MTL - After The Empress Acended To The Throne, I Was Forcefully Made His Greatness-Chapter 360 Madam is in a bad mood

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For the soldiers stationed in the western frontier, the most unbearable thing about the frontier is not the so-called barbarians and monsters.

It has been a long time since the Yaozu showed any signs of invading the border of the Jin Dynasty, and the barbarian tribe, because of the death of the former prince, caused too much turmoil, and were defeated by the Jin army.

Therefore, the biggest torment in the frontier barren comes from the aimless waiting and the unrelenting vigilance.

The dullness of the frontier and the occasional chaos are unbearable.

Tuobaxiu has been stationed in the western frontier, counting the days, it has been nearly ten years.

From the name, it can be seen that his family may have been a member of the barbarians hundreds of years ago, but now they have become Central Plains people.

People from the New Central Plains like them are bound to stay in the West Frontier and prove their loyalty in the long time.

Some people may say that these people are now the nobles of Xijing, and this rule is for them to be gilded and put on a show, but for Tuobaxiu, he doesn't think so, because he has experienced too many lives and deaths in the past ten years, I have seen too many swords and swords.

The rules of Xijing City are definitely not just pretending.

It was another small encounter, Tuoba Xiu's face was covered with blood, he took out a silver pendant from his bosom, put it on his lips and kissed it.

"Brother Yuan, Brother Lu, there is news from Xijing City that we can go back."

He happily waved his arms, "When I get back to Xijing City, I will invite you to drink the best spirits and find the most beautiful woman."

Yuan Zhen didn't say a word, just turned around and looked at the man beside him with complicated eyes.

Lu Feng, the God of War in the Grassland, a martial artist in all four realms, but he has the record of formidable master.

Even if he is such a proud and arrogant person, he has to admire him.

No one knows where this person came from, and no one knows where he learned his skills. They only know that after the three of them sworn to each other, every time they fight, they will take the lead and be the first to be the first. No one in the world is his opponent.

Lu Feng has an unruly face, is nine feet tall, and is armed with a rare gold-plated mace. He laughed loudly when he heard what Tuobaxiu said, "Brother, let's avoid the beauties' liquor. What we said before, brother Just arrange it."

The grand event of Tianyuan will determine the number one in the world.

Lu Fengxin is arrogant and arrogant, and he feels that being number one in the world is like finding something out of a pocket.

Yuan Zhen's gaze also looked at Tuo Baxiu.

Taishi Yuan Zhong was old and frail, and died in the capital, but Yuan Zhen received the news that Yuan Zhong did not die of illness, but was forced to death by the current little emperor!

Obviously, Yuan Zhen believed his own news. After all, Yuan Zhong was the grand master of the court. Although he practiced Confucianism and Taoism, he was not good at prolonging his life, but he was still alive than Zhang Weizheng, the Prime Minister of the grand master. Why did Yuan Zhong die!

When Tuobaxiu heard the words, his face turned slightly dark, "Xijing City is the Xijing City of the Great Jin Dynasty after all, I can't get places for you all..."

Lu Feng's face turned ugly for a moment, "Brother..."

For Lu Feng, Tuo Baxiu naturally attaches great importance to it, otherwise he would not sworn brothers with them.

"Third brother, don't worry. Only the God Worship Sect in Xijing City is eligible to participate in the preliminaries of the Tianyuan Conference, and it only has one quota. I have asked the family to ask for this quota. You and the second brother..."

Hearing this, Lu Feng turned his head to look at Yuan Zhen in an instant, the meaning in his eyes was self-evident.

Yuan Zhen took a deep breath, he knew Lu Feng's character very well, he was extremely arrogant and self-confident.

But this matter, he didn't want to let it go.

He wanted to ask the little emperor Yuan Zhong at the grand meeting of Tianyuan, with the title of number one in the four realms!

"I wanna go."

With a light tone, Lu Feng turned his head in an instant, with a fierce look in his eyes.

"Second brother's strength..."

He said a little hypocritically.

Yuan Zhen was not angry, he understood Lu Feng's character, he was a comrade-in-arms and brother who could be entrusted to, but he had an almost blind obsession with his personal reputation and fame.

"I want to ask someone personally."

Seeing the conflict between his two sworn brothers, Tuo Baxiu hurriedly walked up to them and said.

"Don't worry, I heard that the Qingheguan Sun family is related to the Qingyun Sect. My Tuoba family has a good relationship with the Sun family. I will definitely ask for a place for the two brothers to come back."

Yuan Zhen and Lu Feng looked at each other without making any concessions.

This scene left Tuo Baxiu speechless, but he had nothing to say.

When they returned to the big tent, Tuo Baxiu spoke enthusiastically to them.

The two just agreed, and it seemed that they were not in a good mood.

The knife was inserted into the meat, and a cold look appeared on Lu Feng's face again.

"It's been twenty-three years, and I promised my master that I must become number one in the world, and let the arrogant Central Plains people know that there are strong people outside the Great Wall."

"The world should know my name!"

Yuan Zhen didn't express anything about this, he just cut the roasted golden animal meat delicately with a knife.

In the big tent, gradually fell into silence.

"Why are you all silent, talk." A somewhat cold female voice suddenly said.

The three of them raised their gazes at the same time, and looked at the woman who walked in with a veil from the outside.

Even Lu Feng had a hint of fear in his eyes.

"Sister Yan is here." Tuo Baxiu was a little restless, everyone could see that he liked the woman in black with a veil in front of him.

Jiang Liyan ignored him, but looked at Lu Feng, "I just heard you say that the world knows you, why, plan to officially join the army?"

Lu Feng didn't speak, but Tuo Baxiu quickly explained.

"It was announced by the imperial court. It's called the Tianyuan Grand Meeting. It divides the world into eight parties, and each party sends three people to fight for the number one in the world. The second and third brothers all want to go and see it."

Tuo Baxiu seemed to be used to licking dogs, and said a little without holding back.

"Sister Yan, you are so strong, do you want to try to participate in the war? Nowadays, the monks who climbed the tower have already heard the news. If you make a move, Sister Yan, you will definitely be able to shake the world. Everyone knows, what about Xiong Xi of the Wuyou sect, Xu Ning of the last sect, and Zi Jiazi? Li, Chaoting Zuo Daoqi, Wendaoshan Duxuan..."

"Who? Who are you talking about?" Jiang Liyan paused slightly as she walked forward.

Tuo Baxiu blinked, "Duxuan Wendaoshan is also a woman with great supernatural powers..."

"I said the imperial court."

"Zuo Daoqi, an eunuch." Tuoba Xiu said.

Yuan Zhen turned his palm over, cut off a small piece of animal meat and chewed it slowly in his mouth, but he remembered the meeting before he left Beijing.

'He's still alive...'

'Father, what about you? '

Jiang Liyan was expressionless, and didn't even change the rhythm of his breathing. He just asked in a cold voice, "Is this the end?"

She hadn't heard this name for a long time. The last time she heard this name, it was because he was killed by someone. That's why she came to this western frontier in an attempt to form an alliance with the barbarians, but he...why didn't he die.

Tuobaxiu reacted, and quickly explained, "For the sake of the two virtuous brothers, I have collected a lot of this kind of information. Zuo Daoqi grew up in the palace since he was a child, and was valued by Emperor Yuanji. He has made many contributions along the way. In Zaowangjing, he used his sword to destroy a demon kingdom, and he talked with the Yang God while he was still in the womb without losing his reputation. After that, he performed a secret mission for the new king and disappeared for two years..."

With his back on his back, he suddenly noticed that Jiang Liyan's gaze had become a little long, and there seemed to be some kind of emotion in it.

Jiang Liyan turned around and left, "I have something to do, I have to go to the capital."



"Last night Zhu Loumeng, tonight the water country sings. The island cloud steams the sea, and the haze meets the jungle."

Changyi and Zuo Dodge stared at each other.

As if she didn't believe the scene in front of her, she rubbed her eyes and looked carefully at Zuo Dodge again from top to bottom.

"You wrote this yesterday? Just one day?"

Zuo Dodge nodded calmly.

"Then why is there no name?"

"No, I'm waiting for the princess to name it." Zuo Dodge said without shame.

Changyi suddenly smiled, jumped up and patted Zuo Dodge on the shoulder, "I knew it, you can still compose poetry."

Zuo Daoqi saw that she was in a good mood, so he said his request, "Ahem, I now...don't have the badge to enter the palace, can the princess lend me your badge?"

After he returned to the capital this time, although there were no major restrictions on entering and leaving the imperial palace, it was limited to the Hanyuan Palace. Once he left the front palace, it would not be easy to enter the middle palace or even the rear palace.

Moreover, meeting the Empress Dowager was somewhat disgraceful, and Zuo Daoqi didn't dare to teach others to know.

It's a good idea to cheat on Changyi's brand name.

Who would have thought that Changyi was not overwhelmed by joy, but looked at Zuo Daoqi cautiously, "What are you going to do? I want to see him. He just came out. Why do you want to enter the palace?"

"Oh? You don't want to see Xiyuan, do you?"

Zuo Daoqi remained silent, letting Changyi speculate.

When Changyi said he was tired, Zuo Daoqi raised two fingers, "I'll go to collect folk songs in a few days, maybe I can write a poem."

Changyi's eyes lit up in an instant, and he immediately changed his expression, and hugged Zuo Daoqi's arm, "Zuo Daoqi, what do you mean, when did you not be allowed to use the brand of this Palace? What is the relationship between us? , just use it."

After more than an hour.

Yuchen Palace in the harem.

"The minister Zuo Daoqi asked to see the Empress Dowager. Hearing that the Empress has been restless recently, he came here to offer treasures!"

In the hall, the Empress Dowager is cultivating cross-legged. It is a bit late for her to step into the practice. Although there is support from the Zi family and there is no need to look at the clan mansion, she still needs to work hard, otherwise she will be a pile of loess sooner or later.

Hua Rong stood aside, waiting quietly.

After more than half an hour, the queen mother slowly opened her eyes.

Huarong stepped forward quickly, and said in a low voice, "Your Majesty, Zuo Daoqi asks to see you."

The queen mother seemed to have just woken up, and ignored it.

She did it on purpose, she woke up when Zuo Dodge yelled into the hall, but whoever let this villain return to Beijing for so long, only saw her once or twice.

outside the temple.

Zuo Dodge didn't show any signs of impatience. After all, the Queen Mother was his first woman, even though he started as a male favourite, but this couldn't deny his deep affection for the Queen Mother.

Sure enough, after waiting for nearly an hour, the door of the main hall finally opened.

Huarong glanced at Zuo Dodge shyly, approached and lowered her voice and said in a low voice, "Your Majesty is in a bad mood for some reason, please take good care of her, she used to like you the most."

Immediately without waiting for Zuo Dodge to speak, he took a step back and said loudly.

"Xuanzuo Daoqi has an audience."

This rule is quite interesting.

Zuo Dodge raised his footsteps lightly and walked inward.

The queen mother's face was full of amusement, "Zuo Daoqi, you are a busy person, why do you have time to come to the Yuchen Hall of Ai's family? Waiting for someone with great powers."

Zuo Daoqi looked back at Huarong, and said with his spiritual sense, "Xian'er, there are many people outside, give me some face."

"Face, what face do you want." The Queen Mother also replied with divine sense.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, this kind of furtive communication seemed so exciting.

Immediately, the queen mother waved away many eunuchs and maids, and said to Zuo Daoqi, "I ask you, do you know about the emperor leaving the palace a few days ago?"

"Out of the palace?"

The queen mother glared at him, "There is a woman from the Zi family, who is beautiful and beautiful, and the emperor is not too young. When it's time to accept the concubine, the Ai family originally wanted Zi Ran to enter the palace..."

Royal gossip?

Apparently, this first-hand gossip made Zuo Daoqi a little curious, so he listened attentively, but his hand was kneading the queen mother's calf.

The queen mother murmured comfortably, and then said, "But I don't know what happened when the emperor left the palace. It seems that he intends to appoint a folk woman as his concubine."

The movements of Zuo Dodge's hands couldn't help but pause, "When did the emperor leave the palace?"

The Queen Mother kicked him lightly, "When you didn't come back some time ago."

Zuo Daoqi let out a soft 'oh', and continued to move his hands, "Xian'er, you are right, the emperor is not young after all, and it's time for him to accept a concubine."

"Why can't you understand!" The queen mother couldn't help kicking him again.

Zuo Dodge was well prepared this time. The moment she lifted her foot, he grabbed her ankle and lifted it high, "You still want to kick me, Xian'er, you are so cruel to me."

If it was a woman next to her, she might have followed Zuo Dodge's tricks.

But the queen mother showed a fierce look, "Cruel? Aijia will let you know what cruelty is, hehe..."

Before she could finish speaking, Zuo Dodge put both of her feet in his hands, and scratched the other lightly, and she let out a panting and silver bell-like laughter.

So naturally, everything started to fall into place.

Hua Rong waited outside the hall, hearing the voice from inside, couldn't help but blush.

'Zuo Dodge learned this skill from whom. '

Looking up, I saw a **** coming in from outside, "Eunuch Wang, the Queen Mother is busy with important matters, you should go out quickly."

After the **** left, Hua Rong breathed a sigh of relief, walked to the door and closed it tightly.

The queen mother curled up in Zuo Daoqi's arms and said, "Go and find out who is that woman named Leng Yue, and don't let her enter the palace."

cold moon?

This name is somewhat familiar, and Zuo Dodge won't remember it for a while.

"Xian'er, do you still care about these things?"

The queen mother gave Zuo Daoqi a blank That's natural, Aijia is just a weak woman, in this palace, there may be unexpected encounters at any time, so it is natural to plan early. "

It has to be said that Zuo Dodge couldn't help but want to move again when the always wild and domineering queen mother showed this little woman's posture.

Suddenly, he remembered who this Leng Yue was.

When he was in Yuezhou two years ago, he stopped the Corpse Sect's people from chasing and killing a woman. He also saw the script of this woman. She had a very high achievement. Ascender...

But he remembered that this woman obviously didn't enter the palace. She seemed to be following the path of collecting the remnant souls of demons and becoming a demon cultivator.

"How many people know about the emperor and Leng Yue?"

The queen mother shook her head when she heard the words, "I don't know, I heard that Zhang Weizheng was the matchmaker."

Left Dodge's eyes flickered.

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