MTL - After The Empress Acended To The Throne, I Was Forcefully Made His Greatness-Chapter 353 5 lines of life and death

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"Uncle, what are you thinking?"

Ji Lingshu spoke, interrupting Zuo Dodge's meditation.

Zuo Daoqi came back to his senses and looked at Ji Lingshu. He didn't want to tell her his guess, but said, "I was thinking that in the legend, every monster clan is born with supernatural powers, and I don't know what kind of supernatural powers this tiger wind has."

The monster race is different from the human race. When the monster race is young, those with extraordinary talents can comprehend the innate supernatural powers, and they will be cultivated by the clan since childhood.

But the monster race is definitely not only based on talent, but also on ferocity. The rise of a monster king has never been smooth, and its road ahead is destined to be **** and bloody.

Everyone in the world has seen the brotherly love between Hufeng and Huxiao, but they can't see whether this is Hufeng's scheming.

If because of Hufeng's behavior, Zuo Daoqi was offended, Zuo Daoqi tried his best, and even used some off-court means, it is still unknown how Hu Xiao will win.

Ji Lingshu smiled slightly, "Isn't uncle afraid? Isn't it easy for uncle to take down a little tiger demon?"

Zuo Dodge said nothing.

Another day, the decision between Zuo Daoqi and Hu Xiao became more and more popular, and it was even mentioned in the court meeting.

You Zhong, the patriarch of the patriarch, remonstrated, "Nowadays, there are a large number of talented people in our Jin Dynasty, but the battle between Zuo Daoqi and the Yaozu is a big event, and he should enter the Daxing Pool!"

There are many legends circulating in the three hundred li capital city, but this Daxing Pond is one of the most famous legends.

According to legend, when the Taizu established the country, he was crowned by an immortal, and his wisdom turned into a great river. The Taizu monopolized nine parts to establish the country and the Great Jin Dynasty, leaving only one part to divide into a pool, called Daxing Pool.

It is said that non-Daxing people are not allowed to enter this water, but once soaked in it smoothly, it can nourish the body and spirit, and increase the chance of enlightenment.

Today's sage has already said that anyone who represents the Royal Tianyuan can enter the pool for a bath before the battle, but now You Zhong is admonishing him, and the matter of Zuo Daoqi fighting the tiger has been pushed to another level.

To the surprise of all officials, the emperor readily agreed.

Therefore, after the next dynasty, there should be rumors from the eunuchs.

"Mr. Zuo, His Majesty has a decree to allow you to take a bath in Daxing Pool."

in the house.

Zuo Dodge held a strange piece of paper in his hand, but there was no mana or fire, but the piece of paper spontaneously ignited and fell to the ground without a trace.

His eyes were strange, with a deep doubt.

This note came from Zhang Weizheng!

‘Daxing Pond is not allowed to enter! '

About Daxing Pond, Zuo Daoqi has heard a lot about it. It is rumored that this pool is one of the royal treasures, and those who bathe in it can be expected to be real people.

For more than three hundred years, those who can enter are already real people or martial arts masters.

No matter from which angle you look at it, this is an opportunity...

Zuo Daoqi's eyes wandered, and some didn't understand why Zhang Weizheng would send such a note at this time, and just after the note was delivered, there was an edict from the palace officials.

He walked out of the room, "I thank Your Majesty, but Your Majesty loves you wrongly, and I dare not be ashamed to accept it. The battle with the tiger roar is a private matter of Zuo, how dare you touch the royal heritage."

Zuo Daoqi declined to the eunuch.

The **** was helpless, he was just a messenger, what's more, Zuo Daoqi rejected the emperor's kindness, and he reported it truthfully.

After the **** left, Zuo Daoqi stood there for a long time, he couldn't figure out why Zhang Weizheng wanted him not to enter the Daxing Pool, and he couldn't see Zhang Weizheng's purpose.

Is it for your own good? Or other purposes?

The emperor knew that he refused the Daxing Mu, so he didn't say much. Some people don't want this kind of gift, and the emperor can't force it.


In the Hanyuan Hall.

Chen Guanshi from Monster Slayer House, Zhang Weizheng from Shangshu House, and Ji Qianyu from Zongren House were the three top masters of the Great Jin Dynasty who sat in the seats.

Facing the three top sun gods in the world, Ji Lingjun's aura was, to a certain extent, not the slightest difference.

The first one to speak was Ji Lingjun.

He stood up calmly, with anger on his young and handsome face, he threw the rice paper in his hand on the ground.

"Zhang Xiang, tell the two of you."

Zhang Weizheng had a serious face on his old face, and his magnetic voice sounded. "Master Chen, Zong Zheng, Cai Shuan has already found out the real culprit a few days ago, and all the clues point to the national teacher."

"In the past when the Taizu destroyed the Buddha, it was because the Buddha defied the heavens. The first emperor was generous and regarded the monk as the teacher of the state. Now it seems that the monk does not know the time of the sky and does not cherish the will of heaven. He should be punished."

Chen Guanshi was the first to cater to him. He is a monk, but judging from his appearance, he is even older than Zhang Weizheng. "What Zhang Xiang said is true. If it is true, Puci will be executed."

Zhang Weizheng continued, "A few days ago, when the old man announced the death of the crown prince, he realized that Shi Yun was there, and he was originally from the Buddhist kingdom, and now I even suspect that this Puci's entry into Jin Dynasty was planned for a long time by the Buddhist kingdom. "

Ji Qianmao sat upright on the futon, with his eyes slightly closed, like an old monk in meditation, he didn't say a word, and he didn't know if he was listening.

Except for four people in the hall, there are no close attendants.

Ji Lingjun poured out a cup of tea by herself, and said softly, "It seems that a bald thief should be killed, what does Chen Qing think?"

Chen Guanshi got up slightly, and said seriously, "Extremely."

"What does Zong Zheng think?"

Ji Qianyu finally opened his eyes, and instead of looking at Ji Lingjun, he turned his attention to Zhang Weizheng, "Kill him."

That night.

Hundreds of figures walked out from the Demon Slaying Mansion and the Zongren Mansion respectively, and surrounded the Puci Temple. In order to avoid causing too much damage to the city of Kyoto, they set up a cloud formation of Wuying Xuanzong.

Enraged, Zen Master Puci led his seven disciples to fight against hundreds of believers.

"The Buddha's country is far away, and the poor monk is more capable of beheading the enemy. Why did the Great Jin fail me?"

With one punch, Ji Qianmao smashed Puci Temple into an abyss of hundreds of miles. He was only responsible for doing it and didn't speak.

The person who spoke was a real person in the clan's mansion.

"The Buddha's country is a majestic country. If you commit assassination again and again, you should be punished!"

Puci laughed angrily, and didn't explain, but just showed the Buddha body of Baizhang, and blocked Ji Qianmang's punch.

It seems that they have fallen into a strange tacit understanding. The Yang gods on both sides are only responsible for doing things, and those who move their mouths are real people.

Sitting down, Puci's disciple Fahua said, "The poor monk seems to understand that my Buddhist kingdom is the source of the world, and thousands of dharma images come from my soil, how can I do assassination?"

He opened his mouth, denied everything, and said again.

"Jin Jin is already the overlord of the world, how can we use one-sided evidence to go to war like this! It's unjust!"

When he said this, his tone finally stopped.

Just because a sword appeared in the sky, the sword Ruoming came out, slashing the dragon of Qingming, turning night into day, changing the sky and the earth.

Puci's face changed, and he knew that he was no match for the well-deserved No. 1 Sword God of the Jin Dynasty in front of him.

The Eighth Prince's sword hangs in the sky, his eyes are cold and indifferent, like a chaotic battle, it's just a child's play, only one word on the stage, the world is solemn.

"God can never be wrong."

The implication is that the emperor can't be wrong, and it doesn't matter whether you can produce evidence that Puci is the mastermind behind the assassination. As long as the emperor doubts you, then you, Puci, are the murderer.

If Puci refuses to admit it, then show evidence to prove that he is not the murderer!

Puci understood this point, everyone understood this point, only his disciples and believers did not understand it, so the war became fierce.

Even though there is a large array of clouds, the moonlight is floating, and Zhou Tiandao's rhyme can't suppress the tremor of the sky and the earth.

The mountains are whining, and the aura is collapsing.

The Haotian mirror in the hand of Tantai Zhen of the Demon Slaying Mansion glowed with golden light, and he fought fiercely with Fahua, Puci's apprentice.

At the level of real people, there are far more people in the imperial court than monks in Puci Temple.

All the methods of the Buddhist sect were used to transform into a giant golden roc, with billions of rays of golden light blooming. The roc spread its wings and shook the sky.

The people in the imperial court were stronger, Tan Taizhen's Haotian mirror blocked such an attack, he seemed to have no defense at all, he was dressed in stars, his arms sprayed with golden light, he was more domineering than the golden feather, he charged forward and shook hard.

The surrounding real people also joined hands.

In an instant, a golden divine bird was entangled with several figures, accumulating incomparably, and then the blood-stained peng feather withered down, which moved too many people.

Fahua thought of retreating in his heart.

But don't wait for him to act.

Seeing that the God of Ten Thousand Swords in the sky finally made a move, he put his fingers together and pointed at the sky. In an instant, countless spiritual energy fluctuations rose up in the sky, and all living beings surrendered. The galaxy and the sky also transformed into a sword in the condensation of spiritual energy.

The sword falls.

The whistling wind swayed and swayed the cloud-covering array, and the entire capital city turned over like an earth dragon.

Peiran's power fluctuated between heaven and earth, and the powerful sword light that no one could deny slowly gathered into a star dragon in the air. On the star dragon, the scales and feathers were clear, and everything set it off like a myth.

Xinglong roared and rushed towards Puci, with Fahua, the real person, between them.

The supernatural powers of real people who were proud of in the past are as fragile as thin paper, and the star dragon roars filial piety.

The golden-winged roc transformed by Fahua disappeared, very horrifyingly.

It is as if the existence of Fahua, originally a figure outlined with charcoal on a piece of white paper, was slowly painted over with a huge eraser.

Starting from the torso of the body, until the entire person is completely wiped.

That is Daoyuan's suppression of supernatural powers.

'too strong! Is this kind of power really just the Yang God? '

This is the thought that naturally appeared in the minds of all the strong men who saw this blow.

Puci, who was fighting Ji Qianmang, noticed the starry sky dragon, and witnessed the scene of the eldest disciple Fahua being swallowed by the starry dragon, and a ferocious expression suddenly appeared on his entire face.

But I have to admit that Buddhist monks are very good looking, even at such a moment of constant emotional fluctuations, the ferocity on his face not only does not appear fierce, but has a strange and peaceful aura, as if... Angry King Kong generally.

"How dare!"

The Buddha dropped a palm.

With the palm of the hand, the world opened, and the world seemed to be still after being beaten. Everything was re-divided into yin and yang and five elements, and finally condensed into a strange five-element mountain.


The moment Xinglong and Buddha's Palm came into contact, there was a sound, and then they were completely annihilated.

The powerful force annihilates everything that exists in the material world, including sound and light.

The sky and the earth are in chaos, the aura is scattered and has nothing to do with it, and the light of stars cannot enter this darkness...

Everything was completely reduced to ruins.

No one knows how the final battle will end.

All I know is that in order to kill Pu Ci, Da Jin dispatched three Yang gods, and even the sword **** Zi Gudao also slashed a sword.


Zuo Daoqi stood on the top of the attic, quietly looking in the direction of Puci Temple. He was not ignorant of this, the powerful fluctuations could not be completely covered by the cloud cover array, and he was even more worried that he had the flag of restraint with him. , Facing this kind of formation that is almost changing the world, it almost has a natural sense of spirituality.

He understood that the imperial court had finally taken action against Puci, and he knew this when he was entrusted with the important task of tracking down the artisan village and destroying the village.

But after all, he underestimated Ji Lingjun's decisiveness, or Zhang Weizheng's decisiveness. After all the evidence was conclusive, only three days later, he took action. ,

And once it is done, it will be so thunderous.

At a certain moment, an impulse suddenly appeared in his mind.

He had never seen the death battle between the Yang God and the True Monarch. The Yang God touched the Dao Source, and he wanted to get a closer look at what kind of existence the most original mighty power of this world is.

After all, rationality overwhelms impulse. Although he has the flag of no restraint, once he enters this kind of battlefield, perhaps the turmoil caused by the battle between the two true kings is enough to completely destroy him.

He suppressed the impulse in his heart and forcibly immersed his mind in his practice.

Yangshen controls the source of Dao, but he doesn't know what source of Dao is controlled by Puci.

Just when his mind was immersed in the practice, red clouds suddenly floated in the sky, red like blood, burning blood.

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The blood-red lightning seems to be angry, and it seems that the world has regained its authority and is demonstrating to the common people.

Blood-colored rain fell from the sky, and a strange dao rhyme permeated the entire city of Kyoto.

A strange sadness rises from the depths of my heart. This assimilation of emotions is not the artistic conception of a warrior, but more like the artistic conception of heaven and earth...

Zuo Dodge couldn't help showing sadness on his face, he shook his head and sighed.

An incredible thought rose in my heart, could it be that Puci fell in this battle?


A bean-sized rain of blood fell on Zuo Dodge's shoulder, his mana automatically blocked the rain, and a strange look appeared on his face.

The remnant rhyme of the source of life and death that had just been compressed onto the talisman seal was slowly recovering in the rain of blood.

Zuo Dodge looked up instantly.

The residual rhyme of the source of life and death was contaminated by him after accidentally touching the strange black booklet. Every time the residual rhyme is exhausted, it can only recover naturally. The speed of this recovery is extremely In this weird blood rain, his recovery speed was astonishingly fast.

Before he had time to think about it, his arm trembled slightly, and a large group of strangely shaped five-element spirits emerged, and then hesitation appeared on his face, and he summoned the five-element corpse again.

The death of the true king caused the heaven and earth to mourn together.

However, for him, it was an opportunity.

The original idea in my heart may be successfully realized with the help of this rain of blood.

Five Elements Life and Death Dao Corpse!


He walked into the rain and unfolded the Daoji to the peak range. The Daoji, which was more than a thousand feet away, completely controlled all the aura in this area. He forcibly controlled the aura to carry the blood rain.

The five-element spirits and [five-path] supernatural powers quickly annihilated each other, and the purest residual rhyme of the source of life and death was poured into the corpses of the five-element path.

He was apprehensive, and looked at the Taoist corpse with some hope, hoping that the five precious Taoist corpses would not be eroded into ashes by the source of life and death.

He was not disappointed. Although the divine light on the Taoist corpse kept collapsing and shattering, and the realm dropped again and again, but when it reached the middle stage of the divine pill, it slowly stopped the downward trend, and accepted the Tao of life and death with a catering attitude. Source residual rhyme.

Zuo Daoqi's eyes flickered, and he worked harder to refine Blood Rain.

During this process, under the leadership of the [Five Paths] supernatural powers, the aura around him was continuously wiped out with the five elements, and evolved into the purest aura.

Zuo Daoqi's cultivation base, which had been stagnant for a long time, actually climbed slowly in this state.

On the divine elixir, there was an ethereal sound suddenly, and illusory steps emerged, and when I climbed up the steps, I saw four paths, but in Zuo Daoqi's continuous refinement of blood rain, the fifth step unexpectedly protruded from the clouds, looming...

The fifth floor is approaching!

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