MTL - Almighty Dad-Chapter 99 Sick Dad 10

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Ever since Han Ze went to take the scientific examination, Mrs. Han didn't eat well and didn't sleep well. She was carrying her heart all day and all night. Apart from worry, there was no unnecessary expression on her face. As she watched the exam approaching, He sighed from left to right, and the corners of his mouth were full of fire, for fear that Han Ze would faint in the examination room again. After worrying, he scolded Daya Han again. Come to blame myself again, I must have done something wrong in my previous life, and this life gave birth to such a harmful animal.

In fact, the old and young members of the Han family, not only Mrs. Han, but also the Zheng family and Wu family who usually look down on Han Ze, can't help but say in private, don't faint again this time, even if the eldest brother If they failed the examination, they would split up and hope that the elder brother will be in good health.

The whole family is worried, and Wang Caiwei, who is Han Ze's wife, is also worried, but she just hides her worries in her heart.

Mrs. Han gnawed on the thick noodle steamed buns dully, sighed softly, looked at Wang Caiwei and couldn't help but ask, "How long have they been away, Boss?"

Wang Caiwei pondered for a while: "Msanggong said that he will enter the examination room on April 12th, and it will take three days to take the exam. Now that the exam is over, if Mr. Xiang can persist, the results should be announced in two days."

Mrs. Han was startled, she didn't expect the time to pass so quickly, she murmured: "The exams are all over. I don't know if Han Ze will persevere, and I don't know if he can pass the exam?"

Wang Caiwei pursed her lips, and comforting her mother-in-law was also comforting herself: "I am only worried about my husband's health. If my husband is in good health, it doesn't matter whether I pass the exam or not."

Nothing is as important as a husband's body.

Mrs. Han glanced at the eldest daughter-in-law with satisfaction. The daughter-in-law here understands better than her. It is hard for her to live for decades without her thoroughness. She praised: "The eldest daughter-in-law is right, as long as the eldest is healthy, We don’t need to care so much about whether we are a scholar or not.”

What she didn't say was that after all these years, the boss's body has been damaged by that scourge. She no longer expects him to stand out and shine in the family. She only hopes that he will be healthy and healthy, so she can worry less.

Wang Caiwei grinned, she was telling the truth, she hoped that her husband would be in good health more than that he had passed the examination as a scholar.

After hearing what her mother-in-law said, Mrs. Zheng didn't curl her lips. It's not just the sister-in-law who thinks this way. If it were her, she wouldn't want her man to hurt her body for fame and fortune. Of course it's good to have those things outside of her body, and she wouldn't force her if she didn't have them. . A man is the pillar of the family, and if he wants to spend his whole life with her, nothing can happen.

Han Jinxiu sat by the side and listened to their words, resentment flashed in her eyes, if her aunt hadn't drugged her father, why would her father be in such poor health, why would she pass out in the exam room after returning to the exam, and why would she owe so much for her father's medical treatment? silver. For some unknown reason, the elder aunt harmed the father and did not punish the elder aunt.

In her opinion, everything that their family suffered was all because of her aunt. What she committed was not a mistake, but a crime. She should be punished severely. Grandma just wanted to deny her, so she let her go , It's too cheap for her, she is not fair for her father, after all, he has suffered so much.

After the meal, she helped Wang Caiwei wash the dishes and said, "Mom, I went to the master's house to learn embroidery."

Wang Caiwei said softly: "Go, study hard, come back for lunch at noon, don't bother your master."

Han Jinxiu said crisply: "I see, mother."

Han Jinxiu walked out of the house and walked quickly to Granny Lu's house.

Halfway along the road, I met Fang Xiaohe from the same village. Fang Xiaohe was the same age as Han Jinxiu. She also went when Grandma Lu was accepting apprentices, but in the end Han Jinxiu won the apprenticeship. Fang Xiaohe had no feeling before and refused to accept her as an apprentice. So she won't accept it, she doesn't want to learn embroidery yet, how tiring it is to embroider with her head hooked every day.

But when her mother scolded her by her ears for being stupid, she didn't have a good heart, she learned embroidery from Granny Lu, and when she grew up, she would have endless clothes and head flowers, so she knew the benefits of learning embroidery. .

Thinking that Han Jinxiu robbed her master, causing her to grow up without endless clothes, let alone endless head flowers, when she saw Han Jinxiu again, she was not very happy, thinking of what she heard in the village Gossiping, she stared and said, "Han Jinxiu, your father will definitely pass out again in the exam room."

Han Jinxiu's father went to take part in the scientific examination and fainted in the examination room every time. Although she didn't understand what a scientific examination was and why she fainted, she also knew that it was not a good thing to say.

When Han Jinxiu heard this, his face became tense, and he said loudly, "My father has recovered, don't talk nonsense."

Fang Xiaohe made a face at her, and said fearlessly: "I didn't say it, everyone in the village said it, your father must have done wicked things in his previous life, and he will be cursed in this life, otherwise he would faint if he could go back to the exam , this time he will faint again."

Although Han Jinxiu was clever, he was still young. Hei Liang's eyes were filled with anger when he heard others slander his father, and he couldn't help but argue: "They are talking nonsense, my father is not cursed, he was drugged by my aunt , it was all caused by my aunt, without my aunt's medicine, my father would never faint, and he would definitely pass the exam."

Wait until her father passes the examination to be a scholar, and see who dares to talk nonsense. In her heart, her father did not say that she failed the examination of a scholar, and she trusted her father's talent and learning very much.

Fang Xiaohe seemed to have heard something terrible, and opened her mouth in shock. The reason why Han Jinxiu's father fainted was because Aunt Han drugged him?

After the shock, she forgot about her dislike of Han Jinxiu, and asked curiously, "What medicine did your aunt give your father? Rat poison?"

Han Jinxiu came back to her senses, and realized that she even told about the matter of her eldest aunt drugging her father. She murmured inwardly that it was not good. Her grandparents told her not to tell her about it. Thinking of this, she glanced at it. Fang Xiaohe ran away.

Fang Xiaohe didn't get the answer, so she ran after her and asked, "Han Jinxiu, you haven't told me yet, did your aunt give your father rat poison?"

Han Jinxiu stopped and gave her a hard look: "Don't follow me."

Fang Xiaohe bared her teeth, so she wasn't afraid of her. Han Jinxiu was annoyed, seeing that she was approaching the master's house, she quickened her pace, ran to the master's house in a few steps, and closed the door.

Fang Xiaohe looked at the closed door, and returned home unwillingly. When she got home, her little face was full of excitement: "Grandma, mother, I just heard that Han Jinxiu said that her father would faint, not because she was cursed, but She was drugged by her aunt."

Fang Xiaohe's grandma was also shocked. After waking up, Grandma Fang shouted, "Don't talk nonsense, kid."

Fang Xiaohe pouted: "I'm not talking nonsense, Han Jinxiu said it."

Fang Xiaohe's mother looked at her mother-in-law and then at her daughter: "What you said is true?"

Fang Xiaohe nodded aggrievedly, "What Han Jinxiu said was not what I said."

Fang Xiaohe's mother looked at her mother-in-law, her daughter never lied, she asked in disbelief, "Could it be true?"

Grandma Fang said if she had realized something: "Two days ago, I heard from the old woman next door that she went to Dr. Wang's house to get medicine, said that Han Daya was sullen and made fun of her, and said that she would rather go to the town next time. Grabbing the medicine, I will not go to Dr. Wang to get the medicine, so as not to look at others, is it because Han Daya gave Han Ze the medicine and was known by her family, so she acted like this?"

Fang Xiaohe's mother was in a daze, she couldn't believe such a shocking thing, she said in shock, "No, why did she do that?"

Why do you want to kill your own brother? She is already married, and only when her natal brothers get better can she be better. Everyone should understand this truth, doesn't Han Daya understand? .

Grandma Fang shook her head. A married woman drugged her natal brother. She has lived most of her life, and she has never heard of such a strange and vicious thing.

Fang Xiaohe's father sighed endlessly: "The most poisonous woman's heart is true."

Grandma Fang and Fang Xiaohe's mother glared at him, Fang Xiaohe's father immediately shut up.

The Han family hadn't waited for Han Ze to come back, but they heard people in the village talking about Han Daya drugging Han Ze. Han Youtian came back from the field, glanced at his family members, and asked angrily, "How did it get out about the fact that Da Ya drugged Han Ze?"

Mrs. Han's sharp eyes swept over the three daughters-in-law.

Mrs. Zheng and Mrs. Wu shrank their heads, not daring to say anything, they didn't spread the word, but since father is so angry, they should just pretend to be quail.

Wang Caiwei frowned. The eldest aunt hurt her husband so badly. The parents-in-law just broke up with her and let her go. Although she was unwilling, she was not a talkative person, and her family ugliness should not be publicized. What is said in front of people, I don't understand why this matter spreads like an uproar.

Han Jinxiu stood up and said stubbornly, "I said so."

She didn't admit it, she felt that as Han Ze's daughter, she should be brave.

Han Youtian's face was dark, he didn't expect this child to say it, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

Mrs. Han said angrily, "Why are you talking nonsense outside?"

Han Jinxiu looked at her and said seriously, "Grandma, I didn't say anything nonsense. Didn't Dad faint when he came back into the examination room after being drugged by his aunt?"

The siblings are young and don't have deep feelings, but in her only memory, father is sick most of the time, and mother is worried about father's health. When my aunt was hurt, I hated her as much as I liked her before.

Mrs. Han choked, the child was telling the truth.

Wang Caiwei shouted: "Jinxiu, why are you talking to your grandma?"

Han Jinxiu glanced at her, her small face was full of stubbornness: "I'm not wrong. Dad fainted because the aunt drugged him. Everyone in the village said that Dad did something immoral in his previous life and was cursed. He would pass out in the exam room every time he went back to the exam, it was obviously my aunt who did something immoral, why should dad be blamed?"

Mrs. Han was startled, and said aggressively, "Who said that? I'll settle the score with them."

Her son is going to be a scholar, how can he be so wronged?

Han Jinxiu said angrily: "My father is a scholar, and he wants to be a scholar. He pays more attention to reputation. If he is accused of doing many immoral things in his previous life, what will people think of my father? I can only tell the truth. Daddy My father has already suffered so much for my aunt's crimes, do grandma want my father to take the blame for his murderer? How wronged is my father?"

The people in the room were shocked, especially Han Youtian's old couple, they didn't know that because of their various concerns, the eldest son had suffered so much grievance, Han Youtian looked at the eldest granddaughter with complicated eyes, his face was ashamed, Old and confused, even worse than a child.

Mrs. Han sighed: "Jinxiu is right, this matter is your aunt's fault, there is no reason why your father has suffered such a great grievance, he has to swallow his anger, and he has to be blamed for doing evil in his previous life, so he will be cursed Hui Hui fainted in the examination room, and she should bear the consequences for the wrong things that evildoer did."

Wang Caiwei glared at her daughter, she was very cautious.

Han Jinxiu pursed her lips, and retreated behind her mother. Since her grandparents said that she should suffer the consequences, they agreed with her words, and they would not punish her again. She actually didn't want to tell the story, but Fang Xiaohe's words were so irritating at the time, she couldn't help telling the truth. After she finished speaking, she thought about the consequences and how to deal with grandma's fury.

In just one day, everyone in Xiaohan Village, except for the ignorant children, knew that Han Daya was a poisonous woman, who crazily poisoned and poisoned her natal brother, causing Han Zehui to faint when he entered the examination room.

Han Daya thought that it was no big deal if her natal family exposed the truth about drugging Han Ze, but she was cut off from her natal family. She was not worried, her parents didn't want to recognize her, and she didn't want to pretend to be a filial daughter in front of them. But when the rumors spread, facing the gossip and strange eyes of the villagers still broke her down.

What broke her down even more was that Wang Chunxue ran back from the outside, crying with tears in her eyes, and threw herself into Daya Han's arms: "Mom, they don't play with me, saying that I will harm them and drug them."

Han Daya hugged her daughter tightly, gritted her teeth, and said, "It's okay, they don't want to play with you, so you can play with brother Yan Hong."

A group of farm children dare to dislike Chun Xue. Her Chun Xue is not rare. As long as Chun Xue can marry Yan Hong and become the wife of the champion in the future, who will care about her affairs? Some people fawn on her.

Wang Chunxue sobbed and said, "Aunt Yan said that I would hinder brother Yan Hong from studying at their house, so don't let me disturb him."

Han Daya panicked, frowned and said, "Your Aunt Yan is gentle, as long as you talk nicely, she will like you."

Wang Chunxue cried sadly: "I don't want to go, Aunt Yan doesn't like me at all."

Children are sensitive, and adults' likes and dislikes are easy to tell. Aunt Yan doesn't want her to play at home, so why does Mother insist that she play with Brother Yan Hong?

Han Daya clenched her fists tightly and her eyes were red. She should have thought of the seriousness of the matter. Aunt Yan was jealous and upright. She must have heard the rumors in the village that she refused to let Haruyuki go to her house to play.

She hated it secretly, it was she who delayed her daughter, no, it wasn't her who delayed her daughter, everything was Han Ze's fault...

When Dr. Wang returned home with a medical kit on his back, his old body was even more rickety. In the past two days, someone in the village was sick, and he would rather spend an extra two cents on the bus fare to go to the town to see a doctor than to ask him for pulse diagnosis and medicine.

Today, the old lady of the Zheng family was sick and asked him to see a doctor. He was quite happy at first, and some people in the village believed him, but after the pulse diagnosis, the son of the Zheng family told him hesitantly that he wanted to go to the town to get medicine. Come out, he will understand. With a wry smile, the consultation fee was confiscated, and he returned with the medicine box.

He knew why others didn't want to take his family's medicine. Han Daya could drug her natal brothers in a frenzy, but who knew if she would give medicine to the villagers? He had heard the gossip in the village, and since he had heard it, it was understandable for others not to believe him, so he could only bear it aggrieved, hated him for being blind if he wanted to, and married his son a poisonous woman.

When Daya Han saw Doctor Wang come back, she quickly let go of Chun Xue and said, "Father, you're back, I'll cook."

Dr. Wang glanced at her indifferently: "I dare not let you cook, I am afraid of being poisoned to death."

Without looking at her, he turned and entered the room.

Han Daya's face was pale, and her body was standing stiffly. At this time, Brother Wang came back from the ground, and walked past her as if she didn't exist. ...."

Brother-in-law Wang didn't hear it, so he went back to the house. Now he doesn't know how to face his wife. His father asked him to divorce his wife. He couldn't bear it because of the children. But let him be the same as before, pretending that nothing happened, live in harmony with her, he can't do it, he can only choose to ignore her.

Han Daya's face turned pale again, her mother's family didn't recognize her, what should she do if even her mother-in-law's family didn't recognize her? Even if she lived her whole life again, she would still be just a woman.

Thinking of Han Ze who was taking the examination in the examination institute, she secretly hated him, even if he didn't drink her tonic soup this time, his body has also failed after so many years, not to mention that it is not so easy to be a scholar.

Amid the rumors that Han Daya is a poisonous woman in the village, the good news of Han Ze's examination as a scholar arrived.

Because of Mrs. Han's affairs, whenever she went out, Mrs. Han would be dragged to ask the truth, which made Mrs. Han not in a good mood, lying on the bed crookedly, lamenting her life, and a disaster happened. It hurt the whole family.

Several daughters-in-law were worried about her health and ran to care for her one by one, but she kicked them out. She wasn't sick, she was vomited, and no one said it was useless.

Mrs. Zheng said bitterly: "Why did we have such a vicious sister-in-law? What a crime."

Mrs. Wu sighed, and glanced at Wang Caiwei. The eldest sister-in-law has a bad reputation, and it is difficult for their daughter of the Han family to marry. Unless, unless the elder brother passed the examination of scholar.

Wang Caiwei also thought of the crux of the matter when she looked at her brother-in-law. The eldest sister's reputation is not good, will others suspect that the girls of the Han family are not good? Presumably, the parents-in-law did not want to tell the story of the eldest sister-in-law, and they also had this consideration.

She frowned slightly, the children are still young and there is still room for change, what she is worried about now is the husband, and she doesn't know what is going on with him?

Suddenly there was a noisy sound outside, she suspected that she had heard it wrong, she turned her head and asked Wu: "What's going on outside?"

Wu frowned, listened carefully, and said, "The sound of gongs and drums?"

Mrs. Zheng was taken aback: "Who is getting a wife today? I haven't heard of it."

Just as Wang Caiwei was about to speak, Han Jinxiu ran in and shouted as she ran, "Mother, you got hit, dad got hit."

Before Wang Caiwei could respond, Mrs. Zheng next to her asked loudly, "What happened?"

Han Jinxiu shouted excitedly: "My father has passed the examination of scholar, my father has passed the examination of scholar."

Wang Caiwei was stunned, and just about to go up to ask her, a figure ran out of the room like a gust of wind, and saw that figure grabbed Han Jinxiu's arm, and asked anxiously, "Jinxiu, did your father pass the exam?"

Han Jinxiu's arm ached from her grasping, but she still said, "Grandma, my father was selected as a scholar, and he passed the exam."

Mrs. Han let go of her arm, and laughed loudly, with a loud voice, full of energy, and she didn't look sick at all.

"My son passed the exam, my son passed the exam."

The Zheng family and the Wu family recovered from their daze, looked at their mother-in-law and looked at each other in blank dismay, their mother-in-law's illness is cured?

Han Youtian came in hurriedly from outside with a **** on his shoulder, and said with a flushed face, "Old lady, hurry up and get the copper coins, the official messenger to announce the good news is here."

Mrs. Han still smiled, sighed twice, hurriedly fell into the house, and came out with a bunch of copper coins, and the official messenger who announced the good news arrived at the door.

"Han Zeyuan, a candidate from Xiaohan Village, Tongyang County, ranked third in the examination and became a first-class student."

Mrs. Han didn't know what a granary student was, but she understood her son's third place in the exam, but she didn't care too much, as long as she knew that her son was admitted as a scholar. As long as she thought that her son had been admitted as a scholar, she couldn't close her mouth when she opened her mouth. She was so happy that she grabbed the copper coin and stuffed it into the official's hand.

Zheng's eyelids twitched when he looked at the side. Those were copper coins. The mother-in-law grabbed a dozen of them, but she was really willing, and she didn't feel distressed at all.

Mrs. Han's eyes are good, even if she saw her eyes now, she didn't take it seriously. Her son passed the examination of scholar, she was happy, and she was as lazy as her.

The official may often face this kind of situation, without changing his face, he took the copper coin and sent away the official who announced the good news. The gate of Han's house was full of people, and they all looked at Han Youtian and his wife enviously.

"Brother Han, this kid Han Ze is extraordinary since he was a child, and he is really promising."

"Yeah, he looks like someone with great abilities when he was young."

"The other kids climb up and down, go down the river to catch fish, but he is the only one who is gentle and gentle. He doesn't look like a farm boy at first glance."

"Where is Han Ze, what kind of ordinary farm boy is he? He is a Wenqu star descending to earth. Otherwise, how could he pass the exam?"

"Yes, yes, Han Ze must be a Wenqu star."

Mrs. Han curled her lips in disdain. When Han Ze was not selected as a scholar, she was watching his family's jokes. Now that Han Ze was admitted as a scholar, he came to curry favor with them again. It was really up to them to talk about it.

But today she is happy and doesn't care about them like them.

Han Daya hid at home and heard the sound of gongs and drums. Doctor Wang inquired about the news from the outside and knew that Han Ze had won the scholar. He sighed, and the guilt in his heart was reduced a little. Being able to pass the examination of the scholar means that his body is fine. .

When he got home and saw Daya Han, he snorted coldly: "Your natal brother has passed the examination as a scholar, shouldn't you go back and have a look?"

Han Daya's heart seemed to be tightly strangled by someone, and she couldn't help but took two steps back, muttering: "Impossible, he can't be a scholar, he can't be a scholar..."

Dr. Wang gave her a cold look, scolded the poisonous woman, flung his sleeves and entered the room, secretly thinking that the grandsons should not be taught badly by the poisonous woman, it seems that he wants to keep the grandsons away from the poisonous woman.


Han Erlang followed behind Han Ze, with his arms full of things, and said distressedly as he walked, "Brother, how much money do you need for so many things?"

Han Ze turned his head and looked at him, "It's just some cotton cloth. There are more than a dozen members of our family, each of whom should make a set of clothes."

Han Erlang glanced at the clothes on his body, because he was going to Fucheng, his mother not only ripped the cloth to make clothes for the elder brother, but also made him two new clothes, he said: "Brother, I don't need it, I just Made clothes."

Han Ze paused: "Whether you need to make clothes or not, we'll talk about it when we get home."

Fang Ziwen's book boy also carried a bunch of things in his arms. Fang Ziwen said with a smile: "Scholars are not only exempt from corvee, but also exempt from taxes on 60 acres of land. Brother Han won the third place in the exam this time, and he is the first class among scholars. In the name of my life, I can get four taels of silver every year and six buckets of rice every month."

Han Erlang said ah, he knew that a scholar who passed the exam could be exempted from corvee and tax, but he didn't know that the imperial court would also distribute food and money. Holding his things, he looked at Han Ze in a daze. Is there such a good thing?

Han Ze nodded with a smile. The imperial examination system of this dynasty is indeed like this. If you become a clerk, you can get six buckets of rice and four taels of silver. That is to say, after more than 20 years of hard work, he finally no longer relies solely on family If you raise it, you can receive a 'salary'.

Han Erlang stretched out a hand to touch his forehead, "If that's the case, it's time to buy something."

After all, big brother has money to claim.

Han Ze: "..."

The next day, they went with Zhao Xiuxiu's family's caravan as usual. Only the three of them took the exam in the school, except Zhao Xiuxiu who was ranked slightly behind, and they all passed the exam. It is worth mentioning that Huihui fainted Han Ze in the examination room actually came in third this time, completely exceeding expectations.

After several days of long journey, the caravan arrived in the town. The three of them agreed on a date to go to the county school, and visited the teacher in the school before getting into the bullock cart and heading home.

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