MTL - After The Empress Acended To The Throne, I Was Forcefully Made His Greatness-Chapter 397 man in the mirror

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Latest URL: A scene where everyone's eyes were frozen emerged.

I saw Gui BuTong stretching out a palm, floating up the mirror, no one was there, but everything in the world of mortals could be seen.

He sighed, the picture in the mirror turned and the stars moved, and a little smoke of red dust appeared, and the picture turned again, layers of red mist floated, and everyone in the mirror seemed to mutate at this moment.

The poor people have fierce faces, like old soldiers who have fought many battles.

The extravagant rich man, with divine light in his eyes, looks like a fierce and barbarian.

Scholars and Confucian scholars recite the constitution of heaven, causing the world to shake.

Zuo Daoqi looked past the scenes and looked at the body of the mirror. It was a very simple bronze mirror. There is no light, and at the top are two characters inscribed with unknown ancient seal characters.

It was a strange feeling, as if he could understand what the name of those two words read.

Red dust!

"Red Mirror!" Li Yinglian's master, True Monarch Wanjian's soul shadow stopped in the air, but his words were much more civilized.

Zuo Dodge couldn't help looking at Hades, "What is this, Do you know Hades?"

"How do I know each other, stop shouting, I'm too full, I'm going to sleep."

Hades turned over and burrowed into the corner of the wall, "This kid can really cause trouble..."

A strange color bloomed in Zuo Daoqi's eyes, the Hades was lying, he knew the mirror.

Holding a mirror in one hand, Guibu ordered the 'army' that walked out of the mirror.

"It's said that the world of mortals is rolling in the world, but who said that I am the person in the mirror."

Zhenjun Wanjian's face suddenly changed, he turned into a star, shining on Li Yinglian, using the bright yellow robe on his body as a guide while Zuo Daoqi was dumbfounded.

"My boy, the idea is tricky, get out!"

His voice was a little hurried, obviously, he knew something.

Guibu just watched this scene with a smile, stroking the head of the female root girl, "Go in."

The mother-root woman nodded with admiration on her face, the ghosts seemed to be her heaven, and the fungal roots slowly wound around the Hongchen mirror, and then seemed to be rooted on it.

Obviously, this scene angered Gradan Falcon, who had been fighting for Tiandan.

"I don't care what monster you are, anyone who stands in my way will die!"

An earth-shattering roar came from the mouth of the Gradan Falcon, and he still strode towards the ghost in the posture of a demon god.

The big hand that seemed to be able to grasp the sun and the moon, crossed layers of space, and suddenly appeared beside the female root girl beside Gui Budong....

He wants to take Tiandan away by force!

"Fellow Daoist please take action!"

A whispering voice sounded like a ghost, and then the picture in the mirror changed again. Everything was fleeting like an illusion. A terrifying existence, sitting high in the nine heavens, was in a lying posture, slightly different from ghosts. They are similar, but the aura on their body is a dusty aura, like a fairy king aloft.

"The world of mortals sits high in the nine heavens, who is not the person in the mirror!"


The poem is read out, the billowing air machine is like smoke and dust, but it does not block the vision.

Under Zuo Dodge's horrified eyes, the Hongchen mirror breathed out smoke, and the Gladan Falcon was included as if it had no resistance.

Then the screen turned again, and the Gradan Falcon blasted out with punches. At first, it was as fast as lightning, but with each punch, it gradually became slower.

"Mirror demon!"

Xu Yuan's angry voice came from a distance.

He didn't look like someone who fought a battle with the Gradan Falcon at all. Instead, he looked like he was calm and calm when he first arrived in Nansu City, and he was overwhelmed by one person.

'Your uncle... Du Nima, old Yinbi! '

How can Zuo Dodge not understand at this moment, this Xu Yuan must have known that there are people behind the scenes, and the previous battle with the Gradan Falcon was just paralyzed.

It's just that it's too scary to fight like a smoke bomb, right?

"I didn't expect that you were playing tricks behind your back."

"You're not bad either." Gui Budong also had a slight hint of emotion on his face, "I almost fooled the old man."

"It's just that you don't want to be a hero, do you?"

I don't know if it's because of the imminent success, or the nature of ghosts, he laughed wildly.

"Hahaha, in this mirror world, I am the destiny!"

It's a bit secondary, but with this picture, people really can't complain, only awe.

But the ghosts didn't attack Xu Yuan, but the target was Li Yinglian... the shadow of the Yang God on her body!

"Please invite True Monarch Wanjian into the mirror!"

The mirror of the world of mortals changes, and the appearance of all living beings appears. This is a kind of appearance of sentient beings that is completely different from that of Daoxu.

All living beings in Daoxu represent the greatest evil in the world. Seeing them is like a ghost, and only fear.

But the appearance of all living beings in the mirror of mortals is all-encompassing, and with the angry reprimand of Gui Budong, all living beings speak.

A kind of pressure that seems to be the enemy of everything in the world seeps out instantly.

True Monarch Wanjian's soul shadow turned into a long sword, rushing towards the mirror of the world almost unstoppably.

"Fuck you, **** you, you have the guts to wait for my real body to come, so I won't give you shit!"

His soul image seemed to be restrained by the mirror of the world of mortals, and the source of Dao that the Yang God should show was invisible, and the long sword was raised horizontally, struggling in front of the mirror of mortals.

Xu Yuan's face was solemn. He fought the Gradan Falcon to hide his strength, but he was not confident that he could play with the shadow of a Yang God's soul between applause like a ghost.

So he didn't stand out, but landed in front of Zuo Daoqi, "Boy, I will make a full attack later, you run with that girl from Wan Jianzong!"

Zuo Daoqi's eyes were strange, and he didn't agree. Instead, he lowered his head slightly and murmured, "Master Zhang, did you count this scene?"

He didn't ask Hades again this time, and no scene appeared in his mind.


Zuo Dodge smiled wryly, "Master Zhang, you really know how to calculated me again."

He took out the Banner of Freedom from his waist, and poured mana into it.

‘Is Tongtian Pavilion Qiushan one of yours? '

After Gui Bu used the Hongchen mirror a few times, he finally understood why he was able to see the word "Hongchen" clearly, it was all because of the Chen Xin Jue.

Thinking back carefully, it is not difficult to understand that the Chen Xin Jue is so powerful even if it is only a fragment. Unlike Yanmu, it is powerful in another direction.

Dust Heart Art, the world of mortals refines the heart...

The name of the mirror is Hongchen...

What a coincidence, isn't it?

The Wuzhu Banner is indeed one of the most precious strange things in Zuo Daoqi's body. Although it cannot recognize its owner, cannot be included in the space magic weapon, and seems to have many defects, Zuo Daoqi attaches great importance to it.

The fourth-rank son Ao Kun's third-rank magic circle only lasted for thirty breaths under Wuju Banner's almost unsolvable bug-level formation-breaking method.

Thirty breaths is enough for many things to happen.

It's enough for Xu Yuan to talk and fight differently with ghosts.

"It's rare to meet a third grade who is at the same level as me. Do you want to move around?"

Xu Yuan's seemingly honest voice revealed a bit of treachery.

Obviously, he is afraid of Hongchen Mirror.

The ghost laughed loudly, leaning forward and backward while laughing, his robe rolled, but stopped suddenly at the next moment, and said in a sinister voice, "I have said that in this mirror world, I! I am the destiny !"

"You are too ridiculous!"

"Whether you are the destiny or not, you have to fight to know, try!" Xu Yuan put on a posture and shot like a dragon.

Martial arts do not have supernatural powers, only extremely strong qi and blood and wonderful artistic conception. Below the third rank, these are not enough for the wonderful supernatural powers of monks. In the situation where they are not close to each other, warriors in the same situation are bound to lose.

But above the third rank, the grandmaster can overwhelm a generation with only blood.

At the peak of power, nothing is indestructible.

Xu Yuan's figure was as fast as lightning, and he raised the spear in his hand, and then pushed it out.


The spear passed through the ghost's body, but it seemed to pass through the air.

Gui Budong stroked the spear passing through his body, and smiled, "In the mirror world, I am invincible."

After that, he stretched out his hand suddenly, as if to show Xu Yuan, let him know what real power is.

The Hongchen mirror has not returned for a long time.

So he turned around in surprise.

A person with a fairy-like figure is holding the Hongchen mirror with both hands, his face is full of blue veins, like a dragon's roots.

Gui Budong was stunned and waved again.

For the first time, besides pride and arrogance, anger and astonishment appeared on his face, as well as... dazed.

The Hongchen mirror is his body, how could his body be captured.

Xu Yuan swept across Zuo Daoqi's face, although he was surprised in his heart, his movements were not slow at all, he suddenly drew out his spear, and swept across Gui Budong's body.

The ghosts slapped out angrily, like shadow clones, and countless ghosts appeared from behind him, and they slammed out palms at the same time.

Supernatural powers [Man in the Mirror]!

These people are both true and false.

Fist out, all living beings are silent, rules surrender.

With such a short distance and such a frightening momentum, Xu Yuan had no choice but to retreat. He retreated for several miles, and his punches finally scattered.

But the ghostly figure has already walked to Zuo Dodge.

The boy's distorted body struggled to control the bronze mirror in his hand.

The ghost seems to have found some new toy, "Tsk tsk tsk, it's you, little friend, but do you have a clue to reach the fairy gate?"

Zuo Dodge wanted to control the Hongchen mirror, but was unable to speak at all.

"You don't want to be a hero, do you?"

As the words of the ghost fell, the sky and the earth suddenly darkened, and it seemed that a terrifying giant covering the sky and the sun appeared. The unrivaled giant just stretched out two fingers, and pinched Zuo Dodge's body.

"Why do so many people want to be heroes?"

Gui Budong's voice gradually became colder.

Zuo Dodge was caught by the invisible hand, but a bit of despair appeared in his heart.

‘Is it wrong to bet? I have become a reckless man, Zhang Weizheng's back has not yet appeared, is there no back at all? '

Zuo Daoqi felt a little panic in his heart, and the Chen Xin Jue was working, but he recovered quickly.

"So what if you don't have a backup, you come! Kill me!"

He raised his head slightly, met Ghost's playful gaze, and let out a provocative growl and roar.

The ghost's face twitched at first, then twisted slightly, until finally it became a little ferocious.

Although Zuo Daoqi looked like an old dog, he was panicking inside.

"Master Mingshen, please take action, senior!"

"God, I'm going to die."

But the air was silent. At this time, the Hades acted like a turtle, and even Zuo Dodge couldn't perceive whether he still existed in his fingers.

What a... dog thing!

"Pluto, don't scare me, Pluto save me!"

The invisible giant raised his hand slightly, lifting Zuo Dodge's figure and the Hongchen mirror in the air, his face still twitching.

"You are still useful. I won't kill you, will be punished if you say something wrong!"

A powerful force emanated from the void, crushing everything in Zuo Daoqi infinitely, the body, the soul, the pill, the blood of the soul...everything...

Every part of his body wailed, and the unbearable and unspeakable severe pain caused his pupils to shrink instantly.

"Your uncle!"


Extreme pain!

It's like everything about the whole person, being continuously crushed, kneaded into various shapes, and crushed again.

Crushed, plastic...crushed, plastic...a terrifying cycle of indescribable, inescapable, and inescapable.

"Let him go!" Seeing this, Xu Yuan, even though he didn't know why Zuo Daoqi dared to approach Hongchen Mirror crazily, he still rescued him, which he promised Zhang Weizheng.

Gui Budong didn't stop anymore, "Enough, the boring game is over, I'll kill you...all of you!"

Reach out to hook the mirror of mortals.


two breaths...

Still no mirror.

Gui Budong looked back in astonishment, Zuo Daoqi, who was like a puddle of mud, was still holding the Hongchen mirror tightly, like a mother root, as if growing on it.

Then, he heard Zuo Dodge muttering to himself.

The voice is very small, but how cultivated the people present are, and how desolate Nansu City is today.

"It's been a long, long time... I haven't been so embarrassed before."

A wonderful jade pendant was suspended in the air, and Zuo Daoqi held it with one hand.

"Who the **** would guess that the apprentice jade pendant given to me three years ago is the second hand!"

He almost collapsed emotionally, it was indescribable even when weeping with joy.

When he was about to die, the memories in his mind were unlocked again.

"No help?"

Zhang Weizheng looked into the distance, and said softly, "Why, there is no helper, are you afraid?"

"Being a fearless brat is."

Zuo Daoqi hesitated to speak, but Zhang Weizheng finally set his eyes on him.

"I gave you the means to save your life very early on."

"Very early? Life-saving means?"

The mysterious power that seemed to come from the starry sky suddenly came out from the jade pendant, and all the pain and torture that Zuo Daoqi had suffered just now seemed to disappear in smoke at this moment.

Then there is the colossal and majestic power, accompanied by the tyrannical power that seems to be the opposite of Zhan Shou...

"Huang Liang, a dream of the world of mortals..."

Huang Liang, a dream of the world of mortals?

What's the meaning?

Gui Budong was horrified to discover that Zuo Daoqi's control over Hongchen Mirror was tens of millions of times stronger than before.

Just like an ant was shaking the bronze mirror just now, now it is a child.

Although still unable to control freely, but enough to shake.

"Who are you?"

The ghost's voice was somewhat Since his 'master' died and he walked out of the mirror, no one can control the mirror of mortals anymore, and has the qualification to compete with him for the mirror of mortals.

Zuo Dodge was immersed in the mammoth power and couldn't extricate himself, his eyes showed crimson light.

"What a powerful force, the Yin God... or the Yang God?"

"Pretending to be a ghost! This old man killed you!"

The ghosts drank differently.

"The mirror world flips the mortal world, and the world of mortals kills the guest in the mirror!"

Zuo Dodge shouted furiously, and punched out.

"Damn you, your mouth is full of seven-character poems, you want to take the postgraduate entrance examination?"

(end of this chapter)


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