MTL - After This Battle, Go Home and Get Married-Chapter 47 just go home and get married 19

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Driving an agricultural mecha is not difficult, and ordinary people can get started quickly after short-term training. The conventional impression is to splash around in the fields with mud ideas, how can it be so cool to drive a combat armor to shuttle among the stars?

But the operation of the two top mecha masters is too textbook, full of mechanical beauty. He is no better than the operation of the combat armor, which can make everyone feel the absolute power of killing and be excited.

The operation of the agricultural mecha is wild in the field, which everyone can understand and entertain.

Especially seeing the piles of fruit being harvested cheerfully makes the audience - especially those living in the city - have a special sense of joy!

It is difficult for them to imagine that they will become fighter armored divisions, which is too far away, but operating agricultural mechas can be easily substituted.

Coincidentally, the water mist sprayed by the agricultural mech just disperses the light into a rainbow.

The drone flew up, across the rainbow, higher and higher, looking down at the earth.

Above the Wanli Pingchou, patches of brightly colored fields are dotted with ropes, and agricultural mechas draw harvesting lines one after another on the land.

The quiet and fresh wind on the field seems to blow from the screen and blows on the apex of every audience member.

So heartwarming.

At dusk that day.

Yan Xueshan took Arthur to visit his adoptive father's grave.

Having brought Arthur here before, Arthur also used small stones to decorate his adoptive father's grave.

When he lived on the farm before, he would often come, wipe the tombstone, and pull out the overgrown weeds nearby. If the farming was slack, he would sit on the tombstone to watch the scenery, bask in the sun, take a nap together, and be able to relax all day.

He remembered that the night before his adoptive father went to join the army, they went to have a big meal and the adoptive father drank some wine.

On the way back, he didn't know what was going on. He suddenly said to his adoptive father, "You have to come back alive. There are two years left. I hope we can celebrate my adult birthday together."

The adoptive father smiled and said, "Okay."

But missed the appointment.

Yan Xueshan never cried when he received the letter, and even the next day, he went to school as usual

However, his teacher learned the news of his adoptive father's death from the news. When he saw him coming to school, he asked in surprise, "Aren't you going to rest?"

Yan Xueshan was confused: "Is the school closed today?"

The teacher said apologetically, "I know your adoptive father passed away... You can ask for leave, it doesn't matter, it doesn't count as your absenteeism."

Yan Xueshan thought for a while, then replied, "I'm not sick." He asked again, "Am I in any trouble? Please tell me directly, don't beat me around. Or is it because my only guardian passed away and I'm still in trouble? It takes half a year to become an adult, so I need to suspend school?"

Yan Xueshan asked unhappily, "Do I have to apply for a guardian with the government to go to school?"

The teacher looked at him with weird eyes: "No need."

That's fine. Yan Xueshan thought that he did not want to apply for another guardian.

It's not that I hate trouble, I just don't want it.

Two days passed.

Yan Xueshan went to discuss with the teacher about further studies, and he directly changed his vocation for himself, instead of going to university, he directly joined the army.

His grades were good enough for the high school graduation exam, so he began to use some of the time he had planned to prepare for the college exam to carry out his own physical training so that he could successfully pass the conscription medical examination.

He officially signed up for the army on the third day of his eighteenth year.

The front line needs soldiers.

After the registration is successful, he only has one week to organize things and say goodbye to his family. He has no family, and there are no valuables at home. They are a poor father and son.

It only took a day to sort out his belongings, and he kept the rest of his adoptive father's relics properly.

But the day before he left, he received a courier.

Take it apart, it's a fresh birthday cake, strawberry cream flavor.

The gift box also comes with a small envelope, half new and not old, with the back saying: [Happy 18th birthday to you. Use the money to buy yourself a favorite gift. 】

The first sentence is the handwriting of the adoptive father, and the second half is someone else's.

This is so bizarre.

Yan Xueshan called the owner of the cake shop, who bought him the cake, and the owner gave him the number of the orderer.

Yan Xueshan dialed the number according to the number. Fortunately, he was connected at that time.

A woman answered the phone.

Yan Xueshan asked directly: "Hello, I'm Yan Xueshan. Are you the birthday cake you bought for me?"

She readily admitted: "Haha, yes, it's me. Are you here to ask me why? As you Roy said, you are a very cautious child."

"Don't worry, I'm your adoptive father's comrade-in-arms."

"The money in the envelope was saved by your adoptive father before he died and has been kept in his dormitory."

"Before he died, he was nagging me about what adult gift he wanted to give you. After a month of nagging, he couldn't decide. He also said that if he couldn't go back to celebrate your birthday, he would also order a cake for you."

"He died. I bought it for you instead of him. I gave you the cake."

"As for gifts, I still can't think of what to buy, so I will send the money directly to you and buy it yourself."

Yan Xueshan listened quietly and said, "Thank you."

He has kept this small envelope, and the money in it has not been used, and it has been kept until now.

That night, he dreamed of his adoptive father.

I dreamed that I became a child again, about ten years old.

Not in their cramped rental house, but on the farm.

He saw his adoptive father sitting on the hillside from a distance, then turned his head and saw little Arthur again.

Little Arthur was still wearing a small suit, his cheeks were flushed with excitement, he looked at him expectantly, and his big golden eyes blinked.

Yan Xueshan remembered what he was going to do with hindsight - he was going to take Arthur to his adoptive father to see.

So he said to little Arthur, "Let's go."

Holding small hands, the two of them crossed the flower fields and wheat fields, climbed the hillside, and came to their adoptive father.

"This is Arthur," he said to his adoptive father.

The adoptive father greeted him and asked him again, "Long time no see, Xiaoxue, how are you doing recently?"

Yan Xueshan said: "Very well, I have a job, a farm, and savings. I have food to eat every day, and a place to sleep. The bed is very warm, and I have my own family."

"Arthur, he's my new family. We've made a new family, a good one."

The adoptive father was sincerely happy for him: "That's really good."

The adoptive father played with Arthur for a while. He liked Arthur very much and touched Arthur's head: "What a good boy. Just like you."

Said to Arthur: "You have to protect Xiaoxue well in the future, you know?"

Arthur nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

Yan Xueshan wondered, "I don't need to be protected, I can protect myself."

The adoptive father said with a smile: "I know, I know, you are a capable child. You protect him, and he protects you, so you can be called a writer."

Yan Xueshan was ignorant, not particularly understanding.

The adoptive father asked again, "Is he really just your family?"

Yan Xueshan looked at his adoptive father, puzzled.

Adoptive father: "Shouldn't he still be your lover?"

"Do you love him?"

Yan Xueshan couldn't understand, shook his head and said, "I don't have this feeling of love."

The adoptive father squatted down, touched his little face, and asked, "Is there really none?"

Yan Xueshan said: "My brain is injured, I can't feel it."

The adoptive father asked, "Not in the brain. Love should be in the soul."

Does he have it?

love this kind of stuff.

Yan Xueshan woke up.

I found that Arthur not only hugged him to sleep, but also put one hand warmly against his face. He was clearly asleep, and his thumb gently stroked his cheek, as if he liked it even in his sleep. It will also overflow unwittingly.

Before he was sure he didn't.

Can't say for sure lately.

Yan Xueshan turned around and faced Arthur's direction.

Arthur still didn't open his eyes, and was still sleeping soundly, but he adjusted his posture naturally, continued to hug him, hugged him tightly, rubbed his chin on his head, and then went to sleep.

Yan Xueshan couldn't sleep.

This is rare.

His sleep quality has been very good, and he is very calm when he sleeps.

He let Arthur hold him, closed his eyes and rested, in a daze, until Arthur woke up and got up with him.

These days he has lived in the Vega military base.

Because on the second day of the program's broadcast, interstellar pirates surrendered to the federal government one after another, and the desolate and desolate planets began to welcome his children who had been scattered for many years.

Free adventure is engraved in human DNA, but the roots of fallen leaves are also in the blood.

Better than Asser imagined.

But there were some problems. Some people wanted to leave the pirate gang, but the leader didn't let them go, so they secretly sent a distress signal to them.

Arthur led the team to knock out a group of gangsters.

After the fight came back and slept soundly.

In this dark military base floating in space, like a big tin can, Arthur can still bring light as if he had just basked in the sun.

Especially recently, he is in a good mood for whatever he does.

Yanxueshan got up early to clean up and changed into a military uniform without a military rank.

Even their toiletries were the same as when he was in the previous service. At that time, every time he changed to new cleaning supplies, within a day, he would find that Arthur's washstand was replaced with the same type of cups of different colors, toothbrush.

Still now.

The day I returned to the military camp after marriage.

Yan Xueshan received a lot of gifts to congratulate them on their wedding, many of which were piled up into hills. On the same day, Yan Xueshan asked Arthur to register and store these gifts one by one.

Everything is recorded, and when the other party gets married, he will also give a gift.

When they came to the cafeteria of the base, passersby covered their noses and walked away from them. Yan Xueshan now understands that Arthur's pheromone must be fragrant to passersby again.

After they sat down, Arthur received a message that he was going to do something and go first.

Yan Xueshan nodded calmly, let him go, and continued to eat by himself.

But looking at Arthur's back, an unfamiliar question appeared in his mind for the first time, and it suddenly popped up, causing him to ask himself, "Is it that fragrant..."

"What does Arthur's pheromone smell like?"

He's a beta, he can't smell it.

Beside him, a soldier who was listening to him with his ears pricked turned his head and said, "Major, do you want to know what Admiral Arthur's pheromone tastes like?"

The voice did not fall, as if infected.

A group of people, no, to be precise, a group of victims, turned their heads in unison, eager to say.

Yan Xueshan: "?"

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