaten with you. You have to order so much of my favorite food every meal, so why don't you just keep going up? Me? Just express my surprise."

"Then from tomorrow, you eat yours and I eat mine."

Lan Muyu was just a few words of hilarity, but when she heard that Li Ruonan was going to split the table, she became anxious, so how could she still eat?

She said righteously: "No, no, I promised to provide you with a meal service, and I can't break my promise."

"Oh? But aren't you trying to lose weight?" Li Ruonan swept across Lan Muyu's chest, "It can't be done at all, and it's gone if you lose weight."

After speaking, he turned around mercilessly and walked out, leaving behind Lan Muyu with a flushed face.

One second, two seconds, three seconds, Lan Muyu lowered her head slightly, unbuttoned her bathrobe, glanced at it, and quickly closed her bathrobe, what can't she do!

It's just a little bit smaller than Li Ruonan... that's all.

She picked up her changed clothes and walked towards the door. Approaching the door, Lan Muyu turned to look at Li Ruonan, the shirt tied into the waist of his trousers perfectly outlined Li Ruonan's upper body figure, and he recalled what Li Ruonan said just now that she couldn't do it.

No, this sub must be found. Lan Muyu put the changed clothes on the table next to him, put down the wrapped hair, and pointed to the bed, "Didn't you say you want me to press your shoulders for you?"

Li Ruonan turned around and saw Lan Muyu's loose bathrobe straps, as well as the large white skin exposed from her collarbone. The breathing that had finally calmed down gradually accelerated again.

She glanced over and said coldly, "No need, no need."

"That's not good. You don't know how much dirty water was poured on me behind the scenes by that naval company. You did me such a big favor. My parents taught me to know how to repay my gratitude since I was a child."

"I want to work."

Lan Muyu looked at Li Ruonan faintly: "I know you have just dealt with official business."

Li Ruonan got up to leave: "I still have information to look at."

"Look at yours, I'll follow mine, no conflict, right?"

Li Ruonan really had no choice but to let Lan Muyu get started.

However, Lan Muyu did as she said. She found someone in the crew to learn some basic techniques, and after finding the right strength, Li Ruonan's tense muscles and bones relaxed a lot.

Li Ruonan opened a financial report with a tablet, Lan Muyu stepped forward curiously, the half-dry hair touched the skin of Li Ruonan's back neck, causing bursts of itchiness.

Lan Muyu's fingertips kneaded Li Ruonan's skin, feeling the silky touch under her hands, Lan Muyu couldn't help but think of something else.

The strength in his hands is getting smaller and smaller, like a child who has a beloved toy, playing with Li Ruonan's shoulders.

Li Ruonan's shoulders shook and scolded, "stay away from me."

Lan Muyu leaned forward and leaned closer, exhaling hot air sprayed on Li Ruonan's ears: "I want to see too, let's go together?"

Li Ruonan turned his head suspiciously, Lan Muyu is the most troublesome report on weekdays, why did he take the initiative to bring it up tonight?

"Don't you always avoid it?"

"I... didn't I suddenly want to learn?"

But since Lan Muyu mentioned it, she has no reason to refuse, "Okay, let's go together."

During the viewing process, Lan Muyu's speed was extremely slow, Li Ruonan had finished watching it, and Lan Muyu could only watch half of it.

But slowly, she will not be idle.

By pointing out the data, Lan Muyu went around Li Ruonan's shoulder from behind and pointed to the tablet, "How is the profit rate here calculated?"

After a while, because he couldn't see clearly, he put his head on Li Ruonan's shoulder, so he was closer to the tablet.

Li Ruonan's hand holding the tablet was already curled up: "Just watch it if you want, don't move your hands or feet."

"How can I move?" Lan Muyu's hand was circled again, pointing to some of the proper nouns and asking, "What do these mean?"

"Want me to teach?"

"Well, Mr. Li, who is omnipotent across the business sea, please give me some pointers to Xiaobai?"

Li Ruonan hummed and said, "When you ask me, you behave like a person."

"So you can tell me?"

"None of this, here..."

After the lengthy theory was finished, Lan Muyu was already drowsy, which reminded her of the boring life in high school.

However, when Lan Muyu's head couldn't support it anymore, Li Ruonan asked, "Do you understand?"

"Mmmmm, I get it." Lan Muyu was eager to end the party quickly, and was extremely attentive to Li Ruonan, "You speak well, my dad didn't teach me to read documents in detail before."

"Since you understand, then I'll ask a few questions to see how well you master it."

Li Ruonan's words made Lan Muyu stunned in place, as if he was called by the teacher for deserting in class.

She lowered her head low, and began to curse herself in her heart, who had just pestered Li Ruonan to teach her a lesson.

Lan Muyu pursed her lips, rubbed her head against Li Ruonan's shoulder, and let out a small beast-like whimper, "Wu u u huh..."

Li Ruonan once tutored Lan Muyu with her homework. What is there to not understand when she sees her like this?

She sneered: "Is your body uncomfortable?"

Lan Muyu blinked pitifully: "Hands are a little sore, and my head is a little dizzy."

"Then go to bed early."

Lan Muyu left Li Ruonan in relief, and was about to pick up the clothes she had put down before when she heard Li Ruonan say, "I'll test you again tomorrow, don't worry."

Lan Muyu staggered under her feet, almost fell, stabilized her body and quickly escaped from Li Ruonan's room.

I have never seen someone who has to be taught by pressing their heads to massage. Life is not easy, so let's slip away first.

The next morning, Lan Muyu got up early. When Li Ruonan got up, Lan Muyu had already been led by Xiao Zhang to the studio.

Today's Internet is calm, but it gave the crew of "Limited Sales" a rare quiet space. Lan Muyu had memorized the lines two days ago, and Chi Huai, the actor who played against her, was also very dedicated and filmed in the morning. All went well.

When it was time for lunch, today's lunch box was obviously richer than before. Gu Yan also generously served everyone with a cup of thick soup, and posted today's meal on the Internet: [In order to whiten my reputation. , show fans today's meal (with photos.jpg)]

Under Gu Yan's Weibo, fans of the leading actors soon came to watch, and fans punched in the front row to take pictures:

[Hahahaha sisters, I feel Director Gu’s desire to survive. 】

Gu Yan replied - [Let me show you the director's meal] (The picture attached by Gu Yan is a vegetarian lunch box, which is very different from what the actors eat.)

[Gu Yan, you are a director, can you not be so humble? 】

The actor Chi Huai hurried to reply—[Gu director has lost weight recently. 】

After these two comments, Gu Yan's Weibo became lively again. As a director, Gu Yan has no mysterious air of other directors, and has won unanimous praise from netizens. Some even said, If Gu Yan's movie hits the streets, it's okay to change his career to talk about cross talk in the future.

This violated Gu Yan's bottom line again, the movie is on the street?

He can't hit the street even if he's on the street!

Gu Yan rolled up the sleeves of his sunscreen jacket and fought with fans for 800 rounds, but of course the fans pressed them to the ground and rubbed them.

Towards the end of the lunch break, the official Weibo account of the authoritative Legal Daily published a news report, with a male host dressed in a formal suit reporting that the police had seized and verified an entertainment company gang that disrupted the Internet environment and illegally framed multiple people.

The video also included a video of Baige Media being broken into by the police. At first, people in the office area scolded and refused to cooperate, and then the police took out relevant seized documents, which changed their faces.

When the camera switched, when the police verified all the evidence, the people in charge who faced the camera again began to cry bitterly, revealing a lot of things they had done in order to reduce the sentence.

The most detailed among them is the matter of the crew of "Limited Sales". The relevant person in charge of Baige Media said that someone asked them to smear the plagiarism of "Limited Sale" first, and then asked them to break out the adaptation of the original work of "Cloud and Wind" and touted "Limited Sale".

After the popularity was enough, a draft was issued stating that "Old Shadows of the Republic of China" was an adaptation of "Clouds and Winds", and "Limited Sales" was so popular that it copied "Clouds and Winds".

It's a pity that things didn't develop as they thought, and they were interrupted by Lan Muyu's interview in the second session.

After that, they were given an additional six-digit fund to release a lot of black material to smear "Limited Sale"...

When the facts that were once covered up were revealed to the public, and countless celebrities were attacked, all fans joined forces one after another, setting off a huge wave on the Internet.

The Internet is a virtual world, but the attacks on the Internet are no less than the harm suffered in real life. Netizens have long hated such marketing accounts that confuse black and white for a long time. Today, they are officially blocked.

Taking advantage of the anger of netizens, relevant departments followed this enthusiasm and issued relevant network rectifications, expressing that they would crack down on such incidents and prevent the formation of bad atmosphere.

The attitude of the relevant departments made the marketing accounts who wanted to try to survive through the cracks shut down one after another. At the same time, the capital behind Baige Media was also involved, and the blame was directed at Tianhao Entertainment.

When the relevant personnel broke the news that the person in charge of Tianhao was also taken away for interrogation last night, netizens were still skeptical and did not dare to end easily.

After the share distribution and shareholder identity information of Baige Media was revealed, netizens were not calm. Thinking back to the words of the people in charge of Baige Media, they smeared half of the entertainment industry, but only the artists who never smeared Tianhao!

Since it is owned by Tianhao Entertainment, how can Tianhao stay out of it?

Netizens began to investigate Tianhao Entertainment's trends, and at this time, the production team of "Old Shadows of the Republic of China" was also picked up, and the heroine was clearly Tianhao's Fu Yao!

What's not clear about this? Thinking back to the previous press conference, the video of Fu Yao being slapped in the face by Lan Muyu for cheating, and the exposure of the unequal sharing contract offered by Tianhao, Fu Yao obviously harbored a grudge for a long time.

The crew of "Old Movies of the Republic of China" was directly surrounded by reporters, and Jiang Qianrou was unable to contact Fu Yao so far, which made Jiang Yu very angry. But after all, she was her only granddaughter, so Jiang Yu had no choice but to walk around with an old face, trying to save "Old Shadows of the Republic of China".

On Weibo, the popularity of the entry #boycotttianhaoentertainment# rose again and again. Without the participation of the marketing account, the enthusiastic netizens rushed to the front row of the hot search with a word "explosive" attached. .

On the other side, Tianhao Entertainment was in chaos.

The news that Fu Yao was taken away by the police quickly spread in Tianhao Entertainment. All the artists in Tianhao Entertainment were in danger for a while. Even Fu Yao was taken away, Tianhao could still protect him. live them?

In addition, the popularity of boycotting Tianhao Entertainment on the Internet has skyrocketed. On the barrage of TV dramas being broadcast by artists under Tianhao Entertainment, a red boycott barrage has been lit up.

Artists’ endorsements have also been boycotted. Netizens who have torn up posters and boycotted brands have emerged one after another, and many people have even started endorsement products. This product is fully opened once and firmly resisted to the end.

There are many artists under Tianhao, and the endorsements involved cover all aspects of life. No one from the brand side is willing to be that early bird, and they pretend to be dead and watch the trend.

Until the evening, the news of tax evasion and tax evasion of cosmetics endorsed by a certain artist was once again turned up by netizens, and that cosmetics Guanwei also participated in the remarks in support of the territorial division of China, which directly challenged the bottom line.

In front of the country, how can there be any idols that are not idols? Even fans of the artist have called for the endorsement to be lifted. The artist couldn't stand the pressure of public opinion, so he had to cancel the contract and compensate the brand side a lot of money.

This incident directly gave netizens a breakthrough, and for a while, the brand side was in danger. Netizens are all looking for loopholes with a magnifying glass, and for those companies, it is too difficult to be completely flawless, and how can they not know what they have done?

Therefore, in order to avoid being implicated, the brands sought out artists from Tianhao Entertainment, hoping to terminate the contract without compensation.

But how innocent are the artists of Tianhao Entertainment? It was clearly Fu Yao's personal decision that brought Tianhao Entertainment to the fore. Even if they were Tianhao's employees, they were unwilling to bear these losses for Fu Yao.

The artists under Tianhao Entertainment also began to riot, united to put pressure on the company's top management, and expressed their intention to terminate the contract with Tianhao Entertainment.

However, Tianhao Entertainment is controlled by the Fu family after all. Even if the shareholders are dissatisfied, they cannot overstep their power and have to ask the rest of the Fu family for help.

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