MTL - After the Memory Loss, the Fishing Department O is Teasing Me Every Day-Chapter 78 chip implant

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After sending a message to Huo Qi, she was about to turn off her phone when a message from Ji Xiaoqin popped up.

【Miss, there is nothing to do in the gallery after these few days of work, I want to take a day off for a few days. 】

Jiang Jinyi just remembered that she had already opened a gallery in Los Angeles.

It was the place that Jiang Youwan helped her choose. The decoration plan she and Jiang Youwan designed together, and the name of the gallery were also confirmed a few days ago.

It's called Jin You.

What a beautiful name, I am very happy, I was really happy at that time, I felt that life was full of hope, I felt that I was the happiest person in the world, and I wanted to be with my sister for a lifetime.

Jiang Jinyi was immersed in her past thoughts for a while, until Ji Xiaoqin sent another message, and the ringtone of the message woke her up.

【If the lady has any other work to arrange, I will not invite her. 】

What can I do? Jiang Jinyi even felt that there was no need for the gallery to continue to open.

She replied to Ji Xiaoqin: [Nothing, you go. 】

Ji Xiaoqin replied in seconds: [Okay, thank you Miss. 】

Ji Xiaoqin didn't know that she had recovered her memory, and neither did Xu An.

Jiang Jinyi didn't plan to tell them, because they couldn't help much, they were not Jiang Youwan's opponents.

She didn't want them to get involved and make trouble.

It's over anyway.

Jiang Jinyi glanced at the time in the upper right corner of the phone, it was already ten o'clock in the morning.

I just feel that my stomach is empty, my head is dizzy and bloated, my eyes are blurry, I just made a major decision, and my heart beats like it's going to jump out of my chest.

The whole person is bad.

Decadence, depravity.

She closed her eyes and stood up in a daze to wash up.

She went downstairs to get some fresh air in the yard, and when she passed the living room, she saw Jiang Youwan was cooking again.

She seems to like cooking very much. When cooking, she always has the feeling of a man/wife.

Jiang Jinyi pinched her fingers, pressed down Gu Qiuwang who wanted to get close to her, lowered her eyes and expressionlessly opened the door of the villa, a cold air invaded instantly, Jiang Jinyi Jin Yi shook her body, the feeling of dizziness was weakened by the stimulation, and her body felt lighter.

No servants came today, only the two of them in the whole villa, which made Jiang Jinyi have an illusion.


Jiang Jinyi looked down at the collar that had not been taken off on her body, she really looked like a pet in captivity.

The owner's well-behaved pet.

Jiang Jinyi knew that she was not like this.

There is an invisible line on her body, which is held in Jiang Youwan's hand.

It made her miserable.

She was wearing a wrinkled and messy shirt, she sat on the rocking chair in the yard, talking to Gu Qiuwang who wanted to rush home to be with Jiang Youwan in her body struggle.

After sitting for less than two minutes, she wanted to go back and share a room with Jiang Youwan.

"Xiao Jin." A gentle and gentle voice came from behind, followed by a coat draped over him, Jiang Youwan said, "It's a few degrees colder today than yesterday, This year's winter in Los Angeles is coming so fast, Xiao Jin can't catch a cold."

Jiang Jinyi didn't speak to her, just as cold as she was in the cold war with her four years ago, Jiang Youwan had expected it, but she was the one who couldn't keep Jiang Jinyi no matter what. The foreboding made me uneasy.

People are always greedy. When Jiang Jinyi left, she thought that as long as Jiang Jinyi was by her side, it would be fine, even if she hated her or didn't love her.

But now that Jiang Jinyi is by her side, she has to think about it, if Jiang Jinyi can let go of her grievances, stay with her, and call her sister again, and she will not leave her willingly .

What should I do?

Jiang Youwan lowered her eyes, gently pulled down the collar of Jiang Jinyi's neck with her fingers, looking at her body covered by the collar, her eyes darkened, He coaxed softly: "Go back to eat first and then come out to see, okay?"

Jiang Jinyi remained silent.

He didn't speak, no matter how coaxed he didn't speak, Jiang Youwan's lips twitched slightly, his brows furrowed, his voice was not as soft as before, "Ignore sister again?"

Jiang Jinyi remained silent.

Jiang Jinyi is still as stubborn as before and knows how to break her heart.

But the current Jiang Youwan is different from the previous Jiang Youwan, she has some ways to deal with disobedient children.

I don't know where to take out a remote control, Jiang Youwan gently pressed the button, Jiang Jinyi's neck suddenly stinged, followed by a high-frequency vibration , Jiang Jinyi was caught off guard, exclaimed, stood up from the rocking chair, and covered the back of her neck.

She felt that this collar...

Jiang Jinyi looked at Jiang Youwan in astonishment, Jiang Youwan was not surprised, it was her manipulation, of course she would not be surprised.

"You bastard!"

Jiang Youwan raised his mouth slightly, leaned closer to her, and whispered in her ear, "If you don't want the omegas nearby to be attracted by your pheromone, then go back with your sister."

After finishing speaking, Jiang Youwan backed away and extended his hand towards her with a smile. Jiang Jinyi glared at her fiercely, patted her hand away, and ran towards the villa.

Jiang Youwan's eyes changed slightly, he walked home and closed the door.

"Jiang Youwan, you, you quickly take it off!" Jiang Jinyi frowned, propped up on the sofa, and said to Jiang Youwan with some difficulty.

Jiang Youwan slowly walked towards her, with a smile in her eyes, revealing something that made people shudder.

"Is this how Xiao Jin wants her sister to help?" Jiang Youwan said slowly, compared to Jiang Jinyi, she had a calmness in mastering everything.

Suddenly increased a level, Jiang Jinyi was startled, grabbed the collar with both hands and wanted to tear it off, knelt on the ground weakly, saying that Jiang Youwan was a bastard, let him When Jiang Youwan helped her take it off, her voice trembled a little, but it was still fierce.

Jiang Youwan looked at her condescendingly, her tone was no longer gentle, serious and sharp, no rejection or refutation.

"I'm not happy that you should be begging me now, and you're talking so loudly."

"So, punish."

Speaking, she held the remote control in front of her and pressed her fingertips to the highest level mercilessly.


Jiang Jinyi was short of breath, panting heavily, about to be tortured madly, there was a strong Gu Qiuwang who wanted to bite her, but she was unable to get up.

From the redness of the neck to the whole face, and unable to do anything, at first glance it is bullied.

Very exciting.

This thing is used by couples to punish disobedient alphas.

Jiang Youwan stopped talking, just looked at her condescendingly, strategizing.

How sensitive alpha's xian body is, needless to say, being treated in such pain and joy can wipe out alpha's sanity in the shortest possible time.

Especially a delicate alpha like Xiao Jin, who can't stand it for a while.

Her eyes became very red, and there was a thick layer of water vapor. She could no longer swear, so she could only look at Jiang Youwan helplessly.

What a pitiful look.

Seeing her like this, Jiang Youwan's eyes couldn't help being filled with love and love, she bent down, rubbed her messy head, and coaxed softly: "If there is something to help my sister, I want to do something like Like before, sweet and coquettish with my sister, you can't be so fierce, you know?"

"Woo..." Jiang Jinyi shook her head, losing her ability to think, grabbing her wrist like a life-saving straw, with a strong The crying voice whispered: "Sister, elder sister, elder sister, help me..."

Jiang Jinyi no longer remembers that Jiang Youwan made her like this, and regards her as her current savior.

Jiang Youwan's eyebrows and eyes were curved, she was really sweet to her, and she became in a good mood, but it wasn't enough, she held her cheeks and teased her like before: "Kiss my sister My sister will promise you."

Jiang Jinyi's tears were about to fall, humming, humming, she really couldn't bear this feeling, her mind went blank, Jiang Youwan asked her to do whatever she wanted, raised her head kiss up.

Once again, Jiang Jinyi took the initiative to kiss her.

Jiang Youwan's heart was throbbing, she enjoyed this feeling very much, she gave her some sweetness and lowered the grade, Jiang Jinyi tasted the sweetness, and it was not so uncomfortable, so she kissed her harder, please her.

Jiang Youwan had a deep kiss with her, and her legs were softened by her so enthusiastic kiss, she whispered enough, and took the initiative to back away, Jiang Jinyi was still awake, Continue to want to catch up to kiss, to please her.

I didn't kiss, only finally licked her lips.

He watched Jiang Youwan recede with red eyes, his eyes a little confused.

"Come on, let's go to dinner."

The grade has been adjusted to the lowest grade by Jiang Youwan. She has not completely let her go, and she has to be obedient.

Jiang Youwan put the dishes on the coffee table in the same way, Jiang Jinyi sat on the sofa obediently and waited, her eyes did not leave Jiang Youwan for a moment, she was impatient, her brain The only thing in it is to eat obediently and you can end it.

"Which one do you want to eat first?" Jiang Youwan held the plate and asked her what she wanted to eat, elegant and dignified, charming and sexy, gentle and considerate.

"That, that." Jiang Jinyi was still panting, pointing at her favorite dish, her eyes a little anxious, she wanted to eat quickly.

Jiang Youwan picked it up, followed it with a plate, and put it into Jiang Jinyi's mouth, Jiang Jinyi bit it off, like an impatient kitten that hadn't eaten for several days .

The collar around the neck tinkles, cute.

Jiang Youwan fed one bite after another and enjoyed the process very much. Jiang Jinyi had not eaten well for a few days. After eating the food made by Jiang Youwan, she got a kind of satisfaction, and gradually I enjoy the process of being fed, and I no longer want to stop the collar so quickly.

At this time, she no longer felt pain.

She pulled Jiang Youwan's sleeve, "I want to eat inside..."

"Okay~" Jiang Youwan laughed, giving what he wanted.

Jiang Youwan took a piece of mutton and fed it to her mouth, but Jiang Jinyi did not eat it obediently this time, but turned her head to the side and muttered, "Don't eat this."

"Why don't you eat it?" Jiang Youwan wondered: "Doesn't Xiao Jin like mutton very much?"

Jiang Jinyi didn't think too much, and subconsciously replied: "You are allergic to this..."

She knew that Jiang Youwan was allergic to mutton, and she stopped eating it since they were together, because she knew that she might kiss her sister at any time.

I don't want to put my sister in the slightest danger.

Jiang Youwan was stunned for a moment, but she also reacted. She understood what was going on, and was so excited that she removed the mutton, and really wanted to kiss her now.

Now that she has almost reached the amount she ate before, Jiang Youwan stopped feeding her, and wiped her mouth with a tissue, and cuddled with her on the sofa, Jiang Jinyi was still receiving the collar The "torture", hehe.

According to the rules of animal taming, Jiang Youwan stopped the operation very faithfully, praised her for being good today, and gave her a gentle reward.

Two people are warm together, this atmosphere is really suitable for healing, it seems to be back to the past.

She tilted her head, looked at Xiao Jin's head, raised her hand and stroked gently, she really liked this kind of Xiao Jin.

What should I do? How to keep it?

A dark and terrifying thought suddenly appeared in her mind, should a chip be implanted in her brain? Hello sister, I have to make my sister happy, and I have to act coquettishly and unreasonably with my sister.

The little idiot who can't think and only listens to his sister.

What a thrill.

At this moment, Jiang Jinyi's eyes are empty, her breath is slow, she knows that Jiang Jinyi will soon come back to her senses, she bows her head and kisses her cheek, and whispers: "Don't leave sister, always like this Be by your sister's side."

A plea that cannot be refused.

"Hmm..." Jiang Jinyi's thinking was still stuck in just now, trying to please her.

After agreeing, she recovered from the confusion in a few seconds, startled, her body froze, and then quickly struggled to get out of Jiang Youwan's arms, "No!"

Jiang Youwan squinted her eyes and hugged her tightly without being able to refuse, her eyes were dark, and she whispered, "Always promise, always fail."

Jiang Jinyi: "You're lying to me..."

Jiang Youwan is very domineering and ignores this.

"I remember all the words you once said, and they are all recorded. You know, my sister always does what she says."

"The cage is already being developed, if Xiao Jin really wants to try..."

Being poked by the memory, Jiang Jinyi gritted his teeth: "Bastard."

"Be nice, my sister will only love you..."

Love me?


Jiang Jinyi felt so powerless again, Jiang Youwan kept saying that she loved her, but she would not consider her feelings, treating her as a pet, trying to tame her and make her violate the last morality in her heart , suffered great pain to be with her.

Is this really love? She only cares about herself, she only cares that she can't leave her, and only cares about satisfying her own hope.

Jiang Jinyi's heart suddenly became cold.

Jiang Jinyi no longer resisted, so she was silent, hugged by her, but the atmosphere was cold.

Jiang Youwan thought that she was going to fight with her as before, but her mood did not gradually decrease, and she wanted to train her again. After speaking, in such a calm tone: "Jiang Youwan, I want to go out to play."

To play, tell yourself that you want to play, which means that you are slowly trying to accept yourself, Jiang Youwan is excited, and naturally follows her: "Where do you want to play?"

"I want to go to Wushan Mountain and visit the temple there."


Hearing this name, Jiang Youwan blinked his eyes, his smile seemed to freeze for a while, and soon he laughed again, his smile was a little different from before.

There are many complex and bitter emotions.

She lowered her eyes to look at her, her long eyelashes covered her expression: "Okay, my sister will accompany you."

The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: a protagonist who wants to sleep all over will receive 1;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 2 modified lives; only 1 Xiaobai;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: H.65 bottles; 4464351120 bottles; 10 bottles; Nanyi 5 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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