MTL - After The Empress Acended To The Throne, I Was Forcefully Made His Greatness-Chapter 361 seduce

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Latest URL: If Zhang Wei is intervening, it seems understandable why Leng Yue's plot will change.

He heard the theory of the right of life from Zhang Weizheng, so he didn't think that Zhang Weizheng had no knowledge of the right of life, perhaps not as clear as what his golden finger could see, but at least he could perceive it a little.

As the existence of Leng Yue who will ascend to immortality in the future, it is reasonable for Zhang Wei to perceive his fate.

And the reason why he let Leng Yue enter the palace can be imagined. After all, the current emperor is weak and has no heirs.

If Leng Yue becomes a queen, if she gives birth to a son and a half daughter, and establishes a new king, among other things, Leng Yue, an ascendant, must protect her child's country, right?

As for whether Leng Yue is willing to enter the palace, I think she is willing. After all, Leng Yue offended the behemoth from the outer sea - Feng Mozong, not only forced her to flee with her life, but even almost wiped out the entire family. At this moment, Leng Yue's cultivation base It's not enough, especially if he doesn't know the effects of some late-blooming supernatural powers of his own, he will definitely think of using external forces to break the situation.

So she must be willing, and even after entering the palace, she will definitely try her best to climb up.

Good guy.

Zuo Dodge suddenly felt that Zhang Weizheng was playing sloppy!

This is simply a win-win-win.

The Empress Dowager suddenly tapped him on the shoulder, "What are you thinking? Could it be that you know this Leng Yue?"

Her complexion became slightly unfriendly.

Zuo Dodge clasped her arm with his backhand, and said calmly, "I know him, we met once in Yuezhou."

"Then you find a way to keep her from entering the palace, otherwise..."

Zuo Daoqi could sense the uneasiness from the empress dowager's emotions, and he could also understand it. After all, once the emperor and courtiers, now thinking of kindness, every time he saw the empress dowager, he treated him with courtesy and never slighted him.

A large part of the reason is because of the Eighth Prince.

But how could someone like the Eighth Prince stay in a place full of turmoil like Kyoto all day long, and he would go far away when the Tianyuan Festival was over.

"It's really not possible..." The queen mother bit her lip and said solemnly.

Zuo Dodge picked up a cup of tea and was about to drink it. Hearing this, he almost spit out water.


The Empress Dowager had a straight face, biting her lower lip even tighter.

"You go to seduce her and break her body. In this case, there is no need for Aijia to do anything, and she won't be able to pass the test of the Ministry of Internal Affairs!"

Zuo Daoqi had a delicate expression, "Xian'er, don't talk nonsense..."


The queen mother slapped Zuo Dodge's hand off, "I'm talking nonsense, you know, once Leng Yue enters the main palace, sooner or later our affairs will be exposed, I'm fine, at worst, I'll live in Leng Palace in another place, live here In Ningdanyuan, who dares to touch me, how about you? All forces in the entire Central Plains will regard you as an enemy, how do you deal with yourself?"

Ningdan Garden was the residence of the Eighth Prince in the past. If she lived in it, no one would dare to touch her there. After all, who knows if the Eighth Prince left behind any shocking tricks.

Hearing this, Zuo Dodge couldn't help being a little moved.

He originally thought that the Queen Mother lacked a sense of security in the deep palace compound alone, but he did not expect that it was for his own safety.

Zuo Daoqi couldn't help embracing the Queen Mother emotionally, and said with a moved face, "Xian'er, you are so kind..."

"Huh~" The queen mother snorted a little arrogantly, like a little girl.

"Do you know that news has been sent from the clan's mansion before, saying that you are a fake eunuch, if you didn't come back later than Gudao..."

"You have to go to the clan mansion to verify your integrity."

Only then did Zuo Dodge realize that so many things had happened in places he didn't know.

Thinking of this, he was even more moved, "Xian'er, you are so kind, hmm~~"

The Queen Mother pushed his head away, "Take what I told you to heart, and go back and look for that Leng Yue, it really won't work..."

There was a murderous intent in her eyes.

It's really... charming~

Zuo Daoqi came out of Yuchen Hall refreshed, but he felt a little unreal about the conversation he had just had with the Queen Mother.

This is too bizarre.

It's really interesting that such a domineering woman like the Queen Mother is willing to let him sacrifice her appearance to seduce Leng Yue.

Thinking of this, Zuo Dodge couldn't help showing a smile again.

He has saved Leng Yue's life before, and he also knows the effect of her supernatural powers. It should not be difficult to prevent Leng Yue from entering the palace.

He hurried all the way to leave the palace without any danger and was not noticed by anyone.

Speaking of which, he has his own mansion in the capital city, but after all, the Yunlai Inn is mainly for cultivators, and it is said that there is a lot of spiritual energy in it.

Now that he is practicing Chen Xin Jue, Zuo Daoqi plans to go back to his own courtyard in Ziguangfang, and take a look at his cheap apprentice along the way.


Zhu Hongyan has been very irritable recently.

She originally thought that she would have a chance to break through the Yin God when she left the Heavenly Demon Ancient Site, but she still had no clue about breaking through the Yin God after parting with Zuo Daoqi in Linyue City.

Because of Zuo Daoqi's relationship, she doesn't have a good impression of Dajin. After all, in Zuo Daoqi's description, the Dajin court is a conspiracy vortex, and a little white sheep like her that grew up in the ancient ruins of the demon will be swallowed There is no residue left.

In particular, she knew that in the capital city of Jin Dynasty, there were countless Yin gods, even the number of Yang gods was more than one palm.

Therefore, she was naturally a little afraid of the most tyrannical force in the world today.

In Tianyou City on the second floor of the Tianmo Ancient Ruins, there are not many Yin gods.

After parting from Zuo Daoqi, she went straight to the sea, but was entangled by a force named Fengmozong, and behind her was an elder of Fengmozong.

"Witch, where are you going!"

"I never provoked you, why are you so aggressive!" Zhu Hongyan scolded angrily.

"Hahaha, I, the Demon Sect, take it as my mission to seal the world's devils. All demon cultivators are our enemies. If you dare to enter the open sea, come to my Demon Sealing Tower for a walk!"

The old man behind him laughed loudly, and suddenly a strange banner appeared in his hand, with three dragons painted on it, and there seemed to be a dragon chant while waving it.

Zhu Hongyan was short of breath, a ruthless look appeared in her eyes, and then she bit the tip of her tongue hard, and her speed was a few minutes faster, and she went straight to the mainland of Yuezhou.

"Blood light escape? Demon cultivators are really evil, hum..."

Facing the pursuit of real people, Zhu Hongyan did not dare to neglect, and hurried all the way.

At the cost of spending half of his soul blood, he finally got rid of the pursuers behind him.

She no longer knew where she came from. Looking at the surrounding environment, it should be in a mountain. She found a cave and drove away the owner of the cave, the grizzly bear. Then she closed her eyes and practiced without asking anything else.

But inexplicably, she actually noticed that the barrier that had puzzled her for so long was gradually recovering, and a gap slowly emerged.

The mighty power of heaven and earth poured in from it, and an extremely wonderful change seemed to appear on her spirit. The spirit, which was originally transparent and empty, gradually became solid in this change.

The spirit is out of the body, traveling a hundred thousand miles overnight!

Zhu Hongyan suddenly opened her eyes wide, she... felt the opportunity to break through!

But at this moment, an indelible sense of shock suddenly appeared between her brows, and the pursuers came to kill her!

A ruthless look appeared on Zhu Hong's face, and she took out something from the puller beside her, which was Zuo Dodge's clothes.

She has the method of memory, and can track the location of other people's breath. Even if it is not accurate, it can still give her a general direction. In this Great Jin, she does not dare to be presumptuous.

With a movement, he walked out of the hole, remembered something, bit the tip of his tongue, and took out a straw-like doll, the blood of his soul spilled out, and in an instant, her breath emerged from the hole.

It was as if she had been in the cave and never left.

Zhu Hongyan looked towards the northwest direction angrily, her eyes were full of fierceness, after all, she was a demon cultivator who was born in the ancient relics of the heavenly demon, and she was used to killing and killing, and she must retaliate, which is almost a portrayal of the demon cultivator, and she was no exception.

After reading it at a glance, she immediately followed the direction given by her breath and flew to the northeast - Dajin Capital City.


In Ziguangfang.

Unnamed courtyard.

Zuo Dodge stood in the courtyard, looking at Xiao Ying who was a bit timid towards him, he suddenly felt guilty.

More than two years have passed, and Sakura doesn't seem to have grown up at all.

In the final analysis, the matter of accepting Sakura as an apprentice originated from a transaction. Old man Fang gave him a talisman representing the true inheritance of the Hongmeng Dojo. He accepted Sakura as an apprentice and brought her protection so that she could grow up safely.

But after all, he failed to fulfill the responsibility of the master.

Xiao Ying is still unable to cultivate, this point, before he obtained the inheritance of Puci, he couldn't solve it, and he dared not see Xiao Ying.

Thinking about it, the little girl probably had some complaints about him, such as dodging at this moment.

Zuo Dodge squeezed a smile from the corner of his mouth, "Sakura, don't you know Master?"

Sakura still dodged.

Old man Fang hummed a ditty, and came from outside with a lot of food, "Xiao Yinger, come out to eat."

At this time, he saw Zuo Dodge, and quickly said, "I've seen..."

The breeze lifted his body, "Mr. Fang, you are welcome. You are Xiaoying's grandfather, and I am Xiaoying's master. Speaking of which, I have to call you uncle."

"Don't dare to be, Zuo Mansion..." Old man Fang suddenly remembered that the young man in front of him was no longer the head of the strange man's mansion, "Master Zuo is polite, come on, let's go inside, the old man just bought a lot of food from outside..."

Having said that, he turned his head and found that Zuo Daoqi hadn't moved at all, and turned his gaze to Sakura again.

"Xiao Yinger, this is your master, come quickly!"

Sakura stood behind the pillar, shaking her head.

Old man Fang wanted to say more, but Zuo Daoqi stopped him, and said to Xiao Ying calmly and extremely gently, "Come here, Xiao Ying."

He saw the jade ring on Xiao Ying's arm, it was a gift he gave her in the past, she had been wearing it all the time, and she must have remembered him.

Finally, in this somewhat harmonious atmosphere, Sakura also recalled Master's gentleness, and slowly approached Zuo Dodge.

A smile appeared on Zuo Dodge's face.

[Name]: Fang Ying

[Heel]: The body of the forbidden law, born with a ray of Daoyuan Qi

[Plot]: In the seventh year of Yuanji, in the south of Jinshui in Tingzhen County, Fang Ying was born. It happened that Tingzhen County suffered a drought. Turning people into animals, Fang Ying suffered such bad luck. The body of the forbidden law is inherently short-witted, and after this time, it is even more dull. Fortunately, Fang Wen raised him.

Later, Fang Wen took the opportunity of his youth to get Fang Ying from a thousand households in the imperial court to accept Fang Ying as his disciple, and he entered Beijing to grow up. Later, Zuo Daoqi left Beijing. Wisdom has fallen again, and with the help of the people in the former strange man's house, the Fang family has been stable for two years.

From then on, Fang Ying, on a night of thunder, realized the magical effect of the forbidden law in his body. After Fang Wen's death, he followed Hanshan who came back from the West, and practiced the way of the Buddhist Vajra...

When Zuo Dodge saw Sakura's plot, he couldn't help feeling a little silent.

Along the way, he has been sorry to too many people.

But at this moment, he noticed that there was someone helping Sakura in the mansion of the strange person. This past moved him a little. Although he had not been an official for a long time, he was quite popular, but he didn't know who this pretty boy was.

Sakura's plot is really extraordinary. In a few words, too many future things are mentioned. Master Hanshan will return from the west and take Sakura away.

"Let's go, Sakura, I will take you to practice as a teacher."

Zuo Dodge stretched out his palm, and looked at Sakura very kindly.

Sakura hesitated, Zuo Dodge still stretched out his hand, motionless.

Finally, Sakura's black, dry palm held Zuo Dodge's hand.

A smile appeared on the corner of Zuo Dodge's mouth, "Before you practice, you have to eat first. As a teacher, I will take you to eat delicious food first. Mr. Fang, you can go too."

Seeing Sakura devouring, Zuo Daoqi smiled and thought about how to help Sakura become a monk.

The Body of Forbidden Law, as the name suggests, is a physique that cannot be cultivated, but this kind of physique, the strange thing is that although it cannot practice, it has a ray of Daoyuan innately, and wants to break through the imprisonment of the Body of Forbidden Law. It's not difficult, as long as Sakura's body can carry this 'forbidden law', she can forcibly break through the barrier of forbidden law and practice successfully.

Her body will also slowly recover.

It's just that this way of strengthening the body cannot be done through martial arts or Xuanmen body training methods, but can only be stimulated by external forces.

But in today's world, the only ones who can stimulate and treat her are the Buddhist gate and the golden needle gate in Dajin Changzhou.

After Zuo Daoqi accepted Puci's inheritance, he also knew this healing method, but it still took some time.

After a meal, Sakura became close to Zuo Dodge again, and the memory of being blinded by the "forbidden law" was also in contact, slowly unsealed.

Left Dodge sighed.

"By the way, Mr. Fang, after I leave, has anyone seen you and Xiaoying in Qiren's Mansion?"

Old man Fang was slightly taken aback.

"Don't be nervous, I just want to see my popularity, no matter what, when I was the Palace Master in the past, my opponents and servants were all good."

Only then did Mr. Fang show a smile, "Yes, yes, that Laba father-in-law has been here a few times and brought a lot of spirit stones to Xiaoying and me. Every time he comes, he also brings a lot of delicious food to Xiaoying."

A smile appeared on Zuo Dodge's face, "Little Bazi is a person who knows how to be grateful."

It's just that he had a slight doubt in his heart. Before he left, he arranged Xiaobazi to Taihufang City, which was regarded as a good job for him. He "died" as a criminal minister, and he dared to venture into the capital to give Fang Lao and Xiaoying gave things to before but underestimated him.

Zuo Daoqi thought of Xiaobazi's face, and couldn't help feeling a little nostalgic.

There are so many old people, but this time I returned to Beijing, I ignored too much.

Zuo Daoqi touched Xiaoying's head beside him, "Eat slowly, wait for a few more days, and you will become smarter when you understand the Sanskrit inscription on the acupoint."

Sakura didn't know why, so she looked up at him suspiciously, paused, and carefully lifted the animal meat in her hand, "Master, eat."

"Hahaha, good boy."


In front of the courtyard gate of Ziguangfang, there stood a tall, thin figure with a pensive face, looking at the nearby house.

"Brother Ji, I will... avenge you!"

Read The Duke's Passion