MTL - Am I A Superman?-Chapter 432 Equation of life

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The addition of super fast power has gradually stabilized the anti-life equation and omega effect of the original riot.

Of course, the rapid output of Li Ya alone is definitely not enough. Fortunately, now he has the full speed support of the Flash.

The anti-life equation of the yellow sand fluid is shrouded in magic lightning.

The positive material particles in the central furnace poured into the anti-life equation from all sides, fused with the red omega effect.

After the initial period of riots, Li Ya's anti-life equation looked like a burning red flame, constantly engulfing the surrounding energy, but began to change from red to white under the action of super fast lightning.

"If it turns completely white, that means that the reversal is complete!"

Li Ya controlled the output of the speed force more intensively. The horrible high temperature dimmed the golden light on Li Ya's body. As soon as a little sweat leaked out of the body surface, it instantly vaporized and disappeared.

Twenty minutes later, the reversal of the anti-life equation gradually slowed down.

Thirty minutes later, 90% of the reversal was completed, and the scarlet light burning in mid-air was now mostly white, symbolizing the equation of life, with only the most central scarlet, still burning stubbornly.

Li Ya's forehead continued to overflow with sweat, the golden body was dim to the extreme, and his speed was gradually exhausted.

"What went wrong, is there something missing?"

The passage of time, one minute and one second, including the twenty minutes wasted on Earth 3, and ten minutes later, the antimatter tower will become a positive matter tower, and when it enters the central furnace, all will become antimatter particles.

At that time, the reversal of the anti-life equation will fail completely.

Thirty-five minutes later, Johnny's quick power was completely exhausted. Li Ya gritted his teeth and walked through the silvery lightning. He was controlling the scarlet flame with his quick power.

At this moment, countless thoughts flashed in Li Ya's mind.

Will I fail?

The black Adams who were so determined at the time and they promised that they would defeat the anti-monitors.

If the anti-life equation reversal fails, is there still the possibility of defeating the anti-monitor?

Of course, merging the anti-life equation with itself, accepting the corrosion and slavery of the anti-life equation, has the power to defeat the anti-monitor.

But once Li Ya does that, he will sooner or later become a monster, or even the next anti-monitor.

"What is missing in the end? Orthodox particles ... Supernatural power ... Life ..."

Suddenly, a flash of lightning flashed through Li Ya's mind. He suddenly understood what was missing. What he lacked was life and emotion!

"Yes, emotion, since it is the equation of life, how can it lack the power of emotion! And in the setting of the DC universe, life originates from the power of ...

Thinking of this, Li Ya took the existing four light rings from the energy stove on her chest and took them in order.

The green rays of the will, the yellow rays of fear, the red rays of anger, and the purple rays of love.

All these lights were illuminated and projected into the burning flames in mid-air.

After coming into contact with the power of the emotional spectrum, the burning flame began to sway, and went along the path of emotional energy, burning all the way to Li Ya.

The white flame touched Li Ya's skin and began to expand a little. Between a few breaths, it replaced the dim golden light and covered the whole body.

At this time, Li Ya was wrapped in a white flame, her eyes were pure white, and her eyes seemed to see through the past and the future.

He saw the origin of life, the ion shark that was swimming in the ocean at the moment when the light of will was lit.

For tens of thousands of years, just like a snap of a finger, some lives left the ocean, and some creatures flew up into the sky. They ran for survival, fear was born!

When the soft light of love shines, the predator is born.

When Eden's **** ate something he didn't need, greed began to devour everything he touched.

Anger comes from hatred, hope comes from prayer, and mercy is given to everyone.

This is life!

The four light rings were melted by the white flame, and they continuously flickered with seven kinds of light. At the end, the seven kinds of light merged into white light, and the last stubborn anti-life equation was reversed into a white life equation.

"Li Ya from the earth, destiny has been here for a long time !!!"

A majestic and magnificent voice sounded in Li Ya's mind. He woke up suddenly and found that he no longer burned white flames around him, but turned into a soft white light.

And a white symbol appeared on his chest.

This symbol is somewhat similar to the symbol of the White Lantern Corps, but not exactly, it is more like a combination of the Omega symbol and the White Light symbol.

Perhaps it should be said that this is the symbol of the equation of life!

Formula of life, successfully integrated!


After Li Ya completes the fusion of life equations, the antimatter tower has ushered in a moment of reversal.

The space was trembling, and the central furnace stopped operating ~ ~ A moment later, in the huge roar, the anti-matter tower re-operated, but unlike the previous one, the material poured into the central furnace is no longer positive matter. Particles, but antimatter particles.


On Earth 3, the anti-monitor has defeated the Super Syndicate-led syndicate, and the metropolis is instantly destroyed.

Black Adam saw countless civilians lost their lives, and was finally intolerable, ready to take action.

"Wait, Black Adam, you are not an invader's opponent, we should wait ..." Reverse Lightning rescued Captain Cold and Heatwave, who stood behind them were members of the rogue gang.

Mirror Master, Weather Wizard, Golden Glider, Captain Boomerang, Spikeman ...

"I can't wait. Innocent civilians are being slaughtered. I must do something!"

Black Adam dropped the sentence and flew towards the sky.


The anti-matter wall in the sky shuddered, and the sky of Earth 3 was torn apart from a metropolis-sized opening, as if this area had merged into the darkness, like an abyss, and like a black hole in space, and it kept expansion.

However, the antimatter wall stopped moving, and the black hole in space stopped expanding towards the surroundings, and even faintly recovered.

The anti-monitor massacred the civilians frantically, and immediately looked up at the sky.

"What's going on? Why does my antimatter wall stop ?!"

Anti-monitors can clearly feel that the strength of anti-matter is collapsing, and countless positive material particles are flooding into this world, repairing the wounds brought by anti-monitors.

"An antimatter tower is in trouble! Is it a robot superman? Asshole! Asshole !!!"

With a loud roar, the anti-monitor's eyes lit a red flame. He rose into the sky, smashed countless dark creatures along the way, and flew straight toward the space.

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