MTL - After the Drama, Action!-~ Works related (19)

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Green tea whore! "

This was at the venue of the organizer, and it was in a public place. Maybe it was secretly photographed through the wall. Chu Yao had no intention of falling down with Ren Bing. She shrugged her shoulders and turned to chat with Liu Changze. He seemed to take Ren Bing's words to heart. Chu Yao is an old fritter in the entertainment industry, and she will not lose a piece of meat when others scold her a few times. When she was famous, she was never scolded less, and she still has determination.

Seeing that Chu Yao ignored her, Ren Bing thought that Chu Yao was really afraid of her. When the two of them were rivals in love, Ren Bing blocked Chu Yao by relying on her father being the top management of Chentian. It's really like a lost dog. So when facing Chu Yao, Ren Bing always had a sense of superiority.

Ren Bing pulled the art director in the crew, and said with a sly voice, "Some people just played a small role that appeared a few times. I don't know how the organizer let her nominate it? And she was dressed so grandly, it made her feel like a girl. As if you have already won an award, isn't it yourself who is ashamed to return empty-handed?"

Chu Yao smiled lightly and glanced at Ren Bing, but did not speak. Some people have too low self-esteem, but they still want to gain satisfaction by bullying others, which is really perverted.

The art director who was forced by Ren Bing didn't know whether he should nod or shake his head, and his expression was extremely awkward. If Ren Bing was still the young lady with a background, and Chu Yao was still the banned 18th line, of course she would agree with Ren Bing However, now that the situation of the two of them has completely changed, how could she have the nerve to stand in line casually.

According to Chu Yao's current development trend, it seems that Chen Xing is supporting her behind her back. If she offends Chu Yao, isn't she offending Chen Xing Entertainment? So she is not so stupid yet, and Ren Bing still can't see the reality clearly and is immersed in her original world.

Seeing that the time was almost up, the staff urged them to get ready to walk the red carpet.

With Chu Yao's arm on his left and Ren Bing's on his right, Liu Changze walked onto the red carpet with an expression of death. The crew of "Under the Moon in Chang'an" is still very topical. Chu Yao and Liu Changze, as the leading actors of the recent hit drama "Jiangshan", are almost topical, not to mention that every time a TV series is broadcast, the characters will definitely be on the hot search Chu Yao is gone, ever since Chu Yao stepped on the red carpet, the flashlight has been shooting at her without stopping.

Dressed in an elegant light purple, Chu Yao seemed to be walking on purple auspicious clouds, with a thrilling beauty, and every move could captivate people's hearts. With an elegant smile on Chu Yao's face, she waved her hands to the media seats on both sides of the red carpet from time to time to say hello. Immediately, it caused a burst of exclamation from the reporters in the media seats.

"Chu Yao looked in this direction just now, is she looking at me?"

"What are you looking at? Don't be sentimental, she is obviously looking at me, okay?"

"Oh my god, Chu Yao looks so pretty today! She looks like a fairy!"

"Damn it, I'm going to pass out!"

Ren Bing seemed to be able to feel that the spotlight was on Chu Yao and Liu Changze. Chu Yao's popularity was so high that it immediately heated up the atmosphere in the media seats. Ren Bing's heart is full of jealousy towards Chu Yao, and in less than a year, Chu Yao has become popular under her nose. In the past, Chu Yao was her dog who was beaten by Ren Bing, but now her popularity has surpassed her. The gap between them made Ren Bing feel that it was difficult to breathe.

No, she can't let her limelight be snatched away by Chu Yao. Today, Chu Yao nominated only the supporting actress, she is the heroine, how could Chu Yao steal the limelight?

Ren Bing tightly hooked Liu Changze's arm, and pulled Liu Chengze closer to him, wishing to hang his whole body on Liu Changze's body.

Liu Changze's face froze. He couldn't get angry directly in the public, but Ren Bing's behavior really made him so disgusted that he could hardly maintain the smile on his face.

Ren Bing's small movements were immediately caught by the reporters in the media booth, one after another, like flies smelling the smell of meat, slapped Ren Bing and Liu Changze with long spears and short cannons. Seeing that the attention has been attracted to herself again, Ren Bing immediately raised her chin proudly, and forgot to pay attention to her feet for a while. She was already wearing 15cm stiletto high heels and a long dress skirt today. Without noticing, his shoes stepped on the hem of the skirt and fell to the ground with a "plop".

Ren Bing was wearing a tube top dress. She stepped on the hem of the skirt, and the dress that had just covered half of her **** slipped off, revealing her snow-white breasts. covering his chest,

The reporters at the scene were completely shocked, and they all lay on the guardrail and slapped Ren Bing... Today's headlines can be booked!

086 Falling down and disappearing

Ren Bing's fall stopped the entire crew of "Under the Moon in Chang'an", and also affected the people walking the red carpet behind them.

Both Liu Changze and Chu Yao were stunned, and neither of them could react. The lightning and flint happened too fast.

Ren Bing had never been so humiliated before. She could already predict that she would soon become a joke in the eyes of all Chinese people. She burst into tears in panic, but she didn't have the courage to get up.

Chu Yao said bluntly to Liu Changze, "Take off your suit jacket and give it to me."

Liu Changze didn't understand Chu Yao's meaning, but she took off the jacket and handed it to Chu Yao according to Chu Yao's intention. She took the suit jacket and put it on Ren Bing, covering the leaked scenery on Ren Bing's chest. Chu Yao whispered, "Can you still stand up?"

Ren Bing suddenly raised his head and glanced at Chu Yao. Chu Yao's eyes were clear and gentle, revealing a little concern, which did not seem to be fake. Ren Bing's tears had already wiped out her makeup, and for some reason seeing Chu Yao like this made her feel even more sad, as if she had been greatly touched.

In the end, two staff members from the organizer came over and supported Ren Bing to leave, one on the left and the other on the right. This ended the farce of the red carpet flight.

At this time, Weibo and the Internet completely exploded——

"Ren Bing's shocking fall on the red carpet is suspected of hype!" "

"Golden Peony Ceremony Red Carpet, Ren Bing's large-scale exposed milk is gone! "

"The most embarrassing moment on the golden peony red carpet, the actress Ren Bing exposed her milk after falling down"

As the most active gossip forum on the Internet, the Nine Floors Forum would naturally not miss such a major entertainment event. The entire page was swamped by photos of Ren Bing falling down on the red carpet.

There is a post by the host to analyze whether Ren Bing's fall was accidental or intentional. After all, Ren Bing's exposure rate has been greatly reduced recently, and he is flopping at the speed of light. Everyone has reason to suspect that she did this, not to mention that she did not fall on the red carpet. Down the first person. There were too many cases like this in the entertainment industry before, and those who fell and exposed almost ended up being reduced to hype tools for actresses. In the entertainment industry, it is for hype to attract people's attention, such things that have no limit to hype abound.

[Sweet and Sour Pork Ribs: The host has reason to suspect that Ren Bing’s dew point of falling today is her own hype. Look at these animations, Ren Bing sneaked a few glances at Chu Yao while walking the red carpet, pay attention to her facial expressions, Isn't it subtle? Everyone, don't forget that Ren Bing once intervened in Chu Yao's relationship. It stands to reason that the two of them are rivals in love. Ren Bing must be very unbalanced when she sees her deadly rival stealing the limelight. 】

[Sweet and Sour Spare Ribs: Looking at this moving picture, Ren Bing's whole body is leaning against Liu Changze's body, and her **** are attached to Liu Changze's arms. It is really obvious that she wants to be popular. 】

The poster's analysis post was very popular, and it was immediately topped as the hottest post. The replies below are also very interesting. All kinds of netizens, fans, black pretending to be fans, fans pretending to be black, fans pretending to be passers-by...

[Today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow: Pay attention to Liu Changze's eyes and movements in the second animation, he is very resistant 23333]

[Fragrant silk stockings milk tea: ah ah ah, am I the only one who noticed Chu Yao's action of putting on a coat for Ren Bing? Chu Yao is too boyfriend-like, she is beautiful and kind-hearted, and I started to fall in love with her today! 】

[Curry Fish Ball: I'm a passer-by. After watching "Jiangshan", I really like the character Zhou Li. I have no ill intentions towards Chu Yao. Don't you think Chu Yao's behavior is a bit pretentious? May I ask, if someone was your rival in love and stole your boyfriend, would you be as generous as Chu Yao? 】

[Crowds who eat melons: Don't change the concept upstairs, ok? As a woman, she was exposed in full view. Faced with such an embarrassing situation, anyone with a little bit of conscience would help. Does this have anything to do with being a rival in love? 】

[I want to lose weight in spring: the same sentence, good and evil will be rewarded, and the way of heaven is reincarnation. Everyone should do good deeds at ordinary times. I really think it is retribution for Ren Bing to Chu Yao before. 】

[Get rich overnight: It feels like Ren Bing's hype, they have always liked hype so much! 】

Chu Yao and his crew were all sitting in a row. Chu Yao stayed in the seat for more than ten minutes. Then Ren Bing changed into a suit and came over. This time Ren Bing was wearing a trouser suit with red eyes. After Ren Bing sat down, she kept refreshing the latest entertainment news with her mobile phone.

In this era of information explosion, the moment Ren Bing fell down on the red carpet, the photo had already been posted on Weibo, and the news was spread everywhere on the Internet within five minutes. So when Ren Bing searched his name on the Internet, almost all the keywords that came up were falling, showing milk, and the like.

When Ren Bing saw the news, tears fell again. It was not intentional that she fell and disappeared. Why are those netizens accusing her of hyping her up? ?

Ren Bing felt embarrassing and desperate, her heart pierced like a knife. She turned her head to look at Chu Yao. Chu Yao sat upright in her seat, and occasionally said a few words to Liu Changze beside her. The people in the front and back were immediately distinguished, making people focus on her at the first sight, like a born superstar.

Seeing Chu Yao like this, Ren Bing felt ashamed. Now she was so sad that she wanted to commit suicide because of the accusations and scandals on the Internet. What about Chu Yao, who also suffered from cyber violence before? Chu Yao was blocked and hidden by Xuezang before, chased and scolded by her and Tang Mingyuan's fans, and abused by netizens on the Internet. Was she as desperate as she is now?

For the first time, Ren Bing was able to think from Chu Yao's standpoint, and even felt a little guilty towards Chu Yao. Ren Bing had extreme self-doubt... Why did she become so unreasonable because of a man before? How can she be so bad?

The scene of Chu Yao putting on a coat just now appeared in front of her eyes, and she couldn't forget Chu Yao's gentle eyes and her gentle tone of voice. In front of Chu Yao like this, Ren Bing felt that he was just a lump of foul-smelling mud, bad to the bone...

087 Best Supporting Actress Awards (1 more)

Award nominations and award ceremonies, Chu Yao has experienced countless times in her previous life.

But Jin Mudan is indeed the first nomination in her life. She is sitting upright. When the camera at the scene accidentally catches her, Chu Yao has a smart and elegant smile on her face, which can be called 360 degrees. In the blind spot, even the staff who controlled the camera lens were amazed.

Best Actress is the finale award, which is announced later, while the nomination of Chu Yao's nomination for Best Supporting Actress is announced earlier, and the announcement of Best Supporting Actress is next.

Liu Changze asked in a low voice, "Chu Yao, how are you doing? Are you nervous now?"

Chu Yao raised her eyebrows and glanced at Liu Changze lightly, "Why are you nervous?"

Liu Changze took it for granted, "I'm nervous about whether I can win the prize."

Chu Yao replied solemnly, "Normal state of mind, not nervous."

Liu Changze looked at Chu Yao suspiciously. Although Chu Yao usually showed a very mature and sophisticated appearance, her age was there after all. Chu Yao was two years younger than him! For an actor, at least for Liu Nagasawa, the most important thing is to be recognized.

Although Liu Changze is currently positioned as a popular fresh meat, his dream is to win three gold medals in movies and TV dramas. When he was nominated for Best Supporting Actor for the first time at the White Bear Awards, he stayed up all night nervously the day before the awards, and was even more nervous and broke out in a cold sweat quarter of an hour before revealing the awards at the awards scene. At this moment, Liu Changze was extremely nervous, but he secretly glanced at Chu Yao... he was really calm!

On the screen in the middle of the award ceremony, clips of the shortlisted works of the four candidates were played, and Chu Yao's was the clip of the charcoal fire road before she took the toilet. Whether it is the rendering of the atmosphere of the soundtrack or Chu Yao's emotional interpretation, they are all excellent.

Liu Changze has watched this scene of walking the charcoal fire road with his parents at least several times, but sitting in the hall of the award ceremony, watching it again is still very touching, and Shuangbai's bravery to die is still deep The ground shocked him, and Liu Changze felt the corners of his eyes a little wet. He touched his tears with his fingers.

There were still many people at the scene who hadn't seen Chu Yao's works. Everyone thought she was running with her when she was shortlisted for the Golden Peony Award this time, because Chu Yao had no masterpieces, was young and had no qualifications. But when this clip was played, everyone present was shocked, and they got to know this beautiful woman again. From silently ignoring at the beginning, to gradually sitting up straight and starting to look straight at the body, to holding your breath and concentrating on it, to the moment when Frost Bai fell down, some people even couldn't help but exclaim...

They have been completely replaced by the role of Shuang Bai in the play, crying for her, suffering for her, empathizing with her, but that's all.

Before playing this clip, if they were asked how likely they think Chu Yao is to win the prize, they would definitely answer 0, but after watching this clip, many people present have changed their views on Chu Yao. The proficient and moving acting skills are really incredible.

At the most exciting moment of the lottery, the cameras of the audience took a close-up shot of the four shortlisted actors, and the big screen also switched to these four faces. Chu Yao was the youngest and most eye-catching among the four shortlisted actors. She had a just right smile and slight nervousness on her face, even if she just looked at Chu Yao's expression, it seemed that her little nervousness could be infected by her.

After the lottery guests made a show of mystery and jokes, they finally opened the envelope of the lottery—

"The winner is Chu Yao—"

There was thunderous applause in the audience, Chu Yao was stunned for a moment, Liu Changze beside her pushed Chu Yao down with her elbow, Chu Yao then stood up, hugged Liu Changze, and walked onto the stage happily superior.

Chu Yao coughed and laughed twice, "Well... I didn't expect that I would win an award today, so I didn't even prepare the speech." Chu Yao weighed down the trophy and said with a smile, "Is it true? This is the legendary gold medal." The peony trophy? I’m not talking about whether the trophy is real, but about this matter.” The audience burst into good-natured laughter.

"A lot of things have happened this year and last year. For me, my whole life is like being subverted and then reborn. It feels like a dream. I didn't know what I wanted until today when I stood on this stage. life, become a qualified actor, and bring more heart-warming works to the audience."

Chu Yao is not as speechless as the previous award winners, or shed tears with emotion. She narrates her feelings and emotions in her own tone slowly, her eyes are amazingly bright, she said to herself in her heart — She, Chu Yaoyao, is back.

Chu Yao bowed towards the court, and the applause was thunderous and lasted for a long time. Don't ask about the future or the past, as long as you stand on the stage and stand under the camera, everyone's dream is to become a qualified actor who is recognized by the audience.

Looking at the dazzling woman on the stage on TV, He Cheng's eyes showed surprise and fascination. He regretted that he should not have been so aloof before. After speaking, I will not accept the invitation.

It would be great if he was the guest presenting the award to Chu Yao this time, and it would be great if he was also on the scene. Unfortunately, that is impossible. Even if He Chengyi is the guest presenting the award, it will be the finale award to the best actor or actress or the best actor. If the best film was awarded to Chu Yao, it would be hell, and the fans would probably chase after Chu Yao again.

That was what He Chengyi couldn't bear the most, even worse than audiences and fans scolding him.

After the awards ceremony, Chu Yao participated in the reception of the Golden Peony Awards again. "Under the Moon in Chang'an" was full of thunder and rain, and five awards were shortlisted. In the end, Chu Yao took home the trophy alone, which was the last thing the crew had hoped for For those who won the prize, the result was far beyond their expectations.

"I haven't won the Golden Peony trophy yet, touch it for me?" Liu Changze leaned over and said.

"Here you are." Chu Yao readily handed the trophy to Liu Changze. In her previous life, Chu Yaoyao won various Chinese and foreign film and TV drama awards for her whole life. She even bought a house to house these trophies. Just for Golden Peony Best Supporting Actress and Best Actress, she won a total of fifteen trophies. Ask her to close her eyes and she can draw the shape of the trophy.

Like an idiot, Liu Changze stared at the trophy obsessively, touched the trophy with both hands devoutly, and said with emotion, "This trophy is so beautiful, golden and heavy, just as I imagined, I don't know when I will get it Woolen cloth?"

Chu Yao glanced at Liu Changze, and said in a calm tone, "It should be soon, isn't your role in "Jiangshan" quite subversive? Maybe you can win an award?"

Liu Changze's eyes lit up, "That's a blessing to you!"

It was already twelve o'clock when Chu Yao returned home, and her team was already publishing a press release to publicize her award. Chu Yao sent red envelopes to everyone in the team, and even airborne several media WeChat circles to distribute red envelopes . These are what Lu Xingzhou asked her to do. Now that she is a star in the entertainment industry, she must pay attention to building a good relationship with the media.

This is something that Lu Xingzhou has told her face to face many times. There was a male star who was amazingly talented when he debuted, but he was too arrogant and arrogant to offend many media people. Later, when this male star had an accident, he knocked everyone down. Push, there is a lot of black material on the Internet and TV, and it will flop soon.

Although Chu Yao sometimes hates those media who write scribbles and ask some inappropriate questions, but I have to admit that celebrities and these people complement each other. If no media is willing to talk to you, it really means that you have given up. , especially in the current circle, black and red are also red~

Chu Yao had just finished talking with Lu Xingzhou, took the elevator upstairs and got out of the elevator, and saw the door next door to her house was wide open. A few days ago, the house was almost finished, and Chu Yao reckoned that someone had already moved in.

Chu Yao sneaked a second glance out of curiosity, just in time to bump into the owner of the house who came out to throw out the trash, and was shocked when she saw the man's face, "He Chengyi?? Why did you move here?"

As soon as these words came out, Chu Yao realized that her tone might be a bit rash. She added, "Uh, I mean, don't you have a place to live? Why did you suddenly come here to live?"

He Chengyi replied solemnly, "The previous house was being renovated, and I moved here because I wanted to change the environment."

Chu Yao looked at He Chengyi several times with half-belief, and said with a smile, "Then we will be neighbors from now on."

"Yes." He Cheng nodded, "I haven't congratulated you on winning the prize tonight."

Chu Yao smiled, "Thank you, then you are quite well informed."

He Chengyi suddenly remembered something, and said to Chu Yao, "Wait for me." He turned back to his home, and turned back within a few seconds. At this time, he had an extra bottle of red wine in his hand, and he handed the red wine to Chu Yao. To Chu Yao, "This is from my winery, and I give it to you as a congratulatory gift."

Chu Yao raised her eyebrows and said with a smile, "Thank you."

088 The Bliss Is Not Shallow (2 More)

"Did Chu Yao invite you to dinner today?"

"Give out red envelopes! The kind where everyone gets a share!"

When Chu Yao came to the set today, almost everyone she met greeted her and congratulated her on winning the award.

Even Shen Jiamu and Ning Ke couldn't help making fun of Chu Yao.

Shen Jiamu said with a smile, "If I had known that Golden Peony invited me to present the award, I would have gone, and maybe I would be able to present it to you by chance."

Ning Ke said, "I watched the live broadcast last night. Yaoyao's performance is very general! I look forward to your next award~" Ning Ke approached mysteriously and said to Chu Yao, "The director will give you Have you watched the scheduled play? Zhou Li’s Shura Field~~ Brother Shen is looking forward to seeing you play.”

Shen Jiamu beamed brightly, and laughed, "I'm glad to hear that, Li Zhenzhen and Qin Rong are tougher than each other, tsk tsk, Yaoyao can't stand it!"

In this scene where Shen Jiamu and Ning Ke gloat together, if Zhou Li's actor is really an actor, then it will be really a blessing, but Chu Yao is a woman, facing the emotions of the two women in "Jiangshan" For entanglement, Chu Yao is still a little inexperienced. Li Zhenzhen plays Qin Qin, a female doctor who has a crush on Zhou Li in "Jiangshan", and Qin Rong is the beauty Hua Mu who was sent by the enemy to seduce Zhou Li.

Today's scene is about Hua Mu coming to seduce Zhou Li, and Zhou Li can't mess around in his arms. Of course, Zhou Li is a woman, so he can't mess up as much as he wants. Then Qin Qin was delivering cakes to Zhou Li, and seeing Hua Mu seductively seduce Zhou Li, the two women were both women, so they pinched each other in front of Zhou Li.

Chu Yao has been in the film industry for decades, and she has never acted in such a play...

Ning Ke patted Chu Yao on the shoulder, "Go bravely, just stick your head out! You are a warrior, Zhenzhen and Xiaorong are so beautiful, Shen Jiamu wants to add this kind of scene, and they are not willing! Looking at you like this Are you saying that you are beautiful and blessed?"

Chu Yao smiled, "Sister Ning, what you said makes sense."

And Shen Jiamu only felt that he had been shot in the knee, "..." In this crew, he began to doubt his own charm like never before.

Chu Yao has already put on her makeup, Li Zhenzhen and Meng Rong's way of dressing is slightly more complicated than Chu Yao's, Chu Yao waited for another half an hour before the two of them put on their makeup, Li Zhenzhen is still dressed as a well-behaved female doctor, elegant Dignified, the female doctor Qin Qin played by Li Zhenzhen in the TV series belongs to the kind of cold beauty, who is not fake to others, but turns into soft fingers in front of Zhou Li.

The Hua Mu played by Qin Rong belongs to the kind of beauty with all kinds of charms. She was sent to Chen Yi by the enemy. Chen Yi just got married and Yaner gave Hua Mu to Zhou Li. Zhou Li is definitely a real man. An upright gentleman, the men Hua Mu met before were either greedy for her beauty, or they just wanted to gain benefits from her. He had never been so gentle to her like Zhou Li, and he didn't want anything. Later, Zhou Li rescued her. Huamu's family members made Huamu's love deeply rooted. Even if Hua Mu found out Zhou Li's gender later, she would never leave her. From the time when Zhou Li ascended to the imperial court, when one person was below ten thousand people, until Zhou Li was frustrated and demoted to a corner, Hua Mu has always been with him through life and death.

Chu Yao was familiar with everyone in the crew, and when she saw Li Zhenzhen and Qin Rong walking out of the dressing room, she immediately greeted them.

Li Zhenzhen laughed and said, "I'm going to play with our two beauties soon, are you not nervous at all?"

Qin Rong exposed it mercilessly, "Yaoyao is also a great beauty herself. She looks at her face in the mirror thousands of times every day, and she's tired of looking at her face for a long time. She's so nervous!"

Li Zhenzhen, "Go away! Leave me some vanity!"

Under the gags of a few people, the atmosphere before the shooting was extremely relaxed, and this situation was maintained until the official shooting. To be honest, when Hua Mu seduced Zhou Li in this scene, it was quite obscene.

Filming officially begins—

Zhou Li, played by Chu Yao, walked into his own tent. He took off his coat and was about to read the documents. Suddenly, a gust of fragrant wind came, accompanied by a graceful figure walking from behind the screen, dressed in a suit. The red dress and tulle, she is really a beauty like a jade sword like a rainbow, enchanting and delicate, her white, slender and soft arms like lotus roots suddenly wrapped around Zhou Li.

Zhou Li was taken aback by Hua Mu who suddenly popped out, pulled out his sword and pointed at Hua Mu, "Who are you? Why are you hiding here? Are you a spy sent by the enemy?"

The sharp blade was just in front of Hua Mu's throat, reflecting the cold light, causing Hua Mu's breathing to become short of breath suddenly, and her plump chest also rose and fell. Originally, Hua Mu's clothes were quite revealing, but now it looks even more so. It's rough, and the colors are hard to resist.

Zhou Li's gaze moved down from Hua Mu's face, and landed on her chest. After a little comparison in his heart, he swallowed inexplicably.

Seeing Zhou Li's reaction, Hua Mu giggled and said, "Are you the world-famous Zhou Lang? You're really amazing and talented, and you forget the vulgarity when you see it. What kind of spy is the Nu family? The Nu family is lively and charming." The great beauty here is General Chen who sent slaves to serve Zhou Lang."

Zhou Li thought she was right, Chen Yi's army was strict, and her tent was guarded so heavily that even a fly could not fly in. It was impossible for Hua Mu to sneak in with this appearance. As for Chen Yi asking her to come and serve, according to that person's personality, it is entirely possible.

Zhou Li withdrew his saber, and the expression on his face returned to that of a glamorous and noble son, and said with a smile, "I offended you just now, please don't take it wrong, girl."

There was no threat to his life, Hua Mu immediately moved towards Zhou Li, bringing a burst of fragrant fragrance, "It's strange for Zhou Lang to call me a girl, just call me Hua Mu, good nights are short, Zhou Lang and I Rest quickly!" Leaning on Zhou Li's chest, the horse followed to untie Zhou Li's clothes.

Zhou Li had never seen such a bold and enthusiastic woman as Hua Mu, so he didn't realize it all at once.

"Military division, are you there? I made some snacks and brought them to you."

The problem in Zhou Li's arms has not been resolved yet, another Qin Qin came in, and as soon as Qin Qin came in, she saw the scene of Hua Mu lying in Zhou Li's arms, she was so shocked that she almost threw the food box in her hand on the ground, but recovered quickly His face was still cold, but he looked at Hua Mu sharply, "You are the beauty Zhang Taishou gave to General Chen. What do you mean by throwing yourself into your arms now?"

Zhou Li immediately let go of Hua Mu and kept a certain distance from her.

Out of a woman's sixth sense, Hua Mu could feel the hostility from Qin Qin, and she also understood the reason for it, giggling, "What are you talking about? It's so ugly. I have been given by the general After Zhou Lang, Zhou Lang and I are deeply in love, you and I will be together." As he spoke, he gave Zhou Li a wink.

Qin Qin and the other did not refute, "The military teacher is of good character, as noble as a lotus, how could he do such a thing with you? It must be you, a woman, who insisted on pestering him!" Admired, he almost pointed at her nose and scolded her.

Zhou Li's brows twitched a few times, he just felt his head was big, it was in vain for him to read all the sages' books on the art of war, but he still couldn't understand women's hearts.

The shooting of this scene was extremely smooth, and it passed in one pass.

Shen Jiamu gloated and asked Chu Yao how she felt, "How does it feel to be robbed by two beauties? You are really lucky!"

Chu Yao shrugged, "Then I'm afraid I won't be blessed..."

089 Couple Shoes (3 More)

Here He Chengyi has just finished filming a scene, and looking at several messages from Shen Jiamu on his mobile phone, this guy can be called a crow bird, and every time he looks for him, there is almost nothing good.

Sure enough, He Cheng opened WeChat and saw that Shen Jiamu had sent a bunch of photos, the protagonists were Chu Yao and two other actresses. He Chengyi knew the plot of the drama "Jiangshan", and he had caught up with all the episodes that were aired now. He knew that Chu Yao disguised herself as a man in TV dramas to realize her life aspirations.

But He Chengyi had no idea that Chu Yao still had such a role in TV dramas? ? !

Qin Rong's clothes are quite revealing, and she hangs directly on Chu Yao's body, probably playing a role of seduction... But why does Qin Rong lean so close to Chu Yao? Is it necessary to be so intimate?

He Chengyi's temples began to pulsate, and he was inexplicably irritable.

He Chengyi knew that he was in a daze. Chu Yao was an actor, not to mention that he was acting opposite an actress now, even if he would have such opposite scenes with other male actors in the future, it would be very common. He shouldn't have such negative emotions, it will only drive Chu Yao far away. If he can't even tolerate this, how can he talk about having her?

He Chengyi finally convinced himself, but his heart was still a little unspeakably sour... Chu Yao had never been so intimate with him before.

Shen Jiamu's gloating words were uploaded on WeChat.

[Shen Jiamu: Yaoyao sits and enjoys the blessings of all people, are you envious or not? Are you envious of Qin Rong? 】

He Chengyi's temples twitched, and he replied concisely, "Get lost!"

The crew of "Jiangshan" puts new materials on the Internet for publicity every day. Even if it is an annual hit drama like "Jiangshan", it is afraid that the audience will forget its existence, so it has to come out frequently to refresh its sense of existence.

The "Jiangshan" official Weibo directly released the stills of the scene in Zhou Li's Xiuluo scene, and it immediately became the hot topic list, and the position has been rising, and soon swept the top three.

Ding Rourou is a fan of "Jiangshan", and when Zhou Li's character appeared on the stage, she quickly became a fan and became one of Chu Yao's many fans.

Today she was still working outside, the news in the fan group she joined before was swiped, the phone kept vibrating, Ding Rourou wondered if something happened to Chu Yao? As soon as Ding Rou opened the fan group, there were already 999+ unread messages in it.

Ding Rourou randomly clicked on a photo, and was so stimulated that she almost had a nosebleed. In the picture, Zhou Li, played by Chu Yao, was like an old monk in meditation, exuding the beauty of restraint, while Qin Rong, who played Hua Mu, was like a beautiful woman Zhou Li was wrapped around Zhou Li like a snake, no matter how you look at this scene, you feel full of lust. Ding Rourou also read the original "Jiangshan", and when she saw this still photo, she already corresponded to the chapters in the novel.

Hua Mu seduces Zhou Li, is seen by Qin Qin, and composes the Shura field together!

Ding Rourou moved to the next photo, where Zhou Li, Hua Mu and Qin Qin confronted each other, full of aura, Ding Rourou's blood boiled inexplicably! How exciting does this look! Zhou Li's ascetic army teacher, Qin Qin's cold beauty, and Hua Mu's goblin, the three of them are in one drama, and if they are taken alone, they can be made into another TV series!

Ding Rourou looked through all these stills, and the more she looked at them, the more she felt that Chu Yao had a strong sense of CP with everyone, not to mention Qin Qin and Hua Mu, even if it was the same as the previously released stills of Chu Yao and Ning Ke. People are also full of CP sense. Is Chu Yao the legendary all-match model who has CP sense with everyone? ?

Ding Rourou looked at the discussions in the group again, and sure enough, they were all the same as her, and the topic had long gone off track.

[The orange is red: Mom asked me why I was kneeling and looking at my phone? 】

[The orange is red: I'm kneeling and licking the screen! Ever since Yaoyao played the role of Zhou Li in the room, I always feel that I am on the road to being broken! 】

[The first fairy in Yaochi: Yaoyao and all the actresses in "Jiangshan" have a sense of CP! Someday she will act in a Lily movie, I probably won't be surprised...]

[Guard Yaoyao's beauty in the prosperous age: I am a buddhist chasing star, I am only dedicated to protecting Yaoyao's beauty in the prosperous age! 】

[A generation of military advisers: play Lily +10086]

Chu Yao had no idea that her fans and movie fans were looking forward to her acting in Lily. After a day of filming, she went to the AC designer studio to pick up a few pairs of sneakers. This is the joint name she designed with the designer. The styles have been initially put into the production line, and now she has to try on the few pairs of shoes she brought home for at least a period of time, and write a wearing report in terms of comfort and aesthetics.

Chu Yao met He Chengyi who was returning home in the underground parking garage.

The neighbors in this neighborhood look down and see each other. Before Chu Yao and He Chengyi were not on the same set, the frequency of the two meeting was about once every half a month. Now that they have become neighbors, Chu Yao can already foresee that they will meet each other about once a week. Bumped into it several times.

He Chengyi lowered his head and saw that Chu Yao was carrying large and small shoe boxes in his hands, and asked, "It looks quite heavy, do you want me to help you share it?"

Chu Yao saw that He Chengyi, a neighbor, was so enthusiastic and not hypocritical, so she handed the bag in her right hand to He Chengyi, "Thank you."

He Chengyi saw the huge logo on the bag, "Is this the brand you want to endorse?"

Chu Yao nodded, "I made a joint model with AC, and I took it back to try it on." Suddenly remembering something, Chu Yao said, "There are two pairs of men's shoes in these shoes, and Amanda asked me to bring them. Come back and try on your friends, what size is your foot?"

He Chengyi felt a little feverish, and he reported a number.

Chu Yao's eyes lit up, "That's really a coincidence, if you can wear them, then the two pairs of shoes in your hand will be given away to you, remember to help me write a try-on report."

He Chengyi agreed. When he returned home, although the area where he now lived was much smaller than the villa he used to live in, He Chengyi was extremely satisfied in his heart.

He opened the shoe box and saw two pairs of sneakers inside, one pair of white and one pair of black, which were different from AC's previous professional sports brands, more youthful and casual. After He Chengyi put on the shoes, he walked back and forth in front of the fitting mirror twice. He felt that the shoes did not fit his outfit well, so he immediately changed into a casual outfit again. He looked to the left and looked again and felt that it was true. Quite good looking.

Looking at this style, it is very likely that the sneakers that Chu Yao got were couple models. Thinking of this, He Chengyi felt a little hotter in his heart.

Film Emperor He may not be sleeping soundly tonight...

090 Commercial Shooting (4 More)

Half a month after Chu Yao was filming on the set of "Jiangshan", the commercial shooting of AC's side was also scheduled for Chu Yao's side.

As a professional sports brand under ME, AC used to be one of the top three sports brands, but now because of design aesthetics, sales have been greatly reduced, and it has been left far behind by the other two brands.

Previously, AC was positioned as a professional sports brand, and the spokespeople it invited were athletes and fitness experts. Chu Yao was also the first celebrity spokesperson invited. In fact, before Chu Yao, the spokesperson that the brand wanted to invite was Qin Dan, and they had almost reached an agreement, and they were about to sign a contract. Unfortunately, Qin Dan was cut off by the Manning movement halfway. So the endorsement of AC fell on Chu Yao by accident.

Today happened to be the shooting date of the commercial, not only in the studio but also on location. Chu Yao came to AC's dressing room early in the morning. Before Chu Yao came to communicate with the brand, after the styling was confirmed, she directly used her own makeup artist Mike. Mike has very outstanding makeup skills, and has been working with Chu Yao for a long time, so he can completely break through.

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