MTL - Almighty Dad-Chapter 145 The Trouble of the Han Prince 4

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Xinghui Danzhu looked at Shen Mingya with wide round black eyes, which meant that we were just waiting to see which side you were on.

Sensing their eyes, Shen Mingya's cheeks showed sullenness, and she was resentful towards Han Ze in her heart, resenting him for making herself face this embarrassing thing, resenting him for being the girl who bumped into her, and instead of teaching that girl, she let her reprimand her My little maid, apologize to that girl, isn't it my fault?

Before she married into the palace, she was humiliated by these two brats. How would she discipline these two kids in the future?

Han Ze looked at her suspiciously with dark eyes, and asked, "Miss Shen, what's wrong with you, your face looks a little bad?"

Shen Mingya gritted her teeth and smiled, "I'm fine."

Danzhu stood beside her father, looked at Shen Mingya, and asked with big eyes blinking: "Is Miss Shen unwilling to reprimand your maid?"

Xinghui continued: "That's right, it must be more useful for you to bring that maid out, so you must be reluctant."

Danzhu glanced at her elder brother, "My elder brother and I are outsiders, why should you scold your maid for us?"

Shen Mingya's complexion became more and more ugly following the words of the two siblings. If possible, she would like to sew their mouths shut immediately so that they could stop talking nonsense.

Han Ze looked at Shen Mingya in confusion, and said puzzledly: "Miss Shen, are you very reluctant to part with that maid? But she is just a maid, and if she is disobedient, she can be replaced with another, like my eldest maid, who is disobedient, so don't use her again." She's gone, there are many obedient maidservants in the mansion."

Shen Mingya's face changed slightly, but she didn't care about her maidservant, and asked, "What's wrong with the stack of gold?"

Han Ze's face was full of displeasure: "The nanny in the mansion insulted little Zhuzhu and little Xingxing, and Diejin even pleaded with that old woman, and even pleaded with that old woman. She was on the side of that old woman, and I changed her. "

Shen Mingya hurriedly said: "Did you misunderstand her? Folding gold has served you for so long, and the love is different from other people, why don't you forgive her?"

Han Ze frowned, with dissatisfaction on his face: "But Dijin turned to that old woman, and that old woman swollen Little Xingxing and Xiaozhuzhu's hands. I don't want to forgive her, and you don't want to plead for her either."

Speaking of which, she looked at Shen Mingya with complaints, and she couldn't believe it, as if she was saying, why are you also looking at that old woman? Are you also on that old lady's side?

Han Ze's dissatisfied eyes choked Shen Mingya's words. She didn't dare to say any more. The **** of stacking gold is useless, and another **** is needed. She managed to win Han Ze's closeness, but she couldn't Han Ze was displeased because of a maid.

Han Ze said again: "Miss Shen, Xiao Zhuzhu is the master. Your maid scolded Xiao Zhuzhu, why didn't you reprimand her? Are you really on the side of that maid? Or are you being deceived by the maid?"

There was injury in the eyes, as if to say, Miss Shen, you shouldn't turn to the maid.

"how is this possible."

Shen Mingya took a deep breath, secretly said, don't be angry, I'm not angry, this is a fool, what do I care about with a fool?

But facing Han Ze's dissatisfied face, she knew that if she didn't punish her maidservant today, Han Ze's good impression of her would definitely decrease. In order to marry Han Ze smoothly, she could only wrong her maidservant. ...she will definitely get back the humiliation she has suffered today thousands of times.

The little maid finally panicked, but she also knew her young lady's temper, so she didn't dare to intercede. In order to appease the prince's anger, she must bear this punishment.

Shen Mingya looked at the little maid: "Go back and get the board."

Han Ze snorted: "Fifty boards."

Shen Mingya got annoyed, gritted her teeth and said, "Fifty boards."

She decides how much to play after returning home.

Han Ze said: "There are two eunuchs in the palace, and they are the best at hitting the board. I will let them do it."

Shen Mingya squeezed out a word: "OK."

That maid was pale and trembling with fright, the other little maid supported her, so she didn't fall down.

Han Ze was very satisfied, looked at Danzhu and asked, "Little Zhuzhu, look, I just said that Miss Shen is on our side."

Shen Mingya showed a smile on her face, but she hated Xinghui Danzhu in her heart.

Xinghui Danzhu nodded in satisfaction, but she was thinking in her heart that although Miss Shen said that she would punish the maid, it didn't mean that Miss Shen was on their side, and she didn't see that Miss Shen's face was as black as the bottom of a pot, It was my own stupid father who foolishly believed that Miss Shen was after them.

Han Ze looked at Shen Mingya and said, "Let's go and see the jewelry, how about you, Ms. Shen?"

Shen Mingya smiled unnaturally, just as she was about to speak, Han Ze said, "Miss Shen must have passed by here, right?"

Shen Mingya was stunned with her mouth open, Han Ze said with a smirk: "Miss Shen doesn't like beautiful jewelry, she only likes piano, chess, books, paintings, etc. She definitely doesn't like the things in this silver building."

Shen Mingya clenched her fingers, if she didn't like jewelry, why would she come to the silver building? What's more, she doesn't like these gold and silver jewelry. Given her relationship with Han Ze, shouldn't Han Ze buy her a set or two of jewelry to curry favor with her?

Han Ze waved his hand: "Miss Shen, you should go back to the mansion first. Little Xingxing and Xiaozhuzhu and I will go inside and have a look."

Shen Mingya: "..."

Her other two little maids in the back were wronged for her young lady. This prince is too stingy. When he met his young lady in the silver house, he didn't even choose a piece of jewelry for her. He even said he liked his young lady? Can this be like?

Then the master and the servant saw Han Ze take out a stack of banknotes, and he would buy whatever jewelry the little girl pointed at. Then look at the pile of gold, silver and jade ornaments they bought, among them there was a bracelet and a hairpin, which Shen Mingya took a fancy to and was unwilling to buy.

Shen Mingya didn't want to admit that at this moment, she was jealous of that little girl, but thinking that in the future, when she married into the palace, everything in the palace would be hers, so she felt better.


In the palace, Emperor Mingzheng looked at the folder in his hand, his face was furious, and he said sharply: "Let Marquis Yongchang and his good daughter and good son get the **** out of here."

"Yes." Hu Deyang secretly lit a wax for Marquis Yongchang in his heart, trying to figure out who is not good, instead he went to calculate Chun Wang, who is the emperor's consort, you go to calculate him, isn't it too long for the old birthday star to hang himself?

Emperor Mingzheng threw the zhezi to the ground fiercely, and said angrily: "Hu Deyang, you go in person, I want to see who gives him the courage to plot against my son in the Marquis of Yongchang."


When Hu Deyang retreated, Emperor Mingzheng was still angry, and ordered the little **** next to him: "Let the empress and prince come to Mingxin Hall."

As soon as the queen and the prince arrived at the Mingxin Palace, they saw the folds on the ground. The queen frowned and asked, "What's wrong? You're so angry?"

Emperor Mingzheng took a few deep breaths, pointed to the crown prince Han Wei with a dark face: "Go and read the book."

The queen glanced at the prince, pretended to be angry and said: "Did the prince do something to make you angry, I will teach him, don't get angry, it will hurt your body?"

Han Wei rubbed his nose and ordered to pick up the papers on the ground.

Seeing the queen, the emperor turned pale, shook his head, and said reproachfully: "You think too much. It's just that the prince provoked me. It's obviously because those villains outside can't see us."

He gritted his teeth and said the last sentence.

The queen frowned and asked, "What happened?"

The emperor sighed, it was about Han Ze, he really didn't know how to deal with it.

Han Wei had already opened the booklet at this time, and glanced through it a few times. After reading it, he was also furious, and his tone was sharp and murderous: "Damn the Yongchang Hou Mansion."

Yongchang Hou Mansion?

The queen's eyes turned cold, isn't the girl Aze likes from that mansion? Could it be Aze's business? That girl is coaxing A Ze, doesn't she really want to marry A Ze?

Han Wei handed the notebook to the queen, and the queen took it and looked at it. When she saw the contents of the notebook, her fingers trembled and she said angrily, "What a pure and kind Miss Shen."

She pinched the booklet, looked at the emperor, and said with a sullen face, "This family cannot be spared lightly."

The emperor sighed softly, but at this moment his anger had subsided quite a bit, and he said: "Yongchang Hou's Mansion is easy to deal with, but it's so easy for Ah Ze to like a girl, and Miss Shen is the best in his heart, how can we get along with Ah Ze?" Ze said?"

The main reason is that Aze is innocent. If he knew that everything Miss Shen did was out of deliberate calculations, how would Aze suffer?

Han Wei said coldly: "Tell the truth. The world has decided that the court will suffer internal and external troubles. We can protect him for a while, but not forever. We should let him know that people are evil."

The emperor was in a difficult situation, any son would be ruthless, but only Aze, he couldn't be ruthless.

The queen sighed: "This matter can only be done step by step. If Aze doesn't like the hypocritical Miss Shen so much, and tell him the truth at that time, I think he won't be so sad."

A Ze is such a simple child, those people dare to plot against him, it's really damned.

Han Wei sneered next to him and said: "Aze has a straight temper, black and white, let that Miss Shen do something that Aze hates, let Aze know that Miss Shen is not as beautiful as he thought, after a few rounds, Aze Love for Miss Shen will turn into loathing."

The queen hesitated: "Is this okay? Can Miss Shen agree?"

Emperor Mingzheng snorted, "It's up to her not to agree."

The queen could only accept such an arrangement, and she hated Miss Shen who caused this incident, and said unkindly: "Once Aze starts to hate that Miss Shen, he must not let them go."

Emperor Mingzheng said: "How can you lightly forgive my son who dares to plot against me?"

The queen is relieved.


When Shen Mingya returned to the mansion, her anger was still lingering in her heart, but she had always thought of herself as indifferent and elegant, and she didn't want to let herself act like a crazy woman and get angry at will, so she could only bear the raging anger in her heart aggrievedly, when suddenly a maid came reported, "Hu Deyang, the great **** of the emperor in the palace, has come to the residence."

Shen Mingya stood up abruptly, and said excitedly: "Could it be that the **** came to announce the imperial edict of marriage?"

The servant girl's face was also filled with joy: "Miss, do you want to change your clothes so that we can go out to receive the order?"

Shen Mingya looked at the clothes on her body, she was still able to see people, and said hurriedly: "Oh, it's too late, so let's do this. Let's go quickly."


Shen Mingya went outside and met Shen Jiaqing. Shen Jiaqing's face was also full of joy. He smiled and said, "After today, my sister will be the princess."

Shen Mingya blushed, and said in embarrassment: "Brother, don't talk nonsense, you can't be considered a serious princess if you haven't married into the palace, and you haven't been canonized."

Shen Jiaqing laughed loudly, "Okay, okay, don't talk nonsense, but it's about the same."

Shen Mingya's cheeks warmed up, although Han Ze was a bit stupid, but thinking of what she got from marrying him, she felt that it was all worth it.

Read The Duke's Passion