MTL - Age of Elves: God-Level Landing-Chapter 2

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"Little brother, get out of here, come here!"

Dr. Damu also saw Luochen and hurriedly said to Luochen.

Luochen hurried over and asked, "What happened to this fast dragon? Why did it suddenly enter the reverse scale mode?"

Dr. Damu glanced at Luochen slightly unexpectedly. Although Kuailong is the quasi-god of Kanto, it is very rare. Many people have only seen it in the illustrated book, and many people have not seen it with their own eyes. They don’t know anything about Kuailong, but This young man could tell at a glance that the fast dragon had entered the rampant mode of inverse scales.

"I don't know, it flew out to play before, and it was like this when it came back, but according to its current state, it may have eaten the magic dragon fruit."

Dragon fruit?

Fallen Chen was stunned, is there such a thing in the original book?

[The new book is first released, asking for collection and asking for flowers. Pokémon is originally a niche. Flowers and collections are extremely important in the early stage. I hope you can move your little fingers, thank you very much! ].

Chapter 3: Dumbfounded Dr. Damu! (for collection)

Before he could ask the doubts in his heart, Dr. Damu looked at the fast dragon that was constantly destroying the surrounding, and said helplessly: "If you can't regain your sobriety, you can only defeat it head-on!" He threw a Elf ball, a white light flashed, and an elf appeared in front of Luochen.

Looking at this little elf, Luochen raised his eyebrows. As expected of the famous Doctor Damu, he was actually another quasi-god. The elf he took out was a giant gold monster with the same quasi-god.

Just when Dr. Damu wanted to command the giant gold monster to fight.

Luochen thought of the reward as the first login to the game. Isn't this system rewarding him with a special skill 'The Power of Comfort'? Maybe you can try it yourself!

Anyway, even if you don't succeed, you won't lose anything, and, anyway, the inferior system of your own family has said that even if you die in the game at this stage, there will be no life-threatening danger in reality.

He is not a sloppy person either. Thinking of this, he said directly: "Wait, let me try it!"

Dr. Damu was stunned. Everyone knows that once the dragon-type elf enters the reverse scale mode, there is no way to do it. It can only wait for it to exhaust its physical strength, even its trainer.

Can't wake it up at all.

Not to mention that Kuailong may have eaten the magic dragon fruit to cause this situation. He and Kuailong are relatively familiar people, and they can't wake it up, let alone a stranger.

Just when Dr. Damu was stunned, Luochen had already come to Kuailong who was in a runaway state.

Dr. Damu was taken aback. This is a fast dragon in a runaway state. It is extremely dangerous: "Come back... come back!"

Luochen came to Kuailong, who was in a rampant state. Although he was still ten meters away from Kuailong, the strong sense of oppression still made people gasp. ferocious.

All around were destroyed in a mess.

Feeling the powerful oppression of Kuailong, Luochen took a deep breath and walked towards it slowly.


When it was only one meter away from Kuailong, Kuailong turned his head sharply and roared at Luochen, his scarlet eyes staring at Luochen, without a trace of emotion, the corners of his mouth were hideous, and his teeth were exposed. .

This roar made Luochen feel as if a tenth-level storm was blowing towards him. It was extremely terrifying. At this time, his heart was also very uneasy. I hoped that the special skill rewarded by this system would be useful. Otherwise, I will explain it here today.

The mouth of the fast dragon has begun to make a low beast-like sound, which is a precursor to an attack.

"Come back!" Dr. Damu hurriedly said when he saw this.

But Luochen ignored it and continued to walk towards the fast dragon.

"Kailong, be quiet!"

He stretched out his hand towards Kuailong, thinking in his heart: "The power of appeasement is activated!"

In an instant, a layer of light green light was attached to his palm.


Kuailong roared at Luochen again.

Done! "

Dr. Damu was a little anxious. When he was about to let the giant golden monster attack, his eyes suddenly widened, as if he saw something incredible happened.

I saw Luochen walking in front of Kuailong step by step.

There was a pale green light on his hand, and when he walked in front of Kuailong, he raised his hand.

An unbelievable scene happened. The fast dragon in the state of reverse scale actually lowered his head and moved in front of Luo Chen.

Luochen touched Kuailong's head: "Kuilong calm down!"

This price seems to carry some kind of magic, Kuailong is as docile as a kitten in front of him, letting Luochen stroke his head.

Gradually, the scarlet color in Kuailong's eyes slowly disappeared, and the two dragon whiskers that were dancing wildly gradually calmed down, and the eyes regained clarity, and then its eyelids slowly closed, and the snoring sounded.


At the end, its huge body fell directly to the ground, causing countless smoke and dust, and fell into a deep sleep.


Luochen was also relieved, fortunately this special skill was powerful.

On the side, Dr. Damu has long been dumbfounded. As a Dr. Elf, he has studied the knowledge of elves for a lifetime, but he has never seen such a strange scene. Someone can actually restore the fast dragon in the state of reverse scale.

After returning to his senses, he asked incredulously, "How did you do it?"

Of course, Luo Chen couldn't say it directly. As a bewildered look, he frowned and said innocently, "I don't know, but I feel like I can make Kuailong quiet down."

Dr. Ogi frowned.

At this time, Luochen squatted down and touched the head of the giant gold monster, but the giant gold monster took the initiative to rub Luochen's hand.

Dr. Damu's eyes flashed shock again. You must know that his giant gold monster has a very strange temper, let alone a stranger. Sometimes he doesn't even touch his grandson Xiao Mao.

But now it is willing to touch a stranger. Is this the elf affinity? This young man has a high affinity for elf!

It's hard to tell the affinity of the elf, just like people, some people like you at first sight, and some people get along with you day and night, but they don't like you.

Anyway, the elf affinity is a very magical thing. Generally speaking, this kind of person is easy to get the elf's favor, easy to regain the elf, and the tacit understanding with the elf is also very good.

[The new book is first released, asking for flowers for collection? Pokémon is originally a niche. Flowers and collections are extremely important in the early stage. I hope you can move your little fingers, thank you very much! ].

Chapter 4: SSS-level Hidden Mission! (for collection)

Dr. Damu took out the Poke Ball and put away the fast dragon and the giant golden monster.

"Little brother, thank you, do you want to come and sit in my research room?" Dr. Damu invited Luochen.

"Okay, very honored!"

Dr. Ogi took out an elf again, a white light flashed, and a elf with flames burning on its tail appeared, which was a fire-breathing dragon from one of the three royal families in Kanto.

The two got on it, and Luo Chen was a little new. This was his first time riding a Pixie.

The moment he got on the fire-breathing dragon, the sound of the game system rang:

"World Announcement: Ding! Congratulations to player Luochen for completing the SSS-level hidden mission."

"World Announcement: Ding! Congratulations to player Luochen for completing the SSS-level hidden mission."

"World Announcement: Ding! Congratulations to player Luochen for completing the SSS-level hidden mission."

Another three world announcements sounded. Fortunately, there are no other players in this world. Otherwise, in less than an hour, there will be two consecutive world announcements, which is not sure how many people will fall below the eye.

Hearing the announcement from this world, Luo Chen was startled. He didn't expect this to be an SSS-level hidden mission. At first, he didn't think much of it, but simply wanted to get close to Dr. Damu and try his special skills: the power of appeasement, what was the effect? Sample.

Unexpectedly, a SSS-level hidden task was completed.

But the task is completed, what about my task reward? !

He thought for a while, then looked at Dr. Damu, he thought of a possibility, the SSS-level hidden task he completed should not be issued by the system.

It was given to him by the person who issued the task, that is, Dr. Damu.

After completing the SSS-level hidden quest, Luo Chen was a little curious about what kind of quest reward he would get.

The fire-breathing dragon flapped its wings and rose into the air.

The trees on the ground became as small as ants in front of his eyes, the scenery receded rapidly on both sides, and the wind blew the dusty robes.

This is Luochen's first time riding an elf. In his previous life, when he saw the people among the Pokémon riding the flying elf everywhere in the sky, he was envious to death. He never thought that he would actually realize it today. Yes, it's really cool.

The fire-breathing dragon was very fast, and soon a small town appeared under their feet.

The fire-breathing dragon landed on a building with a huge area.

"Okay, here we are."

The two jumped off the fire-breathing dragon's back.

Luo Chen carefully looked at the research institute of Dr. Damu. The entire area was huge and extraordinarily luxurious, and there were fully armed guards at the entrance.

He was too lazy to complain. Sure enough, everything in the anime is deceptive. After all, Dr. Damu is also a well-known elf research doctor. How could his research institute be as broken as in the anime; and there are important research materials in it, how could it be possible Not even a guard.

Zhenxinzhen is not as small as it looks in the anime, but very large.

"Doctor, welcome back!"

The two guards at the door respectfully respected Dr.

Dr. Damu nodded, and then walked in with Luochen.

The entire research room is full of mechanical equipment and instruments, and it is not only Dr. Damu alone, he also has some assistants and apprentices.

After visiting the research room for a while, Dr. Damu brought Luochen to the other end of the research room.

Open the door, and there is a vast plain outside. There are grasslands, lakes, forests and hills. There are many elves on the entire plain.

This is the backyard of the research room. The whole backyard is very large, and even the back mountain of Zhenxin Town is included.

Some of the elves here are deposited by trainers, some are elves used by Dr. Damu himself for research, and some are wild elves who came to settle here by themselves.

After all, there are many elves here, including many rare ones.

When the elves saw that Dr. Damu was coming, they all came together.

"Haha, long time no see everyone."

Luochen touched these little elves, but they did not contradict, but instead kissed Luochen affectionately.

,\'what. "

He let out a light hum, and found a quasi-god elf not far away, with dark skin, like a fish, but with short legs, this is the quasi-god elf - the round land shark, and, It also saw the presence of a miniature dragon.

He sighed a little, as expected of Dr. Damu, a rare quasi-god elf, he actually saw 4 of them in a row today.

He walked over and came to the round land shark.

Round Land Shark looked at Luochen with wide eyes.

Luo Chen smiled and stretched out his hand.

"Be careful, this round land shark..." Dr. Damu hurriedly reminded when he saw this scene.

But at this time, Luo Chen had already picked up Yuan Lu Shark.

Dr. Damu looked at it blankly, and the voice in his mouth became smaller and smaller: "I don't like being touched..."

"What's the matter, Dr. Damu?" Luochen asked.

Dr. Damu shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Luochen, your elf affinity is really high."

He pointed to the round land shark, "This round land shark has a very weird temper. It has been here for half a year, but it has never been touched by anyone, even I can only touch it, but I can't handle it. pick up."

"And you, obviously it's the first time I've seen it, but you can actually pick it up. It's not unwilling at all. Your affinity as an elf is really enviable." Dr. Damu said with an envious tone.

This kind of super high elf affinity is everyone's dream.

[The new book is first released, asking for flowers for collection? Pokémon is originally a niche. Flowers and collections are extremely important in the early stage. I hope you can move your little fingers, thank you very much! ].

Chapter 5: The Third World Announcement! (for collection)

"Then the relationship between you and your elf must be very good, and the cooperation must be very good. Are you going to fight? I want to see how a trainer with a super high elf affinity directs the elf to fight. This must be a very good match. Good subject for research." Dr. Damu took out a Poké Ball and said to Luo Chen.

Luo Chen helplessly spread out his hands and smiled bitterly: "I don't have a elf yet."

This time, it was Dr. Damu's turn to be stunned: "You don't have an elf yet?"

Dusty nodded.

He frowned, this is impossible, as long as you pay a certain fee to the Elf Alliance, you can get one Yusan after a certain age. Even if you don't pay the fee, the alliance will give you five Elf Balls, and then allow you to catch the little ones. Elf.

"I'm an orphan, so there are no elves." Luo Chen said.

"Uh..." Dr. Damu was stunned. Indeed, if he was an orphan, he would have no household registration in the Elf Alliance. He was a black household. Of course, he could not receive Yusanjia and elves.

Ball, he said apologetically: "I'm sorry, it brought back bad memories of you."

Luochen quickly waved his hand: "It doesn't matter, one is used to it."

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