MTL - After Breaking Up, I Still Dump All Sentient Beings-Chapter 63

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After a busy few months, "Dream Traveler" is finally set for the May Day holiday, which is in full bloom in spring. It competes with many other films and competes on the same stage.

The traffic during the May Day holiday is huge, and because it is a holiday, people who are squeezed by work on weekdays are more willing to watch some light-hearted comedy films.

But fortunately, the crew had already anticipated that although "Dream Traveler" is a hot-blooded police and gangster film, it added the emotional line of separation between the male and female protagonists, as well as the female protagonist's slightly depressive experience, which is not pleasing at first glance. movie of.

Who would go to such a movie with depression in the middle in the first place? Only the fans of Fu Qian and Lan Muyu will be there. Therefore, on the first day of its release, the box office of "Dream Traveler" did not beat those light-hearted comedies and large-scale commercial films, ranking third, but fortunately there was no big gap.

In Director Fang's words, if Fu Qian was not the producer of the film, Fu Qian and Lan Muyu might not be invited. Fu Qian has a lot of die-hard fans in the film industry, and Lan Muyu also has his own fan flow.

If it weren't for the participation of these two protagonists, "Dream Traveler" might be difficult to return to. Although it is a bit general to say this, after all, the effect presented by another actor will be completely different. In addition, the success of a movie also consumes a lot of people's efforts, and it cannot be completely pinned on the starring.

But this is also the cruelest truth.

Fortunately, the quality of the film passed the test. At the end of the first day, the online score of "Dream Traveler" was rated as the highest in the fifth grade by netizens, and it far surpassed the second place.

The flow of people during the holidays is very large. The more movies are arranged, the higher the box office, even if the content cannot meet everyone's tastes, when people choose movies, they will still choose this movie to reduce the risk.

Although "Dream Traveler" is not the audience's first choice in terms of subject matter, but because of its cast production team and the ratings on the Internet, the seeds of curiosity have been planted in the hearts of audiences who have not seen it.

On the second day of the May Day holiday, major theaters increased their schedules for "Dream Traveler", and the attendance rate was still very high. In addition, everyone usually arranges some activities on the first day of the May Day holiday, so the second day is the free time.

Netizens, through the film reviews of those who watched the May 1st movie the day before, found that most people were lamenting that "Dream Traveler" was too much to cry, and those with low tears should not go. At the same time, there are also many people who are praising "Dream Traveler" for its exciting picture, which makes people excited.

This directly aroused the curiosity of other netizens. Wouldn’t it be self-contradictory for a crying movie that was criticized for a while and moved again for a while?

They don't believe there is still such a movie!

There are also many viewers who love and hate tragic dramas, and they all threatened to go to the cinema to see how good "Dream Traveler" is!

So the next day, more people chose the movie "Dream Traveler" after entering the cinema. The next day's real-time box office, "Dream Traveler" directly rushed to the top of the list.

Since Dream Traveler's second day's box office occupied the top spot, there have been more and more follow-up films. After the entire May Day holiday, "Dream Traveler" led the way at the box office, and the box office was unreasonably high.

In order to avoid the crowd, Lan Muyu took Li Ruonan to the cinema on the first day of the May Day holiday.

But no matter how well Lan Muyu disguised it, it couldn't hide from the fans who saw it. When they were queuing to enter the venue, the news that Lan Muyu and Li Ruonan watched "Dream Traveler" together was posted on the Internet.

Fans on Weibo also unceremoniously discussed:

[Not much to say, I want to see President Li being abused and crying hahahaha. 】

[Want to ask if they booked the venue? I wanted to see President Li cry, and then Lan Muyu sacrificed himself on the spot in order to comfort President Li. 】

[To be honest, I am the surveillance camera of the cinema. 】

[Add me, I will be the seat in the corner of the cinema. 】

[And me and me, I don't have high requirements, I can do anything, as long as I can watch it for free, hehehe. 】

However, Lan Muyu and Li Ruonan didn't know anything about the news on the Internet, so the fans kindly didn't come forward to disturb them, but instead made Lan Muyu feel complacent, "I just said that no one would recognize me when I dress like this."

Li Ruonan inserted the milk tea into the straw and handed it to Lan Muyu, "Well, watch the movie obediently."

"Hey, didn't you actually watch it on the set?"

Li Ruonan gave the perfect answer rightly: "It's better to see you more than to watch other movies."

The movie was about to start, the lights had dimmed, and an advertisement was playing on the screen. Lan Muyu boldly took off his mask, took a sip of milk tea, and narrowed his eyes with satisfaction.

But in the next second, those beautiful eyebrows were wrinkled. Li Ruonan's hand became tighter and tighter, and Lan Muyu reminded in a low voice, "Hey, it hurts, take it easy."

Li Ruonan let go, but the expression on his face was not very good-looking, and his body exuded low air pressure.

Lan Muyu: ? ? ?

"Hey, what's wrong with you?" Lan Muyu leaned into Li Ruonan's ear, under the dim light, Lan Muyu seemed to be kissing Li Ruonan.

“啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊”一旁观影的人终于忍不住叫出了声,蓝沐羽扫视了一圈,发现有不少人已经认出了她,一个个都捂着嘴望in her direction.

Lan Muyu quickly moved away from Li Ruonan, sat up straight, greeted the fans, and made a silent gesture before the movie started.

The quality of the fans is very high, and they didn't disturb the normal viewing order, but Lan Muyu didn't dare to move anymore.

She always felt that if she moved a little, she would be seen by countless pairs of eyes, as if performing in a large audience - a live **** palace.

At this time, the soft fingertips came over, Lan Muyu only struggled a little, and then intertwined with Li Ruonan's ten fingers.

After the movie officially started, there were no people around who turned their heads to look at Lan Muyu, but Li Ruonan and Lan Muyu both relaxed a lot and gradually sank into the world of the movie.

"Dream Traveler" continues Director Fang's consistent shooting style. On the career line, it perfectly creates a lot of **** gun battle scenes, but on the emotional line, it uses a flat and slow rhythm to tell the protagonist in the film. Life experience.

Director Fang's perspective capture has its own unique style, which can attract the audience inadvertently and arouse the audience's interest in watching the movie. The whole movie is full of climaxes, which makes people want to keep watching. It will make you feel boring.

In addition, the heroine in "Dream Traveler" loves at the same time, and many scenes of struggling in life were filmed. The filming did not use any overly intense or deliberate sound effects. It was just a plain narrative, but revealed An indelible melancholy, showing Lu Ying's lonely and confused heart, tightly gripping the hearts of the audience.

The love between Lu Ying and Xu Yang spanned life and death. One left and the other moved forward with a common dream. The film exposed the ugly side of the human nature of drug dealers, and also showed the innocence and beauty of the love between the hero and heroine, which made many people cry and sigh.

Watching the scene of Lu Ying and Xu Yang kissing in the movie, it was obviously an emotional scene with tears in her eyes, but Lan Muyu held back her laughter and looked sideways at Li Ruonan, "Mr. Li, do you still remember that scene that was shot on the set half a year ago. Broken camera?"

The corners of Li Ruonan's lips twitched slightly, and she said softly, "I don't mind performing a real kiss scene in front of your fans. What do you think, Miss Lan?"

As soon as these words came out, Lan Muyu closed her mouth and cursed Li Ruonan in her heart, but she didn't dare to say anything more.

The changed ending of the film was also well received. Many netizens said that they thought that Xu Yang had really sacrificed. Even if they saw Lu Ying completed the final task and fulfilled their promise, they would still feel regretful. But the appearance of Xu Yang at the end made them all excited. The mission team wiped out the nest of drug lords, and Lu Ying also walked out of the dark time.

At the end of the film, the two protagonists hugged each other tightly. The ending song played, and many people were still immersed in it. The police completed their heroic dream, and Lu Ying found her love dream.

In order to avoid the fans, Lan Muyu and Li Ruonan left the arena early. The two of them went all the way down and got into the car before they were relieved. Relying on the lack of people in the parking lot, Lan Muyu called out, "Li Ruonan?"

"Well, what's up?" Li Ruonan was fastening his seat belt, and the moment he turned his head over, he was kissed by Lan Muyu.

Worrying that fans would suddenly appear, the two didn't fight for too long, and they separated after a brief taste, "It was like kissing you at the movie theater just now."

"Everyone goes to the crying show, what about you?"

Lan Muyu said slowly, with a bit of charm mixed in her voice: "That's different, they are all watching movies. And when I watch movies, all I think about are the groves and dressing rooms on the set. , and in those hotel suites…”

Lan Muyu's open mouth made Li Ruonan's ears red.

"If it wasn't for you at the time, I wouldn't be able to make the show so soon, maybe the nightmares inside and outside of the real and fake dramas would haunt me for a long time." Lan Muyu continued to bewitched, "So in order to thank President Li, I specially Asked the crew for those well-preserved costumes, the package just received today."

Li Ruonan's fingertips curled up. She didn't say anything, but started the car and galloped towards home at a faster speed than before.


Different people have different opinions. "Dream Traveler" may not be the best movie of the same period in everyone's mind, but it has attracted a batch of audiences with its own charm, and it has become more and more popular, and the box office has skyrocketed. .

The popularity of the movie is bound to be accompanied by a variety of voices, more and more people write movie reviews for the movie, and there are more and more entries about "Dream Traveler" on hot searches. Under the general trend of the Internet , the comments of the sunspots were also suppressed by passers-by, and Lan Muyu's acting skills also won a higher evaluation because of this movie.

"Dream Traveler" exploded, and the happiest people were Lan Muyu and Fu Qian, who were both protagonists and investors. The entertainment industry is an attractive kaleidoscope. For those flamboyant worlds, if the capital goes in, it may be lost, or it may be a small profit.

Fu Qian has been in the public's attention for more than ten years, and it is not necessary to say much about his accurate understanding of this circle.

And Lan Muyu, as a one-year-old person, after the first work "I Love You in My Heart" became popular, and then "Limited Sales" and "Dream Traveler" were all sold at the box office. The heroine of Wang's film.

Many directors and investors have begun to eye Lan Muyu and want to seek cooperation. What's more, they feel that Lan Muyu has her own aura, and as long as she participates in the film, it will definitely be a big hit.

When Ling Shan told Lan Muyu that many people came to her door and expressed these opinions, Lan Muyu was really flattered unexpectedly when she wanted to invite Lan Muyu to film at a high price.

If she was just an actress, she might be moved too, but she herself is also an investor. After her rebirth, she and Li Ruonan partnered to invest in a lot of projects, and the entertainment industry, since Li Ruonan transferred Xingyao to Lan Muyu at a friendly price, became Lan Muyu's business alone.

Lan Muyu has no shortage of funds. As a businessman, who would think that he has too much money? Dora alone will have more mouths, it is better for her to invest alone.

With the release of the movie, Lan Muyu thought that he had unloaded a certain burden. Unexpectedly, Father Lan's news surface was more well-informed, and he took Lan Muyu back to the Lan Clan in time to train him personally.

The Qingyun Pavilion project in Yuncheng has come to an end after nearly a year. The contract that the two of them designed to pit Fu Yiming had long since been voided because Fu Yiming could not repay the arrears, and that part of the shares was naturally vacated.

Out of selfishness, Li Ruonan did not take it back. Instead, he transferred it to the Lan family at a friendship price lower than the market price. In the name of cooperation, the two could find time to fall in love. Why not do it?

Although Lan Muyu can make do with social occasions, but if it really comes to specific business affairs, Li Ruonan's professional theoretical knowledge and the experience gained from working in the Li family for so many years are all Lan Mu. Yu, a half-way monk, can't be compared.

It's just that no matter how good their relationship is, Li Ruonan can't directly help Lan Muyu manage the Lan family. After all, the Lan family was not created by Lan Muyu, it was the result of the efforts of several generations of the Lan family.

Fortunately, many business items of the two companies overlap, which is why the two have always had a good relationship. Originally, they were business partners who helped each other, but in the generation of Li Ruonan and Lan Muyu, there was more and more cooperation, and the cooperation of Qingyun Pavilion came from this.

It was a rare trip back to Yuncheng, so Li Ruonan and Lan Muyu both chose Boyue Garden, where they once lived together.

After the meal, Lan Muyu pulled Li Ruonan onto the bed, and huddled together and looked at the documents.

"If there is something you don't understand, tell me, and I'll explain it to you."

"En." Lan Muyu's eyes looked at the document, but her mind had already drifted to other places.

This house has special memories for her. It is her first home after her rebirth, and it is also something she has never had in her last life since she went to college.

Thinking about it, Lan Muyu's head couldn't help rubbing against Li Ruonan again. After seeing the frown between her brows, she stretched out her hand to smooth it out, "What's wrong?"

The displeasure that gathered on Li Ruonan's face froze for a moment, then gradually eased his expression and said softly, "It's okay, I'm not angry."

Lan Muyu nodded, "I know, you're just used to being fierce."

Li Ruonan put down the document, and his tone became softer, "No matter how fierce I am, I will never be fierce against you."

"I know." Lan Muyu raised her chin proudly, and deliberately used her hair to rub against Li Ruonan's ticklish neck.

"Don't make trouble, take a good look at the documents." Li Ruonan tilted his head back, but in exchange for Lan Muyu's progress.

"Li Ruonan?"


Lan Muyu recalled the past time, and with this scene, he couldn't help but start to scold: "Why didn't you be mean to me, do you know how much you went too far a year ago?"

"Have it?"

"There is, there is, as soon as we meet, he ignores me fiercely, and even cuts off my water grid. If it wasn't for my determination, I would almost have been left behind by you."

Li Ruonan was stunned for a moment, her fingertips passed through Lan Muyu's hair, and she gently combed it, "I have never taken care of anyone, your parents asked me to take care of them."

Lan Muyu glanced sideways, and put the responsibility down, don't ask, it's because of her parents.

Lan Muyu was about to refute when she heard Li Ruonan speak again, "But I won't now."

"Hmm, really not anymore?" Lan Muyu complained bitterly, "Do you know how hot it is in the summer without the air conditioner? If someone cuts off my air conditioner, I'll... break up with her."

"Oh? Then why did you still pay attention to me?"

Lan Muyu sat up and smiled slyly: "I don't want to eat Mr. Li's soft rice. If I make you run away, where can I go to find such a bad guy like you?"

Li Ruonan sneered and pinched Lan Muyu's chin, "Oh? I have such an advantage?"

"Hmm..." Lan Muyu frowned and thought for a while, then replied, "You're pretty good-looking too, much younger and more beautiful than the average boss. Haven't you seen my fans compliment you? They all Said that if you made your debut, it would be none of my business."


Lan Muyu leaned over to Li Ruonan's ear, "I don't know their aesthetics, but I do... love you to death."

The document in his hand fell from the bed, the heartbeat between each other was getting louder and louder, and there was an ambiguous atmosphere in the air, which was about to explode.

Li Ruonan pulled Lan Muyu and wanted to press him down for a kiss, but was blocked by Lan Muyu's hand, and added without fear of death: "There is another advantage, they don't know, they have never experienced it."

Li Ruonan gasped and asked, "What?"

Lan Muyu pressed Li Ruonan's body in his direction, and spoke in an air voice: "Live well, let me... be immortal and want to die."

Before the syllable of the dead word was over, Li Ruonan couldn't help but stop Lan Muyu's seductive mouth.

Since you have been praised by your girlfriend, you have to prove it by yourself to be worthy of praise, right?


Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner. The commercial value of "Dream Traveler" has been reflected by its box office. It is unexpected that two months later, "Dream Traveler" was nominated for the San Cass Film Festival.

Domestic films have not been nominated for the San Cass Film Festival for many years. The last time was the film that Fu Qian and Qi Dao collaborated on ten years ago, which helped Fu Qian win the title of Best Actor, and Fu Qian became the best actor in one fell swoop. The top of the domestic movie niche.

In the past few years, domestic films have not been nominated by the San Cass Film Festival for a long time. Therefore, many domestic netizens also have a foreign-loving mentality in their hearts. More and more people think that the prospects for domestic films are not good.

Coupled with the popularity of domestic commercial films in recent years, and the phenomenon of making quick money with shoddy films, more and more netizens are beginning to dislike domestic films. However, under such a big environment, "Dream Traveler" was nominated for the San Cass Film Festival!

When the news spread all over China, the entire entertainment industry was a sensation, and netizens also expressed their opinions:

[Director Fang is amazing, as expected of a work he brought after a few years! 】

[Looking at the commercial films that foreigners are all about showing off their skills, I have long wanted to say that the movie is not a show of stunts, but the connotation and acting skills of the movie are more important! 】

【Aaaaaah, is Fu Qian going to San Cass again? Really? Really? Really? 】

[Fu Qian fans upstairs, don’t get excited yet, whether or not Fu Yingdi awards him, he has long been the pride of China. I heard that he participated as a special guest. 】

[I began to believe in the theory of the goddess that has been popular on the Internet these days. Lan Muyu is really acting prosperous. Investor fathers should start as soon as possible. 】

[Mr. Li: I wanted to find someone to lose the family, but I didn't expect that the other party's money would not be spent. 】

[Hahahahaha, Mr. Li is really disappointed. 】

A week later, the film festival officially opened. Because of the attention of many fans in Huaguo, many platforms have started live broadcasts, and the number of people online has surpassed the flow of people in many parties.

Gorgeous spotlights illuminated the entire stage, and the lights kept switching on the faces of several nominated actors, magnifying their micro-expressions infinitely and showing them to the audience.

The movie works of several nominated actresses began to be played on the big screen. When it was Lan Muyu's turn, reality and fantasy alternated in the film. The woman faced the mirror, and her pale face showed a once-innocent smile like a girl, right. reaching out to her lover.

There is no language to express, but the love between the woman outside the mirror and the man in the mirror needs no words. It affects everyone regardless of nationality. There is no trace of performance. Everything is so natural.

The audience watching the live broadcast from far across the ocean also boiled, and the dense barrage was almost blocking the entire screen:

【It's Lan Muyu! It's Lan Muyu! 】

[Ten years ago Fu Qian took back the best actor, can Lan Muyu also be able to…]

[Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhly 】

[I don't know what to say, Lan Muyu, come on! 】

Not only the netizens, but also the audience who swept the camera to the stage, everyone showed expressions of surprise and admiration invariably.

In the sound of anticipation, the host announced in authentic English:

"This year's San Cass film industry, the winner of the best actress is Lan Muyu, the actor of Lu Ying in "Dream Traveler".

Let us congratulate Chinese actress, Lan Muyu! "

The author has something to say: the main text will end tomorrow, and the extras will end before the end of the National Day holiday.

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