MTL - After Breaking Up, I Still Dump All Sentient Beings-Chapter 64

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All the lights and cameras focused on Lan Muyu, who was wearing a gorgeous custom-made dress, showing off all the advantages of her figure. Beautiful eyes flow, soul-stirring, lips filled with confident elegance.

No one can deny her again, and can no longer deny her by other invisible means.

Lan Muyu stepped on her high heels, step by step, accompanied by the crisp sound, accepted the blessings of people of different skin tones in the audience, walked to the stage, and the moment she stood still, the people below cheered for her.

The presenter presented Lan Muyu with a trophy, hugged her and left the stage to Lan Muyu. For a while, the cheers at the scene fell silent, and everyone patiently waited for the new actress to speak.

Lan Muyu stood there, gathering thousands of stars in one body, and even she herself never thought that she could stand at this height. Under the dazzling lights, Lan Muyu's face became more and more beautiful, as if she was born to stand there, belonged to that stage, and no one could ignore her existence.

There is no doubt about this result. Whether it is people in China who have seen the film, or people abroad who have not seen the film but are moved by the short clip just now, they all feel that Lan Muyu is well deserved and cheers for her. Palm, this award should be hers.

Lan Muyu stood on the stage and looked at the people who applauded and blessed her. First, according to the official acceptance speech, in English, she said the usual lines: "When I received an invitation from the San Cass Film Festival , I was completely dumbfounded, I didn't expect to be nominated, let alone win this trophy.

I am very grateful to Fu Qian for being able to take a fancy to me and ask me to participate in this film together. This film cost our crew's hard work, and that's not my credit alone, whether it's the director, screenwriter, producer, or the outstanding and dedicated actors in the crew, and countless behind-the-scenes staff, without them If you pay, there will be no success of "Dream Traveler", let alone the me I am today.

Like other professional circles, in this circle, I have felt exclusion and targeting, but what I feel more is kindness and help. Along the way, I have always remembered those who helped me in times of hardship and helped me in the same boat. I am very grateful to you for accompanying me all the way. Officially, with your company, I have persevered to this day and made me who I am today. "

Even though these acceptance speeches are the same, they still make many netizens watching the live broadcast in China red-eyed. Although this award is given to artists, it also proves the brilliance of the Chinese film industry on the other hand, blocking the mouths of those who look down on Chinese films, and proclaiming to the world that the future of Chinese films is promising.

【Ahhhh, how can Lan Muyu speak English so well, my ears are getting pregnant. 】

[God, she is too beautiful, from the day I became a fan of her, I felt that there was nothing she couldn't do, she really did it! 】

[The film emperor ten years ago, the film queen ten years later, the rise of Chinese films! 】

[He looks good and has acting skills. I hope Father Lan can let Lan Muyu stay in the entertainment industry for a few more years. I can't bear to woo woo woo. 】

[Hey, have you seen Mr. Li? Too bad we didn't get to see the two of them together. 】

[Mr. Li should not show up, Lan Muyu alone is enough for me to be envious, and it is too cheap for two people to show up together. 】

【Are you sure you want President Li to appear? Have you digested all the dog food you have eaten in the past few months? 】

After speaking in one breath, Lan Muyu let out a sigh of relief and switched to Chinese, "Okay, the official word is over, sorry I want to leave the next time to one person, she is a very, very important person to me, She was the one who accompanied me through those rough pasts, accompanied me step by step to the end, and will always be by my side in the future.

—She is my girlfriend Li Ruonan.

Actors can only show real performances when they are in the play. As you can see, I have also experienced Lu Ying's struggles. If she hadn't been with me, maybe I wouldn't be able to complete this work. She has her pride, she shares her glory with me, and I want to be here and share mine with her.

I know there is a time difference between M and Hua. She couldn't come here with me to witness because of her busy work. Today, she is busy with work, and maybe she can't watch the live broadcast, but it doesn't matter, haha, sorry I'm a little bit Excited. "

Hearing Lan Muyu's words, the people in the audience also began to whisper, and the scrolling speed of the barrage suddenly slowed down. Those who knew her knew who she was speaking to, but He didn't dare to guess what could make Lan Muyu so excited.

【Every day! Can I watch this scene for free? Is that what I meant? 】

[Oh, I am so anxious, I wish I could quickly let Lan Muyu finish the sentence. The last time Mr. Li confessed to you all over the world, this time you go back and she will agree to whatever you say! 】

[Come on Lan Muyu! I've beaten this couple of CPs to the end, fairy love ah ah ah]

[Call President Li online, please show up immediately! 】

After adjusting his emotions, Lan Muyu put the microphone close to his mouth again, and the affectionate peach blossom eyes were full of love:

"Li Ruonan, I have now won the queen, and I have fulfilled my dream. I also have Xingyu and Lan, although it is not a big achievement, but I am no longer the poor little one who asked for your help in everything.

I can support myself, I can also support a large group of people in the company, I... I think I can also support you.

As a star, after enjoying the glory on stage, it is bound to bear the pressure off stage and the lost private life. Because of the path I chose, you have also suffered a lot of grievances. You cannot be like a normal person, you can walk in the streets holding hands, and you cannot ask for a kiss when you are emotional, but you have never asked for anything.

But I still have to say: Li Ruonan, I like you, I want to be with you forever, let me spend my life to make up for the regrets between us, would you like to? "

Obviously it was a happy thing, Lan Muyu said, her eyes were red, and the scene was silent.

Although Lan Muyu didn't say it clearly, everyone knew what she meant.

Not long after these people also fell in love with Fu Qian, they learned that Fu Qian had a girlfriend who accompanied him all the way, and they could only bless the male god. But now, they have just discovered the light of Lan Muyu, but they have to accept the fact that the goddess is going to get married.

But after Lan Muyu finished speaking, the audience at the scene all applauded from the bottom of their hearts. The person who can be liked by Lan Muyu will definitely not be bad. May their dreams come true, and may they be with them for life.

Lan Muyu bowed gratefully to the audience and hurried off the stage.

Since Lan Muyu had already said that Li Ruonan was not at the scene, the reporters would naturally not miss the great interview opportunity.

Although Lan Muyu's English is very good, the front row of the interview is also full of Chinese media, who are blocking the door of the San Cass award ceremony. Lan Muyu.

[Lan Muyu, many netizens say that you win the award to win glory for the country, what do you want to say about this? 】

"There are countless seniors I admire in the film industry. I'm just a fledgling person, and I will work harder in the future."

【Lan Muyu, did you mean to propose to President Li just now? The two of you have engaged in a marriage contract before, why do you have to do it again? Is your marriage contract really a commercial marriage? 】

"Who thinks that you express your love too many times?"

[Lan Muyu, do you think President Li would agree? 】

Lan Muyu looked at the camera and smiled softly: "Then you have to let me go before I can ask."

The reporter's questions kept coming up one after another. Lan Muyu didn't have any thoughts after answering a few. She wanted to hurry back to the hotel to ask Li Ruonan's opinion. She didn't want to waste time with reporters here, she couldn't wait.

Fortunately, the members of the "Dream Traveler" crew all caught up, consciously stepped forward to stand in front of Lan Muyu, and spoke to the reporters:

"Thank you for your love for "Dream Traveler". I don't know if you have any questions about our crew, I can tell you today." - This is the director.

"I wonder if everyone is satisfied with the ending of "Dream Traveler"? Taking advantage of today's happy days, there is actually another version of the ending. I wonder if you are interested?" - This is the screenwriter.

"The first time I came to Santa Cassina, you were so enthusiastic. I didn't expect you to ignore me ten years later. It seems that I can't attract you anymore when I'm old?" - This is the male protagonist Fu Qian.

Under the cover of the crew and bodyguards, Lan Muyu finally managed to squeeze out of the reporter's encirclement, took a sigh of relief when he got into the car with the trophy, and set foot on the way back to the hotel.

Xiao Zhang drove all the way, driving the car farther and farther away. Looking at the scenery outside the window, Lan Muyu also felt something was wrong. The phone had already been out of power during the film festival process, but Xiao Zhang would not harm her.

Lan Muyu approached the driver's seat and asked, "Wait, this doesn't seem to be the direction to go back to the hotel?"

"Miss Lan, is your phone out of battery?" Xiao Zhang said without changing his face, "Something happened to Mr. Li."

"Li Ruonan came to M country?" Lan Muyu asked anxiously, "What happened to her? What happened at night?"

"Mr. Li, she, she..."

"Oh, hurry up and say it."

"Mr. Li couldn't contact you just now. She also came to M country, but her car broke down. We are going to pick her up now."

"It's just that the car broke down, is she all right?"


These words made Lan Muyu heave a sigh of relief, but at the same time, Lan Muyu's heartbeat accelerated instantly. This means that she can get the answer from Li Ruonan in person.

The answer that was clearly in front of her eyes made her very nervous.

Lan Muyu did not doubt Xiao Zhang's words, and leaned back to the back seat of the car. Lan Muyu pulled down the car window. The night in the suburbs was very quiet, in stark contrast to the hustle and bustle of the film festival. The wind blowing was also mixed with the scent of green grass, soothing Lan Muyu's restlessness. heart of.

Until Xiao Zhang parked his car on the side of the road, it was pitch black without street lights, and he could only vaguely see a field of flowers.

Lan Muyu quickly opened the car door and walked out, but Xiao Zhang in the car drove the car farther away, leaving Lan Muyu alone.

Xiao Zhang's behavior made Lan Muyu instantly vigilant. She frowned as she looked at the distant car and the environment where she couldn't see clearly.

When she was in doubt, the dotted lights came on, and the whole picture of the surrounding flower fields was displayed in front of her eyes. The fairy-tale sea of ​​flowers surrounded her, colorful, and the more she went forward, the brighter the lights.

After a closer look, she found that the path she walked all the way from the car was artificially developed, and the bouquet at her feet flickered, guiding her to the center of the flower field.

At this moment, Lan Muyu already had guesses in his heart, but he didn't dare to jump to conclusions when he didn't see another protagonist.

The lights lit up in circles and circles, and the more you went in, the brighter the lights became.

A figure appeared in the middle of the endless flower field. The night breeze blew through the waist-length hair, and it fluttered at random on the back of the imagination. Hearing the movement behind him, he turned around slowly.

Li Ruonan stood in the center of the flower field, holding a large bouquet of roses, and waved to Lan Muyu with a smile.

She couldn't tell what it felt like, Lan Muyu only felt that her whole body was shrouded in Li Ruonan's boring eyes, locking her tightly, unable to escape, and unwilling to resist.

It's like being fascinated by ghosts and bewitched by goblins.

Her footsteps could no longer step back half a point, just like the puppet that was pulled by a string, she could only move forward in the direction of Li Ruonan. It's just that thread, but it's the love she can never give up.

The moment Li Ruonan laughed, Lan Muyu began to run, and rushed into the center of the aperture in three or two steps, standing in front of Li Ruonan, still breathing lightly.

For a while, neither of the two spoke, and no matter how beautiful the surrounding scenery was, they couldn't compare to the person in front of them.

In the end, Lan Muyu spoke first. She curled her fingertips and looked at everything carefully arranged around her. Her voice was a little uncertain: "Li Ruonan, what should I do, I'm a little dizzy now."

Li Ruonan chuckled and took a step forward, "What's the matter, don't you like this manor? Anyway, I came here to arrange it for two whole days. Even if you are not very satisfied, you have to give me face, right?"

"Two days?" Lan Muyu seized the loophole in Li Ruonan's words and deliberately lowered his face, "But didn't you say you were busy with work and couldn't come to M country?"

Li Ruonan didn't answer, but that expression already explained everything.

She wanted to avoid Lan Muyu and prepare this surprise for her.

In the last Huaying Awards, Lan Muyu was shady and failed to stand on the podium. Even if Lan Muyu refused the compensation for the award, it didn't matter how much she behaved, she knew how much Lan Muyu cared.

Who wouldn't want to be recognized if they had done one thing with all their heart and soul?

This time at the San Cass Film Festival, nominations are hard enough, and Li Ruonan is not fully sure of Lan Muyu's award. But no matter whether Lan Muyu wins the award or not, she wants to tell Lan Muyu that in her heart Lan Muyu is the heroine forever.

Li Ruonan thought that he was pure-hearted and had few desires, but when facing Lan Muyu, he couldn't help but want to take that girl who shines brightly in the high starlight as his own, and tie it to her forever.

"Mumu, so are you satisfied with the arrangement here?" Li Ruonan carefully wanted an answer.

"I like it, of course I like it."

Li Ruonan breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good."

Lan Muyu bit her lower lip and said tentatively, "Then... did you watch my awards ceremony?"

Li Ruonan's voice was a little lower, "I saw it."

Lan Muyu asked eagerly, "What about your answer?"

Li Ruonan lowered his eyes, "But this is not a celebration banquet for you. I have listened to your confession, but..."

Lan Muyu frowned, wondering if her proposal was not obvious enough, should she see Li Ruonan stuffing the rose in her arms into her arms while she was trying to make up for it.

The next second, get down on one knee.

Li Ruonan raised his head, his smile deepened, "We thought about going together. You've finished begging. Now, is it my turn to propose?"

Lan Muyu's breath stagnated and looked at Li Ruonan in disbelief.

Li Ruonan took out a small gold velvet box from his arms, opened it with a "click", and two pairs of rings appeared in the field of vision.

"When you were first engaged to be engaged, you were so big, you were not even taller than my waist, you had a bad temper, and it was difficult to get along with, and it was quite annoying. At that time, I didn't take the agreement seriously.

Later, I found out that the little girl is not omnipotent. She shows off her power in the daytime, but at night she hides under the covers and weeps. Until she regarded me as a patron saint as a dependency, I suddenly found that I was also used to getting along with her.

I just didn't expect that as she went to college, everything changed. I buried the occasional heart palpitations deep in my heart, hoping that the people she likes will treat her kindly.

Maybe God wants to give me a chance to meet again. I also have to admit that I already fell in love with you, but fortunately, everything is too late.

I never thought that my obsession with someone would be so deep, that I wanted to be with her all the time, to start a family with her, to spend each day with her, to share with her everything I had life, whether happy or angry, no matter how sad.

I want to be with you all the time, I've been thinking about it for a long time, and it seems that there is only one way.

So I want to ask you, Lan Muyu, are you willing to spend the rest of your life with me and grow old with me together.

Would you like to marry me? "

Only the outline of Li Ruonan could be seen in Lan Muyu's eyes, and the moist water vapor filled her eyes. As Li Ruonan said, everything was still too late.

But it was too late, and it also paid her a huge price. How could she not cherish such a reunion that had only been exchanged in two lifetimes?

Lan Muyu took a deep breath, and there was a shyness in her tone that could not be hidden, "Then you, you just let Xiao Zhang lie to me, saying that your car broke down, do you know how worried I am?"

Li Ruonan stood up nervously, put his hands on Lan Muyu's shoulders, and said distressedly, "I shouldn't lie to you, I won't be able to do it again, okay?"

Lan Muyu snorted softly in a breath, and accepted the apology.

Li Ruonan and Lan Muyu looked at each other and asked again seriously: "Mumu, are you willing to marry me?"

At this moment, the dark sky was illuminated, and countless fireworks suddenly rose in the sky. The huge fireworks exploded and gathered into two tightly connected loves in the air.

The colorful fireworks ceremony continued, and after the love dissipated, it condensed into five Chinese characters: [marry me]

The five words were surrounded in the middle, and fireworks of various colors exploded around it, but the five words did not disperse at all.

Li Ruonan seized the opportunity and asked again, "Lan Muyu, will you marry me?"

Lan Muyu finally came back to her senses, and the rose bouquet in her hand was thrown on top of the flowers by her.

She quickly threw herself into Li Ruonan's arms: "I will. Li Ruonan, I will."

Li Ruonan put a ring on Lan Muyu's fingertip, the size was just right, and it fit perfectly.

She hugged Lan Muyu back, "Mu Mu, I will treat you well in my life."

Lan Muyu rubbed Li Ruonan's shoulder and hugged him a little tighter, "Then I'll depend on you for the rest of my life?"

Li Ruonan smiled and said, "I can't ask for it."

Holding and hugging, the ambiguous atmosphere between the two became stronger, and a simple look at each other could guess what the other party was thinking.

The moment the kiss fell, the bodies of the two of them shuddered at the same time. The familiar feeling made sparks rise, and the tightly hugged bodies ignited each other's scorching prairie-like temperature.

Under the starry sky and the bright fireworks, they kissed unconditionally, causing the flowers around them to bow their heads shyly, only the colorful lights peeping at each other.

Li Ruonan promptly supported Lan Muyu's sliding body, and finally bit Lan Muyu's lower lip before letting go, and hinted with disordered breathing, "I have a manor here."

Lan Muyu chewed it back sticky and shook his head, "No."

Li Ruonan was a little confused, so he touched Lan Muyu's forehead, "I don't have a fever."

—After all, Lan Muyu used to be the one who was most enthusiastic about this matter.

Passive people are rejected by active people, which is a bit strange no matter how you look at it.

Just when Li Ruonan wanted to ask again, Lan Muyu gave a sly smile and attached it to Li Ruonan's ear, the warm breath around her ear, and whispered softly: "It's true that you don't have a fever, but—maybe you're angry?"

Li Ruonan was stunned for a moment, followed Lan Muyu's words and asked, "Should I go to see a doctor? I don't want to be alone in an empty room."

"Li Ruonan, let's go get married, shall we? Go back to China now, immediately, immediately, the Civil Affairs Bureau must not be off work." Lan Muyu blinked, the brilliance in her eyes made people reluctant to look away, "How can one night be enough tonight? I still want to sleep with you legally for the rest of my life."

Li Ruonan moved in his heart, rubbed Lan Muyu's hair, and gave another kiss: "Okay, listen to you."

The private jet quickly took the two and flew to their destination.

A few hours later, the news of Lan Muyu winning the award finally spread all over China, but what made netizens even more talked about was the marriage proposal made by the actress in her award announcement.

The various marriage urging armies swept through Lan Muyu and Li Ruonan's Weibo, and even Li's, Lan's, and Xingyu's official Weibo failed to escape this disaster and fell into the hands of others.

Just when netizens were talking a lot, but they were disappointed that they would not be able to wait for this melon's follow-up response tonight, but there was a prompt that Lan Muyu and Li Ruonan were online at the same time.

The two posted a Weibo at the same time with two red books:

[Thank you for your concern, legal relationship. 】

The author has something to say: 1. The main text will end here, and then the episode will be updated during the National Day holiday, and the update time may not be so regular.

2 Kekeke, the one with nutrient solution, or the one who is willing to smash thunder, can send it to me (spread hands, crazy hints)

3 Thank you for the little cuties who have accompanied me all the way here, bow - until my back is sore (so I can't get up because of you) (dog head)

4 The pre-collection of the next book, Sapo rolls and asks to collect "I became the villain's favorite after wearing the book"

As a top-tier Yin Luoluo, she was stunning and beautiful, lingering in the flowers and leaves without touching her body - it's a pity that she died.

After his death, he entered a book of ancient Mary Suwen - he became a cannon fodder that contributed to the love of the hero and heroine but ruined the family.

Yin Luoluo has never been afraid of green tea in her life. I can make your tea even greener~ She not only has to live well, but also has to play big.

But before it even started, it was discovered that the original body had been drugged. In a trance, she saw a tall and beautiful woman with an abstinence all over her body, "Come with me, five thousand a night... ah no, ten thousand!"

But I saw the man stopped, his eyes were deep: "Then you, don't regret it."

She was originally interested, but unexpectedly she committed the biggest villain in the book. She swears that she is just greedy for Ye Churan's body!

Ye Churan is the aunt of the male protagonist, the head of the Ye family, who holds all the wealth and power that the male protagonist wants to seize in the future.

At the engagement banquet, the newlywed couple repented of their marriage. The male protagonist held Bai Yueguang in his arms to drive Yin Luoluo out, but the patriarch came late, "Miss Yin thinks the Ye family is not worthy of you?"

Yin Luoluo narrowed her eyes, "Um... Unless you grow up like you."

However, just when Yin Luoluo became so prosperous in the book and flirted with young trainees at the reception, Ye Churan suddenly appeared: "Is it because I can't satisfy you?"

Yin Luoluo froze all over, and couldn't help covering her lower back, "It's because you're too good, huh~"

Read The Duke's Passion