MTL - Am I A Superman?-Chapter 433 Anti-watcher's wrath

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The anti-monitor quickly left Earth 3, leaving the yellow light legion and dark creatures of Xenisto blank.

"Master Anti-God? Lord Anti-God ?!"

Xenisto felt the energy of the yellow fear soared a lot, but at this juncture, the anti-monitor turned out ...?

what happened?

Too late to think about it, Xenisteau immediately greeted everyone in the Yellow Lantern Corps and quickly evacuated.

Once the martyrdom in space is closed, they will remain on Earth 3 completely. Although they can travel through space, they cannot cross the multiverse.

Covad Star.

After the antimonitor returned to the antimatter universe, he landed on the edge of the antimatter tower for the first time.

"Robot Superman! Zoe El, get out of me!"

Roared a few times, but did not see the voice and shadow of the robot superman, the anti-monitor's inner anger was a little calm, he seemed to understand that the robot superman may be dead, do all this, and others!

After the rage, a weak sense of weakness appeared in the heart of the anti-monitor.

The previous battle did consume a lot of money, but what really made him feel weak was that the antimatter universe began to decompose, although the amount of this decomposition was so small that it was almost negligible.

However, anything in the antimatter universe will be reflected in antimonitors.

He started to weaken!

"Damn, **** it !!!"

The anti-monitor rushed to the anti-matter tower, and the huge hands carefully operated the interface of the anti-matter tower. However, the problem of reversing the internal structure was not solved by the operation interface.

After all, the original intention of making the antimatter tower was to break down the positive matter universe, and the anti-monitors will not be left with a brain to reverse it with a key.

After a while, the anti-monitor raised his fist in anger and smashed his fist on the operation interface of the anti-material tower.

With a bang, the operation interface exploded, but the antimatter tower was still running.

"You seem angry, anti-monitor."

A playful voice appeared abruptly behind the anti-monitor, who turned sharply, looking at the person behind him with incredible eyes.

"you you……"

The anti-monitor's eyes were extremely shocked. He recognized Li Ya, who was no longer a black armor, but was wearing a white energy suit, which was very similar to the energy uniform of the Yellow Lantern Corps.

The only difference is the symbol on the chest.

"You are the one on Earth 95 ... why are you here? My antimatter tower, are you moving your hands and feet?"

"Yes, it's me." Li Ya admitted very generously.

Facing the anti-monitor before, Li Ya felt that kind of suffocating and powerful oppression, but at this moment fused with the equation of life, Li Ya faced the anti-monitor again, and the momentum of the other party was no threat.

Anti-monitors heard that Li Ya acknowledged what he had done, and immediately became furious. His fists were burning with anti-matter energy and punched out at Li Ya.

The huge fist fell like a meteorite, and Li Ya's mouth gave a hook, and lightly stretched out his hand.

It's like blocking the glare of the sun, blocking it in front of you easily.

The next second, the anti-monitor's huge fist came.

"go to hell!"

boom! !!

A terrifying energy shock spread, and antimatter energy erupted, roaring like a flood.

But the fierce anti-matter energy like the flood, after contacting Li Ya, seemed to be blocked by a towering mountain existing in ancient times, but the birthplace came to an abrupt halt, spreading around.

"How ... how is that possible ?!"

The anti-monitor watched the other side lightly and blocked himself with a blow, his face sullen.

Even if it was as powerful as Dakside, it would have to be beaten in such a punch, but this one seemed to be a fine person.

The furious anti-monitor reclaimed his fist, his energy rolling around like a horrible storm.

When this energy storm was brewing to the extreme, the anti-monitor's fists came out, two fists blasted away, and a terror energy column poured out like an obliteration of sentient beings, and shot at Li Ya with his head covered.

The antimatter energy column is radiant.

Li Ya stood in place, facing the turbulent anti-material energy column, slowly raised her right fist, and suddenly, the white light on her body lit up, forming a beam of light, facing up to the anti-material energy column.


The two energy columns collided together, creating a series of abnormal fluctuations in space.

Perceiving the energy used by Li Ya, the anti-monitor's face changed, "Your power is ... the anti-life equation? No! It is the equation of life! You have reversed the anti-life equation? !!!"

Before Li Ya had been gathering the power of the equation of life, the anti-monitor did not see the same.

However, at this moment, the two are tit-for-tat, and the anti-monitor feels the familiar energy fluctuation from Li Ya's white energy, which is the same level as the anti-life equation, but the opposite power.

"You unexpectedly reversed the anti-life equation!"

The anti-monitor's face showed an incredible expression, and the energy burst into the extreme, but his heart shook.

The equation of life seems to have an inherent restraint against antimatter.

Of course, this is not accurate.

Positive and negative are like ice and fire, two diametrically opposite energies, which are mutually opposite.

They can restrain each other, and they can also be each other's nourishment.

Li Ya countered the power of the anti-monitor and laughed: "Yes, that's based on the theoretical basis that you can study the Omega effect can be integrated into the anti-life equation. Thank you so much!"

The anti-monitors launched the Dakside War ~ ~ to kill the dark monarch Dakside, in order to use the Omega effect to lift the curse of the anti-life equation.

However, he did not want to take the Omega effect and re-integrate the anti-life equation perfectly.

That's why the anti-monitors worked with Greer.

I just didn't expect that Greer and the anti-monitor made the same plan. The two used each other and each had a misgiving.

The so-called praying mantis catches cicadas, the carduelis is behind.

Greer and the anti-monitors calculated each other and did not expect to pick up a ready-made one for Li Ya or become the ultimate winner in the Dakside war.

"Asshole, I want to kill you! Then take away the power from you!"

An angry flame broke out in the anti-monitor, Li Ya blocked the anti-monitor's terror energy with one hand, took a step forward, his legs were slightly bent, and said, "You can't kill me, anti-monitor!"

The voice fell, and Li Ya slammed on the ground.

Listening only to the sound of 'Boom', the ground trembled violently. Li Ya rushed up against the powerful anti-matter energy, rushed to the front of the anti-monitor, and punched out.


Li Ya punched the anti-monitor's face severely with a punch, the opponent's anti-matter armor broke instantly, the anti-monitor's huge body was thrown up high, and then slammed into the anti-matter tower.

boom! !!

After undergoing a strong impact, the anti-matter tower was shaken a bit, but still stubbornly running.


The anti-monitor erupted a roar, but Li Ya's fist appeared again in the opponent's eyes, and the roar stopped abruptly. Compared with the huge figure of the anti-monitor, Li Ya's fist was simply too small.

But it was just such a disproportionate size. Li Ya fisted out, and the anti-monitor's body seemed to be under uncontrollable force, flying out abruptly.

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