MTL - After Two Lifetimes I Was Reborn Back Inside A Book-Chapter 124 Wear back the one hundred and twenty-fourth day

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After the officer finished speaking, he paused for a moment, then turned his head to look at Jiang Chen with some inquiring eyes.

"Is your system intelligent enough to make decisions on its own, or have you already prepared a strategy?"

Before the end of the story came to an end, the confused red and blue teams pushed the door in. They were all soldiers who were secretly trained at this seemingly difficult training ground, which actually concentrated the highest level of technology in the country. They could be selected to come here. Here, the strength is naturally extraordinary.

From enlistment to now, they have never won/lost so inexplicably and confused.

"Report!" The captain of the blue team and the captain of the red team stood still at the same time, saluting uniformly, "The exercise is over, and all members of the blue team/red team return to the team!"

"It's been hard work, take a break."

The action turned into a straddle, and the two captains were no longer as serious as before. The captain of the red team couldn't wait to ask the question that had troubled him since the beginning of the play: "Why is the command inconsistent with the order? Let's ambush first. Later, scouts were sent out one by one. As a result, not only did they fail to determine the enemy's position, but they were wiped out one by one by the enemy's snipers. Under such circumstances, they issued reconnaissance orders again and again. Serious dereliction of duty!"

Losing a game so disheartened, it will be difficult to raise his head in front of the blue team for a period of training in the future. The captain of the red team can't swallow this breath. The dissatisfaction hit the headquarters head and face. If it wasn't for the scruples that the leaders and leaders were here, they would probably point their noses at the people in the headquarters and yell at them.

The people in the headquarters were also very wronged. After thinking about it with their brains, they knew that it was impossible for them to issue such an order, but they had to suffer from the dumbness. In order to cope with the high-tech battles that may occur in the future, this covert foreign military simulation force starts from the establishment of a team, using the command and squad to cooperate in combat. The combination of the two sides is a real team.

The people in the headquarters are not fixed. In addition to combat, the soldiers of the special forces are indispensable for strategic deployment and military acumen, so every time they contact the headquarters, they will rotate soldiers. At that time, completely obeying the orders of the headquarters became the first thing they kept in mind and engraved into their bones on the first day of training.

Obedience to orders is a soldier's bounden duty, and for soldiers of foreign military simulation troops, this article is based on the addition of obeying the orders of the headquarters.

In any case, the red team did receive orders from the headquarters. When the system was cut off or even false instructions were issued by the opponent, they were unable to fight back, which was their dereliction of duty.

It turned out that Jiang Chen had no intention of really using tactics to fight wars from the very beginning. Even if he had been in the army for a few years, he would not have really become an expert in tactical deployment. Otherwise, he would not have stayed in research at that time. So he went to the army.

His initial order to the Yangtze River was to use electronic warfare and cyber warfare.

After Changjiang and other red teams issued the first few correct instructions, they cut off the opponent's radio communication, making their command fail, and then pretended that everything was normal. The red team commander was still issuing instructions, but all his instructions would be blocked. The Yangtze River intercepted halfway, and then sent fake instructions to the red team.

The red team acted according to the false instructions, one by one ran to the blue team's sniper range to die, the red team's headquarters was shocked and angry after seeing it on the big screen, and gave the order again, but the other side still didn't follow the order, no matter what happened now I also realized that someone was making trouble.

But even if they knew that Jiang Chen was playing tricks, they could only wait anxiously as the exercise was still going on. Fortunately, the waiting time was not too long. The armored vehicles of the China Unicom command network also opened the gate automatically, allowing the blue team to win without any effort.

A young and energetic commander couldn't suppress the anger in his heart, and lowered his voice: "Despicable."

When Jiang Chen heard the sound, he followed the voice and saw the soldier with a somewhat immature face. He was slightly taken aback, but he didn't feel sorry, but he was an "old man" who had lived three lives and had the Yangtze River in his hand. Competing with these soldiers who are no older than twenty-five years old, I really feel guilty of bullying children.

He blinked, and wanted to say something, but the sharp eyes of the officer standing beside him had already swept over, looked directly at the soldier who had just spoken, and said, "Do you think that the other party is despicable if you lose?"

The soldier didn't expect the head of the regiment to ask a question directly, but he straightened his back, stood up and said with a straight neck: "He cut off our system and gave false orders. Isn't this despicable or what?"

The officer snorted coldly: "Go to the battlefield and ask the people in our military industry research department whether the new stealth aircraft is despicable, and the nuclear weapons developed by the research institute are despicable. , Accepting newly developed weapons can’t do it, what kind of soldier are you still doing?”

These words are not insignificant, but in front of so many people, Xiao Bing's blushing face gradually turned white, his hands beside him were clenched into fists, shame and embarrassment alternated on his face, and he slowly lowered his head .

Jiang Chen swallowed what he wanted to say, forget it, they want to understand the Yangtze River's method of cutting off the enemy's communication as a weapon, and they can't finish talking about security mistakes.

"And you!" Jiang Chen did not speak, but the officer's teaching did not end. His eyes swept over every soldier present, serious and majestic: "Our country is developing every day, and technology and weapons are changing with each passing day. What is it? It is to protect the peace of the motherland, and to give you more protection in battle!"

"All the details on the battlefield will become the direct factors that determine success or failure. In the past, it was a bullet and a knife, but now it is the military strength gap between the enemy and ourselves. How can these gaps be opened? Technology and weapons! Just ask, if one day , the system that commanded the blue team just appeared on the battlefield, we can repel the enemy without losing a single soldier, and we can defend our borders and our allies, don’t you think it’s despicable?”

Most of the people who were caught by the officer's sight lowered their heads in shame. They were only annoyed by the dramatic ending of the exercise like a play, but they never thought that if this dramatic exercise was placed between international wars, What a powerful secret weapon it would be.

If they have the system for today's exercise, they will be able to reverse control as long as the enemy uses weapons connected to the computer system in the future, and most of the weapons connected to the computer system are the most powerful secret weapons of various countries.

When the enemy country was firing the laser cannon, they suddenly found that the fort could not be activated, and turned around in a hurry. Just thinking about it made their blood boil, and they looked at Jiang Chen—the computer beside him with scorching eyes.

Jiang Chen felt the soldiers' "enthusiastic" eyesight, not only did not feel uncomfortable, but a little nostalgia floated in his heart. In the interstellar era, whenever a new type of weapon or mecha appeared, the soldiers were so enthusiastic and excited.

Sure enough, no matter how the times change, some enthusiasm will not change.

"Jiang—" The officer faced Jiang Chen, thinking that he had no position, so he changed his address to two more respectful words: "Sir."

Jiang Chen was used to this kind of address, and he didn't feel that there was anything wrong for a while, so he said kindly, "Please tell me."

"Let's move to the meeting room to talk, how about it?" The officer is obviously not used to speaking like this, but facing the handsome young man in front of him, he couldn't utter those straightforward vulgar words, so he took out the old man enshrined at home for a while. Some tone.

Hearing his tone, Jiang Chen felt a little strange in his heart, but he couldn't figure out what was so strange, so he could only nod his head and followed behind him.

In the meeting room, apart from the old man and Mr. Xiang who were silent from the beginning to the end of the play, there were also two strange old men and two middle-aged men wearing epaulets. The officers who walked in side by side with Jiang Chen were definitely juniors among these people, let alone Jiang Chen.

The officer saw clearly the people present, his pupils shrank, and he gave a loud report.

Jiang Chen glanced politely at the few people he didn't know but obviously had a lot of background. After slightly nodding his head, he greeted the two he knew: "Grandpa Zou, Grandpa Xiang."

Hearing Jiang Chen's address, some people present looked slightly surprised, and turned to look at the old man at the top.

The old man didn't seem to notice other people's gazes, and smiled and nodded to Jiang Chen, with a kind tone: "Come and sit down, we're going to have a meeting."

Jiang Chen and the officer were seated at the same time—the conference room was small, and there were only two seats left, and the two of them didn't need to look much to know where to sit.

However, what surprised Jiang Chen was that he actually sat in the second place on the left side of the main seat, which was just below Mr. Xiang Lao.

The seats in the conference room are very particular, even in the interstellar era, some hidden rules still exist. From Jiang Chen's point of view, no matter how powerful his Yangtze River is, it is not suitable for him to sit in such a position before he has really produced results, not to mention that he has no position at all at this time.

But the people present seemed to think that he should sit there, and they didn't even show a surprised look at his sitting, but kindness and peace occupied the majority of their gazes.

"Xiao Jiang." The old man at the top opened his mouth and said kindly: "Talk to your grandpas, what functions does your Yangtze River have, and the extent to which it can do it now, after the successful development, within the maximum radiation range, it can Keep a few percent of your capacity.”

Jiang Chen raised his eyes, and out of the corner of his eye was Mr. Xiang with the old **** beside him. Presumably, during the period just now, Mr. Xiang often went to the old man to learn about the Yangtze River.

"If the development of the bearer server is successful, the Yangtze River can radiate to all the places where signal receiving towers are built. In terms of security protection, different security levels can be set, such as civilian level and military level, as well as the level of ordinary databases and special databases. Depending on the level, the server level required for the coverage area is also different."

After digesting the content of Jiang Chen's words, the old man said, "Do you have a direction for server development?"

"Yes." Jiang Chen nodded: "But I'm not an engineer, so I can only provide some principles. It may take a long time from development to results."

An old man in military uniform asked, "How long?"

"I'm not sure." Jiang Chen told the truth. He is a software engineer, no matter how good he is, he can't know everything about hardware. When he was in the federation, there were no less than two hundred people in the Yangtze River Research and Development Center, and the groups were extremely clear. He was the person in charge of the system People, even if there is necessary debugging and discussion, they only focus on the running speed of the system, and they don't know anything about the server.

Today's Changjiang can run on his notebook, all thanks to his excellent memory. At that time, he saw the portable server made by the researchers of the server team for easier and clearer research. Although the process is complicated, the materials are relatively simple, so Jiang Chen had seen a lot and remembered most of it.

But even so, this simple version of the simple server was made by Jiang Chen after countless failed experiments, and once the attack and defense system is turned on, the usage time varies according to the level. The highest level of defense and attack can support up to 30 minutes. Fortunately, the information warfare and the exercise just now only needed to be opened to the lowest level, so that Jiang Chen could take this laptop that was on the server for less time than when it was connected to the computer to go through the two tests.

However, Jiang Chen's answer made another old man in military uniform dissatisfied.

"Isn't this something you research? You don't even know how long it will take to develop it successfully?"

There was no need for Jiang Chen to speak, Elder Xiang said coldly: "He only makes software, and if you ask him how long it will take to make the hardware, why don't you ask yourself, can you dance as well as boxing? How about ballet?"

Directly asking an old man who is over sixty years old if he can dance, whether it is dance or ballet, is really full of gunpowder.

But no one present took offense. It was no secret that Mr. Xiang and the general in front of him were at odds, but the two had quarreled from young to old, and it was just lip service.

Sure enough, the old man in military uniform just snorted coldly, as if he was too lazy to argue with him.

Seeing this, Jiang Chen took up the conversation with a slight smile, and said, "Although I can't predict the length of the server's research and development, it doesn't mean that the Yangtze River can't run. The simple server I'm currently making can carry the Yangtze River for a period of time, and there is this simple server. , I believe that the scientists in the engineering department should be more easily inspired."

In fact, the old man just asked this habitually. He usually speaks this way to his subordinates and his children and grandchildren. His violent temper really shouldn't be directed at the young man in front of him.

Seeing that he obviously didn't care about his unprofessional question just now, but instead explained it from another aspect gently and patiently, which not only saved his face, but also gave him a step up and shifted everyone's focus. Can not help greatly increase the goodwill.

"Do you have any requirements for the researchers of the scientific research team?" A middle-aged man with a square face who has not spoken has looked at Jiang Chen, and his tone unconsciously revealed a bit of majesty when he spoke: "I heard that you plan to open a company and Where do you plan to find people from research institutes and scientific research teams?"

Jiang Chen replied one by one: "I hope to personally select each partner. The current plan is to set up a team of twelve people a day, six people will specialize in servers, and the other five people will work with me to further develop the Yangtze River. I will try my best to Researchers are selected within the establishment of the National Research Institute and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and other researchers who are contracted to the company will also be hired after national verification."

Jiang Chen's considerations were almost comprehensive, and he methodically explained every detail and concerns that everyone present might have. Cooperating with a state-owned company is the most feasible and the most acceptable solution for both parties.

"I heard that you are still in the third year of high school." Wearing gold-rimmed glasses, the thin middle-aged man with a Chinese character face is a bit more refined than before, said: "If the R&D team and projects are established, you can ensure that your studies and research can be done well." Simultaneously?"

Jiang Chen was asked this question more than once when he entered the Seventeenth Research Institute, and when he heard it again at this time, he still gave the same answer.

"I can handle everything."

The thin-cheeked middle-aged man nodded. He didn't know whether to believe it or not. Instead of continuing the question, he asked, "Are you planning to go to Yanda University or Huada University?" There was no doubt in his tone that Jiang Chen might choose. Other schools may not be admitted to Huayan's hesitation.

"Yan University Computer Department."

A smile appeared on the thin man's face: "That's my alma mater, your choice is good."

A soft snort came from next to his ear, every time Mr. Xiang thought of Jiang Chen not choosing Huada's Department of Mathematics, he was still annoyed, even if Jiang Chen didn't bring it up.

Jiang Chen was a little helpless, but he had nothing to say.

The thin man continued: "If you are at Yanda, you can conduct research and studies at the same time. Yanda has always had an example of undergraduate students entering the research institute in advance to participate in research. After you apply, you only need to take important exams every semester. , and then complete the credits.”

Jiang Chen had heard of this before, but a big reason he chose Yanda was its basic computer courses, and he didn't intend to just pass the exam to get a diploma, but the elders in front of him told him that it was obviously out of good intentions, even if he I didn't intend to do this, but I still thank you.

"Yan University is not the only one that can do this, and national defense is also available." The old man in military uniform glanced at the thin man, not intending to continue the topic, and said to Jiang Chen: "The research and development of the Yangtze River will become a national first-class secret. In the future, your basic necessities There will be people closely monitoring, including your parents who will also arrange people to protect you. In addition to researchers, these people who protect you at any time can also be selected by you. I tell you this, I hope you will be prepared, and your life may be different in the future. It's going to be turned upside down."

Jiang Chen had already adapted to the life of being protected at any time. Although he occasionally felt unfree when he was in the Federation, it was this strict protection that allowed him to survive many assassinations and overt attacks, so naturally he would not reject him.

Hearing the old man's warning, which was actually a reminder to get a vaccination in advance, Jiang Chen nodded: "Thank you, I will be ready."

The old man frowned. For what he just said, what is worth saying thank you for?

This kid is smart, but his personality is too soft. When he chooses his entourage, he has to let his old subordinates insert the good youngsters under his banner, and he must choose someone from his most elite subordinates to protect him. Reassuring.

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