MTL - After The Empress Acended To The Throne, I Was Forcefully Made His Greatness-Chapter 352 layout

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Lenggong Lake.

Zuo Dodge took off his coat and was about to go fishing in the lake.

But he was stopped by Ji Lingshu, "Uncle, I finally came out with my sister, let me go fishing with my sister."

Without waiting for Zuo Daoqi to speak, Changyi was dragged by Ji Lingshu towards the distant lake.

Zuo Daoqi had a playful look on his face. I remember correctly that Ji Lingshu was a little afraid of water. Now that he dragged Changyi into the water, he thought that Changyi was as afraid of water as she was, right?

He felt a little funny, but he forgot that Ji Lingshu was still young, and some children's hearts were normal.

"I'm not going!" Chang Yi retorted loudly with his mouth puffed out.

But in the face of Ji Lingshu today, Changyi's resistance was like a child's force, almost being carried by Ji Lingshu into the water.

"Ah, don't~"

Ji Lingshu didn't count as bullying Changyi, he didn't use much energy and blood, and he didn't play tricks. Instead, he threw Changyi into the water and jumped into it himself.

After a while, the water surface was rippling, and two small heads emerged from the lake surface. Changyi was surprised, and his whole body kept swaying.

"I got it, I got it!"

Zuo Daoqi looked sideways, and was a little surprised to see the half-meter-long black-scaled fish in Changyi's hands. This fish was quite extraordinary. Under the sunlight, its black scales shone with a strange azure blue color. It looks delicious.

What's more, what made Zuo Daoqi look weird was that there was a hint of spiritual energy faintly exuding from this big black-scaled fish. Is this still a spiritual fish?

Zuo Daoqi couldn't help but look at Changyi with admiration. Could it be that this trash dim sum is starting to work hard now? Secretly pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger?

Changyi lifted the big fish in his hand vigorously, and then laughed wildly, "Hahaha, Xiyuan, you're doomed. Have you seen the spirit fish that I caught?"

If it wasn't for something in her hands, she would have to put her hands on her hips.

But Ji Lingshu, who only had one head exposed, showed a playful look on his face, and then showed a look of surprise, "Sister is really amazing, she even caught a spirit fish, and it's so big..."

"Of course, I don't even look at who I am? Zuo Dodge, come down and help me."

Zuo Daoqi was about to speak when he saw Ji Lingshu get up from the water, dragging a huge fish tail in her hand. With her strength, the owner of the fish tail surfaced. It was a huge spirit fish full of two meters long.

"But I'm stronger than my sister, look at me, my fish is bigger."

Ji Lingshu said, seemingly intentionally or unintentionally.

Changyi's face on the side became ugly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Immediately, her eyeballs rolled, as if thinking of something, "Oh! I understand, Xiyuan, although your fish is big, but the aura is not as full as Bengong's, it's better than Bengong's fish."

As she spoke, she cast her eyes on Zuo Dodge, and Jiao Didi said, "Zuo Qing, do you think so?"

Zuo Daoqi closed his eyes, his face was expressionless, and he looked like a master of Taoism.

Changyi's mouth puffed up, full of anger.

How could Zuo Dodge intervene in this kind of matter? He couldn't easily offend these two women.

But in the next moment, he became a little uneasy. He saw the two women walking out of the water at the same time, and their figures were completely set off by the not-waterproof palace attire.

In an instant, who is superior and who is pulling can be seen at a glance.

Changyi is still too small.

Ji Lingshu noticed the fluctuation in Zuo Dodge's eyes at that moment, and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth, but he didn't speak.

After more than an hour,

Changyi's mouth was full of oil, and Zuo Daoqi was cutting fish for the two of them.

"Lingshu, try your Changyi sister's fish, it's not as big as yours, but it has a special fishy smell inside, it's not bad."

Changyi raised his head with pride.

Until the crescent moon hangs high, the three people's big business of grilling fish today has never ended, which can be regarded as the guests' enjoyment.

After all, Changyi felt the joy of fishing and grilling fish, and Ji Lingshu also got the joy of teasing Changyi.

Zuo Dodge naturally wanted to leave the residence where the two princesses lived.

Zhonggong was led by a **** to a separate courtyard.

He wasn't dissatisfied at all. After entering the attic, he used his power to control the flag of freedom to fly in the courtyard for a week, and then sat cross-legged.

I don't know whether the situation in the capital is related to him or caused by him.

Since he returned to the capital, there have been more and more affairs in the capital, until today, it has reached a situation where he can't ignore it even if he doesn't want to.

Puci was plotted against, and it was already a doomsday situation. As for whether he could escape, Zuo Dodge was not sure. He just relied on the existence of the golden finger to deduce what happened and the people involved.

He decided to start from the beginning, starting from the death of the previous prince.

The crown prince was assassinated by Shi Yun, the real Yinshen. As for who Shi Yun was behind, it is not known, but after that, the battle in the western region was tense, and the Great Jin Dynasty continued to exclude reinforcements. Similarly, it also represented the Great Jin Army. Fang strengthened his control over the western frontier, followed by Puci beheading Shi Yunzai.


There's one thing I seem to have overlooked...

Shi Yun seems to have never thought about this person, what kind of real person he is, who dares to assassinate the prince of the most powerful country in the world, and even succeeds in the midst of thousands of armies. In the gods, it is also an extremely terrifying existence, right?

But the subsequent development was that he was beheaded by Zen Master Puci...

I have been ignoring it all the time, even if the Yang God kills the Yin God, especially a real person who just beheaded the prince of the dynasty and committed a major event, how could Pu Ci find him?

This beheading is too easy...

It's like... Shi Yunzai's existence is for the purpose of being beheaded by Puci after assassinating the first prince, and he will be regarded as the national teacher.

If so...

Zuo Dodge rubbed his brows, he just felt that the situation in the courtroom was really tingling, everything was not a complete independent incident, everything was internally connected.

Now he even has some doubts about Zhang Weizheng treating himself as a pawn.

Is it Zhang Weizheng's chess piece, or... someone else's chess piece?

"The world is like chess, but how can everyone be a son, I don't want to be a son..."

"We can only rely on strength and influence..."

He broke off his chaotic thoughts and began to fall into practice. Now it seems that practice is the simplest thing.

The spiritual energy surged slowly, while Zuo Daoqi's mind moved slightly, the five-color spiritual energy slowly emerged, and strange fluctuations flowed in it.

"I found out before that the supernatural power [five ways] seems to be the most suitable for this source of life and death, let's try it first today, maybe this can become a hidden trump card..."

For some reason, the residual rhyme of the source of life and death became extremely active every time Zuo Daoqi used the five magical powers, which made him very interested in it.

A moment later, a long blanket appeared in front of him, and he took out spiritual objects from his fingers.

Withered blood wood, ten thousand flower gold, yellow wind mud, silver spark shavings, and the last condensed dew...

These five types belong to the five elements. Although they are not precious spiritual objects, they are extremely corresponding five types, which can reach the point of mutual generation and mutual restraint.

Zuo Daoqi closed his eyes, brushed the spiritual object with the five magical powers, and the two kinds of energy of the five elements slowly repelled in the air and disappeared...

It was as if two unrelated five elements collided with each other at a certain point in time, and then the five elements collapsed and turned into pure aura, which was swallowed by Zuo Daoqi and Dao Ji.

But what Zuo Dodge cares about is not these, but the weird dao rhyme that remains in the air after the collapse of the five elements!

He flicked his robe, and a piece of talisman vermilion paper appeared in his hand again. With firm eyes, he stretched out his hand and slowly pressed on the talisman paper, then with a serious face, he pressed Dao Yun vividly on the talisman paper.

In an instant, as if blessed to the soul, his fingers flew rapidly, leaving red lines on the talisman that looked like ghostly drawn talismans.

It wasn't until Dao Yun completely disappeared that Zuo Daoqi suddenly opened his eyes.

He raised his eyes and opened his eyes, raised the strange talisman in his hand, put it in front of his eyes and looked at it carefully, and the divine sense and Dao foundation continued to sweep through it alternately.

"It should... be considered a success..."

"After using the five elements to annihilate the five elements, the pure remnant rhyme of the source of life and death can be left behind. If the speed is fast enough, it can be sealed in the talisman."

"The talisman in my hand right now... can shorten a person's life by three months!"

Losing one's lifespan by three months is nothing compared to Zuo Daoqi's current cultivation level of climbing a tower. After all, one has never heard of a towering cultivator who lost three months of life and died instantly.

Although it is already an epic level improvement compared to the remaining Dao Yun that relied on mana before, it is already epic, but it has to be admitted that the effect of this kind of talisman in battle is still very poor.


What about ten longevity talismans?

Zuo Daoqi's heart fluttered, if one talisman paper is not enough, then ten, if ten is not enough, then a hundred...

Moreover, through the experiment just now, Zuo Daoqi had a wonderful idea in his heart. Since the five elements can wipe out the five elements, in his own hands, he has the corpse of the five elements obtained from the corpse sect. Rhyme, poured into the corpse of the five elements.

Of course, this is just an idea. The Five Elements Dao Corpse's current frontal combat power is not enough to continue to help him, but its role in support, such as formation, alchemy, protection, etc., is still immeasurable.

Just like the Corpse Sect has dominated Yuezhou for hundreds of years, in the entire sect, there is only one corpse of the Five Elements Dao.

Therefore, unless Zuo Daoqi is sure that there is nothing wrong with a treasure like this, he will try his best to forcibly seal Dao Yun in the Five Elements Dao Corpse.


When Zuo Daoqi was practicing and retreating, Mo Tu was also in the palace, but his mind was very complicated and he was still outside, so he always asked people to send in the daily letters.

A tiger guard Anzi carefully sent a letter from the gate of the imperial city into the hands of a tiger guard.

The action against Puci was imminent, and the emperor was worried that Mo Tu and others would leak the secret, so he had to check all the correspondence.

So Mo Tu would stand at the door every morning as if listening to the news broadcast, listening to the reports of the Tiger Guard soldiers.

"Just now there was news from Linwei that 300,000 soldiers from the demon kingdom were directly pressing down on the Buddhist land, breaking down seven Buddhist cities in one day, calling it liberation, and releasing countless demon clans who were taken as mounts by the Buddhist sect. Hu Feng, a monk from the Tiger Clan, beheaded the arhats who climbed the tower at the top of the three major Buddhist sects, and the news of his victory has already spread to Kyoto."

Hufeng... the name reminded Mo Tu of the tiger howling that provoked Zuo Dodge that he had been hearing for the past few days.

Seeing that the tiger guard had something to say, he didn't interrupt and listened to his next statement.

"After Hufeng killed Beifeng Arhat, he held his head and faced the direction of our Great Jin in the east..."

When the tiger guard said this, he obviously paused and became a little hesitant.

A smile appeared on Mo Tu's stern face, "Go on, a little tiger demon, killing a few bald men won't want to provoke me, Da Jin?"

He seemed to be joking.

The tiger guard officer said, "He held his head and only said one sentence, to congratulate his younger brother Hu Xiao!"

Mo Tu instantly understood that Hu Feng had heard the news that Hu Xiao and Zuo Daoqi had agreed to fight to the death, and used Yaozu's own way to support Hu Xiao.

This Hufeng has such combat power, and his status in the Tiger Clan is definitely not low. He is far away from the Monster Country and does not come to the Great Jin Dynasty, so through the battlefield between the Monster Country and Buddhism, he used his own way to show the strength of the Monster Clan. combat power.

His act of beheading the three great arhats who climbed the tower, told the entire Great Jin that it was not for nothing that the monster clan's combat power dominated the same realm.

Use your own record to create momentum for Wind Howl.

Zuo Dodge couldn't see enough, at least in front of Hu Xiao, Hu Feng's younger brother...

Mo Tu was stunned for a moment, the coldness gathered on his face, he gritted his teeth and said, "Okay!"

The demon country is too far away, and the matter of Hu Xiao's appointment to fight Zuo Daoqi has only been in the past five days, how can it be spread so much, and the sudden attack of the demon clan on the Buddha country definitely did not happen in these few days.

So it is conceivable that the power of the Yao Kingdom in Da Jin cannot be underestimated.

But these have nothing to do with Mo Tu, it is no longer what happened more than ten years ago

During the Hegu War, since the new king came to the throne, Yao Kingdom and Dajin have rebuilt a close state. It was even rumored that the emperor intends to release the white fox princess who is currently serving as a proton in the Daoqi knew the news It was already half a day later, and it was Ji Lingshu who told him.

Zuo Daoqi was not interested in Hufeng's demonstration and Ji Lingshu's mention of Huxiao's continuous momentum in the capital these days.

What caught his attention was that Yao Kingdom suddenly sent troops to face Buddha Kingdom overnight.

The national war... Where is it so hasty and sudden, it must be the domestic counselors who do not know how many times of deduction and change before they can really decide whether to fight.

The gap between the demon country and the Buddha country...


It is rumored that there are two Buddhas in the Buddha Kingdom, which are equivalent to terrifying existences in the fairyland. With such a powerful force, the Mountain Sea Demon Kingdom dared to act first, and they must have received some support behind them. This kind of support made them absolutely sure to win this battle.

Zuo Daoqi easily thought of Zen Master Puci, the national teacher in Dajin now.

Also thought of Zhang Weizheng.

Is there Zhang Weizheng's push behind this battle between demons and Buddhas?

This is for sure. After all, Zhang Weizheng is so powerful today. This kind of external strategy is definitely formulated by him. You must know that after the new king ascended the throne, Ji Lingjun even allowed Zhang Weizheng to have the power to appoint and remove the five armies. right!

At this moment, Zuo Daoqi was deeply aware of this point in Zhang Weizheng's layout.

He is now very sure that Puci's destruction of the Artisan Village is also part of Zhang Weizheng's plan.

Being in the game and being controlled by such a chess player is a very suffocating thing.

Just like Zuo Dodge still doesn’t know how many backers Zhang Weizheng has and how many plans he has made in order to really destroy Puci...

High-speed text hand-typed Biqu Library After the empress ascended the throne, I was forced to be a nine-thousand-year-old chapter listhttps://

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