MTL - After the Drama, Action!-~ Works related (18)

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Of course things are going well now, she has made a lot of money, look at the bag on her sofa, it costs 100,000 yuan each. "

As soon as Chen Hong finished speaking, Zhang Mei and Chu Guoqiang gasped. Zhang Mei picked up the silver bag and looked at it for a long time but didn't see any tricks. "This bag costs a hundred thousand? Chu Yao looks at you You really made a lot of money this year, you spent 100,000 yuan to buy a bag, and you don’t want to give us the money?” Zhang Mei said as she opened the bag in her hand, as if she was going to turn over the bag.

As soon as He Yuan entered the door, he stared at their movements. Seeing Zhang Mei's movements, he immediately snatched the bag and hugged it in his arms. This bag contained Chu Yao's wallet, ID card and other documents. What should I do if I leave? He Yuan is absolutely disgusted with the ugly face of this family. Since their family came in, they have never said a word of concern for Chu Yao. The whole story is full of money, and even she, an outsider, can feel this. The insatiable greed of a group of people, let alone that of Chu Yao who is being squeezed?

He Yuan has never felt so sorry for Chu Yao. I heard that she came out to work before finishing high school, just to support this big family. She saw that this group of people did not feel grateful to Chu Yao in their hearts, and only thought about it How to oppress Chu Yao, how to gain benefits from her, He Yuan felt chilling for Chu Yao.

Zhang Mei quickly reacted, and almost pointed at He Yuan's nose and cursed, "What are you doing? I take my daughter's things, what do you care about? Aren't you just a nanny? Be careful, I let my daughter fire you! "In Zhang Mei's mind, the role of an assistant is equivalent to a nanny.

Chu Yao frowned and said, "Okay, stop talking."

Chu Yao's voice was resounding, her tone and demeanor couldn't hide her temperament and sense of oppression. Zhang Mei and Chen Hong were startled by Chu Yao, and even Chu Wenqi, who was eating chicken legs, was taken aback, " Whoa, whoa, whoa," burst into tears.

When Zhang Mei saw that her baby grandson was crying, she immediately went to coax Chu Wenqi, and she didn't show any kindness to Chu Yao, "Why are you talking so loudly? You scared Wen Qi, do you have a conscience, you are famous now Now that you are rich, you look down on our poor relatives? Now you won’t even let me scold a nanny?"

Chu Yao's tone was not fluctuating, "He Yuan is not my nanny, she is my assistant and my friend. How did you find her?"

Seeing that Chu Yao didn't intend to turn against them, and her attitude was quite peaceful, Chen Hong breathed a sigh of relief, and said naturally, "Sister, if you have money, forget about us, and you won't come back during the Chinese New Year. We are worried about you. I saw it on the Internet. The entertainment news said that you are filming in this film and television city, so we came here to try our luck."

Hearing what Chen Hong said, Chu Yao also had a calculation in her heart. If she was an ordinary person, moving to a city where she didn't know her would naturally be able to get rid of these family members of the original owner. But she is a star, as long as she is exposed to the public eye and there are news reports, no matter where she goes, these people can find her... Therefore, Chu Yao has to think of some ways to get rid of the blood-sucking family of the original owner.

Chu Yao said flatly, "What are you looking for me for?"

Zhang Mei coaxed Chu Wenqi well, and when Chu Yao asked this, she immediately replied as a matter of course, "Of course I came to see you to live a good life. The living environment in S City is so good. Since you have made a lot of money, you can help the family." Let’s buy a house in City S. And Wen Qi is going to go to kindergarten too. I heard that the private kindergartens in City S are all private, and there are foreigners who teach in English. Wen Qi can go abroad to study when he is promising! "As if thinking of a better life in the future, Zhang Mei's excited face turned a bit ferocious.

The housing prices in City S are famous throughout the country for being frighteningly high. A three-bedroom apartment in an ordinary geographical environment costs several million, let alone those in the city center and school district. And the private kindergartens in S city cost hundreds of thousands of tuition fees a year. Zhang Mei opened her mouth like a lion, and she was not afraid of slipping her waist.

Chu Yao's demeanor remained unchanged, and she asked softly, "What about the money, who will pay?"

Zhang Mei still took it for granted, "Of course you pay, and we don't have any money."

He Yuan, who was standing behind Chu Yao, was about to be **** off by their rogue appearance. She had seen rogues with no skin and no face, but it seemed that she had never seen a rogue like this. He Yuan glanced at Chu Yao subconsciously, Chu Yao's expression was still very calm, and He Yuan gradually calmed down seeing Chu Yao.

Chu Yao smiled slightly, "Then why did I pay for it? Back then, my high school grades were so good, but you said that only one child was supported in my family, so I dropped out of school, otherwise my grades would be at least Can be admitted to a university. In those years I worked part-time, and I entered the entertainment circle a few years ago. When did I get salary and film salary and didn’t I call you all? Chu Xuan’s tuition and living expenses for college were all given by me. I also gave Chu Xuan the money for buying a house and getting married. I didn’t pay the money for the surgery and the nursing care for your two elders when they were sick? I, Chu Yao, have been working for you for so many years. Have you never paid for it? Have I thought about it?"

Chu Yao's tone was very light, she spoke in a very calm tone, and she didn't even use a word of excessive scolding, but He Yuan's eyes turned red when he heard Chu Yao say these words... It turns out that Chu Yao Yao has lived so hard these years, her family members are really wolf-hearted, things that are not as good as pigs and dogs!

Zhang Mei's face turned red and white when Chu Yao said it, and the only trace of guilt was immediately replaced by a matter of course, "Yaoyao, who made you a girl? No matter how much money you make and marry, you will become Your husband's family is gone, only your younger brother and we can live a good life, and if your marriage has problems in the future, only our family will vent their anger on you, and only we will not harm you. "

Chu Yao spread her hands, "But I don't have any money."

Zhang Mei raised her eyebrows, "Why do you have no money? Isn't that bag worth 100,000 yuan?"

"Chu Yao really has no money..."

081 creditor

It turned out that the people who came were Lu Xingzhou and He Chengyi. Lu Xingzhou was called by He Yuan, and He Chengyi was called by Chu Yao. They both had one thing in common, they were both Chu Yao's creditors.

Chu Yao and Chen Tian terminated the contract and borrowed Lu Xingzhou's money. Later, Chu Yao asked He Chengyi to borrow two million. Some of it was used to buy stocks, and some was used for charity. So now Chu Yao not only has no money, but is also a pauper with a lot of debts.

These two creditors came at the right time, Lu Xingzhou said straight to the point, "Chu Yao really has no money, not only does she have no money, but she also owes me 500,000 yuan."

As soon as He Chengyi entered the door, he glanced at Chu Yao. Anyway, Chu Yao's face was not good-looking, and He Yuan behind her was filled with righteous indignation. He guessed that Chu Yao had been wronged, and suddenly felt There is a dull pain without words.

He Chengyi also said bluntly, "Chu Yao owes me two million. Are you her parents? Are you here to pay her back?"

Chu Xuan, who had always let Zhang Mei and Chen Hong stand out, couldn't sit still this time. Few people in China didn't know He Chengyi's face, and Chu Xuan certainly knew him. He knew through Weibo and other networks that Chu Yao and He Chengyi should know each other and have a good relationship. Why did Chu Yao still owe He Chengyi money? Could it be that Chu Yao invited him to be a rescuer?

Chu Xuan smiled and said, "You guys are joking, why does my sister owe so much money? Does she still buy a bag when she has no money? She costs 100,000 for that bag alone."

Such a natural look of Chu Xuan made even an indifferent person like He Chengyi feel disgusted in his heart, even just looking at him made him feel disgusted.

Lu Xingzhou on the side sneered, "I even know the price of the bag. You guys have done enough homework today to ask for money. Let me tell you the truth, Chu Yao has a cooperation with ME, and the bag and clothes are given by the brand. Yes, she owes us so much debt, how can she still have money to buy luxury goods?"

Zhang Mei's expression was already off after hearing Lu Xingzhou's words, but she heard Lu Xingzhou continue, "Don't you know that Chu Yao terminated the contract with the original brokerage company? Her early termination of the contract is a breach of contract, and she owes the original brokerage company a large sum of money." Money, she has no money to repay the liquidated damages, so she asked us to borrow it, is there any problem?"

Lu Xingzhou and He Cheng took out the photocopies of the IOUs that Chu Yao made at the beginning. The amount owed, the amount owed, the signatures and seals of both parties were clear, completely clear and clear.

Chen Hong and Chu Xuan snatched the copies of the IOUs from Lu Xingzhou and He Chengyi, read them over and over several times, and even had the notarization from the law firm. Zhang Mei and Chu Guoqiang couldn't read, and they were anxious He asked eagerly, "Is this IOU real? You can see clearly, it's not a forgery, right?"

Chu Xuan looked devastated, he shook his head, "It's true."

He Chengyi sneered, "Well, I don't think Chu Yao will be able to repay the money in a while. Since Chu Yao's family is here today, are you going to repay the money for her?"

Zhang Mei took a deep breath and began to play a rogue, "What money? What does the money she borrowed care about us? We didn't use the money she borrowed, so why should we pay it back? Aren't you a big star and rich? ? Do you still care about this little money with my family, Chu Yao?"

The behavior of the original owner's family is really no different from rascals.

Chu Yao said, "The money didn't come from the wind, so of course I have to pay it back. Mom, since I have already paid so much for this family, can you help me afford it this time? I have no choice this time. It's gone." Chu Yao's tone softened a bit, her attitude was lowered.

"No!" The original owner's family answered this question almost in unison.

Zhang Mei immediately changed her face and began to cry poorly, "How do we have money? Your father and I both retired, and your younger brother resigned last month. Your younger siblings are housewives. How can we have money? Are you going to force kill us?"

Chu Yao smiled, but the smile was very shallow, "Then don't you want to force me to death? The first thing I said was to let me buy you a house in S city, and to provide for a private kindergarten. If it goes down, it will cost you hundreds of dollars." Come on, where did I get the money? Don't you guys want to force me to death?"

Zhang Mei was pushed back by Chu Yao like a thousand pounds. She seemed to know Chu Yao for the first time. In the past, Chu Yao would listen to what she said, and she would leave the money to her family if she couldn't eat enough. Now Chu Yao not only won't give money to her family anymore, she has never even mentioned such a large amount of money to her family after she terminated the contract. Zhang Mei had a clear understanding at this moment that the Chu Yao in front of her was no longer the eldest daughter that they could easily control before, and it would be even more difficult to ask for money from her in the future.

Chu Xuan looked at Chu Yao, then at Lu Xingzhou and He Chengyi, and said for a while, "Since my sister's friend is here today, we can't stay any longer. Mom, let's go first today."

When the family heard that Chu Yao owed a huge amount of debt, they wished they could break up with Chu Yao immediately. Zhang Mei and Chen Hong had to deal with each other again, and then left cursing.

After leaving the film and television city, Zhang Mei and the others didn't look too good-looking. They came to S city to ask Chu Yao for money, but they got dirty all over, and almost became a victim of helping Chu Yao pay back the money.

Chu Guoqiang asked Zhang Mei, "Is it true or not that you said Da Ya owes money?"

But Chen Hong said, "That He Chengyi is a big star, there's no need to help Chu Yao lie to us, right?"

Zhang Mei said resentfully, "That dead girl actually owed so much money behind our backs, our old Chu family will not have her as a daughter in the future!"

The two gossip entertainment journalists squatting on the side of the film and television city heard the names of Chu Yao and He Chengyi from Chen Hong and Zhang Mei, their eyes lit up immediately, as if they had heard the breath of gossip, and the two walked up, " Hello, are you Chu Yao's parents?"

In Chu Yao's lounge, after Chu Guoqiang and the others left, He Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that the air in the room was much fresher.

Chu Yao told He Yuan, "Take out the monitoring just now and save it as a file. It may be useful in the future." Chu Yao's lounge is equipped with monitoring equipment. After several thefts occurred in the crew before, , Chu Yao and Ning Ke have all installed surveillance cameras.

Chu Yao has a premonition that these people will definitely make a comeback, so it is safe to prepare in advance.

Chu Yao nodded to the three people present and smiled, "Thank you this year, I will treat you at noon today!"

082 New Screenplay & Golden Peony Award Nomination & Collaboration

After the last farce happened between Chu Yao's parents, He Chengyi asked Lin Sen to find a detective to check some information about Chu Yao's previous experience. Today Lin Sen came to visit the crew of "Dynasty" and brought these materials to He Chengyi. At the same time, Lin Sen also brought the script of Chen Xing's film and television project this year.

Lin Sen vaguely knew that He Cheng was interested in Chu Yao. Although he was He Chengyi's manager, he really couldn't control He Chengyi's emotional affairs. The most he could do as a manager was to expose the relationship. Time for good PR. After all, there was a well-known actor who announced his marriage before, and the news of fans committing suicide is still vivid in my memory.

He Cheng flipped through Chu Yao's information, and couldn't connect the Chu Yao in the information with the vivid and vivid Chu Yao in front of him. Based on his understanding of Chu Yao and Chu Yao's personality, , and will definitely not do those things in the information, let alone condone the endless exploitation of her by that family.

He Chengyi felt a sense of disobedience. The dividing line between Chu Yao, who was unfamiliar before, and Chu Yao, who is now familiar, was the time when Chu Yao gave up on herself after breaking up with her love. The same person, although this can be explained by a big change in temperament, deep down in He Chengyi's heart he doesn't want to understand it that way.

And when he first met Chu Yao, Chu Yao gave him that familiar and special feeling. Chen Ran and Zhou Shulan, who had never met Chu Yao before, showed extraordinary interest and care towards her... He Chengyi felt as if he was hovering on the verge of the truth.

He Chengyi was relieved at this moment, what the truth is is not important to him, what is important is that he has faced up to his heart, he cares about Chu Yao, he wants to get close to Chu Yao, protect her, cherish her, To spend my life with her... the desire is very strong.

He Chengyi flipped through the film and television scripts to be filmed this year. The voting for the variety show "Actor" had already ended. The answer was unexpected but without any suspense. The combination of Chu Yao and He Chengyi won the highest number of votes. Surprisingly, Chu Yao was able to stand out from the crowd of powerful factions and old actors. There is no suspense that as long as the audience who watched Chu Yao's performance can feel the shock of Chu Yao's acting skills.

The candidate who won the championship of "Actor" will be eligible to participate in this year's big production of Chenxing Entertainment.

The scripts that can flow into Lin Sen's hands have already been screened, and those shoddy scripts have long been eliminated. Today Lin Sen brought fifteen scripts in a thick dozen, even if he is not a member of a big production, he is High-quality work.

He Cheng read it very quickly. Each script probably only read a brief introduction and character design. He picked out a total of four scripts, two movies and two TV series. Of course, the leading characters and plots of these four dramas are quite good. . He also asked Lin Sen when the filming of these four dramas started, and they all started filming in June and July, and the timing was just right.

So He Cheng asked Lin Sen, "You hand over these four scripts to Chu Yao's agent, and they will be the championship reward for her participation in "Actor"."

For Lin Sen, the director of the manager, He Chengyi's behavior was like killing chickens with a sledgehammer, making a fuss out of a molehill, but actor He obviously enjoyed it.

So Lin Sen didn't have much to say. Back at the company, Lin Sen took out the four scripts selected by He Chengyi and read them. ", "Love in the Sky", "Years of Love" and "Miss Pearl" are all romantic movies, and before contacting He Chengyi, let him vacate his schedule for the second half of the year. What does He Chengyi mean? It couldn't be more obvious.

Tsk tsk tsk, Lin Sen couldn't help feeling that He Cheng had come up with endless tricks as soon as he became enlightened.

At noon, Lu Xingzhou sent the script to Chu Yao, and also brought two pieces of news to Chu Yao.

While eating lunch, Chu Yao flipped through the scripts. The four scripts were quite rich in genres, including imperial dramas, suspenseful romances of the Republic of China, campus romances, and period dramas, all with different styles. The characters in several dramas that Chu Yao took over had tragic endings, but this time Chu Yao wanted to challenge a lighter plot and role.

Chu Yao singled out "Love in Time", which is a period drama, which tells the story of the 60-year life between Jiang Hongfei, a military officer, and He Xiaozhen, his child bride-in-law. Come, stumbling, but love each other for a lifetime.

Lu Xingzhou looked at it and was quite surprised, "I thought you would choose "Tang Palace" or "Miss Pearl". Compared with "Love in Time", these two dramas are fuller and the investment is bigger."

Chu Yao smiled, "The plot of this drama is very relaxed and warm, and I have never tried this kind of character design, and it feels quite interesting."

Lu Xingzhou expressed his respect for Chu Yao's decision and vision. The drama "Love in Time" is all about the short stories of some parents, but the slightly older audience will eat it, and the ratings will not be bad.

Chu Yao closed the script, and said casually, "The quality of this script is pretty good, I didn't expect Chen Xing to be quite generous."

Lu Xingzhou didn't think too much about it, "Lin Sen gave me the script, and it probably has been screened."

Chu Yao nodded.

Lu Xingzhou continued to add, "By the way, I have two more things to tell you today. Your performance in "Under the Moon in Chang'an" was nominated for Best Supporting Actress by Golden Peony. The second thing is ME's AC wants to find you as a spokesperson and launch a joint model."

The Golden Peony Award, the Flying Star Award, and the White Bear Award are collectively known as the three gold awards in the TV drama industry, which are the same as the three gold awards in the film industry, and they are very valuable awards. Chu Yao feels that her chances of winning this award are not high. She knows that she is good at acting, but she has few roles. It is well-known in the industry to value qualifications.

As for AC wanting to invite Chu Yao to endorse, Chu Yao was even more surprised. No matter what, Chu Yao thought that ME's makeup should be the first to sell, but she didn't expect a sports brand to come first. In Chu Yaoyao's time, AC was once one of the three most influential sports brands. In recent years, the AC brand has already declined, and both brand influence and sales have been greatly expanded by other brands.

However, AC is a well-known brand, and it is still a sub-brand of ME. Having it is always better than not having it. Chu Yao lacks a strong brand endorsement now, and brand endorsement also represents commercial value to a certain extent. Chu Yao is It is impossible not to accept advertising endorsements.

Chu Yao nodded to Lu Xingzhou and said, "I see, I agreed to the endorsement, and the endorsement contract and joint payment should be finalized as soon as possible."

083 Premiere of "Jiangshan"

Everything on Chu Yao's side is proceeding in an orderly manner.

Chu Yao and AC have signed a two-year endorsement contract, and Chu Yao is discussing with AC designers about the joint model, and is preparing to shoot a blockbuster commercial. As for the Golden Peony, Chu Yao has already decided to walk the red carpet. Anyway, "Jiangshan" starring her is about to be broadcast, so she just went to catch a wave of enthusiasm.

Yes, "Jiangshan" is about to premiere here. Since "Chang'an Moonlight" created a successful mode of filming and broadcasting, simultaneous broadcasting on stars and the Internet, many TV dramas have followed this broadcasting mode. However, this mode also has advantages and disadvantages. It needs the high-quality support of the TV series itself. Otherwise, the playback speed of 4 or 6 episodes a week will easily make the audience who follow the series feel slack. If the plot is slightly uncomplicated or watery, there will be large-scale protests from the audience and abandonment of the drama.

From the end of last year to now, dozens of TV dramas have followed this broadcast mode, and the successful ones can be counted on both hands. "Jiangshan" has a total of 74 episodes. According to the broadcast speed of four episodes per week, it spans four months, just halfway through the end of the summer vacation.

Today is Saturday, April 7th, the premiere day of "Jiangshan".

Early in the morning, Liu Changze adjusted the TV channel for his parents. Since his father and mother became Chu Yao's loyal fans, the two of them would never miss any information about Chu Yao. It's a pity that Chu Yao's output is very low. After "Chang'an Moonlight", the movie "Dynasty" was filmed and has not yet been released. This "Jiangshan" came out after a few months.

This is also the second collaboration between Liu Changze and Chu Yao. Mother Liu mentioned it when she was waiting for the advertisement, "Chu Yao is playing an amazing and brilliant military adviser in "Jiangshan" this time, you are in it What role are you playing?"

Liu Changze only felt that a mouthful of old blood was about to spurt out. His parents didn't even know what he was acting in, but they knew everything about Chu Yao's situation. Liu Changze had already deeply felt the difference in treatment.

Liu Changze sighed, "I'm playing Chu Yao's colleague, a general."

Mother Liu gossiped, "You have cooperated with Chu Yao twice, can you develop an on-screen couple? Isn't that what the news says?"

Liu Changze could only think of the fear of being dominated by the big devil Chu Yao with his acting skills, and he didn't even dare to think about the on-screen couple. How can we develop something with her in the TV series? Many actresses in our crew have emotional scenes with Chu Yao."

Liu's mother looked surprised, she never thought that there was such an operation, "Aren't women still women when they disguise themselves as men? How can they develop into a couple with an actress?"

Liu Changze smiled meaningfully.

The plot of the first two episodes is quite compact. The first half of the first episode is all about the background of the story and the life background of the protagonist Chen Yi. It is reasonable to say that this kind of traditional drama with a little seriousness will make the plot boring and boring. , but "Jiangshan" does not give people this kind of feeling at all. The brisk rhythm of Chen Yi's early youth is in sharp contrast to the tragedy of his family when his family died. There is also Shen Jiamu's personal charm and acting skills, which can be said to be fascinating. .

Even Liu Nagasawa, one of the leading actors, already knew the development of the plot, and was attracted by the TV series. Liu Changze's parents hadn't seen Chu Yao's appearance, but they were anxious to ask, "When will Yaoyao appear?"

Liu Changze felt a little sad. Just now when he appeared on the stage, his parents were quite calm. Liu's mother also smiled and commented, "Nagaze, you little soldier, you are dressed in a funny way, and you don't think it's the same as you used to act. .”

Liu Changze had watched the sample and knew that Zhou Li, played by Chu Yao, would only appear in the second episode, so he told her the truth with some hesitation.

Mother Liu looked at the time, "There are still twenty minutes until the end, I'm tired of seeing Shen Jiamu's face..."

Liu Changze felt sorry for Shen Jiamu. He was also one of the top three most popular actors in the rankings. The actor who was known as the teacher killer was disgusted by his mother. If he remembers correctly, last year his mother was still Shen Jiamu's movie fan and fan.

Sure enough, he is an iron idol and a fan of flowing water. The ancients never bullied him.

After finally making it to the second episode, the TV show was played for five minutes, and Mother Liu couldn't help asking, "When will Chu Yao come back?"

Knowing that Chu Yao appeared in this episode for only three minutes, and at the end of the episode, Liu Changze was too embarrassed to tell his mother, so he just said bravely, "It should be soon, please wait patiently."

The plot of "Jiangshan" is slowly getting better. From the time when Chen Yi made up his mind to rebel, the plot has been pushed to a small climax. Mother Liu is also gradually attracted by the plot and no longer asks Chu Yao. Only then did he let out a sigh of relief.

The plot develops very quickly, and the time passes quickly without knowing it. When Chu Yao suddenly appeared in the screen, the eyes of the three members of Liu Changze's family suddenly lit up, and Mother Liu jumped up from the sofa excitedly. "This is Chu Yao! This appearance is too handsome. If I were twenty years younger, I would definitely go after him!" Liu's mother stared at the TV intently, looking at Zhou Li, who was so glamorous, I just feel that my heart is thumping, it's almost like a girl's heart is overflowing.

Liu Changze felt speechless when he saw the nymphomaniac look of his old mother. Sure enough, good-looking people can be eaten by both men and women. Chu Yao's dress and personality in "Jiangshan" can be substituted for all the male protagonists in romance novels , which woman can resist such a charm.

Liu Changze sighed in his heart, He Chengyi and Shen Jiamu's titles of "teacher killers" will probably be handed over tonight.

"Jiangshan" is a weekly broadcast, and it is broadcast while filming. It pays more attention to the investment in the early stage of publicity. Just the makeup photos and stills have been scrolled through several rounds of publicity. "Jiangshan" also placed a lot of advertisements in subway stations and Weibo screens. With the fan base of the original work and the luxurious lineup of the film crew, it can be said that this TV series is the most watched TV series of the year.

In the first broadcast of "Jiangshan" today, the ratings of the wild list climbed all the way and quickly reached the top, even leaving the second place far behind. Countless viewers stood in front of the TV and were attracted by the plot and missions. Suddenly, Ding Chuyao's appearance completely made people's eyes shine. Countless female viewers had the same reaction as Liu's mother.

As long as Zhou Li appears on the scene, these audiences can't leave their eyes without her. Zhou Li's every move and smile make people obsessed. Unfortunately, before they can appreciate this beauty and prosperity, the TV series suddenly ends and starts to play. trailer. In the trailer, the scene where Zhou Li shoots while riding a horse is even more handsome, making countless female viewers want to call her crazy.

As soon as the TV series ended, countless viewers flocked to the Internet and Weibo to find the actor who played Zhou Li...

084 Character Storm

That's it? Show her this with her pants off?

How many scenes did her Zhou Li's general attack show? She hasn't seen Zhou Li playing handsome and conquering the stars of the universe?

The ending song was playing on the TV, but Li Yue was in a daze. She was really amazed by Zhou Li played by Chu Yao just now, and she didn't realize it yet. Why did today's drama end?

Li Yue, who is a fan of the original "Jiangshan" and Zhou Li, has completely ignored the fact that Chen Yi is the hero of the novel, while Zhou Li is only a supporting role. She can't wait for the two episodes of the TV series to show Zhou Li's daily life. !

And the discussion group for book fans that Li Yue joined completely exploded. She only paid attention to this and watched TV just now, but if she didn’t pay attention to the news in the group, the news in the group has already become 999+. , almost half of the news came from Zhou Li's TV screenshots, and all the book fans who dived online in the group were blown out.

You must know that remake IP, the most difficult and arrogant ones are the book fans, anyway, they are dissatisfied no matter what, dissatisfied with the casting of the leading role, dissatisfied with the casting of supporting roles, dissatisfied with the team lineup, dislike the special effects, dislike the plot The changes are too outrageous. Anyway, the original book is the white moonlight cinnabar mole in the hearts of book fans, and they are not satisfied no matter how it is filmed.

Li Yue had already prepared that the book fan group would be full of complaints from everyone, but after a closer look, there were quite a few people who praised her, especially the interpretation of Zhou Li's role, which was almost all praise.

[The cloud is calm and the wind is light: I just watched it for five minutes. The TV series is restored well, and the service is very particular. The acting skills of all the members are online, so you can catch up. 】

[Jiangshan Duojiao: The progress of the plot is quite tight, you can follow it! 】

[Slightly smiles: Ahhhh! Zhou Li appeared, how could she be so good-looking and handsome! 】

[Young Master is as beautiful as jade: The moment Zhou Li appeared on the stage, there was no one else in my eyes! Turn passers-by to Chu Yao! 】

[The cloud is light and the wind is light: Why did it end like this? ! My Zhou Li only played for three minutes! The next episode will be even more handsome! I'm going to pay attention to Chu Yao! 】

[Orange Rain: Oh my god, it's even more amazing than the Zhou Lang I imagined when I was reading novels! 】

[Chengzi Yu: If Zhou Lang is really like this, even if I know she is a woman, I will **** love her to death! 】

Seeing these remarks, Li Yue nodded with deep sympathy. This truly attractive person is a man who kills both men and women.

That night, "Jiangshan" premiered, and related topics immediately appeared on the hot search list. #《江山》首页#, #周丽楚瑶#, #陈奕沉嘉物#, #楚瑶女装男士# these topics occupied the top spot Ranked fifth, even Zhou Li, who only played for three minutes, made Chu Yao the center of the topic.

Chu Yao's Weibo fans attracted one million fans that night, and the number of her personal fan website skyrocketed, and she seemed to have become the biggest winner of the night. Her limelight is really unstoppable. Fortunately, the male and female protagonists of this TV series are not Shen Jiamu and Ning Ke. If there is an actor who is not easy to talk about, Chu Yao is so big that he even steals the limelight from the protagonist, and he will probably be reduced to the fate of being banned.

The next day, the ratings for the premiere of "Jiangshan" came out, and sure enough, the ratings were top notch. The average ratings broke through 2.5, and it was at the top of the list. On the second day, the word-of-mouth of the TV series began to ferment, and it began to make efforts in Moments, major entertainment forums, and film and television websites. The ratings increased a lot on the second night.

On the morning of the third day, the ratings statistics came out. The average ratings of the third and fourth episodes broke through 3.2, and the highest ratings point of the night happened when Zhou Li appeared on the stage, directly breaking through 4.5. How big a wave the production will set off in the film and television industry. Under Chu Yao's interpretation, the role of Zhou Li will be so amazing and brilliant that it will be empty-handed, and it may even become a milestone role in film and television dramas.

"Jiangshan" has only played four episodes, and Chu Yao has gained more than six million fans in the past few days.

Chu Yao goes back and forth between home and film and television city every day, and there is no special feeling between the two points and one line. She managed to go to ME Garment Studio and AC Design Department today, and she immediately felt how much enthusiasm Zhou Li's role brought to her.

"Ahh! Chu Yao, please sign me, I really like Zhou Li played by you!"

"Chu Yao, can I take a photo with you?"

"Chu Yao, my daughter really likes Zhou Li played by you... I like it too."

When Chu Yao went to these two places, at least seven of the ten people she met would come up to express her enthusiasm.

This year's ME's spring and summer high-end fashion is fairy style. Chu Yao chose a light purple shawl dress, with light gauze swaying, and the two shawls hang down very well to cover her arms. When she raised her hands and feet, the shawl It slid down, revealing her white and slender arms. While walking, a pair of tender white long legs are even more faintly visible. Wearing this high dress on Chu Yao's body, it is not only fairy-like, but also very graceful and charming, fully emphasizing femininity.

The staff in the studio were shocked when they saw Chu Yao like this, and they couldn't connect the Chu Yao in front of them with the gentlemanly Zhou Li in "Jiangshan". This can only be attributed to Chu Yao's superb performance acting skills.

After leaving the studio, since there was no filming scene for Chu Yao tonight, she went home directly. Before going home, she went to the supermarket opposite the community to buy some fruit and milk. Chu Yao still has some self-consciousness as a star. She went to the supermarket wearing a mask, bought a few boxes of pure milk and yogurt, and added some small tomatoes and apples. After staring at Chu Yao for a long time, after a few minutes she was sure that the woman with the mask was Chu Yao, and the aunt said excitedly, "You must be Chu Yao, I really like the TV series you acted in !"

Chu Yao paused, and looked back, several aunts beside her looked at her with bright eyes, their expressions were extremely excited. Chu Yao thought that young people are more fanatical about star chasing nowadays, but she didn't expect that these aunts also watched "Jiangshan" and liked Zhou Li played by her.

Chu Yao was worried that staying here for too long would be bad, so she quickly took photos with these aunts and signed them. Then quickly push the shopping cart to checkout and pay. She drove home and took out her mobile phone when she got to the underground garage. After searching for the photos of her just appearing in the supermarket, there were already there on Weibo, and there were still many replies under this Weibo.

Chu Yao came home with shopping bags in both hands. The mover was moving furniture into the next room. There had been movement in her next room several days ago. She reckoned that someone was going to move in, but she didn't pay much attention to it.

085 Red Carpet Storm

The crew of "Under the Moon in Chang'an" has been nominated for five Golden Peony Awards, including Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Supporting Actress, Best Cinematography, and Best Art.

Chu Yao happened to be on the set of "Jiangshan" with Liu Changze, and the two asked for leave from the director together to rush to the Golden Peony Ceremony together.

"Under the Moon in Chang'an" was co-produced by Chenxing Entertainment and Chentian, but most of the main creators are still from Chentian. As Chu Yao, who broke up with Chentian and re-signed with Chenxing, she saw that the other main creators of the crew performed well Generous, others are a little embarrassed to see Chu Yao. But people in the entertainment industry are all good people, even though they were embarrassed, they didn't show their emotions on their faces.

Only Ren Bing looked at Chu Yao with cold eyes. Ren Bing was wearing heavy makeup today, which could not conceal the depression between her eyebrows and eyes. The dress she wore today was not a high-end brand, so it can be seen that Ren Bing It wasn't a good time.

The entertainment industry is like this, if you don't advance, you will retreat, the wall will fall and everyone will push, Ren Bing has also tasted the warmth and coldness of human feelings, but even so she has not learned to try to restrain her personality, she still does her own way. The crew of "Under the Moon in Chang'an" just stayed in the lounge for a few minutes, and Ren Bing scolded the staff for pouring her a glass of water that was not the temperature she liked.

This little girl was immediately scolded and cried. She looked very young. It looked like she had just graduated and just entered the society. Seeing that the little girl didn't resist, Ren Bing pointed at the other person's nose and cursed even more fiercely, as if he had completely vented all the recently suppressed anger on the little girl.

Chu Yao and Liu Changze looked at each other, she nodded at him, Liu Changze said, "Ren Bing, it's nothing serious, so don't scold her, it would be bad if you get caught by the paparazzi."

Chu Yao handed the little girl a tissue, patted her shoulder gently, and said softly, "It's okay, you can leave first."

The little girl seemed to have received a pardon, and immediately left with the cup.

Ren Bing gave Chu Yao a strange look, and said sarcastically, "Who will show the hypocrisy? You know how to do some superficial tricks to confuse others.

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