MTL - After The Empress Acended To The Throne, I Was Forcefully Made His Greatness-Chapter 398 God like hell

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Chapter 398

After the Empress ascended the throne, I was forced to be the Nine Thousand Years Old Chapter 398 of the main text, which is as powerful as a prison, "The mirror world turns over the world, and the world of mortals kills the guest in the mirror!"

The world turned upside down, and the world where Nansu City was located seemed to be completely separated from the outside world, and then it seemed to be turned upside down by a huge palm.

South Sioux City, flip it over!

Overwhelming mountains and seas, like heavenly power, like miracles.

This earth-shaking heavenly power can almost arouse the most instinctive fear in the heart of any creature.

The incomparably strong sense of crisis touched Zuo Dodge's heart, and he turned around abruptly who was indulging in the mysterious power.

At this moment, his appearance has changed a lot, except for his originally extraordinary face, his eyes seem to contain a long river.

This long river runs through everything in the world.

With a punch, the river swayed, and Nansu City's flip was beaten back alive by his punch.

What a shocking scene.

Zuo Daoqi at this moment is even more terrifying than the aura on Gui Budong just now, and what lies under that big river is a more terrifying and treacherous power than Gui Budong.

"This... what is this thing?"

Xu Yuan backed out and landed on Li Yinglian's side, and couldn't help asking in a low voice.

Facing Xu Yuan, Li Yinglian had some respect, but not much.

"You ask me, whoever I ask, I know his name is Zuo Dodge."

Jiang Liyan, who was using the Jiulongjing to drive away Yin Qi in the distance, put away the Jiulongjing when the ghosts appeared, and hid himself and Jiang Yueluo in an abandoned building.

"Sister... sister, left... brother-in-law, what is this?"

"He... is the Almighty?"

Zuo Dodge's punch showed so much that Jiang Yueluo stuttered a bit when he spoke.

It's not that his Dao heart is unstable, but that he really doesn't understand. A few days ago in the city, he was able to use Yin Qi to make two gestures with Zuo Daoqi. .

Of course, he also knew that Zuo Dodge's current situation was absolutely abnormal.

Jiang Liyan didn't answer, she just watched with complicated eyes.

‘He is still the same as before, a person who works miracles. '

But the people saved by Jiulongjing on her body began to cheer at this moment.

In the Jiulongjing, they regained their sanity, and under the explanation of a few "smart people", they understood that all this was the calculation of the ghost and Sun's family and the prefect Yue Chong, so when Xu Yuan appeared, they Cheers too.

They cheered when the soul shadow of True Monarch Wanjian rushed into the mirror of mortals.

After Zuo Dodge punched the anti-mirror world, they were still cheering, but they lost their previous momentum after all.

Tan Lun, the former school captain of Nansu County Shoucheng, looked at Jiang Liyan with no expression on his face, but a dazed look in his eyes.

"Ms. Jiang, can this senior get rid of my harm from Nansu County?"

He has long been numb. He had longed for each of the once unattainable real people appearing in the city, but he found that these people came for the heavenly pill that was condensed with blood and soul.

Too many times of hope turned into too many times of despair, until Xu Yuan appeared.

It's just... Xu Yuan is obviously not an opponent of Gui different.

Jiang Liyan's emotions were restrained on the surface. She had always been a very reserved person, and she rarely showed her emotions to others.

Just at this moment, meeting Tan Lun's eyes.

"Yes, he can!"

Many dead souls cheered.

Only Tan Lun, at this moment, showed sadness on his face, and emotions appeared on his face while his soul was distorted.

"Massacre the city! How dare they! Just for the sake of that **** Blood Soul Heavenly Pill, they slaughtered a whole city of people! A total of 220,000 people!"

"Twenty-two fresh ones, with joys, sorrows, sorrows, and 220,000 people working hard! Just died like this, all of them died at once..."

Before Sun Chulong, Tan Lun was the captain of the city guard, and he was also the first to discover the changes in the city.

But he didn't have time to send out the news...

But it was he who used his life to tell Zhao Qi the escape route, allowing him to successfully spread the news.

Gui Budong looked at Zuo Daoqi, who had accepted the mysterious power and made his face a little crazy and distorted, and once again put on a gentle look.

"Little friend, is there a misunderstanding between you and me? You have a destiny to become an immortal, and I would like to enjoy this heavenly pill with my little friend."

There are too many strange things about Zuo Dodge, whether it is the strange means to shake his body, or the Zuo Dodge who is entangled by the mysterious power that makes him terrified, all make him puzzled.

But Xu Yuan is still there, and he doesn't have a mirror of the world, so it is a good way to drive away the wolves and let Zuo Daoqi deal with Xu Yuan.

"As long as my little friend can kill that person! Blood Soul Heavenly Pill, you and I are one and a half."

Hearing the ghost's words, Xu Yuan's face did not change a bit, he raised his head slightly, and looked at Zuo Daoqi.

"Do what you want."

Zuo Daoqi glanced over Xu Yuan's body, passed through countless mirror worlds of ruins, and landed on Jiang Liyan's body. A slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, but at this moment there was some distorted power, which made him look a little ferocious.

Only the voice is still gentle and warm.

"Senior sister, I will avenge you."

Let Jiang Yueluo's revenge be handed over to him.

"What **** Tiandan, I come to Nansu City for three things, kill you, kill you, kill you!"

Accompanied by three roars full of killing intent, Zuo Daoqi's figure suddenly rushed forward, his fists were entwined by endlessly twisted Dao sources.

After Zhang Weizheng's mysterious jade pendant was opened, he completely entered an incomparably wonderful situation.

The long river of Daoyuan suddenly appeared, and he seemed to be able to use all the Daoyuan in the river.

The smile on Gui Budong's face slowly disappeared, and the black belt blindfolded his eyes so that no one could see his eyes, "What are you talking about?"

Zuo Dodge looked over the ruins of the city, and the mother roots entwined on the mirror of mortals continued to spread.

'There are so many Dao sources that I don't know how to choose...'

"But this old thing in front of me, I really want to beat him hard!"

Zuo Daoqi murmured in his heart, so he stretched out his hand, as if passing through the endless void, floating on the long river of Daoyuan.

Too many dao sources lingering with various auras passed by his palm.

When one of them passed through his palm, it suddenly shuttled past. It was a milky white power, full of heart-warming power.


A wry smile appeared on the corner of Zuo Dodge's mouth. A Dao source like Guangming couldn't possibly be related to him, right?

As the source of light entered the body, the power of the explosion poured into the body, and spiritual lines appeared between the eyebrows, and then turned into a gemstone that was divided into dozens of facets like a brilliant diamond.

"Old man, I said, I'm going to kill you!"

In the air, surrounded by white morning mist, Zuo Dodge seemed to be shrouded in light, and his voice was thunderous, as if the gods were issuing orders.

"Ghosts are different. I don't know what is the use of your refining the Blood Soul Heavenly Pill, but if you cost more than 200,000 people in a city, you should die."

Zuo Dodge questioned, and then rushed out suddenly.

The tragic scenes when entering the city, those ghosts who looked like walking corpses, the ruins in Nansu City now, and ghostly faces appeared in the blink of an eye, Zuo Daoqi, who was running the Chen Xin Jue, felt like a knife was twisting his heart at this moment.

He wants to vent.

The thunder rolled, and the light turned into thunder, as if the mighty gods were punishing them!

The surge in Zuo Dodge's heart seemed to be steadily stabilized with the existence of light, and gradually turned into a deep, unstoppable passion.

It's different if you don't kill ghosts today, you really don't want to be a son of man!

He doesn't know any bright Taoism, only fire and thunder, but with his current method of directly grabbing power from the source of Dao, it has already exceeded the control range of Taoism.

"kill me?!"

The Hongchen Mirror finally returned to Gui Budong's hands again because of Zuo Dodge's 'awakening', and his mood became obviously cautious and relaxed at this moment.

It was a kind of incomparable confidence in the 'self' in the mirror.

"Fellow Daoist please take action!"

The fact that ghosts are different is not cowardly, but that his current body is already the most powerful one besides the body in the mirror. He doesn't want to be fooled by Zuo Daoqi just like this.

The Nine Heavens Immortal King hangs high, and with a wave of his palm, he will destroy all things and empty all reincarnation in the world.

"The Hongchen mirror is a thing of the Taoist priest in the past. It is also a gift from heaven to you, and it is also a tolerance from this old man to die in the hands of this old man!"


The white thunder of light pierced through everything in the world, even with the world in the mirror in front of him, cracks appeared one after another, allowing one to see the outside world.

"Zhang Xiang, since you let me come here, please guide me on **** him."

"Since I have the source of light in my body now, I should bring justice to this world. If ghosts are different from you today, they will die!"

In the power of the source of light, there is a series of profound meanings and deep meanings.

Zuo Dodge spoke involuntarily.

"Today, I am the light, judging everything in the world!"

It's very secondary, but Zuo Daoqi just recited it so naturally, standing in the air without any burden.

The light attracts the thunder, and the thunder shakes the heavens.

At this moment, the shadow of the Immortal King is on the verge of collapse in the trial of Light and Thunder.

"Heartless and selfless, you are not human, you are different from ghosts, you are a magic weapon to achieve enlightenment, you should be merciful, but you repeatedly cause disasters, you deserve to die!"

The phantom of the Immortal King seemed to be crumbling, but in reality he was motionless, smiling amidst the bright thunder.

"How long can your strength last you?" Gui Budong saw Zuo Dodge's strength, and he regained his composure.

It's just a small person who stole the source of Dao by luck, not even the Yin God, but only with the help of the Dao Source that is comparable to the Yang God, he can be so arrogant.

So Guibu naturally pushed all the troubles that Zuo Dodge had caused him to that mysterious force.

The two forces are entangled in the air.

The source of Dao in the mirror world is not comparable to the real world after all.

At this moment, Wanjian Zhenjun, who had been stuck on the mirror of the world of mortals and turned into a phantom of the long sword, suddenly shouted.

"Boy, I'm here to help you, promise me, I'll kill him!"

The long sword hummed and shot out a yellow light, which was faster than lightning and a few minutes faster than sight.

With an unstoppable posture, the long sword rushed into the mirror world.

Gui Budong laughed loudly, "Thank you, True Monarch Wanjian, for the gift. With you, senior, this junior is more confident!"


The ghost's laughter stopped abruptly, and he looked at the mirror of mortals in disbelief.

The soul image of True Monarch Ten Thousand Swords seemed to be crazy, and when he entered his mirror world, he exploded suddenly, without giving him time to react.

A real gentleman, after all, is a real gentleman, and the gap between the perception of a real person and a real person is even greater than that between a real person and a climber.

It's normal for ghosts to be uncontrollable.

He really didn't expect True Monarch Wanjian to be so ruthless.

In the shadow of the Yang God's soul, after all, there is a trace of the Yang God's true thoughts, which will explode directly, and the Yang God's true thoughts will also self-destruct, instead of returning to the main body through an unimaginable channel after the power is exhausted.

He couldn't help regretting that he provoked True Monarch Wanjian before.

Yangshen would rather destroy a ray of Yangshen's true thoughts and cause him trouble.

What a headache.

The violent explosion caused the void above Nansu City to shake slightly, as if a mirror was about to shatter.

At this moment, the picture on the mirror of mortals also seemed to be mosaiced, becoming obscure.

Of course, Zuo Dodge wouldn't talk about martial arts like ghosts at this time.

The light condensed the thunder and turned into a long sword again, and he flew wildly into the air.

The long sword emits a dazzling white light, and cuts down with a bang!

Gui Budong's face was cloudy, and he suddenly took off the black cloth under his hood, revealing a pair of empty and lifeless eyes. His eyes are very strange, giving people the feeling that they are more like decorations.

But the power contained in it is enough to move anyone.

Supernatural powers floating life!

All things perish, come back to life again, life does not know life, death does not lead to death!

It was as if thousands of nuclear bombs exploded in the air, setting off mushroom-like clouds one after another.

A terrifying shock wave swept through everything, sweeping away the ruins of Nansu City over and over again.

The horizon is obscure, like a mirror that is about to be smashed.


A very slight sound followed by an unparalleled horror scene.

The sky is broken!

This scene brought an unparalleled shock to everyone who saw it.


In the mushroom cloud, Zuo Dodge moved slightly, and made another sword strike.

The ghost finally had no chance. In the explosion just now, his body involuntarily emerged for a moment of stalemate. Everything about him came from the Hongchen mirror, including the magic power of course.

Hong Chen Jing was sealed for a moment by True Monarch Wan Jian's self-explosion of his true thoughts. His magical powers are still powerful, but he is as comfortable as before, but it is not enough.

So he forcibly endured Zuo Dodge's sword.

The sword falls like Qing Ming.

Go through different bodies of ghosts.

Just like this world, not a single drop of blood appeared on his body, broken like a mirror.

"Under the True Monarch, it has been a long time since anyone has pushed me to this level..."

A weak and coughing sound came slowly from Hongchen Mirror's direction, and Zuo Dodge suddenly turned his head.

The screen on the Hongchen mirror has appeared, and at the corner, there is an obviously incomparable, deep and narrow irregular crack.

"I remember that the person who almost collapsed into my body last time was a junior who called himself a demon old man a hundred years ago..."

The Hongchen mirror made a ghostly sound, and the picture on it suddenly rotated continuously, as if divided by some imperceptible tool, turning into countless pictures.

On every screen, a different ghost appears!

"Boy Zuo, hurry up! Break that mirror, that's his real body!"

Hearing Xu Yuan's words, Zuo Daoqi didn't hesitate, turned around and rushed towards Hongchen Mirror. Previous Chapter Contents Bookmarks Next Chapter

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