MTL - After the Memory Loss, the Fishing Department O is Teasing Me Every Day-Chapter 34 hug sister to sleep

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Ji Xiaoqin also felt Jiang Youwan's gaze, her eyes collided, her fingers tightened and she bit her inner lip lightly.

The air seemed to freeze and stagnate at this moment.

Jiang Youwan just stood there and didn't do anything, but there was a lot of embarrassment, embarrassment, and a sense of inferiority that kept pouring into Ji Xiaoqin's heart, making her want to escape.

She is dignified and elegant, she is incomparably beautiful, she has wealth that she cannot surpass in ten lifetimes, she is a very powerful woman.

With Jiang Youwan there, Jiang Jinyi doesn't need her at all. In contrast, Ji Xiaoqin knows that she is a joke.

She escaped Jiang Youwan's sight in embarrassment.

He supported Jiang Jinyi and stood there, not knowing whether to advance or retreat.

Jiang Youwan stared at her with a pair of fox eyes, then bent a charming arc, stepped on high heels, and walked towards Jiang Jinyi step by step.

Ji Xiaoqin thought she would directly help Jiang Jinyi away from her, but she stopped two steps away.

Jiang Youwan had a slight smile on her charming face, looking polite, modest and elegant, she looked at Jiang Jinyi's blushing drunk face and coaxed softly: "Xiao Jin , come to my sister."

Hearing the familiar voice, Jiang Jinyi blinked, her vision blurred, Jiang Youwan in front of her was divided into several, dangling.


Jiang Jinyi shook her head and finally saw Jiang Youwan's expression clearly. She smiled very nicely, like a fox.

Vixen is actually her sister.

"Jiang, Jiang Youwan, where did you go just now?" Jiang Jinyi sniffed aggrievedly, broke free from Ji Xiaoqin, and threw herself into her arms.

Ji Xiaoqin blinked quickly, hurriedly trying to hide the embarrassment and loneliness in her eyes.

The mellow aroma of wine mixed with the fragrance of hyacinths came together, Jiang Youwan felt that her heart was also filled, she wrapped her arms around her waist and held the other He stared at her face, looked into her drunken eyes, and said angrily, "Promise me to drink only a little, why did I drink so much."

"Because I always lose the game, because... they all bully me." Jiang Jinyi sticks to her body weakly, resting her head on her shoulder, Whispered whistleblower.

It's as true as the truth, especially like the kindergarten children who met their parents after school and talked pitifully about being bullied in the kindergarten.

It's just that this kid is a drunk.

It is said that drunk people will be extra dependent on the people they already depend on, and now Jiang Youwan likes this sentence especially.

Under her head, the nose tips of the two were almost touching, Jiang Youwan said softly as if coaxing a child, "Then we won't play with them, let's go home, okay?"

Jiang Jinyi pouted, a little reluctant, Jiang Youwan asked her what she was thinking, and she said in a milky voice, "You haven't taught me a lesson yet... ..especially that guy Xu An, she, she laughed at me...!"

Xu An: "......"

Damn, why didn't she know Jiang Jinyi was such a person before?

Fortunately, Jiang Youwan just raised his eyes and looked at Ji Xiaoqin, and asked, "Is the key to the house where Xiaojin lives, is it with you?"

Ji Xiaoqin was stunned, then nodded.

"Give it to me." Jiang Youwan didn't say any reason.

Ji Xiaoqin clenched her hand and reluctantly found the key from her bag. Jiang Youwan reached out and took it, greeted everyone in the private room, and left with Jiang Jinyi private room.

Ji Xiaoqin stood there with her head lowered, feeling an indescribable sense of loneliness.

Xu An sighed in her heart and called her, but she didn't answer, Xu An went straight to pull her back, Ji Xiaoqin whispered sorry and broke free of her hand , hastily escaped.

Xu An heard the forbearance crying in her voice, stunned, and quickly chased out.

Jiang Youwan helped and coaxed people all the way to the downstairs, and when she got to the car, Jiang Jinyi wrapped her arms around her waist and refused to let go. , the driver wanted to come down to help, but Jiang Youwan refused. He coaxed her patiently and enjoyably. He stood by the road and coaxed for two or three minutes. After several people in the box came out, he coaxed people in.

Wen Ye's car was parked not far, and she watched this scene almost the whole time. She was so curious, she walked towards Jiang Youwan and asked with a smile: "Mr. Jiang, take the liberty to ask Come on, how did you get along?"

"Huh?" Jiang Youwan tilted her head to look at her, "Miss Wen is surprised that we will reconcile?"

Wen Ye didn't hide it, "It's to the extent that everyone will be surprised, right? Who offered to make up? Is it Xiao Jin? There is no resentment.”

Jiang Youwan smiled brightly and said eloquently: "It was indeed Xiaojin who brought it up, she said to me coquettishly that my sister was sorry, that she was wrong, and she promised not to make trouble in the future, We live a good life again."

Wen Ye could even imagine that scene, and couldn't help laughing, "Really? That's really hard to refuse."

Jiang Youwan was helpless: "I can't refuse at all."

If Wen Ye has something to say: "Then, I wish Mr. Jiang get what he wanted."

Back in the car, Jiang Jinyi was already drowsy, Jiang Youwan looked at her deeply, took out two medicines from the bag, pinched her face and fed them Let her sleep later.

The driver in the front row asked where to go, and she gave an address, not a hotel, but Jiang Jinyi's former residence.

After half an hour, the car stopped downstairs in an ordinary community.

It's a very ordinary community, and it can't compare with Jiang's villa.

In the years when Jiang Jinyi came to Beicheng to go to college, she never wanted a penny from her family.

Thinking about it, my heart is still sour and sour. How can Xiao Jin be a spoiled eldest lady?

She didn't want her to be forced to grow up at all.

Jiang Jinyi was escorted into the elevator dizzy, surrounded by unfamiliar surroundings, she didn't know, but she knew that the person holding her was her sister.

The familiar scent haunted her and made her feel especially at ease.

The sound of the key opening the door, and then, she got out of the familiar embrace and lay on the bed.

He opened his eyes with difficulty, only to see Jiang Youwan sitting gracefully on the edge of the bed with his legs crossed, looking around, seeing her eyes open, turned his head and looked at her.

"Where is this?"

"This is Xiao Jin's home in Beicheng." For some reason, Jiang Youwan's eyes and mood became a little darker, Jiang Jinyi felt it was weird, but her current brain couldn't do anything about it. Too finely discerning Jiang Youwan's emotions, only to know willfully that he wants Jiang Youwan to hug him now.

"You, you hug me..."

"Hugging you?" Jiang Youwan: "Why hug you?"

Jiang Youwan's voice became colder, in contrast to the gentleness before, Jiang Jinyi was aggrieved by the alcohol, and her misty eyes were stained with a thick layer of water vapor , "Do you still need a reason for your hug?!"

looked at her.

Responsible and confident, and let Jiang Youwan hug her with a bit of coquettishness.

She doesn't need a reason for Jiang Youwan to hug her, Jiang Youwan is her older sister, and she should be hugged.

She thought so.

Jiang Youwan's long and narrow eyes became deeper, her voice was a little deep, and she asked knowingly, "Do you want me to hug?"

"Then climb over."

While speaking, Jiang Youwan deliberately released some seductive pheromones, and the fragrance of mandala flowers leaked from the back of her neck, slowly filling the invading Jiang Jinyi's breath.

Climb over?

Jiang Jinyi thought with her drunken mind that she was the eldest miss of the Jiang family, and no one dared to let her climb over since she was a child, why did she want to climb?

Jiang Youwan should have come to hug her instead of letting her crawl over.


I don't know if she was affected by pheromones or not, Jiang Jinyi's thinking can no longer keep up with her body's actions, she has already climbed to Jiang Youwan's side like a most obedient puppy , wanting to throw himself into her arms.

But Jiang Youwan seemed to be a little angry and didn't let her get her wish. She pinched her fragile neck with her slender hand and made her look at him.

Jiang Jinyi's drunken face was looked down upon by Jiang Youwan, looking down at the yellow warm lights in the room, which should have been quiet and warm, but at this moment there was a subtle difference.

"Sister doesn't want to hug you, do you know what you did wrong?"

Jiang Youwan is like a high-ranking queen, without gentleness, only the tone of interrogation, but it is not offensive, on the contrary...

Some legs are weak.

What did I do wrong?

Jiang Jinyi used her drunken head to think for a long time, but she never thought of what she had done wrong.

She blinked and choked with grievance, "They bullied me, do you want to bully me too? Ugh..."


Jiang Youwan thought, if Jiang Jinyi remembered what she had done to herself before, would she still be able to say these words?

She likes to bully herself, but it is undeniable that, in a sense, Jiang Youwan is not enjoying her bullying?

But she is very jealous now, very jealous. With the nickname 'Xiaojin', Jiang Jinyi has not allowed herself to call her that for four years.

She looked at Jiang Jinyi's misty eyes and asked, "Do you like that Wen Ye very much? You've only known her for a day, and you're already so familiar with her? Call her Sister Wen?"

Jiang Jinyi was uncomfortable, not only alcohol tormented her, Jiang Youwan's pheromone was also quietly tormenting her, but she didn't know it, she just felt uncomfortable and wanted to get closer Jiang Youwan, but Jiang Youwan pinched her neck and didn't let her approach.

Jiang Youwan has changed, Jiang Youwan has changed!

Jiang Jinyi was about to cry in anger, her eyes filled with tears, as if tears were about to fall in the next second, she sniffed and scolded her: "Fool, fool! "

Jiang Youwan pinched the soft flesh on her face, "scold me?"

Jiang Jinyi muttered in a low voice: "I am! I just want to call her sister Wen, you are too bad, I like you so much, I want to hug you and you won't let me, if, if sister Wen knows I want to hug her, she will definitely hug me, why should I still like you."

Jiang Youwan was stunned and laughed angrily, "So you don't like me anymore? You only like your sister Wen, right?"

Jiang Jinyi: "..." Although I really want to admit and get angry with the bad woman in front of me, but...

She really wants her hug now.


I like you the most.

Jiang Youwan's eyes darkened.

Although she knew that the liking she said was not the kind of liking she had for her, Jiang Youwan still couldn't restrain her heartbeat and wanted to drown in her words, in her hazy eyes at the moment.

Actually, tonight this little **** not only did things that made her sad, but also did very good things.

"Are you feeling uncomfortable right now?" Jiang Youwan asked with his other empty hand gently touching her overly hot cheek.

Jiang Youwan's hand was very soft, it was cold and comfortable in comparison, Jiang Jinyi couldn't help rubbing her palm with her face, "Uncomfortable..."

"I feel dizzy, I really want to sleep, I want to hug my sister to sleep, but, but you don't give me a hug, so I feel very, very, very uncomfortable!"

The sound of 'I want to sleep with my sister' just spoke to Jiang Youwan's heart.


Jiang Youwan didn't let herself soften so easily, and continued to say in a slightly cold voice: "If you listen to your sister, you won't feel uncomfortable if you don't drink, this is the consequence of not listening to your sister. , do you remember to listen to your sister in the future?"

What Jiang Youwan said, Jiang Jinyi followed her obediently, she was a little anxious and nodded obediently, "Listen, listen."

She said flutteringly: "I listen to my sister the most..."

"So obedient? Will you remember tomorrow?"

I was so drunk that I remember it.

Jiang Youwan thoughtfully, took out her mobile phone from her bag and turned on the recording, she knew it was a very despicable act, but... Healed his own body.

She continued to ask her, her voice softened a lot: "You can't get drunk outside in the future, even if you're really drunk, remember to find your sister, don't be too intimate with outsiders, don't let others hug, do you know?"

Jiang Youwan was thinking, has her little Jin been with that little assistant every day for the past four years? There are three rooms in this house. She has seen them. One is Jiang Jinyi's bedroom, the other is the studio, and the other is a guest room, which is obviously also a regular resident.

Who lives there, needless to say.

She was jealous.

Jiang Jinyi was dazedly digesting Jiang Youwan's too long words, and nodded slowly, "Hmm, um!"

Jiang Youwan smiled and rubbed Jiang Jinyi's head gently, her eyes were extremely dark, Jiang Jinyi looked at her, suddenly wanted to retreat in fear, " don't eat me!"

Jiang Youwan: "...?"

She couldn't help laughing, "If I don't eat you, I won't eat you if you are good."

Jiang Jinyi slowed down, and then felt aggrieved: "Then you want me to hold it!" You are all obedient, why don't you let her hold it?

"I think I'm going to pass out, ooh..."

"Be good, bear with me a little longer, and promise my sister that no matter what happens in the future, I will never leave my sister."

Jiang Jinyi's eyelids were heavy, "Answer, promise..."

Jiang Youwan's voice was as gentle as a nighttime demon, asking for her opinion, "If you have to leave in the future, can my sister lock you up?"

Jiang Jinyi frowned, dazedly incomprehensible: "Why do you want to lock me up, okay, easy to say no...?"

"Because you are disobedient and have to leave..."

Jiang Youwan's brows and eyes were slightly curved, and her eyes seemed to contain autumn waves, "Don't worry, my sister will give the puppy the best cage to live in, and will accompany the puppy every day... Xiao Jin is my sister's little boy. dog?"

The life of the puppy was said to be so happy by Jiang Youwan, Jiang Jinyi was bewitched and replied: "I'm my sister's puppy..."

Jiang Jinyi smirked, and suddenly made a "wang".

"Very good..." Jiang Youwan released the hand that was lightly pinching her neck, held her head with both hands, and continued to bewitch her: "Then kiss your sister's face, kiss her. Just let you sleep."

The night outside the window was quiet and beautiful, Jiang Youwan didn't look at it, the drunk girl in front of her was enough to occupy all her sight.

I don't know if she's too drunk, her head is too heavy, the kiss is a little bit off, and it is printed on the corner of her mouth.

In a daze, Jiang Jinyi had already tucked herself into her arms, wrapped her waist and buried her face in her chest.

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Add more updates to children's June 1

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 20 bottles of Uranus Gravity;: 6 bottles; Yuan Yiqi's girlfriend, Redamancy: D, and shameful 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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