MTL - Almighty Dad-Chapter 100 Sick Dad 11

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As the bullock cart was approaching the village, a large group of children came running, shouting excitedly as they ran.

"Master Xiucai is back!"

"Master Xiucai is back."

"Master Xiucai is back."

Ever since she received the good news that her father had passed the examination as a scholar, Han Jinxiu had learned embroidery at the master's house, and would lead her younger siblings to wait at the head of the village, lest she miss her father's return, and the children in the village would join in the fun.





When Han Ze got off the bullock cart, he was surrounded by a group of carrot heads, unable to move his legs. With a look of helplessness on his face, he turned to Han Erlang and said, "Take out the candy from the package."

Han Erlang hesitated, a bit reluctant, not because he was stingy, but the candy was bought from Fucheng, because they didn't have much money, so they bought less, so many children, each child had a piece of candy, and it was gone after the distribution. His parents haven't got to eat yet.

Han Ze couldn't stop laughing, and urged: "Bring it, I'll buy it later when I go to Fucheng."

Although Han Erlang was still reluctant, he took out the candy. Han Ze took the candy and distributed one piece to each of the children in the village. The rest was given to Han Jinxiu to share with his younger siblings.

The children got the candies, and their little faces were full of excitement. With the candies, the scholar master was not too rare. He said and ran away with a smile. Seeing that the children were no longer around him, Han Ze breathed a sigh of relief. The package said loudly: "Go, go home."

Han Jinxiu smiled brightly. Not only did her father pass the examination as a scholar, but the most important thing is that her father came back safely. Without her aunt who hurt others, their family life would be better and better. Thinking of this, she happily led her younger siblings to follow her step by step. behind daddy.

Before reaching the door, Han Youtian and his wife came out to welcome them, Wang Caiwei followed closely behind them, and Mrs. Zheng and Wu also came out of the house when they heard the movement.

Mrs. Han took a step forward and grabbed Han Ze's hand, saying repeatedly, "I lost weight, I lost weight."

Han Ze stood there, letting her look at him helplessly.

Wang Caiwei stood behind the two elders and looked at Xianggong, with smiles in his heart and eyes. Xianggong finally passed the examination of scholar.

Han Youtian smiled and said, "Let's go home and tell. Han Ze must be tired after traveling for so many days. Go back and wash up, make some food, and let him rest his stomach."

Mrs. Han slapped her thigh fiercely, and said with a smile: "Look at me, eldest daughter-in-law, hurry up and make something for Han Ze to eat. There are still a few eggs in the basket. I've beaten them all. They must not eat well outside these days. He mended his body."

Han Erlang stood beside Han Ze stupidly, Zheng frowned, stepped forward and said, "Mother, brother's body needs to be repaired, but Erlang has suffered with his brother for more than ten days, so it's time to make up for it. You can’t just remember Big Brother and forget Erlang.”

The smile in Mrs. Han's eyes faded, and she wanted to curse when she opened her mouth. Seeing that the momentum was wrong, Han Ze hurriedly said, "Mother, I'm hungry, let's go inside and talk."

Mrs. Han glared at Mrs. Zheng, snorted coldly, turned her head and said to Han Ze with a smile, "Yes, yes, let's go into the room and talk."

I was very angry, thinking that my son was selected as a scholar, that anger disappeared in an instant. She is the mother of a scholar, she is the first in the village, who is blessed with her? She is not angry.

A group of people entered the house, Han Erlang stood still, he frowned and looked at his wife, "Our family has changed the lintel now, you have to pay attention to what you say, elder brother is a scholar, you can't compare with him in everything .”

Being reprimanded by the man for no reason, Zheng was full of reluctance, and said with a flick of his mouth: "What's wrong with being selected as a scholar, is it because he is a scholar that we all want to support him?"

She was illiterate, and no one told her that becoming a scholar would benefit her family.

Han Erlang shook his head, pretending to be profound and said: "Ignorant woman, really ignorant woman."

Mrs. Zheng shot him a look, "An ignorant woman is an ignorant woman. I am a country woman, and the farthest place I have been to is the town. What can I know?"

Han Erlang glanced at her with pride and complacency on his face: "Brother becomes a scholar, and our land doesn't have to pay taxes. Not only that, but the eldest brother is born in a hut, and he can receive six buckets of rice every month. Four taels of silver."

Zheng's eyes widened in disbelief: "Really?"

"Of course it's true." Han Erlang said seriously, "That's why I told you that Big Brother is different from us, and we can't compare everything with Big Brother."

The eldest brother is a scholar, so what does it matter if you eat something good and make up your body? The family of a scholar who passed the exam has such a great convenience. As long as the elder brother studies well and wins the Juren in the future, what will happen to their family? Or if they go one step further and pass the Jinshi examination, and the elder brother becomes an official, they will become officials. Thinking of this, he shook his head, not to think too much, so as not to add pressure to the elder brother.

Han Ze was indeed quite tired. After eating and taking a hot bath, he lay down on the bed and slept soundly all afternoon. After waking up, Han Youtian discussed with him about serving wine. Han Ze said with a smile: "Money is tight at home, the banquet will not be held, let's talk about it after winning the Juren."

Han Youtian took a deep puff on the cigarette stick. His son had just been selected as a scholar, and his joy had not subsided yet. He was going to take the Juren examination. After a long while, he looked at Han Ze and asked, "Are you really going to take the Juren examination?"

Han Ze nodded with a smile and said, "I will go to the county school to study in a few days."

Those who pass the examination as a scholar are qualified to enter government schools. There are lectures in government schools. If children from peasant families want to take the exam, they can't find a teacher. County schools are the best choice.

Han Youtian took another puff of cigarette, and said, "You have the backbone, others can't help you, but you don't have to worry about money, dad will find a way."

Han Ze felt a warm feeling in his heart, and felt a little uncomfortable. He raised children in so many worlds, and now he also experienced the feeling of being cared for by his father. If you receive six buckets of rice, you can get four taels of silver every year, and you can earn money by copying books in your spare time, and I can make up enough money for my studies in the future, so you don’t have to worry too much.”

Han Youtian sighed: "You are promising, if it weren't for your elder sister..."

If it hadn't been for the big girl's crimes and harmed Han Ze, with the talent of the boss, he might have been a juror at this moment, so why bother about money.

The smile on Han Ze's face faded, "Father, no matter why she wants to harm me, I just think that my sister is gone, and you and mother don't need to be angry, lest you ruin your body for an unworthy popularity."

Han Youtian could only nod his head, thinking of the rumors in the village, he lamented that he had done it himself.

Although he didn't intend to serve wine, Han Youtian still decided to invite his relatives over for a meal. He couldn't let his son win the prize of a scholar and just pass away quietly.

Compared with other people who have six or seven brothers and sisters at every turn, Han Youtian's brothers and sisters are not too many. There is an older brother on top and a younger sister on the bottom. Since we are inviting guests, we must invite them all.

Mrs. Han is estranged from her natal brothers. Since her parents passed away, she hasn't seen each other for many years. She doesn't plan to invite them. The three daughters-in-law's mother's family will also be invited, plus my own family, in this way, there will be several tables of wine.

Han Ze still had some money left in his hand, and he left five hundred cash, which he gave to Mrs. Han. Mrs. Han didn't want it, and her son had to go to the county to study in a few days, so what if he didn't have any money. She smiled and said, "Mother has silver in her hand."

She does have money in her hand. The harvest in the past two seasons has been good. On weekdays, the three daughters-in-law embroider some embroidery work to supplement the family. The money owed to the villagers has been paid off, and she still has money left in her hand. Don't worry about paying back, the big girl has hurt Han Ze so badly, so what can she do if she cheats and refuses to pay her the medical expenses?

But she can't do that, her son has become a scholar, and she can't let him ruin his reputation. As for when to pay back the money, the boss said that he will take the exam, and when the boss wins the exam, at that time, if the family has enough money, she will naturally Will return.

All three students in the school who went to take the scientific examination were selected as scholars, which caused a sensation in the town. Naturally, Wang Caiwei's parents also heard about this incident, and also heard that their son-in-law Han Ze was also selected as a scholar, and he was also a student among the scholars.

Mr. Wang didn't expect that his son-in-law would still be in his prime, so he happily ordered Wang Caiwei's wife, Mrs. Xu, to prepare a gift, and planned to come and see for himself. The second son-in-law becoming a first-class scholar is enough to attract his attention. When the eldest son-in-law took the exam for a scholar, he only passed more than a hundred exams.

Wang Xu said with a smile: "Don't panic, Han Ze has won the prize of a scholar, and if he wants to come to serve wine, they will come to invite us."

Mr. Wang had a wispy beard and pondered for a while: "You are right, prepare more gifts for him." After thinking for a while, he said: "Last year, Han Ze was in poor health. Did the second girl come back to borrow money?"

Wang Xu said in a low voice: "Yes."

Her son-in-law was selected as a scholar, so she was naturally happy for him. Everyone said that it is better to give charcoal in the snow than icing on the cake. She did not help when the daughter was in trouble. Now that the son-in-law is in good health and life is getting easier, no matter how many gifts they give, they will not be worth it. Shang gave them a penny at the beginning.

Mr. Wang frowned: "How much did you lend her?"

At that time, Han Ze saw that he couldn't do it, Caiwei came back to borrow money, and didn't tell him in person, he thought he didn't know, but Xu is Caiwei's mother, no matter how much you give, you should give some, now Han Zezhong Scholars, they put more emphasis on etiquette, so that people will not feel that they are climbing high and stepping low.

Mrs. Wang Xu took a careful look at Mr. Wang, and said falteringly: "No, I didn't lend it to her."

Mr. Wang was displeased, and looked at her in disbelief: "You didn't give her any money?"

Wang Xu shook her head, gritted her teeth and said, "I didn't give her a penny."

Mr. Wang trembled angrily, and pointed at her: "You can do it! You, that's your own daughter. She came back and asked you to borrow money. It's fine if you don't borrow it. You should give her some emergency money anyway. If you do this, the child should How sad?"

Wang Xu's defense was weak: "Damn, at the beginning Han Ze looked at his body and was useless, but who knew that he could still be good. Not only was he good, but he was also a scholar."

If I knew Han Ze was so capable, why would she be so heartless. It made it impossible to go up and down now, but the girl didn't say anything, and she was not sure how to blame them in her heart.

Mr. Wang looked at her disappointedly: "Caiwei is your daughter, even if Han Ze is not in good health, don't you love her?"

Wang Xushi opened her mouth. It is true that she loves her daughter, but she loves her son even more. Her private money was already given to her when her daughter married, and the rest belongs to her son. How can she borrow it casually? It doesn't work either.

Mr. Wang sighed heavily, he couldn't blame Mrs. Xu for this matter, he could only blame him for underestimating Han Ze.