MTL - After This Battle, Go Home and Get Married-Chapter 48 just go home and get married 20

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Being stared at by so many eyes, Yan Xueshan's mind went blank for a second.

I thought to myself: how many people?

He put down the spoon and said, "Well, want to know, you can tell me."

The crowd seemed to be all around in an instant, and the dining table he was sitting on was completely surrounded by water. At first, you described it as I described it. From time to time, people who had just arrived at the cafeteria saw a bunch of people here and came over to see it. Lively, as soon as I heard what was being said, I couldn't help but join the discussion.

The daily life of the soldiers is less urgent than when they were on the front line every day, but they are still busy.

This is the arrangement under Arthur's personal leadership.

When it is not time to go out to fight bandits, or soldiers who are not on guard duty, they have six days off every week.

The arrangement of the army is to get up at five in the morning, start a one-hour morning exercise to warm up, and then eat breakfast. After breakfast, there are two hours of professional military training and two hours of political and military discussions.

In the afternoon, there is an hour break after lunch, and then there is a two-hour military tactical teaching, which is aimed at lower-level soldiers who have not attended military academies.

Of course, basically everyone participated.

There is still two hours of free time before dinner. There is a huge sports center in the base, running, playing ball, skipping rope, shooting, etc. As long as you can think of sports, there are all available facilities. Make an application, and if ten people apply, the funds will be approved for reconstruction.

Especially recently, the task has been relatively easy, and several sports competitions have been organized in the base, and there will be bonuses for winning.

If you don't like martial arts, you can also have other interest groups.

Occasionally, Arthur would come over to play with everyone. He was elusive, and he couldn't predict where he would appear.

Especially the young soldiers liked this powerful and energetic young general.

"I think it's like some kind of floral scent, but I can't say what kind it is."

"Yeah, but I think it smells like leaf dew."

"Does leaf dew smell?"

"Anyway, that's what it feels like. The spring courtyard, when you wake up in the morning, is full of sunshine and warm fragrance."

"Really? I don't think it's a courtyard at all, it's more like a grove in the wild."

Yan Xueshan did not change his face in the midst of the noise, and when he quietly imagined it, he felt a little vague, not clear, but it was beautiful.

"But that's not the point—"

Yan Xueshan asked, "What's the point?"

"It's Admiral Arthur as the alpha of the S-level mental power, and his pheromone is also very strong."

"Yes, yes, every time it smells, it's a choking person."

"It's bitter and choking when it's not fragrant."

Yan Xueshan moved slightly, curious: "Will it still be fragrant?"

Answer: "Yes, the time when you couldn't find anyone after you retired was terrifying."

Now everyone can tell it as a joke.

Of course, it was behind Arthur's back, and there was no malice.

A captain who knew Yan Xueshan earlier than Asher said: "I remember the day he was very fragrant when he partnered with you, Major. I also thought, why is this alpha pheromone so fragrant?"

"Later I found out that it wasn't that he was very fragrant, or that he was not so fragrant when he was with others, it was just a more ordinary smell."

"But as long as it is by your side, it will become fragrant, it's just a matter of more or less fragrant."

Everyone agreed: "That's right."

"However, sometimes he becomes fragrant by himself. I know that it must be because you praised him that day, or you have a better attitude towards him."

Yan Xueshan: "?"

"On the contrary, if you treated him normally that day, he would be less fragrant and smell a little dry. If you were kind to him again, he would suddenly become very fragrant again."

Yan Xueshan: "??"

He doesn't understand.

He feels that he has always been good to Arthur, and has never been bad to Arthur.

The army has a military culture, and some people with bad conduct will suppress their subordinates with their seniority and military rank. He has never done such a thing. He has always been friendly with Arthur, and has no secrets about technology.

Has he ever made Arthur unsavory?

Yan Xueshan couldn't think of it at all.

During his service, his relationship with Arthur should be regarded as a kind of respectful relationship, right?

Everyone continued to complain to him, saying that Arthur was so fragrant that it really affected everyone's work, and they also asked that they must hold back and not tell Yan Xueshan.

Yan Xueshan thought about it, why didn't Arthur take suppressants?

He quickly denied his idea. One was that he didn't have a fever, and the other was that they spent 99% of the day together.

As the reason for Arthur to become fragrant, as long as he is there, taking medicine is useless, and the medicine will affect Arthur's mental state to some extent, which is not conducive to driving mecha.

"Occasionally, when someone wants to be courteous to you, the pheromone of Mr. Admiral will become sour and rushed."

"We thought before that if he could communicate with you sooner, it wouldn't be the same thing for a while."

Yan Xueshan apologized and said, "I'm sorry for bothering you."

Now he is husband and wife to Arthur, and is responsible for apologizing for Arthur.

"It's fine."

"It's okay, Major."

"I'm just happy for you guys."

"It's gotten better lately."

"Every day is sweet."

"As long as you don't show up, the sweetness is just right."

Yan Xueshan asked, "Would it be better for me not to come? It will affect you."

Everyone shook their heads again: "No no, you still come."

At this time.

Yan Xueshan received a message from Arthur and asked him to go to the command room of the base after dinner.

At that time, several people were in the command room, all standing around the big table in the center. On the table was a projected starry sky map, and they were conducting tactical derivation.

As soon as he entered, Arthur asked him if a plan would work.

Yan Xueshan is not good at designing tactics, but he is quite intuitive and experienced in this area. He will think about it and come up with any shortcomings.

But today he was distracted, turning his head to look at Arthur from time to time.

Because there are other people in the place, it is difficult to speak.

He saw that Arthur was so upright and serious, staring at the map, and focused on business.

Yan Xueshan couldn't help but think, are those people exaggerating? Obviously serious.

As soon as the others left, and before they had finished, Arthur asked with a smile, "What's wrong? It's the first time you look at me like this, as if I'm a stranger. Or am I very handsome today?"

Yan Xueshan looked directly at him and told the truth: "They told me that as long as you are with me, it will smell especially good. I can't smell it, so I'm wondering if it's true or false."

The person who just walked to the door heard a few words, and his footsteps stagnant, then quickly quickened his pace, walked out, turned around, saluted, and closed the door, all in one go.

Arthur's ears were already red: "I knew they always wanted to hit you with my little report."

Yan Xueshan's eyes were clear: "Are you angry? I don't think it's a bad thing."

"I'm not angry. Why don't you tell me in front of my face that it's natural for me to be fragrant for the person I like, and it's strange not to be fragrant." As Arthur said, he watched Yan Xueshan's reaction intently.

He felt a little warm.

There have been two times recently, and Yanxue Mountain seems to be different from usual, such as melting icebergs, which is very rare.

He tried to melt the Yanxue Mountain several times.

Unfortunately, it was a bit of a failure.

Most of the time it fails.

Yan Xueshan just nodded logically.

Arthur couldn't help but feel a little down.

I encouraged myself from the bottom of my heart. I have already coaxed people into getting married, and I have a lifetime left. Take your time, don't rush for a while.

Just thinking about it, I heard Yan Xueshan say: "I also asked them what your pheromone tastes like."

Arthur: "!"

His heart seemed to stop for half a second, and then he was hit by the pacemaker, and it jumped as if it was about to explode.

In his most absurd fantasies, he never expected that Yan Xueshan would actively want to know his own pheromone smell.

Here, he should pursue the victory, but he was stunned.

Yan Xueshan also leaned over to his neck, smelled him, and only smelled it, and saw that Arthur's glands were reddening at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Yan Xueshan: "…"

Yan Xueshan wondered: "I made you feverish again?"

"Why did you get hot when I smelled it?"

Yan Xueshan didn't use a disgusting tone, but just objectively described what he didn't understand: "What's the matter with you?"

"I kissed you, and you were hot. You saw me when I took off my clothes, and you were hot. I smelled you, and you were hot too. Why do you get hot all the time?"

"You alphas are really troublesome."

After getting the certificate and getting the official recognition status, Arthur is now arrogant, not ashamed, and quite righteous: "Because you are my lover now, I don't have to bear it anymore!"

This seems a bit wrong...

Yan Xueshan thought about it for a while, but his mind was still confused and he couldn't figure it out.

Arthur has already taken his hand: "Dear, then I'm getting hot by you now, what are you going to do?"

"I'm fragrant now, and the whole house smells of me."

Yan Xueshan: "…"

Arthur's hand slowly slid over, wrapped his arms around his waist, and said softly, "You told me once before that you could accompany me once, and the time and place are up to me, do you remember?"

Yan Xueshan kept his promise: "I remember."

This implied he understood.

Yan Xueshan asked, "Oh, do you want to do it now? Yes."

Seeing that Yan Xueshan speaks so well.

Arthur was really itchy. He endured it several times, but he always felt that the timing was not right. Today seemed to be a good opportunity, and he had to seize it.

He held his breath and said cautiously, nonchalantly, and politely: "My dear, in fact, I have an unkind request..."

Yanxueshan has a bit of an ominous premonition—

Every time Arthur wanted to make a bad design, he would have this look, shy and shy, like a kind and innocent disguise, so he asked vigilantly: "What is it? You say it first."

Arthur put his hands behind his waist, as if he was gently encircling him, preventing him from escaping. This guy already had a kind face, but at this time, he asked shamelessly with a simple face: "It's... my dear. , can you wear a mecha suit with me?"

Yan Xueshan did not expect to hear such words, and was stunned for a while, his face suddenly turned cold, and he frowned: "What are you thinking? Mechas are sacred!"

Arthur didn't take it seriously, and thought calmly:

Well, really angry.

Continue to coax.

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