MTL - American Comic: Create An Oasis at the Beginning, and the Rise of Mutants-Chapter 46

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Seeing this, Daisy hesitated for a moment, but did not speak.

"It's okay, you can think about it again."

Lin En had expected this for a long time, and he didn't force it. He still handed out three letters of appointment: "This invitation is not aimed at the three of you. No matter which one of you has figured it out, you can contact me at any time. I…"

"After all, one of your research directions is the theory of wormholes, and in the new X Academy, there are many mutants with space abilities..."

"If the two sides can reach a cooperation, maybe there will be research results that span the ages?"

After saying this, he got up and was about to leave.

The expressions of the three people on the opposite side all changed.

"Space? Wormhole?"

For scientific research talents like them, excellent observation and research materials are even more important than research funds.

Jane Foster almost blurted out: "Are you talking about the... the blue-skinned mutant who assassinated the president?"

"Don't bother him. He has been a little stimulated recently and he is not in a good mood."

There was a familiar arc on the corner of Lynn's mouth.

In front of the three of them, he snapped his fingers casually.

With a "buzz", a ripple appeared in the corridor on the left, as if a zipper had been unzipped in the void, and a space portal with a faint golden glow quietly appeared.

The space door moved slowly, enveloping the four of them together with the table.

The next moment, the three of Jane Foster were stunned to find that they and the others had appeared in a vast and boundless primeval forest.

The extremely scorching air, the sudden rise in temperature, the giant trees and vines covering the sky, the faint roar of lions and tigers coming from my ears...

All in all undoubtedly revealed an incredible fact!

This is by no means beautiful territory!

The man in front of him plucked the string of space!

Tens of thousands of miles away, arrive in an instant?


Daisy was the first to exclaim, and then looked at Jane Foster and Eric Savig, and saw that the two of them, like herself, had fallen into deep shock.

In extreme stupefaction, the three of them didn't even notice that Lynn had left.

"The invitation from Academy X is valid for a long time. After the three of you have considered it, you can join the job at any time, but right now, I still have some things to do here, so I won't be with you..."

"If you want to go back, just go through the door."

The voice came to the ear, and Lynn's figure had disappeared.

After a long time.

The three of Jane Foster looked at each other in dismay, and passed through the space doors that hadn't disappeared. Almost not even a second later, the familiar coffee aroma of 467 came again.


The three of them gasped in unison.

"It's not a dream!"

Daisy was so excited that she grabbed her good sister's arm: "Let's accept this job, the salary is not low, and we can also get funds to establish experiments, isn't it like a dream?"

Jane Foster looked at her teacher.


Eric Savage looked complicated, and was a little confused for a while, unable to make up his mind.

Daisy quickly persuaded: "What is there to be afraid of mutants? We are going to be professors, so who else would dare to hurt us?"

Jane Foster looked at her in surprise: "Daisy, why do I feel that your assistant is more excited than me?"


Daisy said unabashedly: "That Lynn is handsome, isn't he? He is a powerful mutant who cuts through the space casually! Damn it, I actually felt an unfathomable charm in him..."

As she spoke, she took a deep breath, helped up her black-rimmed glasses that almost fell off, and looked at Jane Foster: "He's my favorite, Jane, you can't **** it from me!"

Jane Foster looked confused.

"Isn't it? You are dominated by hormones at this time? Have you forgotten that we have to track celestial visions?"

"Go to the **** celestial vision, we no longer need to use it to confirm the authenticity of the wormhole theory! The man just now has proved everything with facts!"

Daisy swears, and then looks at her friend and teacher indifferently: "Is there anything more worthy of research than him?"

Jane Foster froze for a moment.

Then trembled.

Chapter 63 Have you ever seen a meteorite falling from the sky?

Lin En didn't know that Daisy had a strong curiosity about him.

At this moment, he was walking in the primeval jungle, his expression seemed indifferent, and his powerful spiritual power had spread, and he could feel it within a hundred miles.

Soon, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The apparition magic was cast.

The next moment, he was already ten kilometers ahead.

It still looks like a dense virgin forest here, no different from the place he just passed, but in his powerful perception, he clearly saw an invisible light curtain ahead.


There was a flash of light in his eyes, and without stopping, he easily passed through the energy shield that concealed, defended, and shielded perception.

The scene in front of him changed instantly.

A city with a strong sense of technology stands in the space. The tall buildings and wide streets are in stark contrast to the farmlands and shepherds everywhere on the surrounding plains.

This is a very strange place, obviously relying on vibration gold, developed a powerful technology that is many years ahead of the earth.

But at the level of primitive tribes.

Politics, economy, and even all aspects are full of backwardness and barbarism.

An inexplicable sense of separation rushed over.

This is obviously related to Wakanda's long-term concealment, and the technological system that relies entirely on Zhenjin also has a huge incompleteness.

Most importantly, this technology is in the hands of Wakanda royalty!

To put it bluntly, it is a means to maintain rule!

For a country that does not communicate with the outside world, it is obviously enough for ordinary people to enjoy the benefits of Zhenjin technology in some aspects!

As for the system, the more primitive and ignorant it is, the more unbreakable the foundation of the royal family will be!

None of this has anything to do with Lynn.

He came here for only one purpose.

The mental power continued to release, and soon, he locked on to the target, apparated again, and appeared on the highest mine in Wakanda.

"Vibrating Gold Mine..."

Lynn is a little curious about one of the most special metals in the world.

But he didn't go straight down, but stood quietly where he was.

Not surprisingly, the breakthrough of the energy shield was quickly discovered, and at the same time, an extra person appeared on the mine out of thin air, which also made Wakanda feel like an enemy.

The first to rush up were the warriors of the Mountain Mine Tribe who were in charge of reclaiming the Zhenjin Mine.

A royal guard composed of a group of bald black women, each holding a spear, followed closely behind.

Further away, aircraft have already lifted off.


The people of the Mountain Mine Tribe are extremely physically fit because they have been mining all year round. Dozens of people rushed in front of Lin En, almost without hesitation.

But Lin En just glanced at them, and these people seemed to be struck by lightning, and they all froze in place, as if they were demented.

Four Rings Magic · Psychic Shock!

When the royal guards arrived, they all changed their expressions when they saw this scene: "What's going on? Why didn't you move?!"

"It's a super power!"

"They're under control!"

Wakanda is obviously not ignorant of the outside world. Everyone in the female guards reacted almost instantly, stopped immediately, and aimed at Lynn with a dazzling light from the spear in their hands.

Lin En didn't make any movement, the ground around him trembled loudly, and all the members of the guard fell down on the spot as the earth dragon rolled.

Someone who was agile got up quickly, and was about to fight back, when tentacles made of mud stretched out from the ground, locking their bodies tightly.

There was a look of horror in everyone's eyes.

Can be selected into the royal guard, each of them has strong physical fitness, and is also equipped with powerful technological equipment such as spears and cloaks. No matter how powerful the enemy is, they are confident that they can fight.

Who would have thought that facing Lynn, there would be no room for development!

This is magic!

Powerful power is only second!

Magic and weirdness are the biggest features!

"Notify your king that Lynn, the king of mutants, is visiting."

Lin En is a gentle man, he never thought of killing Wakanda and stealing Zhenjin by force, so he looked at the leader of the guard captain and spoke lightly.

This time, he came as the king of mutants!

The aura is fully open, showing your sharpness!

"King of Mutants...?!"

All the members of the royal guard trembled, and they were all intimidated by Lynn's aura.

Without waiting for their notification, on the aircraft approaching at high speed, Wakanda's senior management had already heard Lynn's words through their communication equipment.

An aircraft lowered its altitude, the hatch opened, and figures jumped out of it.

The other aircraft were suspended in the air, with their muzzles sticking out, aiming at Lynn.

"I am T'Challa, Prince of Wakanda. Who are you? Why did you break into our territory?"

A vigorous voice sounded, and a figure wearing a black panther suit appeared in sight. The head of the suit disappeared like water, revealing a young face.


Lynn glanced at him lightly: "The king of Wakanda, doesn't he know any etiquette?"

The implication is that a mere prince is not qualified to talk to him.

T'Challa was furious when he heard the sound, and between the knuckles of his fists, the cat's claws "rubbed" out, and with a leap, he rushed towards Lin En like a black spore.

As the prince of Wakanda, after eating the heart-shaped grass, he has gained super five senses, strength, speed, endurance and reaction.

Even, his resistance to magic is far beyond ordinary people.

The attack at this moment is much faster and sharper than the members of the guard just now.

"Obviously he has high-tech weapons, but he likes melee combat..."

Lynn curled his lips speechlessly. The constant five-ring magic [super dynamic vision] on his body made the opponent's movements seem to be in slow motion in his eyes.

He still didn't do anything.

However, in an instant, the surrounding wind suddenly picked up, and a high-speed rotating tornado appeared out of thin air, whistling like a knife.

T'Challa's complexion changed slightly, and he quickly avoided, his figure was extremely agile.

But he just made a move, and rays of light fell on him as if (ma Wang Zhao) had predicted his trajectory in advance.

Dull, Gravity, Weakness, Confusion...

A lot of curse magic with only one and two rings appeared silently!

Read The Duke's Passion