MTL - After Two Lifetimes I Was Reborn Back Inside A Book-Chapter 123 Wear back the 123rd day

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— wing net.

Key words that can be captured almost without thinking are also hacker websites that everyone here is familiar with, and some of them can even be said to be one of the few people in the world who are most familiar with Yiwang.

On the right side of the screen, an ordinary-looking man raised his eyes, a trace of curiosity and interest appeared on his face, which did not fluctuate even after the attack failed just now.

Some acted calmly, while others acted in astonishment, especially the aggressive man just now. Before he could walk back to his seat, he suddenly heard a familiar website and a familiar name. He immediately stopped and ran towards Jiang Chen again.

"Brother! It's me! Short ruler! We know each other, don't you remember? Last year, country J and country K fought each other, and we fought side by side like **** sticks!"

Jiang Chen was still a little dazed at first, but when he heard the last sentence, something vaguely flashed through his mind. He blinked and said hesitantly, "H?"

"That's right!" The big man clapped his hands, his thick black eyebrows were full of excitement, "It's me, Shorty! I said I always thought your English name was familiar! We have known each other for a long time, brother..."

"Cough, cough, cough!" Deputy Director Li coughed deliberately and hard, interrupting the big man's words: "The next game will start soon, you go back and prepare first."

The big man could only nod his head, and reluctantly said to Jiang Chen, "Don't leave when it's over, let's have a good talk."

If you ignore the tone and only look at the body shape and expression, it seems to be speaking harshly.

Jiang Chen also felt a little pleasantly surprised. He thought of inviting hackers from to join him when he was preparing to create a team. However, the time for him to register on was relatively short compared to those masters, except for 196 and C. , There are almost no people I know well, I don’t know their tempers, and I don’t know what they are good at, so this idea has never been put into action.

He had fought side by side with H before, and he knew that he was actually not good at attack methods, but in terms of security, almost no one in the entire wing network could match him.

In the interstellar era, the core of the protection system is no longer a firewall, but a secure network architecture built by sophisticated algorithms, which combines the advantages of almost all current and future network security tools, and can resist almost all external and internal attacks, including Viruses, Trojan horses and backdoors, etc., have long since lost the limitations of firewalls in this era. They are not only impenetrable, but also unstoppable.

The Yangtze River is able to resist so many hackers using various means to attack at the same time, because it has already surpassed the "firewall" of technology in this era. In the interstellar era, its name is "jie". The meaning of the enchantment is similar to that in the ancient myths or fantasy novels of country C. It can resist external attacks, and at the same time, it will not prevent the people inside the enchantment from attacking the outside world. It can attack and defend.

There is a specialization in the technology industry. Although Jiang Chen was the chief researcher of the Yangtze River Research and Development Laboratory, he is better at architecture and algorithms than security. The current Yangtze River is developed by him alone, so it will naturally lack security. Even if, as he said, the Yangtze River will be the ceiling of information warfare within ten years, but what about another fifteen years? Twenty years?

He can keep learning security knowledge, but he has a long way to go. No matter how much time he spends on security research, he may develop a more advanced security system after fifteen years. But what about architecture and algorithms? Just don't upgrade? Letting go of what he is good at and using a long time to make up for his shortcomings is by no means Jiang Chen's way of doing things.

Therefore, the scientific research team he wants to form needs programmers who are good at security more than programmers who are good at architecture and algorithms. The H in front of him was one of the people he had considered.

Jiang Chen frowned, smiled and waved to the big man, changing his previous calm but slightly alienated calm: "We'll talk later."

The big man was so excited that he couldn't help stamping his feet when he got back to his seat. The people sitting next to him:, if you stamp again, the stool will collapse.

Fortunately, the second game started soon, the big man immediately entered the state, and everyone calmed down and started to defend.

Almost within ten seconds, the game was over before it even started—everyone sitting on the computer screen turned into a small rotating planet. People with a good mentality also found that each planet was as long as it was. They are all different. If someone is interested in astronomy, they may find that most of the planets here are planets that have not yet been discovered on Earth.

But ten seconds, maybe shorter, only three seconds or two seconds to lose the game and still have a good mentality, there are not many people here. There was no news about being secretly selected by the state to participate in this game. It was a game of dozens of people against one person/one system. There was no one here who hadn't made a fuss about who could mobilize such a big show.

They have curiosity and expectations in their hearts, and they have even been eager to try for a long time. They have thought about losing and winning, but they have never thought that they will lose so badly, and there is no hope of winning at all.

Before the start of the game, even until now, they were not sure what the country called them for, but now they could vaguely guess that it must have something to do with the shining planet on the screen.

A system that can integrate offense and defense, and is so powerful in both offense and defense, probably has never appeared in the world.

The expressions of the people here are different, and most of them have their own guesses and ideas.

What Jiang Chen is thinking now is another matter.

The follow-up research and development of the Yangtze River will definitely be the highest-level confidential scientific research project in the entire country. The hackers who can appear here, whether they are in the establishment of the Network Security Bureau or non-staff personnel who come as foreign aid, are all screened by the state through layers of screening. , they have clean backgrounds and top-notch technology, they are the most suitable software candidates to be selected into the scientific research team, Jiang Chen knows this very well.

However, as early as the beginning, Jiang Chen thought that the entire team should be controlled within twelve people, of which the software, that is, system upgrade and follow-up development, plus him and Yu Yi, would not exceed six people, and the other six would focus on Research and develop a CPU that is more suitable for loading the Yangtze River system.

Among the twelve people, at least three people must come from his own team, which means that the people signed by the company account for at least a quarter of the entire team, preferably one-third. After all, the scientific research team to be formed is not a national scientific research team, nor is it a research institute funded only by the company. Only when the core technology and interests are clearly divided, the entire team will be stronger in the future.

At present, Jiang Chen's idea is that among the other two or three people who have signed contracts with the company, it is best to have two security personnel, one who takes care of algorithms and architecture as he does, if the two specialize in one of them, it can also be considered, and other aspects can be considered. tell you later.

Jiang Chen raised his eyes and bent his eyes to look at the burly man who was walking towards this side, as if he was dozing off and someone gave him a pillow.

However, before the big man had time to approach, Deputy Director Li ran over with small steps, and whispered in Jiang Chen's ear, "Student Jiang, come out with me."

Jiang Chen turned his head to look at the burly man, raised his hand to greet him, signaled himself to go over, and followed Deputy Director Li to the second floor.

Before leaving the sub-control room, Jiang Chen passed a young man wearing black-rimmed glasses. He leaned against the wall and looked at him with a blushing face. His wide-open eyes were full of things he wanted to say. Originally, Jiang Chen wanted to ask Did he know him, but Deputy Director Li urged him as soon as he stopped, so he could only nod to the young man and pass him by.

"Deputy Director Li." Jiang Chen followed him unhurriedly, and asked curiously, "What's the matter with you calling me?"

Deputy Director Li paused slightly, turned his head to look at the young but accomplished boy beside him, sighed in his heart, and said in a low voice: "The competition is very important, there is a big leader who has been watching the game in the monitoring room, Now the game is over, so I will take you there to meet the old man, don't be nervous, you can answer whatever he asks."

"I see, thank you, Deputy Director Li."

Jiang Chen remained calm on the face, but in his heart he was guessing who the person above would be. Deputy Director Li's position is not low, and the status of the person who can make him so respectful and careful to be called a "big leader" must not be low. A few figures that I often see on TV flashed through my mind, but I didn't guess it in the end. Whoever it may be, can only follow Deputy Director Li to speed up the pace.

"Boom boom boom—"

The voice inside the door was thick and majestic: "Please come in."

Deputy Director Li straightened the hem of the striped T-shirt, gave Jiang Chen a comforting look, opened the door and stepped in first, Jiang Chen followed closely behind, saw the two old men standing inside, even though he had been prepared , and couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

He has guessed many people, and it is undeniable that this person also appeared in his guess, but yesterday's news was still the picture of him sitting in the White House shaking hands with the president of country A when he visited country A, so it just came to mind This possibility was ruled out. After all, apart from the itinerary, Jiang Chen didn't think that the project in his hands would have the opportunity to be inspected by the busy old man before him before it was officially launched.

However, no matter how unbelievable he was, he had to believe that the kindly smiling old man in front of him was really standing here.

"Son." The old man with a gentle but not dignified smile waved to him, "Are you Jiang Chen? I saw the system you designed just now, and it's very powerful."

Jiang Chen restrained his emotions, walked up to the old man, and said politely and respectfully, "Master Zou..."

The old man waved his hand and said with a smile, "You can just call him Grandpa. Today, Grandpa Zou was pulled over by an old friend to see the kid he admired. It really looked extraordinary."

Jiang Chen wasn't too surprised. In fact, when he saw Elder Xiang standing with the old man in front of him, he guessed the reason why the busy old man would appear here - the gift that Elder Xiang said he would give him.

This gift can no longer be described as precious, Jiang Chen can only bury his gratitude in his heart and savor this warmth and caring heart carefully.

"Grandpa Zou." Jiang Chen was as good as he was. After a brief surprise, he quickly recovered his usual calmness. He had a calm expression, a peaceful and calm smile in his eyes, and said, "Do you mind if I introduce you to the Yangtze River?" ?”

"Yangtze River?" The old man was surprised for a moment, and then laughed loudly: "Good name."

Jiang Chen smiled and thanked him, and opened his mouth slowly, using the two information battles just now to briefly introduce the Yangtze River's offensive and defensive systems in a way that laymen can understand, and by the way, mixed in A lot of my own private goods, such as the future development trend of the Internet and the importance of information security.

After the old man listened carefully, his tone was kind, but his eyes were sharp and majestic: "If information warfare will be the main method of future wars, do you think the Yangtze River can have a place in it?"

Jiang Chen responded calmly: "The development of the Internet is changing faster than any other industry, but the deep learning algorithm owned by Changjiang can guarantee that it will always be one step or even ten steps faster. Changjiang server, then the Yangtze River is not just a place, but most of the country."

Surprise floated in the eyes of the old man. For so many years, few people could speak so openly in front of him. However, compared with the boldness of the young man, he cared more about his clean and clear eyebrows. And the tranquility that can only be obtained after polishing, even if he has read countless people, it is extremely difficult for him to find a few existences with a temperament comparable to the young man in front of him.

"I heard that you once said that the Yangtze River can not only win in the information war, but also have an advantage in the battlefield of real swords and guns."

Jiang Chen nodded: "Yes."

"Has the time for the military exercise been decided?"

"not yet."

The old man smiled slightly and said, "Then how about now?"

Jiang Chen was slightly taken aback, and quickly replied: "No problem."

After the old man's order was issued, the execution speed was astonishingly fast. When Jiang Chen and Xiang Lao drove together to the military area hidden in the deep forest in the next province, there were already officers leading a team to greet them. He helped Mr. Xiang get out of the car, and with a quick glance, he could tell at a glance that the soldiers in front of him were not simple, at least they should be special forces.

The soldier standing at the front saluted and talked to the old man from a distance. Jiang Chen could only tell from his epaulets that his rank was not low, but he couldn't tell otherwise.

Jiang Chen and Xiang Lao stood in place, looking at the people talking in front, waiting for the next order, and saw the most soldier suddenly nodded, beckoning a soldier ran out from the troops behind, he bowed his head and said something to the soldier, The dark-skinned soldiers ran towards this side.

The soldier saluted, and after introducing himself, he said to Jiang Chen with a serious face: "We have prepared the things you need, just follow me."

Jiang Chen glanced at Elder Xiang, who then looked around, and said, "I'll be strolling there for a while, you go with him first."

"You watch your step."

This side is located next to a deep mountain, the road is full of mud and rocks, even at the entrance of the military area, it is not so smooth, and Mr. Xiang is getting old, Jiang Chen is still a little worried, and he gave another advice after another.

"Go slowly, don't fall."

"Am I the old man or you are the old man, long-winded!"

Mr. Xiang waved his hands, turned his hands away, and walked forward.

Jiang Chen smiled helplessly, and left with the little soldier.

"Do you have a satellite network here?" Jiang Chen walked behind the soldiers and asked while looking at the surrounding environment.

The little soldier nodded sternly: "Yes, there are satellite TV and satellite phones, which are not allowed to be used at ordinary times, and you can set aside time every week to call your family."

Jiang Chen didn't mean to ask this, but he couldn't help but think of the days when he was in the research institute of the Imperial Military Department after hearing him say that.

It was an independent and primitive planet with few modern facilities. Although they are researchers, except for their daily routines, the living conditions and the rules and regulations they need to abide by are almost the same as those of the army stationed there. Due to the confidential nature of military training, the entire planet is shielded from all signals most of the time.

Whenever a fixed communication day comes, most of the researchers and soldiers will be elated for a long time, but at that time Jiang Chen had no relatives, and his only friend was also in the same research institute, so there was almost nothing to worry about, so every month On this day, he would find a place to have a meal alone, missing his family from his previous life.

Later, Liao Zhe discovered his secret base somehow, and he was never able to return him to peace.

It has been nearly two years since he returned to the present world. He has parents and friends here, and he has not thought of the people and things in his last life for a long time. Now he suddenly returns to a place where the environment is not similar, but the feeling is the same. He can't help thinking of it for a long time. People who never thought of it.

Jiang Chen was immersed in his memories and didn't pay attention to his surroundings. It wasn't until the soldier opened his mouth that he came back to his senses. He stood at the bottom of the steps, looked into the house where the wall was peeling off, and couldn't help hesitating: "Is this the training base?"

The soldier nodded and walked in first, leading the way and saying, "It's inside."

Jiang Chen followed behind him, looking at this computer room that was no different from an ordinary office or even more dilapidated. Several ordinary computers were randomly placed on the table. Although the screens were wiped clean and spotless, the bulky computer room The yellowish shell betrays the painstaking cleaning.

Going further inside, there is another computer room, which is no different from the one outside. After passing through five computer rooms, the soldiers stopped in front of a door, which looked the same as the previous ones. Suddenly found that the key hole of this door is not the same.

Sure enough, the soldier turned the lock gently, and there were two clicks, revealing the combination lock inside. He entered the combination skillfully, and the green-painted door clicked open.

"This is…"

The high-tech in front of him contrasted sharply with the dilapidated computer room outside. Looking at the huge electronic screen in front of him, Jiang Chen was slightly startled. In the interstellar era, because he stayed in the military research institute of the empire for a long time, he was very interested in interstellar Before the migration, he had some knowledge of the military strength and modern military equipment of each country, but most of the information was lost at that time, including the strategic situation of each country, so he said that he did not know much about it.

At least, according to the information he saw at the time, country C in 2005 should not have such a high-tech director hall.

"The preparations are in a hurry, so we can only pull two teams to practice for the time being."

Behind Jiang Chen, a loud voice approached along with the sound of footsteps. The officer who had talked to the old man came over and pointed to every detail on the giant screen to explain to him: "Each team has sixteen people, that is the equipment vehicle. , two for each team, of which the weapons are..."

Jiang Chen was listening carefully, and asked a few questions related to weapons from time to time. The officer saw that every sentence he asked was on point, and asked in surprise, "Do you usually like to watch military channels?"

"Somewhat interested." Jiang Chen smiled. He didn't say that his database contained information on most of the existing weapons from various countries in the world. Although the secret research could not be loaded into the database, most of the weapons used in this exercise were already available. He knew that there was going to be a military exercise, so he would naturally do his homework in advance.

The officer nodded and didn't say much. He waited until a small soldier came to report, and then said to Jiang Chen, "Are you ready? The blue team will be under your command. What you have to do is let the blue team operate in your system." under the command of the Red Team."

Jiang Chen turned on the computer and loaded the data: "It's ready."

At the same time as the words fell, the red signal flare was lifted into the air, and the two teams on the practice field were also ready to go.

Both sides are the elites of the army, and I am afraid that there have been many actual combats, but this is the first time for such an exercise. They have been fighting through the command of the headquarters for the past year, so even if the command connected to the headset is said to be artificial intelligence , There is no need to adapt and run in.

The red team attacked fiercely, and soon drove the only armored vehicle to attack here. At the same time, other soldiers were also hiding, outflanking or sniping.

The blue team didn't receive the order for a long time, the captain stood in place, frowning, he wanted to give orders to command his own soldiers, but the duty of a soldier forced him to obey the order, and now the order has not been issued, so he can only wait.

Suddenly, a voice came from the headset, "All enter the three-point direction to hide, the sniper is ready, and the others are waiting."

The captain of the blue team raised his hand and immediately acted according to the instructions. They had just ambushed in the designated building when they saw members of the red team moving not far away.

"Sniper, attack."

The sniper aimed at the members of the red team, and with one shot, the red team lost one member. Just as the sniper was about to wait, another member of the red team appeared soon. The sniper reacted quickly and pressed the trigger at the same time as the headset sound appeared.

"Snipe every opponent you see."

bang, bang, bang...

The members of the blue team looked at each other, completely unaware of what was going on with the red team. They had already sniped five people on their side, and they supposedly knew that someone was ambushing and sniping here, so why did people keep running into their range.

Except for the snipers, the rest of them hardly need to do anything, and half of the manpower has been lost there.

However, what is even more weird is that the members of the red team seemed to be possessed by half of the evil, one by one running out. Although their movements were very vigilant and concealed, they all came here by scrambling in actual combat, and the blue team occupied the best sight. No matter how cautious the red team is when it comes to sniping positions, they will always be accurate.

After a while, the red team was left with only two armored vehicles.

The captain of the blue team frowned and couldn't help whispering: "What are they doing?"

The command came from the headset again: "Except for the snipers, all the troops are dispatched to capture the enemy alive."

The captain had been waiting inexplicably, and immediately waved his hand and led the team downstairs. He thought it would be an offensive and defensive battle against the sturdy armored vehicle. Unexpectedly, as soon as they got down, the door of the armored vehicle opened automatically. Staring at the small eyes, they obviously didn't realize this situation. Although the two sides reacted quickly, the blue team had the numerical advantage and captured the red team with almost no effort.

One party either died or was captured. The exercise ended unprecedentedly quickly, and the whole development process made people feel at a loss. The captain of the blue team and the captain of the red team looked at each other and walked quickly to the exercise room.

In the exercise room at this time, the people watching the battle were also dumbfounded.

The people in the red team headquarters wanted to curse, but they could only grit their teeth and bear it when they thought about who were watching the battle.

Only the officer who had been standing by Jiang Chen's side was thoughtful: "It's still possible to fight like this."

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