MTL - After The Empress Acended To The Throne, I Was Forcefully Made His Greatness-Chapter 354 scorching sun

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The latest website: Yangshen accepts the source of Tao into the body, and every move is accompanied by the source of Tao.

But with death, the Dao body disintegrates, and the Dao source must return to the heaven and the earth, so the sky is grateful for the return of the Dao source, and it prospers greatly.

However, everyone in the world thought that the death of the Yang God caused blood to rain from the sky, and wept for the sky.

Zuo Dodge sat cross-legged in the rain, letting the rain of blood pour over his body.

Zhou Tian's spiritual energy circulated, driving his cultivation to continue to grow, and the fairy sound accompanied the blood rain, roaring in his ears.

Finally, at a certain moment, with the continuous collapse of the five elements spirits.

The fifth floor is finally here.

Zuo Daoqi didn't stop. He felt that the residual rhyme of the source of life and death in his body was still rapidly deriving, so he instilled more residual rhyme of the source of life and death into the corpse of the five elements.

Maybe it has reached a certain critical point, or maybe it's because the aura of the five elements around it is too full.

Within a radius of one foot in the courtyard, colorful spiritual mist was slowly growing, and the concentration of the mist continued to rise until...


There was a sound that was completely different from that of blood rain falling to the ground, and the spiritual energy of the five elements condensed into a liquid.

Zuo Daoqi waved his hand and poured the spiritual liquid onto the Five Elements Dao Corpse.

The aura on Wuxingdao's corpse also began to rise.

It's a feast.

Not only Zuo Dodge has such a big opportunity.

Another courtyard in the palace.

Yan Chixia frowned, and danced in the rain, dancing that extremely eye-catching dance, but this distorted and unaesthetic dance like dancing a great **** gradually endowed it with rhythm and rhythm as time went by. the beat.

Inexplicably became... good looking.

In the Young Phoenix Palace.

Ji Lingshu didn't get caught in the rain, but sat upright in the hall, feeling the joy from the heaven and the earth, and the sadness from the human senses.

Warriors agitate artistic conception with qi and blood, and dance the world with artistic conception.

Although Tianwei is so powerful, there are a few warriors whose artistic conception can rival Tianwei.

Ji Lingshu forcibly propped up the artistic conception of joy, trying in vain to go further.


After a night of blood rain, the world suddenly changed in the early morning.

It seems that something has changed.

But if you perceive it carefully, you can't find the change.

Zuo Daoqi looked in a trance, and called the Wuxing Dao corpses who had climbed up to the tower with five cultivation bases, and closed his eyes to perceive the residual rhyme of the Dao source on the five Dao corpses with his spiritual consciousness.

Immediately with a surprise on his face.

Although it was inevitable that the spirituality of the five Taoist priests would be greatly damaged due to yesterday's intense indoctrination, Zuo Daoqi had already understood this point when the Taoist corpse cultivation base fell at the beginning.

However, if there is a loss, there must be a gain, because the weakening of spirituality has caused the dexterity and instinct of the Taoist corpse to drop a lot, but the residual rhyme of the Taoist source accumulated yesterday has been piled up for nearly a hundred years!

In a desperate situation, one Taoist corpse can kill a person's lifespan for a hundred years, and five corpses can kill a person for five hundred years.

Five hundred years of lifespan is no longer an insignificant number, especially this kind of lifespan that has been cut off is deprived of it by the source of Taoism, it can't be said that it will kill people!

"A normal real person lives for 1,500 years in the present world. Five hundred years is enough to kill a real person with a short lifespan by surprise."

Satisfied, Zuo Dodge put away the five Taoist corpses.

It's a pity that because they were in the palace, Hades and Daoxu couldn't be summoned to enjoy yesterday's blood rain.

Left Dodger looked pity.

But the blood rain has fallen, presumably Pu Ci is dead, even if he is not dead, the source of the whole body must have collapsed, so the blood rains from the sky.

Thinking of this, Zuo Dodge suddenly remembered the matter of Hell Snake's fake death in the past.

Hades snake, one of the eighteen gods of the underworld, must have been at least in the Yang **** state a few days ago. Why did he lose so many heads without raining a single drop of blood?

He was ashamed to ask Hades these words, after all, he was asking the Hades directly in front of the Hades.

"You're dead, why don't you have a seat?"

Well, no face-to-face.

I don't know what Hades would think if he knew Zuo Dodge's thoughts.


Tianxian Pavilion.

Xinyue stood in front of the window sill of the attic, dazed in a daze.

A few days ago, Huyue came looking for her and asked her to provide information about all of Zuo Dodge's supernatural powers, but she refused.

She could have just given a share, after all, she is a royal family of the Monster Clan, the same royal family as the Tiger Clan.

But after all, she didn't want to betray Zuo Dodge and her child's father...

Even if she didn't want to admit it, it was the truth.

"When Huyue was born, he was regarded as a treasure by the Tiger Clan. His talent and supernatural powers are unmatched. Why... you always do this, you have to be brave, if you die..."

Xinyue was stunned suddenly, for a while, she didn't know what to do, she stood there for a while, she murmured, as if she was emphasizing herself, and also seemed to be firm in her inner thoughts.

"A few days ago, I rejected Huyue. If I let him return to the demon country, he would definitely publicize my betrayal. Father's heart..."

The Fox Clan is a rare and intelligent species among the Monster Clan. Being very intelligent sometimes means being suspicious.

"If you lose, my child and I will be completely lost. After all, she is just an ordinary female boss..."

After a pause, her eyes fell on the direction outside the city. For some reason, she always felt that Zuo Daoqi most likely played some role in the Yangshen war that shocked the world last night.

"Why do you want to come's all about things when you come back, it's really annoying..."


In Yuchen Palace.

The huge babu bed was constantly shaking, and from time to time there could be soft moaning from a woman and heavy panting from a man.

Until a certain moment, the shaking stopped, and the slim and graceful figure stood up and sat on it.

"Who told you to stop, don't let Aijia continue!"

Zuo Dodge was lying flat, his upper body was naked, and suddenly exerted force.

The Queen Mother groaned, looked at him angrily, stretched out her hand and pinched it hard, "You bastard, how dare you play tricks on Aijia."

She has a strong face, with wild and passion in her eyes.

Clouds and rains first break.

Zuo Dodge was still lying down, and the queen mother was still sitting on his chest, stroking his body, as if the two had switched genders.

"Ma'am, what do you want from me?"

Early in the morning, the Empress Dowager sent someone to send a message to discuss important matters with Zuo Daoqi, and when they finally arrived, Zuo Daoqi naturally sneaked in.

The queen mother frowned, and nodded his brows, "Are you sure about the battle with that tiger?"

Zuo Dodge saw her look of disdain despite being very nervous, it was unavoidably amused, so he pretended to lower his face, and said with a heavy face.

"Certainly, but not much."

"Huh?" The queen mother was in a hurry, and said quickly, "Then what should I do, Aijia went to Gu Dao and asked him to kill the tiger for you."

Today, she has an excellent temperament and an excellent figure, her body swaying when she moves, and the waves make Zuo Dodge feel hot.

But he quickly grabbed the queen mother.

"Xian'er, Xian'er, don't worry, I'm kidding you, you don't know how powerful I am?"

"A little tiger, easy to catch."

The Empress Dowager stared at him, without the slightest hint of shame on her face, instead she directly reached out and took a picture, "You bastard, if you dare to play tricks on Aijia, let Aijia see how powerful you are!"

Left Dodge turned over.

Holding the Haotian mirror, Tan Taizhen walked above the nine heavens, his face extremely angry.

I saw countless ghosts on the ruins of Puci Temple below.

After Puci built the temple, he opened the gates of the mountain, recruited believers, and performed salvation for others. In name, he was for the country and the people, but in fact he recruited the souls of the dead and turned them into the citizens of his Buddhist kingdom.

The Puci Buddha was dismantled, and these so-called Buddhist people lost their living environment and turned into lonely ghosts again.

Wandering between heaven and earth.

"This demon monk has only been in the Jin Dynasty for a few years, and he acted like this. Fortunately, Zhang Xiang thwarted his plot."

Tantai fell to the ground, stood behind Chen Guanshi and said.

Chen Guanshi's face was solemn, he was noncommittal when he heard Tantai Zhen's words.

He has worked with Zhang Weizheng for too long and knows him very well. Even a veteran sun **** like him is extremely afraid of Zhang Weizheng. He takes one step at a time and counts three steps, which is simply beyond human imagination.

The demon country suddenly attacked the Buddha country, and he knew clearly that Zhang Weizheng's shadow must be involved in this matter.

When meeting the envoy of the Demon Kingdom for the first time, it was Xinjun and Zhang Weizheng who met.

Calculating the time, the first batch of envoys from the demon country should have returned to the country by this time, and the battle between the demon and the Buddha broke out immediately. It is hard not to think of the connection between the two.

Chen Guanshi sighed, and suppressed his thoughts, a gossip compass suddenly appeared in his hand, the five qi above it were permeated, and there were Taoist lights shining.

"You continue to hold the Haotian mirror and look for the remnant soul of Puci. The remnant soul of the Yang God has been baptized by the source of the Dao. If you give it a chance, it may come back to life."


After Tan Taizhen left, the gossip compass in Chen Guanshi's hand spun around.

The arena outside the city.

Tan Taijing looked at the compass in Xia Xiaoyu's hand, and said nervously.

"Xiaoyu, you must arrange it well. At the critical moment, you must be able to save Zuo Dodge's life."

Xia Xiaoyu was puzzled by her best friend's worry, but she didn't say much. While answering, taking advantage of Tantai's inattention, she took out a piece of pastry from her waist and put it in her mouth.

"Don't worry, the tiger demon has just blown it out. If the emperor didn't see that the demon kingdom has been honest recently, he rewarded him with a place in the Tianyuan Conference, what would he be?"

Having said that, Tan Taijing still didn't belong to her mind.

Huyue was definitely extremely powerful, whether it was the damage caused by his sparring with others in recent days, or his confident request to the emperor to allow him to participate in the Tianyuan Conference after seeing several strong players from the royal family who participated in the Tianyuan Conference.

Suddenly, when he was in Ling County last time, Zuo Daoqi and the queens of Qiren Mansion came to Tantai's mind.

The figure standing on the mountain of corpses with bruises and swords all over his body, still showing an unyielding face, the danger of that time is still unforgettable to this day.

You must be well... With Xiaoyu here, you will be fine.


It has been more than five days since the rain of blood fell.

The duel between Zuo Daoqi and Huyue, which was raging in the city, is finally about to begin.

This matter has risen to an unimaginable height under the exaggeration of the folk and the government.

In the early morning, Zuo Daoqi left the palace.

He walked alone, not with anyone. He was covered by a black hat, his face could not be seen clearly, and he was walking on the street with bare hands, like an ordinary person.

Suddenly, a figure stood in front of him.

Zuo Dodge looked at the bull-headed girl in front of him in surprise, and she handed over a secret letter with a cold face.

This is sent by Xinyue.

From the expression of the bull-headed girl, Zuo Daoqi already knew the information in the secret letter, most of which were descriptions about the means of Tiger Leaping.

At the last moment, Xinyue chose herself, which obviously dissatisfied the bull-headed girl who is also a monster.

Zuo Dodge chuckled, but did not seal it, but raised a ball of flames, completely burning the secret letter to ashes.

The bull-headed girl couldn't help but look sideways.

Zuo Dodge didn't explain and strode forward.

In the battle with Huyue, he will not lose, even though now with the passage of time, he already knows Huyue's astonishing record.

Almost the same as him, climbing the first level of the building, and cutting down the twelve level buildings.

And it's not an ordinary twelve-story building, it's the kind of twelve-story building that almost touches the Yin God.

Zuo Dodge has also seen monks of this level, the one with him

The magic cultivator Zhu Hongyan who met overnight is in this state.

In other words, when Hu Leaped from the first floor, he already had the strength to kill Zhu Hongyan.

Zuo Dodge suppressed the thoughts in his heart, continued to move forward, and let his mind go, every step he took, his momentum improved slightly.

Today, he is no longer the little **** who lived in the cold palace in the battle of life and death.

After walking for a while, I finally saw the ring.

This was the first time that Zuo Dodge fought to the death in a small arena. Although the size of the arena was already larger than a football field, it was still too small for a monk who climbed a building.

Hu Yue was already standing in the middle of the ring, with his arms folded over his chest, wearing a gorgeous black and gold military uniform, his muscles were extremely tense.

He always held his head high, his eyes full of rebellion and cruelty.

There is no doubt that he is an extremely confident person... or demon.

Looking at Zuo Dodge's slightly slow footsteps, he stood expressionless and lowered his eyes.

From the beginning to the end, except for the first glance, I didn't look at it any more.

So arrogant.

Strictly speaking, the conflict between Zuo Daoqi and him could not have caused him to embark on a death fight, but he not only insulted Ji Lingshu, but also injured Ji Lingshu.

Originally, after seeing Ji Lingshu for the first time, after learning that she had embarked on an unprecedented path of cultivation, Zuo Daoqi felt a little distressed in his heart. At the same time, this distress was also dissatisfied with himself, dissatisfied with taking away the noble concubine, and not being able to protect her well girl.

Emotions are like this, and Huyue can only be said to be at the right time.

It is different from Huyue's "No more children, all the heroes in the world are worthless".

Zuo Dodge stood on the stage, carefully sizing up the opponent in front of him, from his neck to his chest and abdomen.

Look very seriously.

Finally, Hu Yue's unrestrained eyes moved from nothingness to Zuo Daoqi.

Zuo Dodge looked at him very impolitely. No one could admit the pressure caused by letting people keep scanning his vitals.

He could only raise his eyes, and look at Zuo Dodge with those savage eyes.

With Zuo Dodge's last glance, UU Reading swept across the audience.

Today's referee is Gongsun Yong, or in other words, there is no referee in the deathmatch, Gongsun Yong is just a supervisor.

At the banquet, Zuo Daoqi saw Changyi, Ji Lingshu, Yan Chixia, officials in official robes, both civil and military, and even the clan's mansion. Show up, I don't know which emperor canonized the ancient prince.

Everyone's eyes are full of exploration, anticipation, and self-expression.

I have to admit that Zuo Daoqi's face and temperament are more in line with Dajin's aesthetics than Huyue's domineering temperament.

He stood in the field like a scorching sun.

After a glance, Zuo Dodge abandoned his emotions.

Now was the time to fight, and he should only look at his opponent.

Alright, for Ji Lingshu, for myself, let me out!

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