MTL - After the Memory Loss, the Fishing Department O is Teasing Me Every Day-Chapter 77 end everything

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Jiang Youwan sat on the marble dining table, propped back with one hand and held it with the other, raised her head slightly, as soft as water, full of affection.

Jiang Jinyi was stunned, the anger that was burning just now suddenly stopped, her brain couldn't turn around, her eyes seemed to be hooked by something, her breathing became heavier, her jaw tightened .

He looks so stupid, obviously he is fascinated.

Jiang Youwan was very satisfied with her response, slowly raised her smooth and delicate legs, hooked her waist at once, and yanked her towards him.

Jiang Jinyi was negligent and was hooked by her all of a sudden, her body was almost pressed together, she came back to her senses, and immediately wanted to struggle, Jiang Youwan's legs were already like The snake wrapped around her waist tightly, and wrapped her hands around her neck and hugged her head, not allowing her to leave.

"Isn't Xiao Jin your favorite? Before, she used to secretly help her sister to urge her. She wanted it coquettishly, and she definitely wants it now, right?"

Because Jiang Youwan is sitting at the dining table, she is slightly taller than Jiang Jinyi. In this posture, Jiang Jinyi's face is pressed by her in the neck socket, and the back of the neck is straightened. Very close, forced to smell the strong fragrance of mandala flowers on her body.

Jiang Jinyi felt as if her body was stuck to her, resisting rationally, but her body did not obey.

Jiang Jinyi couldn't help but bite her neck, which was already full of hickey bite marks, and scolded in a low voice, "Jiang Youwan, you are shameless..."

"Ah, I wasted a little..." Jiang Youwan said to her that he was shameless, but urged her angrily, "Xiao Jin hurry up."

Jiang Youwan has always known how to tame small animals with fried fur, both cats and dogs. She will become docile after a few touches by her, follow her, go home with her, be her cat, be her dog.

Not to mention a little alpha like Jiang Jinyi who has been tamed by her once.

Jiang Jinyi was defeated again.

She blushed, her heart was full of humiliation and pain, and then she vented all her emotional anger on Jiang Youwan.

Jiang Jinyi bit her hard, and kept scolding her, saying bullying things, but in exchange she gave her extremely gentle caress.

No matter what she did, Jiang Youwan only gave her a soft voice.

In addition to biting too hard a few times, she grunted and pinched her earlobe and pulled her hair.

From her voice and eyes, it can be seen that she is very satisfied.

The tail rises and the cheeks are rosy.

In front of Jiang Youwan is a large piece of glass, you can clearly see the outside, other villas, vehicles and pedestrians that may drive on the street at any time.

Although you know that you can't see the inside from the outside, such a visual impact still makes you feel exciting and satisfying.

alpha's nature is to like to swear sovereignty under the public,

When a pedestrian passed by, Jiang Youwan grabbed Jiang Jinyi's head and asked her to look back. Jiang Jinyi's breathing stagnated, pinched her waist, and scolded her for being rude.

Jiang Youwan admitted that she really loved her to death.

Omega's milk////juice can indeed promote the alpha susceptibility period earlier.

It even has the effect of increasing hopelessness.

Jiang Youwan thought that her little Jin could do it every day.

She can give Jiang Jinyi the best that others cannot.

Every time she is there, she will be fed to Jiang Jinyi, and the same will be true in the future. If she slowly develops her little Jin, she will want to tag her every day even if she is not in the susceptible period. A little idiot who will get anxious, angry and unhappy if you don't give a hug or a kiss.

The dining table is in a mess, Jiang Youwan is lying on the sofa in the living room, Jiang Jinyi is sitting on the carpet under the sofa, absent-minded, her bangs are a little messy, her eyes are red, and she is dumbfounded. Like a little rabbit, it seems that he has not recovered from the energy just now.

The atmosphere is confusing.

Jiang Youwan raised his hand, rubbed her head, and kissed the back of her neck.

"Xiao Jin, Xiao Jin..." While kissing, she muttered her name, gently and carefully, as if she was afraid to scare her, but she couldn't restrain herself want to call.

Seeing that she did not resist, Jiang Youwan hooked her lips, she was easily satisfied, but wanted more, she sat up weakly, knelt on the sofa, He hugged Jiang Jinyi from behind and put her in his arms.

She said, "Little Jin, you know how much my sister loves you, and my sister can't lose you."

Jiang Jinyi woke up from a dream, "I don't love you."

She broke free from her arms, "You mean..."

She was extremely resistant to Jiang Youwan saying such words to her at this time, she resisted to say cold words to hurt her, when the doorbell rang suddenly.

Not waiting for Jiang Jinyi to react, Jiang Youwan raised the volume and said to the door, "Come in directly."

Come in?

Jiang Jinyi was stunned.

Then, the door handle was pressed, and the door was about to come in. Jiang Youwan was sitting on the sofa, wearing her cheongsam that was even more beautiful than nothing. .

Jiang Jinyi had no brains, grabbed the blanket and wrapped it around Jiang Youwan, before the door was opened to the people who came in, she tightly wrapped Jiang Youwan, leaving only one The head, even the face, did not want others to see, and blocked it with his own body.

"Mr. Jiang, this is yours..." The assistant who came here was stunned when he saw this scene, blinked his eyes, and quickly said, put it down, and said, "This is It's your lunch, please take it slow!"

Jiang Jinyi turned her back to the assistant, bit her lip tightly, closed her eyes, her cheeks were redder than when she was drinking milk just now, she was embarrassed and embarrassed.

Jiang Youwan is not like her, he doesn't care about the assistant at all, only her in his eyes, looking up at her little expression, thinking to himself, it's just like what people saw when he was intimate with him before The expressions are exactly the same.

Shy as a petite wife.

Not only is she shy, she also knows how to wrap herself in a blanket so that no one can see her.

The possessiveness revealed in this subconscious action made Jiang Youwan particularly useful, and she found evidence that Jiang Jinyi still loves her.

When the door was closed with a "bang", Jiang Jinyi dared to slowly open her eyes, followed by Jiang Youwan's voice: "Xiao Jin still said she doesn't love me? If you don't love me, why do you care so much about me?"

Jiang Jinyi frowned and opened her lips to say something to refute, but found that she couldn't refute at all, the truthful words stuck in her throat, making her a little suffocated.

Jiang Youwan saw her expression, her expression darkened, she stopped teasing her, and she did not hold out hope that Xiao Jin would admit it.

"Let's have lunch, Xiao Jin has worked hard."

Yes, it's almost afternoon, and it's still morning when I drink milk.

Jiang Youwan put on the blanket that Jiang Jinyi covered her, dragged her sore and tired body off the sofa, and opened several lunch boxes on the table, it was very rich and had everything , are all things Jiang Jinyi likes to eat.

Jiang Jinyi didn't eat, didn't say a word, turned around and went upstairs.

I didn't become angry because Jiang Youwan teased her, she became expressionless and silent, just like four years ago. .

Jiang Youwan watched her go upstairs, her heart suddenly aching.

The thing that made her sad and helpless the most was Xiao Jin, who was so angry and furious.

It's Xiao Jin who wants to fight with her.

It seems that she has entered the stage where Xiao Jin was about to be far away from her four years ago.

Jiang Youwan couldn't take it anymore.


Jiang Jinyi went back to her room, sat by the window, took and put her cell phone, for a whole day, in the end, no news was sent, the sky was getting dark, and she didn't know what to do what.

She looked at the backyard outside the window, there was no servant to take care of it, she looked extraordinarily cold.

Jiang Jinyi finds it very strange, this is obviously her home, the furnishings here are the same as four years ago, the things she put up, the paintings she hangs, the things she planted in the backyard, and the layout of the backyard is also the same. Same as four years ago.

But she always had a strange feeling.

It looks too deliberate.

Some people desperately try to retain that feeling, but it will feel strange.

Exist in an illusion, there is no way to achieve true happiness.


It was very late into the night, and Jiang Jinyi never went downstairs or took a bite during this period.

She locked the door, shut herself, and forced herself to sleep in bed.

I don't know how long.

Breathing in the fresh and strong fragrance of hyacinth flowers, the anxiety in Jiang Youwan's heart dissipated a lot, and she walked to the bed gently, and by the moonlight, she saw the sleeping There seems to be something in his arms.

Very familiar, Jiang Youwan took a closer look and saw that it was his nightdress.

She raised her eyebrows, no wonder, no wonder Xiao Jin could hold back so many hours without going downstairs to find her.

It turned out to be relieved by smelling her nightdress.

When did you steal it?

It's a pity that Jiang Youwan didn't see that picture, if she did, it would be enough for her to remember for a long time.

To the point of being so arrogant that she would rather go and steal clothes than be alone in a space with herself.

But at least steal her clothes.

Jiang Youwan comforted herself.

Wait a while, wait for Xiaojin to fall asleep again before hugging, Jiang Youwan thought like this, suddenly, the person beside him turned over again, and after a while, that person directly He tucked himself into her arms.

Hold her waist tighter than ever, and called out vaguely: "Sister..."

"I'm sick, me..."

The sticky and sweet voice carried a cry, Jiang Youwan's heart immediately softened into a pool of water, sour, excited and satisfied, but this excitement did not exist for two seconds, she Before he had time to hug back, before he had time to coax, the person in his arms withdrew.

"Why are you here?" Jiang Jinyi asked, her voice still a little hoarse.

Being pulled back to reality, Jiang Youwan narrowed his eyes and took the initiative to kiss her, holding her into his arms without refusing to refuse.

"Good, good, close your eyes, go to sleep..."

Slowly coaxing and coaxing, trying to make her sleepy again, and hoping that she has the ability to hypnotize, so that Jiang Jinyi can forget these memories that will make them all painful again.

"Good, you take the initiative to hug sister, sister was very happy just now, don't make sister sad, okay?"

Jiang Jinyi quickly gave up struggling.

She held her again...  

Jiang Jinyi understands a little weakly that she can't break free from this hug.

Her body and her body could not resist Jiang Youwan's temptation, she could not resist Jiang Youwan's seduction and approaching her.

Because during the period of amnesia, her body, her xian body, and her Gu Qiwang were all controlled by Jiang Youwan, and there was no room for resistance.

The body is sinking, but her reason is still there, which is the most painful for Jiang Jinyi.

There is a voice in the brain saying: You love her, you are as evil as she is.

Are you worthy of your mother?

You are so sinful, you deserve to die.

Jiang Youwan was pleased that she was not struggling, looked down at her, but saw her very painful eyes.

In despair.

Jiang Youwan frowned, she didn't want to see Xiaojin show this look at all.

She covered her eyes with her hands and whispered softly: "Dear, close your eyes, it will pass..."

This time, Jiang Jinyi fell asleep in Jiang Youwan's arms while awake.

But she had a dream, she dreamed of her mother, it was a nightmare.

How can a dream of a mother be a nightmare? She dreamed that she went to the cemetery to see her mother again, and her mother stood there, staring at herself with a look of disappointment and disgust, and said coldly, "Xiao Jin, is this how you treat your mother?"

"Look what you've done?"

The chill penetrated from the soles of the feet to the limbs, Jiang Jinyi trembled, and tremblingly said no, she didn't mean it, but the mother was still disappointed, and her expression was even hideous.

Jiang Jinyi felt that her mother was scary for the first time.

Waking up from the dream, Jiang Jinyi sat on the bed panting heavily, her mother's crazy voice all around her ears: "Just kill her, kill her to avenge me, then I can Rest your eyes..."

Jiang Jinyi covered her face in despair, the sun was shining outside, she only felt despair and pain.

Her world is dark.

On one side is the murdered mother, on the other is the murderer who killed her mother, the person she loves now.

Jiang Jinyi knew that as long as Jiang Youwan thought about it, she might never be able to leave, live such a life forever, and always be driven by Gu Qiowang to live with her.

She can't break free from Jiang Youwan's shackles, and she will never be able to pass the final morality of her mind and accept her.

I will always be sorry for my mother, and I will never be able to get out of this vortex of torment and pain.

Perhaps Huo Qi is right, the source of all her pain comes from Jiang Youwan.

Come on, she doesn't want to go on like this.

She took out her mobile phone and sent a message to Huo Qi with trembling hands: "I think it's over."

The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: go, 1;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the landmine: Qingci, modifying life, just Xiaobai L, Qiaobamumu, 54971397, go, 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Sima Yi is 126 bottles of Onitsuka Tiger; 30 bottles of a big speechless; 20 bottles of split elves; 12 bottles of Xiaoxin crayons; Qi Yan's baby, lyf , moonbyul, 10 bottles; thekai, 9 bottles; Ayahua's dog, 53482135, 5 bottles of Fu Sinian; porridge wife, 462379683 bottles; Motorcycle maintenance art, 50001708, 2 bottles of Cixiu; Sentinel, good 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!