MTL - After the Memory Loss, the Fishing Department O is Teasing Me Every Day-Chapter 35 a sense of immorality

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Ji Xiaoqin did not go back to the hotel. She appeared in front of a roadside stall. There were several bottles of beer on the simple wooden table. I don't know if the wine forced the tears out, or if I wanted to cry.

She didn't know why she had such a big reaction today, she was very sad, wanted to cry, her heart was empty, it was as if the little fantasy in her heart was uprooted by Jiang Youwan.

I don't even have the qualifications to be jealous, but it seems that I have completely lost love

Ji Xiaoqin lowered her eyes, held the beer on the table, raised her head to drink, was pressed down by a skinny white hand.

Ji Xiaoqin blinked, looked up, and a coquettish face came into view.

Yes, Miss Wen.

Wen Ye couldn't help laughing when she saw her surprised expression, "Children, do you know that it is dangerous for omega to drink outside alone."

Ji Xiaoqin raised her hand and wiped away her tears, "Miss Wen, why are you here?"

"Protect you." Wen Ye sat down next to her, tilted his head and raised his chin, pointing to the little gangster who was not far from them and was circling at the same place from time to time, " After all, it would be dangerous for a little omega to drink alone."

Ji Xiaoqin was taken aback when she saw the gangster, and hurriedly said, "Thank you, Miss Wen."

"No thanks." Wen Ye suggested, "How about I take you back to the hotel?"

Ji Xiaoqin was a little frightened, and quickly shook her head, "No, no need!"

But Wen Ye didn't give her a chance to refuse at all, he took her hand naturally and said, "I'll send you off, otherwise I'll be sorry if something happens to you, let's go. ."

Wen Ye's voice is very gentle, and there is no coercion at all, she is all concerned and will not make Ji Xiaoqin feel uncomfortable. .

, Ono is an alpha.

Ji Xiaoqin was confused by the alpha pheromone, and vaguely felt that the back of her neck was a little hot, Wen Ye suddenly leaned over, Ji Xiaoqin was startled, and Wen Ye's voice was a little deep: Seat belt."

She hurriedly fastened herself, only to feel her body getting hot one after another, "I, I can..."

The seat belt was fastened, but Wen Ye did not withdraw, but looked at her with a smile. Ji Xiaoqin's thin skin and her strange reaction made her blushed quickly. Don't look away.

"Miss Wen, what are you, what are you doing?" Suddenly, the tone changed.

Wen Ye smiled, "You are so pretty..."


Ji Xiaoqin didn't organize the language to reply to her, Wen Ye said again: "Why is your face so red, is it going to be sunny?"

Sunny season?

Ji Xiaoqin's eyes widened suddenly, and she remembered that she was indeed in the sunny period. Although she had taken the inhibitor yesterday, the inhibitor can generally last for two or three days. The effect of alcohol will be shorter in time. …

& nbsp; Trying to suppress it, she asked in a trembling voice, "Miss Wen, do you have any inhibitors?"

Ono shook his head helplessly, "I don't have any inhibitors, but I can help you."


"You're so cute, you know what?"

Not waiting for Ji Xiaoqin to react, Wen Ye pinched her chin and kissed her lightly.

Ji Xiaoqin's eyes widened, and she subconsciously wanted to push her with her hands, but her hands were caught, so soft that she couldn't struggle.

But under Wenye's gradual attack, she gradually softened and stopped struggling.


"Fuck, I really don't know where I'm running, I can't help but look weak, how can I run so fast?" Xu An was sweating profusely. , cursing in pieces, after a while, he raised his eyes again, glanced to the side of the road inadvertently, widened his eyes suddenly, and was shocked by the scene in front of him.

Ji Xiaoqin was sitting in Wen Ye's car and kissing Wen Ye?



The next morning, the warm sunlight shone through the floor-to-ceiling windows on the side of the big bed. Jiang Jinyi's bed was not small. Personal sleep, but only takes up a little bit, the little bit that the sun can shine.

In his arms, after a while, Jiang Youwan slowly opened his eyes, and what came into his eyes was her peaceful sleeping face, so obedient that she was not at all aggressive.

A delicate omega.

Come to think of it, they are both omegas, they cannot be marked and marked, they can only use pheromones to comfort each other, but it does not prevent the two of them from being together.

No matter who she is, she wants to be with her.

No one can stop it.

Jiang Youwan looked at Jiang Youwan's sleeping face, and couldn't help but think sinfully, how will Xiaojin yearn for herself in the future when it's sunny?

At this moment, Xiao Jin still wholeheartedly feels that she is her sister, but she doesn't know that her sister is staring at her and thinking about these dirty things.

Jiang Youwan suddenly felt so immoral.

In fact, when she first came to Jiang's house five years ago, she had already done things to her that should not be done between sisters.

Five years ago.

Jiang Jinyi's fever has completely subsided, her head is not dizzy or heavy, and her body is much more relaxed. .

Sleep for more than ten hours.

The memory came back, she patted her face with her hand, bit her back molars and lifted the quilt, angrily going to find someone to settle the account.

Why is she always ashamed in front of Jiang Youwan? Once, twice...

Jiang Jinyi felt that she must have been embarrassed and lost her prestige in front of Jiang Youwan. She thought she was a good bully to be so arrogant, but she was so arrogant that she pinched her face Drug her!

What a shame!

The other side.

The warm water was sprayed on the body, Jiang Youwan raised the swan neck, the muscles of the body were relaxed, comfortable and warm like never before...

There are few times when she can enjoy so much, taking a hot bath in summer.

A rare thing even in winter.

She was not greedy, just wiped every inch of her clothes carefully and smeared it with shower gel. The glass of the bathroom was foggy and filled with a strong rose.

Soon, the sound of water stopped.

Jiang Youwan wiped her body clean with a towel, picked up the clothes to change, and prepared to put it on. Suddenly, with a "click", the door lock of the bathroom was unlocked from the outside. Jiang Youwan was shocked and immediately Turn around.

At the same time, Jiang Jinyi came in and turned on the light in the bathroom, and the floral fragrance of the shower gel filled her nose instantly. She raised her eyes and saw the scene in front of her.

The shower glass in front of me was full of water mist, and there was a woman with long hair and waist and a graceful figure standing in the hazy.

Wet hair scattered, covering the body half-covered, there is a kind of temptation to talk and quit.

Beauty bathing in a variety of styles.

It's like a work of art that only appears in a painting.

A perfect painting to satisfy all her fantasies.

Jiang Jinyi's mind went blank, the watering can in her hand fell on the floor, she couldn't respond, and was stunned.

Or, fascinated.

Jiang Youwan turned her back to her and couldn't see her expression clearly, but she could only hear her scolding, "You go out!"

Jiang Jin Yiru was awakened, closed her eyes immediately, turned around and closed the door and ran out, her face flushed, her breathing became abnormal and irregular, her heartbeat was completely disordered... ..

Not only the face, the neck is also red, and the roots of the ears are even more red, like dripping water.

Why doesn't Jiang Youwan turn on the light when taking a bath?

Why is there no sound in the shower?

She patted her blushing face, and as a matter of course, put the blame on Jiang Youwan.

The air conditioner was on in the house, but Jiang Jinyi had no intention of cooling her body.

After a while, she noticed that the door lock of the bathroom was twisted open. It should be Jiang Youwan who was about to come out after taking a shower. She was inexplicably panicked, stood up and ran into the yard Cold wind blows in.

The evening wind is slightly dry, the moon is charming, the sky is twinkling with stars, and the moon is round.

She then remembered that she originally wanted to go to the bathroom to get some water to spray flowers, but the water was not received, and the watering can also fell in the bathroom.

This is too embarrassing!

She didn't want to go back to get it, she squatted in front of a few pots of flowers, and patted her face from time to time to cool down.

I can't control myself to recall the scene just now, and when I come back to my senses, I will be extremely ashamed and angry at the association I just made.

Swearing all the time, she didn't notice anyone approaching her.

"Miss Jiang..." A very soft and pleasant call broke the silence and interrupted her thoughts of being ashamed of seeing others.

Jiang Jinyi's back stiffened, she turned to look, it was Jiang Youwan standing behind her.

She was already dressed, a T-shirt and loose trousers, and her long wet hair was scattered and fluttered slightly by the wind.

She stood like this in the moonlight, it was too dark to see clearly, the only thing I could confirm was that she was beautiful.

Her eyes are always closed gently, as soft as a fairy in the moon. For a moment, Jiang Jinyi thought she was some **** who came down from the moonlight.

She pinched her fingers, ashamed of her swaying, and muttered to her: "What are you, what are you doing here?"

Jiang Youwan raised the watering can in his hand, handed it out, and said, "Miss Jiang fell."

Jiang Jinyi was slightly stunned, her expression was a little embarrassed, she stretched out her hand to take it, and found that it was a little heavy, Jiang Youwan had already helped her to get the water.

The atmosphere was awkward for a while.

Jiang Jinyi's face was still hot and awkward, but Jiang Youwan's face was calm, and those who didn't know thought it was Jiang Jinyi who was being watched.

"Why don't you turn on the light when you take a shower?" She complained fiercely, and it was easy to see that she was trying to hide her embarrassment.

Jiang Youwan was silent for a while, then smiled, this time with a bit of reluctance and bitterness: "Because I can't see it, it's the same whether I turn on the light or not."

"I'm sorry Miss Jiang, it's my fault, I'll drive it next time, don't let Miss Jiang... trouble."

She became very sensible again and took all the faults on her own, as if she was not the one who coerced Jiang Jinyi into taking medicine in Jiang Jinyi's room not long ago.

But Jiang Jinyi didn't get those cool feelings from it, and even felt that her heart was blocked and she couldn't say it, a dull feeling.

"You haven't dried your hair, go back and dry your hair, or else you will catch a cold and get sick, and I will ask a doctor for you again."

The meaning is obvious, let her go quickly.

Jiang Youwan raised her eyebrows.

It is the hottest month of the year in July.

In fact, she didn't feel cold, but when the girl in front of her said that, she suddenly wanted to feel a little cold.

"Thank you, Miss, for caring about me." She opened her lips and said slowly, "The wind is strong at night, and the lady is so delicate that she can't help blowing, so go back to the house quickly."

Jiang Jinyi didn't mean to leave, "I didn't blow it."

Jiang Youwan has no intention of leaving.

"Miss has just finished suffering, and is sick again, but she has to take medicine again." After speaking, she gave an inexplicable chuckle.

This sound just happened to be captured by Jiang Jinyi, she was stunned for a moment, then instantly ashamed and angry.

Jiang Jinyi gritted her teeth and walked up to her angrily, less than two punches away from her, and asked her: "Jiang Youwan, you must think I'm easy to bully, right?"

Jiang Youwan frowned, with a bit of grievance in his words: "When did I bully you?"

Jiang Jinyi opened her lips, her brain racing, "Just, you pinched my face and forced me to take medicine and threatened me, isn't that bullying me?"

Jiang Youwan was silent for a while, without explaining, with a tone of grievance, "If the lady believes that I am bullying you, the lady can get it back."

How to get it back?

Jiang Jinyi began to think.

Let her learn to bark or crawl? Still draw her as a tabby cat on her face, ugly, or just let her get out... But these thoughts are all after Jiang Jinyi accidentally glanced at the wound on her left palm disintegrated.

She moved her eyes, reached out to grab Jiang Youwan's arm, Jiang Youwan's body stiffened, and she followed her movements obediently.

Jiang Jinyi stared at the wound, she vaguely remembered that she was beaten and bleeds here today...

It's too dark to see.

"It's so cold, shall we go back first?" With the breeze, Jiang Youwan's voice fluttered across Jiang Jinyi's auricle.

"It's a little cold." Jiang Jinyi whispered.

The hot summer night, even the wind is slightly dry.


Jiang Youwan: "...?"

Jiang Jinyi: "The wound can't touch the water, don't you know? Idiot."

"I don't know how to find a servant to help you wrap the wound. If you get infected, I will throw you to the hospital and leave you alone."

"Tell you, it's hard to be alone in the hospital." She frightened her.

Jiang Youwan was slightly startled, the corners of his mouth twitched into a smile, obediently: "I'm a little stupid, next time I won't let the wound touch the water, Miss Jiang, don't throw me alone in hospital."

In fact, Jiang Youwan understands the pain of being thrown in the hospital better than Jiang Jinyi.

Jiang Jinyi suddenly had a flash of inspiration and said to her with a threatening tone, "If you bully me again, I will throw you to the hospital alone."

Found a new punishment.

Jiang Youwan: "Well..."

Jiang Jinyi went to find the medicine box. In fact, she was very afraid of words and pictures such as wounds and bleeding. She frowned in discomfort and wiped it on Jiang Youwan's palm with shaking hands. Medicine, the words of disgust in the past were not spoken.

Jiang Youwan obediently handed herself over to her to play with, maybe the pampered eldest lady was too holy and never got dirty at all, Jiang Youwan was not disgusted by her touch at all .

The faint scent of hyacinth flowers in the nostrils is particularly comfortable. It was heart palpitations at first, but after getting used to it, it became comfortable.

The palm was bandaged again, and the wound should be able to scab tomorrow and the day after.

"More pleasing to the eye."

It was the first time for Jiang Jinyi to do such a thing, and she always felt that it was cheaper for her, but thinking that this person was hurt for her flowers, she felt less awkward.

Jiang Jinyi let go of her hand and stood up to go away, Jiang Youwan pulled her back with his backhand, instead of pulling her hand directly, he pulled on her sleeve.

Jiang Jinyi looked back, "What?"

The two were standing and the other was sitting, Jiang Youwan looked up at her, his eyes were closed, but he felt like he wanted to kiss.

"Are you looking for a model? What kind of model?" Her pink lips opened and closed, and she asked this question nonsensically.

Jiang Jinyi didn't react, she asked again, "Do you wear clothes or not?"

Jiang Jinyi was puzzled, "Why?"

"Miss was in the bathroom just now and saw my-"

Before Jiang Youwan spit out the word "body", Jiang Jinyi interrupted her immediately and explained incoherently: "Who looked at your body? It was just an accident, I didn't look at it at all. Qing, I didn't see it clearly at all!"

Jiang Jinyi's face was hot again, and she looked away awkwardly.

Can't see?

"This way..." Jiang Youwan slowly raised his hand, put it under his collar, and unbuttoned it.

When Jiang Jinyi heard the movement, she lifted her eyes to look, her eyes widened instantly, she was frightened, and quickly held down the hand that unbuttoned, "Liu, hooligan!"


Jiang Youwan seemed to smile, as if shy, "Didn't you say that you can't see clearly? I want you to see more clearly."

The author has something to say:

Now Jin: Rogue!

Xiaojin in the future: Sister, don't wear clothes!

Thanks to the little angel who threw the landmine: 1 for a lifetime of cold temptation and madness;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Yuan Yiqi's girlfriend, Ding Ding 2 bottles; 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

Read The Duke's Passion