MTL - Almighty Dad-Chapter 146 The Trouble of the Han Prince 5

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When the brothers and sisters entered the hall of the outer courtyard, the enthusiasm on Shen Mingya's face had not subsided. She looked at the **** Hu Deyang reservedly, and stood behind her parents with her head bowed. Seeing that all the family members had arrived, Yongchang Hou said happily : "Boss Hu, please declare the decree."

Hu Deyang glanced at them contemptuously, and Shen Mingya felt annoyed at his attitude, this **** was too ignorant, he was just a eunuch, why should he look down on them? Until she becomes a princess...

Hu Deyang glanced at Shen Mingya. He dared to be arrogant when he was about to die. He was indeed a person who dared to plot against the pure king. He was bold enough. See you."

After Hu Deyang's words fell, Shen Mingya didn't have time to withdraw her annoyance. Hearing this, she was stunned, with a look of suspicion on her face again. Didn't she announce the imperial decree of marriage?

Why do you still have to enter the palace?

Could it be that the emperor and queen had to meet her in person before bestowing the marriage?

Also, although Han Ze is stupid, he is also the second son of the emperor and empress, so his marriage should be treated with caution. Thinking of this, Shen Mingya looked slightly relieved. She believed that as long as the emperor and empress saw her, they would definitely like her and agree to her as a pure princess. After all, with her talent and appearance, few people can match her as a noble daughter from a wealthy family in the capital, and she can be married to her. Han Ze should be content with being a princess.

With such a confident mood, Shen Mingya followed her father and brother into the palace.

Shen Mingya followed Hu Deyang to the Mingxin Hall behind her father and brother, her embroidered eyebrows could not help but slightly frowned, the queen saw that she should be in the Kunning Palace, she had entered the palace before, this road obviously does not look like the road to the harem, could it be Didn't the queen want to inspect her in person?

The father and son Yongchang Hou were also full of doubts and planned to ask Hu Deyang, but Hu Deyang obviously didn't intend to explain their doubts.

When the father and son saw Hu Deyang's attitude, they were a little bit drummed. This manager Hu didn't seem to want to see them. It shouldn't be right. As the most useful chief **** around the emperor, he must know that the emperor loves the pure king, and Ming Ya will marry him in the future. To Chun Wang, it is Chun Wang Concubine, even if Mr. Hu does not please them, there is no need to offend them. Could there be something in it? Thinking of this, the father and son looked at each other calmly, wondering for a while.

In the Hall of Mingxin, the emperor and queen are sitting majestically, and the crown prince Han Wei is sitting on one side. If you look carefully, his face is also very cold and stern.

The hearts of the three members of the Shen family trembled at the same time, they hurriedly knelt down to salute, but they couldn't help but panicked in their hearts, having a bad premonition.

"Look at the content here." The emperor snorted, and threw the booklet he found in front of Yongchang Hou.

Marquis Yongchang tremblingly picked up the booklet, looked at it in a panic, the more he opened it, the more cold sweat on his forehead, and finally spread it on the ground, and he kept shouting: "The emperor spares my life, the emperor spares my life!" ..."

The emperor glanced at him in disgust, how dare the children raised by such a coward dare to plot against his son?

When Shen Jiaqing and Shen Mingya saw her father's actions, she was both ashamed and frightened. What was written in that booklet made her father lose his composure in fear. His father was always timid and did not dare to do anything. It is possible that what they did was known to the emperor. ? The faces of the siblings turned pale at the same time, and cold sweat broke out on their backs.

"Forgive your life?" The emperor said angrily, "Do you think I should spare your lives?"

Marquis Yongchang was stunned, he did not expect his son and daughter to be so bold as to plot against King Chun, not to mention that King Chun is a prince, even if he is a son of an ordinary family, he cannot be forgiven lightly if he is plotted against like this.

Seeing that Shen Mingya wanted to swallow her alive, the queen dared to plot against her own son, she suddenly spoke with a sinister tone: "Hu Deyang, announce that the imperial physician Chen is here."

Shen Mingya clenched her fingers, what should the imperial physician do?

The empress stared at Shen Mingya coldly, Shen Mingya seemed to be stared at by a poisonous snake, a chill ran from the soles of her feet to her whole body, but she still didn't dare to make any moves.

Shen Jiaqing was not much better, and knelt on the ground stiffly.

Imperial doctor Chen came over quickly, the queen pointed to Shen Mingya, and said coldly: "Check her pulse."

Shen Mingya's face was pale, and she was about to jump out in panic.

When Imperial Physician Chen stepped forward, Shen Mingya subconsciously hid her hands.

The queen snorted coldly, turned her head and said, "Grandma Liu is going to help Imperial Physician Chen."

Grandma Liu bowed: "Yes, ma'am."

Grandma Liu walked over a few steps, and was about to drag Shen Mingya with her hand, but Shen Mingya called out in panic: "What are you doing?"

Nanny Liu ignored her at all, she was already very strong, so regardless of Shen Mingya's struggle, she grabbed Shen Mingya's arm and handed it to Imperial Physician Chen.

Seeing that the general situation was over, Shen Mingya closed her eyes, she must not panic, she must protect the child in her womb, she must not panic, she must find a way to keep the child in her womb.

Yongchang Hou and his son knelt beside him with their heads bowed, their faces pale with fright, and they dared not speak at all.

After taking the pulse, Doctor Chen looked at the emperor and the empress, and saluted, "Return to the emperor, Miss Shen is already two months pregnant."

The face of the emperor and empress was gloomy, this woman really was plotting against Aze.

Shen Mingya opened her eyes suddenly, and now the only person who can keep the child in her womb is Han Ze. As long as Han Ze is around, she will be safe and sound. Thinking of this, she hastily prostrated herself on the ground: "Your Majesty, Empress, I am pregnant!" The pure king's child..."

Marquis Yongchang and his son were overjoyed, Chunwang and Mingya shared the same bed, who knows if the child will be Chunwang's, if Mingya is the royal descendant of Mingya, then why worry?

Shen Jiaqing closed her eyes, worrying secretly, her sister has lost her mind, since the emperor already knew about their scheme against King Chun, he must already know who the child in his sister's womb is, what the younger sister did is nothing more than making the emperor and queen dislike them even more , more excuses to punish them.

The emperor's queen's eyes sharpened, and the crown prince Han Wei said with a sullen face: "Do you think that the pure king is so simple and easy to deceive that even the wild species will recognize him as his child? Or do you think we will let you be the pure king without asking? "

Shen Mingya's heart skipped a beat, and she kept saying, "I'm really pregnant with King Chun's child, I'm really pregnant with King Chun's child..."

The queen said angrily: "You still don't admit it?"

Shen Mingya only knew that only King Chun could save her, so the child in her belly must be King Chun's, otherwise the whole family would die. She hurriedly said: "You can let King Chun come over and ask him, the child in my womb Is it his?"

The face of the emperor and queen became more gloomy, but the crown prince Han Wei stood up abruptly: "Go and invite King Chun into the palace."

The emperor and empress looked at Han Wei disapprovingly, but Han Wei said stubbornly, "Father, Queen Mother, please listen to me this time."

They can't protect Aze all the time, they have to let him see what he has provoked, so that he will know the sinister heart.

The shoulders of the emperor and empress drooped weakly, and the two of them understood what Han Wei meant. Originally, the empress thought that Aze should hate Shen Mingya, and then let him know Shen Mingya's true face, so that Aze would not be hurt. But seeing Shen Mingya's stern look on Han Ze made her really sick.

Han Wei was right, they couldn't protect Aze all the time, it was time for him to grow up, long-term pain is worse than short-term pain, after this incident, find him a virtuous wife, he will naturally forget about Shen Mingya.

Shen Mingya was overjoyed, as long as Han Ze came, she would be saved.

Seeing Shen Mingya's happy look, the emperor and empress were a little worried, did his stupid son really love this disgusting woman so much? If the silly son is coaxed into recognizing the child in his womb...

They can have thousands of ways to deal with this woman, but what if Aze refuses to follow her?

Han Ze followed the **** who passed the decree to the palace in a carriage, guessing that it was time for the emperor to find out Shen Jiaqing and Shen Mingya's plot against the original owner.

Entering Mingxin Hall, seeing Marquis Yongchang and brother and sister Shen Jiaqing kneeling on the ground, he stabbed and said: "Shizi Shen, Miss Shen, why are you here?"

Hearing Han Ze's voice, Shen Mingya seemed to see a savior, and crawled over to hug his leg: "My lord, I'm pregnant with your child, but the emperor and empress, they, they..."

Han Ze stood there stupidly, "Are you really pregnant with my child?"

The emperor and queen shot Shen Mingya coldly. Shen Mingya didn't look at them, nor did she dare to look at them. At this moment, she could only rely on Han Ze, and Han Ze's love for her.

Shen Mingya choked and nodded, "I'm really pregnant with your child, but, but..."

But she didn't say what, but looked at the emperor and queen.

The emperor's empress looked even more ugly, this woman is quite courageous, the empress looked at Chen imperial physician, Chen imperial physician said: "My lord, Miss Shen has been pregnant for two months."

Shen Mingya looked at Imperial Physician Chen with vicious eyes.

Han Ze frowned and looked at him puzzled.

Seeing this, Imperial Physician Chen bite the bullet and said: "Yes, that is to say, if the prince and Miss Shen had slept together two months ago, then the child may belong to the prince."

Shen Mingya became anxious: "My lord, this child really belongs to you. This imperial doctor is talking nonsense, don't believe him."

The emperor and queen sneered, they want to see how this disgusting woman can fool Aze.

Han Ze scratched his head, counted for a while with his fingers, and then said, "It wasn't two months ago, it was a month ago..."

The emperor, queen, and prince Han Wei were taken aback for a moment, but the worry on this silly boy's face dissipated a little.

Shen Mingya couldn't help but tighten the hand holding Han Ze's leg, and looked straight at Han Ze, "It's the prince's child, it's really the prince's child, trust me, prince, I will never lie to you, I helped you so much many......"

Han Ze looked at Shen Mingya, frowned and said, "I know all of this, but, but it was really a month ago. I counted it, so it should be right."

Shen Mingya was taken aback for a moment, and said unwillingly: "The imperial doctor felt the wrong pulse, you trust me."

Han Ze made a sound, looked at her helplessly, and said blankly, "What's the pulse? Does it have anything to do with being in the same room for a long time?"

After speaking, the tips of his ears were a little red.

Shen Mingya looked at him in disbelief. Could it be that he didn't understand what she meant after they talked for a long time?

The emperor coughed and said: "Ah Ze, didn't you say that you don't know whether you have slept with Miss Shen?"

Shen Mingya hurriedly looked at Han Ze, unable to believe that he even said this to the emperor?

Han Ze frowned, with a bitter face, and stammered, "I don't know. When I woke up that day, Miss Shen and I just lay naked on the bed. I didn't know anything. Didn't Dad say that It's also possible that nothing happened..."

At the end, he was a little annoyed, and looked at the emperor and queen displeasedly: "Father and mother, don't ask, it will hinder Miss Shen's reputation, nothing happened to us that day, you have to believe us, Miss Shen is a pure and pure woman, Don't talk nonsense."

The emperor and queen: "..."

What is this all about?

Shen Mingya was full of despair: "..."

She really shouldn't count on fools. A fool is illogical, how could she put her hope in a fool?

Han Wei laughed out loud, and asked Han Ze seriously: "Are you really innocent with Miss Shen?"

Han Ze nodded solemnly, glared at Han Wei, and said unhappily, "Brother, I told you not to wrong Ms. Shen. She is so good, pure and pure, don't talk nonsense, she has a bad reputation."

Bingqingyujie is good, Han Wei coaxed with a smile: "Okay, brother, don't talk nonsense, don't talk nonsense."

Pure and clean! Shen Mingya is full of humiliation, will Bingqing Yujie get pregnant out of wedlock?

At this time, the emperor looked at Yongchang Hou and asked sharply, "Your Yongchang, are you guilty?"

"The minister is guilty, the minister is guilty."

The matter has come to this point, the emperor has clearly proved it, what else can Yongchang Hou say, can he say that he actually knows nothing, is it all done by that wicked son and daughter? But as their father, it was also a sin for him not to discipline them well. He had no choice but to plead guilty. I can only hope that the emperor will not implicate others.

Shen Mingya spread out on the ground.

Han Ze frowned: "Miss Shen, what's wrong with you?"

Shen Mingya ignored him, she didn't want to see Han Ze at all now. If she knew that Han Ze was so unreliable, she wouldn't plot against him at all. This is a disaster. Even if she likes her, she doesn't know how to treat her well. This kind of person doesn't deserve love at all. He should be a bachelor for the rest of his life.